Bondbug 32 Posted May 22, 2010 Posted May 22, 2010 Sorry to bother you folk yet again. I have finally got the game installed and patched up to 2.43. But now I can't enter the game. I get a sort of DOS list which ends with: "Engine ready. Executing <autoexec.txt> Connecting to Local Server ... " 10 minutes later ... still no further action. What I can't quite understand is that when I first installed the game at v2.0.2, being in a hurry I went straight into the game, activation key, and got my first char setup and named ... then realised what version I was in. Then after trouble finding the right patches and installing them, I have disinstalled, cleared regedit, reinstalled and patched. So what now, for Pete's sake? I think Schot said "the game can be a real pain sometimes". I believe him. Hope it is worth all this hassle.
locolagarto 18 Posted May 22, 2010 Posted May 22, 2010 Sorry to here your troubles bondbug. tell us about your PC. what version of windows, antivirus, processor and memory, support? And from 2.02 you are patching to 2.40 using the cummulative patch? is it promping you to activate your serial code? I have seen where the activation screen will hide behind the game console screen and you cant see it without ALT + TAB.
Bondbug 32 Posted May 22, 2010 Author Posted May 22, 2010 (edited) I installed two patches 2 0 2 to 2 40 then 2 40 to 2 43. I didn't see the request for activation code this time ... I will check as you suggest. But why would it take me on board at 2.0.2 and not at 2.43 ... was there something in the patches that would account for that. Back in a sec OK Loco. I have been trying this startup all day and at last it condescended to unveil an error message. I don't think I can do anything about it? Back to the drawing board. Edited May 22, 2010 by Bondbug
Rotluchs 83 Posted May 22, 2010 Posted May 22, 2010 (edited) also, make sure the sacred2.exe and the s2gs.exe aren't blocked by any (software)firewall, (setup a custom rule and allow incoming/outgoing traffic for the sacred2's exe files) if it is blocked on startup, some firewalls like to open a popup on first start, this can interfere with sacred's first launch, especially in addition with the online-registration popup sacred will open in the background as well.. besides that, tell us a little more about your system as loco already mentioned.. (windows version, hardware config, drivers..) But why would it take me on board at 2.0.2 and not at 2.43 ... was there something in the patches that would account for that. not entirely sure but yeah, I think so, some 'windows compatibilty' changes: if you're running sacred 2 on any vista or win 7 version, set the sacred shortcut to 'run as admin' if it doesnt help, try out windows xp sp3 compatibilty mode, BUT be aware that this can (and most possible will) count as another additional 'installation' by the securom protection, and you might be asked to register your game again (think 3 at a time, after that u have to revoke your serial or wait 3 month) if you think there was a problem with the securom registration, you could try to revoke your license without deinstalling sacred2, then just start sacred again and you should be asked to register again (and if revoke procedure was ok, your serial should be free again) edit: now that you posted that error msg: how much MB Ram on your 7300 GS ? I googled and read about that card only having 128MB VRAM, minrequirement for sacred 2 is 256... now even if you may be able to startup sacred 2, this sounds definitely a little too weak, I'd recommend something with at least 512, geforce 8xxx/9xxx and higher, or radeon HD 3xxx and better could you add a directx diag maybe ? Edited May 22, 2010 by Rotluchs
Bondbug 32 Posted May 22, 2010 Author Posted May 22, 2010 (edited) Hi Rotluchs. I did go through a lot of this on the Official forum a short while back. But the new, much larger, HD seemed to have settled that. I will check out your firewall note. I do tend to let things thro on pop-up query. It will take me some time to check your other suggestions, but meanwhile here is some info from the other forum which may help. first the final screen before it blocks: last screen. The version number is now 2.43 then a summary of my set up from dxdiag: dxdata. With the new HD, and partitioning simplified, I now have 16.3Gb free on C:, and 178Gb free on D: PhsyX is not installed as it does not work with 7300, but that should not stop the game from running. Later: I cleared the firewall problem, and now, after the first screen which talks about codec types and adding archives: pak/generic etc etc. it goes straight to the startup error screen shown above. I am on XPpro SP3 I'll check out prices for more recent Geforce, but it will probably have to wait a while! The DXdiag data shows 512 for Geforce7300, or is that the wrong thing? Edited May 22, 2010 by Bondbug
Rotluchs 83 Posted May 22, 2010 Posted May 22, 2010 (edited) PhsyX is not installed as it does not work with 7300, but that should not stop the game from running. I am not totally sure about sacred 2 in particular, but I'm definitely sure there are/were games out there with physx support, that DO need the physx (libraries) installed, even if it will be deactivated ingame, or not supported by the hardware, like your card, or all AMD/ATI gfx boards. edit: the newer standard nvidia display drivers package have the physx components already included iirc. I just don't remember if you will be asked during install if you like to install the physx part, or if it is now installed always, automatically (doh^^ tho I should remember, I recently installed 197.45 package myself ) Bondbug, I looked @ your dxdiag.. I once had an old rig that was quite similar to yours, (also old IDE HDD, also only 1Gig Ram, and an 2,4Ghz Intel P4C) just that I had an ATI X850pro 256MB, and even with THAT card (better than the 7300GS) the still-frame party that was going on my screen wasn't really fun.. even with everything on low, I never had more than 30fps, very choppy... ~15-30 avg if I remember correctly. I hate to say it, but just as a warning: prepare to be disappointed by the performance you may end up with, even if you'd finally manage to get it to run.. edit2: it seems you have the 7300 GS with 265MB, according to your dxdiag, resulting in 512 MB total, with nvidia's "TurboCache-Technology" (reserving another 265 from the 1024 RAM of pyhsical memory you got..) see if there's an option to disable it, as 1024-265 MB Ram for BOTH win xp AND Sacred2 will cause a lot of files frequently moved from/to your pagefile on HD.. (sacred 2 alone can peak to ~1,4Gig of Ram usage!) sacred 2 lowest settings and lowest resolution set ingame, eats up about exactly 250 MB of VRAM (minrequ!) on my GTX 260.. you'll wanna set sacred 2 to lowest settings anyway, that way the original 265 MB of your 7300 GS might be enough , "propably" free up some seriously needed RAM space for Sacred 2 by disabling TurboCache then.. I am NOT sure if you will see any option to do so in the Nvidia Driver GUI, if you don't, maybe you can disable it using RivaTuner as described here: (was just the first link that showed up when I googled it, try different ones for easier/better solutions..) I'm no expert when it comes to the sacred 2 game engine or directx 9, and while your error message won't tell you what caused the error (only what failed), there is a high chance it's really because there wasn't enough Ram left to load any of sacred's or directx9's components.. (but what do I know pffft ) Edited May 23, 2010 by Rotluchs
Bondbug 32 Posted May 22, 2010 Author Posted May 22, 2010 (edited) (Thought I just left you in the kitchen!) I think I had better check back through the thread on the official forum. Schot and Cheesehead had a fair bit to say about PhysX, but I think mainly to disable it. We worked at it for quite a while. But the main problem seemed to be lack of disk space, and this is no longer so. I see Schot thought that I should have no problem with version 2.40 ... perhaps I should go back and try at that stage without going on to 2.43? Edited May 22, 2010 by Bondbug
Rotluchs 83 Posted May 22, 2010 Posted May 22, 2010 (edited) (Thought I just left you in the kitchen!) I think I had better check back through the thread on the official forum. Schot and Cheesehead had a fair bit to say about PhysX, but I think mainly to disable it. We worked at it for quite a while. But the main problem seemed to be lack of disk space, and this is no longer so. I see Schot thought that I should have no problem with version 2.40 ... perhaps I should go back and try at that stage without going on to 2.43? disabling physx - sure you can (and maybe have to) do that not installing/deleting it completely - better don't physx support/usage for sacred 2 was planned for the retail/release version but was disabled and finally added with patch 2.40 patch 2.43 had some changes for users under vista and win7, and the need to enable/disable the win xp sp3 compatibilty mode (which in your case shouldnt matter as you run XP anyway, so you should be good there) not sure how much free space you had before, unfortunately I haven't read the entire thread on SIF yet, it was too long for now.. (will see if I find anything in addition later) sacred 2 incl. patch 2.43 uses about 13GB, that tho already was posted somewhere there.. so, if you had enough space to install it in the first place already, and your pagefile is set to about 2048 MB max, and just as much free space left so that win xp won't complain, it really doesn't matter if you have let's say 10Gig free space left on your 40 GB drive or now 210 GB left on your 250 GB HDD well at least it doesnt matter to win xp or sacred 2, ofc extra space is nice for any other future programs or files regardles win xp or sacred2 to make it short: if directx9 , gfx drivers and sacred 2 are installed correctly, your prob most definitely is not enough RAM and VRAM necessary for at least a stable launch of Sacred 2.. (the performance on that system is another story then I'm afraid) edit: just to clarify: in my case, Sacred 2 definitely ran on a P4 2,4Ghz with 1Gig Ram and a gfx card with only 256MB Ram: BUT im not sure what version it has been back then, but I believe most definitely PRE 2.40 that added physx.. UH.. and I edited the last post too.. Edited May 22, 2010 by Rotluchs
Bondbug 32 Posted May 23, 2010 Author Posted May 23, 2010 Thanks Rotluchs. I find that PhysX is installed, not disabled as I had thought - re-installing the game must have done that. Sorry if I mislead you there. I will work thro Cheesehead and Schot's notes on that subject again and let you know how I get on. Your comments are encouraging
Schot 435 Posted May 23, 2010 Posted May 23, 2010 I just caught this now Bondbug. Sounds like you're having a grand time, lol. Maybe this post can help you Bondbug: Can't get past main menu
Bondbug 32 Posted May 23, 2010 Author Posted May 23, 2010 Yeah. It's more exciting than the game ain't it - so far at least. Your link is about the fringe of my understanding Schot, but set out nice and easy to follow. It will probably be tomorrow now when I can follow up this lot. It is only a couple of months when we went thro this lot on the other forum, and I can't remember a damn thing about it. Thanks both.
Schot 435 Posted May 23, 2010 Posted May 23, 2010 Oh no problem Bondbug. Baby steps. Ok, so for starters when we left off on the SIF we had decided that you needed a larger HD so that you could install Sacred 2 on your C: drive. Reason being that a number of people resolved problems when they moved their install from a non default drive to the C: drive. Is Sacred 2 installed on C: Bondbug? This wouldn't likely be a problem for the initial install but patches are likely to be problematic. Specifically the expansion.... I don't "think" you actually need to install patch 2.43. I believe that patch was released for those who already had created characters so for a fresh install I think you can skip 2.43. That might help if you end up having to re-install... When you played the first time in your 2.02 version you said you created a character. Was it a Single Player character or a LAN Character? If so it may help to erase that character from your game folder. I've seen character files cause problems before. Go to your saved games and delete everything in it. Folder: Documents and Settings\[uSERNAME]\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2\ As for that link I posted above it's to more or less set your graphics to a minimum setting, turn off physx and other things that can complicate loading Sacred 2. Can't get past main menu Well the good thing is that you were able to play before you patched so at least you have the hardware to run Sacred 2. P.s. If the problem you are having now is that Sacred 2 stays on a black screen then I would suggest waiting longer than 10 mins. Maybe 20. It might be making all sorts of calculations, conversions and what-have-you based on all the patches you installed. After every patch there are a bunch of things the game needs to do during the first launch directly after patching. It needs to digest the patch and it can take a long time. ^^
Bondbug 32 Posted May 23, 2010 Author Posted May 23, 2010 Whoah. Time to breathe! Been out collecting elderberry flowers for this year's syrup! One at a time ... I have 2 HD. I have not partitioned either. C: is the Windows etc drive and is still at 4OGb. The other is D and is 250Gb. All games are on D and working fine. No problem with installing patches and plenty of space. The first time on 2.0.2 was Single Player, I think. No sign of any saves anywhere. I have wiped it all out and re-installed since then. Not even a file in 'My Docs' I would automatically set down graphics to a reasonable minimum and zero any fancy bits. I also turn all sound to zero, and switch it off if there is that facility. I would chuck all the sound files in the bin if I thought the games would run without them. 1st time round it is all great, but after a while it gets on my nerves and it is just wasted space. PhysX - I haven't checked yet. I think it is there again, so I will go through the drill again for shutting it off, if I can. And I will give it 30 mins next attempt. how many cups of tea can I drink in 30 nerve racking minutes? ... yea, well OK coffee perhaps.
Schot 435 Posted May 23, 2010 Posted May 23, 2010 Whoah. Time to breathe! Been out collecting elderberry flowers for this year's syrup! One at a time ... Hehe, oops. Sorry, I got a lil carried away. I have 2 HD. I have not partitioned either. C: is the Windows etc drive and is still at 4OGb. The other is D and is 250Gb. All games are on D and working fine. No problem with installing patches and plenty of space. Ah ok. I was afraid of this because it means... You're going to have to uninstall and then re-install. I'm afraid that's the first thing that I would advise to change. It is ok for pretty much 99% of games but occasionally programs are released with this nuisance of requiring to be installed on C: We don't hear about this problem often because most people install their programs on C: but I do remember 1 or 2 people posting on the SIF who resolved their Sacred 2 problem after installing on C: It's a big pain I know but you should consider switching the two hard drives. Make the 250GB your main C: drive. If you haven't done much with the 250GB drive yet then it will be really easy. Uninstall and revoke Sacred 2 put your Windows Installer CD/DVD in the drive turn off your pc switch the plugs on the hard drives (no need to change the power plugs) turn on the pc when the screen says press any key to run the CD/DVD, do so follow the Windows instructions to Format the 250GB drive and install windows when that's done Install Sacred 2 install patch 2.40(if you haven't activated your Multiplayer Account do so by starting the game then choose multiplayer and register) install Ice & Blood (I'm fairly certain you don't need patch 2.43 installed but if Ice and Blood won't install then install 2.43) install patch 2.65.1 install patch 2.65.2 Done!
gogoblender 3,462 Posted May 23, 2010 Posted May 23, 2010 Uninstall and revoke Sacred 2 put your Windows Installer CD/DVD in the drive turn off your pc switch the plugs on the hard drives (no need to change the power plugs) turn on the pc when the screen says press any key to run the CD/DVD, do so follow the Windows instructions to Format the 250GB drive and install windows when that's done Install Sacred 2 install patch 2.40(if you haven't activated your Multiplayer Account do so by starting the game then choose multiplayer and register) install Ice & Blood (I'm fairly certain you don't need patch 2.43 installed but if Ice and Blood won't install then install 2.43) install patch 2.65.1 install patch 2.65.2 Done! omgod, lol... I so don't have the patience for this. Schot, this is excellent work you have done here for Bondbug Bondbug, that is your make it happen list. Make it happen! gogo
Rotluchs 83 Posted May 23, 2010 Posted May 23, 2010 (edited) A) Reinstalling both Windows XP and Sacred 2 should be considered as a last-resort solution in the attempt to get Sacred 2 working.. I) don't forget, in your case that would mean a clean reinstall, wiping any other software installations, settings, private data, files etc.. everything! II) you would have to backup any files you don't want to go to waste, first... III) even with professional and automated backup-tools that can be a pain in the ... , and it would just cost a nice amount of time till you are approx. where you're right now.. B) I'd consider just installing latest nvidia/physx drivers over your current ones, if you want to deinstall and wipe any remaining driver+software parts before doing so is up to you (recommended, but not necessary) latest nvidia packages also have newer physx components onboard, there might be problems with older ones.. (or, combinations of new display driver+old physx / old physx new display driver) DON'T use the 196.75 package, that one has a confirmed bug causing a fan-speed stop, or decrease of fan-speed - in rare cases, but still.. => on the nvidia download site it has been removed for DL afterwards, just be warned , if you happen to have it still on your HD (I recommend either 197.45 (latest) or 195.62 / 191.07 / etc.) C) directx 10 isn't supported by windows xp, use latest dx9.xx instead (sacred won't make use of dx10 also, anyway.. even doesn't really fully utilizes dx9) D) have you tried disabling TurboCache of your geforce 7300 GS? (see a few posts above) E) as said, the version that was running on my old PC was 2.34 or lower, if your problem is physx related it might be also 2.40 related because that's the one which brought usage of physx and the new effects.. F) if none of this helps, after trying out ALL of the recommendations , hints, swears, crossed fingers, prayers, curses / enchants / calling an exorcist: consider G prior to H (or H directly) G) TeamViewer : this application allows another person to directly take (full) control over your Desktop, allowing for direct Remote Support: but note, that this represents the possibilty of a potential security+privacy thread, choose wise which person you allow to access your PC (and remove/lock data you wouldn't want anyone to see) H) fully reinstalling windows XP from scratch, plus all of your software, plus drivers for your hardware components, recent necessary runtime-libraries etc.. etc.. etc.. personally, this + G) would really be my last choice I) oh, and I forgot: since you say the retail version did work (sort of) , then maybe it's one of the patches (I suspect 2.40 or any newer, including any Ice and Blood) for the next time you reinstall, maybe consider going from retail to newest version in smaller steps (not using the huge&full "retail>2.40" monster-patch), and always try out if it launches correctly after each patch --------------------------------------------------------------------------- If at any point you do consider reinstalling Windows: (added some additional steps (in color) to Schot's recommendations: Ah ok. I was afraid of this because it means... You're going to have to uninstall and then re-install. :ooo: I'm afraid that's the first thing that I would advise to change. It is ok for pretty much 99% of games but occasionally programs are released with this nuisance of requiring to be installed on C: We don't here about this problem often because most people install their programs on C: but I do remember 1 or 2 people posting on the SIF who resolved their Sacred 2 problem after installing on C: It's a big pain I know but you should consider switching the two hard drives. Make the 250GB your main C: drive. If you haven't done much with the 250GB drive yet then it will be really easy. backup all important files (documents, user-data, save-games, mp3/movies/pictures, emails, etc etc.. anything you would miss after your entire HDD's will be wiped Uninstall and revoke Sacred 2 put your Windows Installer CD/DVD in the drive turn off your pc switch the plugs on the hard drives (no need to change the power plugs)(as alternative to opening your PC&switching HDD cables, alter the bootup sequence in bios (usually F1/Esc or similar on prompt) => point to your CD/DVD first, then to the 250GB HD, then to the 40GB HD) turn on the pc when the screen says press any key to run the CD/DVD, do so follow the Windows instructions to Format the 250GB drive and install windows(you may want to format the smaller 40GB drive later in windows, and use it as backup-storage for important files) install the chipset,audio,video,all peripheral drivers, plus any additional runtime-libraries you may need often like Java RE, .NET framework, MSXML, MSI (windows installer) etc. => use versions of your choice (recent/stable recommended) when that's done Install Sacred 2 before you start sacred the first time (where it will also ask you to activate your game): when using software or hardware firewall: set up a custom rule for the sacred2.exe and s2gs.exe (allow incoming/outgoing traffic.. open/forward ports if needed) see if retail version of sacred launches/activates.. install patch 2.40 (or: install the small patches instead, and try if sacred2 still runs after each single patch first.. just to be sure.. if 2.40 was the problem.. stop before 2.40 @ let's say 2.34)(if you haven't activated your Multiplayer Account do so by starting the game then choose multiplayer and register) install Ice & Blood (I'm fairly certain you don't need patch 2.43 installed but if Ice and Blood won't install then install 2.43) install patch 2.65.1 install patch 2.65.2 Done! Edited May 23, 2010 by Rotluchs
Schot 435 Posted May 23, 2010 Posted May 23, 2010 Thanx gogo! Oh poor Bondbug, lol. Great additions Rotluchs though I stand firm on my advise about getting the install on C: first. I think that's a significant variable to cancel out. If there isn't too much on the 250GB drive then you can try what I suggested with Rotluchs added notes for info and at the same time maintain the state of your 40GB drive. If installing on the 250GB drive while it is C: does not make a difference then you can always plug the 40GB drive back the way it was and your pc will be as it was before the changes. I hope that made sense... P.s. LogMeIn is a great option too for those who like to run their work computers from home.
piscikeeper 1 Posted May 23, 2010 Posted May 23, 2010 there's no need to do a fresh install if the 250 is empty. just use a utility like gparted to clone the drive and expand the partition to use the entire drive. once the cloning is done, connect the former slave as master and boot from the xp cd. then run fixboot and fixmbr from the recovery console. 1
Stormwing 40 Posted May 23, 2010 Posted May 23, 2010 Guess all the necessary things are said. Just hang in there, Rotluchs! ^^ Though dunno if anyone mentioned wiping all old drivers and stuff away with sort of regcleaner utility. Don't know which one it is for nVidia, as I use ATI's card, but still. Also, I'd vote against installing it on same HD as OS, seeing sometimes the performance really sucks up. Maybe the pagefiles and such clutter the HD or something. I'm having some performance issues too, running a AMD Athlon X2 5400+, HD 4770 and 2 gigs of ram On Win7 x64 Ultimate. Though I'm quite positive my problem is HD related. Have the game and OS on same HD, but different partitions. And I thought I had problems with this sucker. Not counting some re-installs and updates mine was smooth sailing. Well, at least after I installed Blood & Ice with 2.65.1 patch. Till B&I I couldn't use it outside XP comp mode, which seriosly cut the performance...
Rotluchs 83 Posted May 24, 2010 Posted May 24, 2010 there's no need to do a fresh install if the 250 is empty. just use a utility like gparted to clone the drive and expand the partition to use the entire drive. once the cloning is done, connect the former slave as master and boot from the xp cd. then run fixboot and fixmbr from the recovery console. (welcome to the forum btw ) that's indeed a good and possible solution too, in certain cases.. just make sure alignment / starting offset still is correct before&after the process.. as to my understanding this won't be so important at all for most older&standard HD's with a 512 Byte per Sector Size, it might be a problem ..especially with windows XP and certain exotic / newer HDD's (like some western digital drives), or flash based SSD's in general. Vista/Win7 should choose a reasonable alignment / starting offset automatically (at least on fresh install to a clean drive) wrong alignment (if it's the case, happens more likely on win xp) can cause a terrible performance loss or serious stutter even in every-day usage scenarios. (happend tp me once, like a year ago and my new ST-FTM32GX25H)
Bondbug 32 Posted May 24, 2010 Author Posted May 24, 2010 (edited) Sorry to report that BB just had a nervous breakdown and was taken away in a Black Maria ... (here place a frothing at the mouth Smiley) Seriously please keep going friends, this is fascinating. I will work through it when I can. One non-technical question meanwhile ... is Ice & Blood essential? I don't have it. Oh, another question ... is it possible to get another 250Gb HD and simply move my current C: disk content on to it ... I.e. just replace the current C: with a larger HD, then reinstall Sacred 2 on to it? Recalling the palaver when this was professionally done the last time, I have a nasty feeling that that doesn't work, but I can't face the idea of reinstalling XP from scratch with all the chaos that follows. Edited May 24, 2010 by Bondbug
Stormwing 40 Posted May 24, 2010 Posted May 24, 2010 Regarding Ice & Blood. I'd say it's not a definite essential, but it surely is nice thing too have around. Seeing CM-patch will cover some broken peaces from here and there over time. And also, if you're ever planning to go for Win7, then it's a definite. Just my 2 cents, tho.
Bondbug 32 Posted May 24, 2010 Author Posted May 24, 2010 Thanks Stormwing. Part of the problem here is a cash flow problem which limits any updating of installation. I will look forward to Ice & Blood when I have some experience with Sacred 2. And no, I have no intention of going for Win7. If I had my choice I would still be back in Windows 98SE. All these updates are packed with stuff that I have no need of. Tough if I can't get Sacred 2 to run, but I have plenty of other stuff that is quite happy. I tend to find that with every clever graphics improvement requiring astronomic quantities of memory the actual playing quality of many games goes down. But then I am not HC type. That is no criticism of your advice, for which I am grateful, but just to update you on my limitations.
Stormwing 40 Posted May 24, 2010 Posted May 24, 2010 No sweat mate. ^^ Each to his own. We all have our own preferences. Mind you, I'd never touch Win98. Had enough of it years back. Heck, I'm sure that I'd be playing Sacred Underworld if I wasn't lucky enough to get some much needed hardware update, as I'm at the same situation with the cash flow, actually. Unemplyed and having loans and such surely limits what one can do... Also, I'm totally with you considering the games being such resource hoggers. Ah, the old good Diablo 2 times. ^^ But anyways, all the best for getting that sucker up and running. *thumbs up*
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