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New Uniques and Legendaries - Brainstorming

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I sent you a PM with the blueprints. Now I wonder what droplists are you planning to add them to. For my game I used the same droplists that are used for normal unique swords, as well as additional quest rewards pool (random set and unique items that you sometimes get for quests). Though maybe you have different plans for lightsaber dropping. By the way, do you have any idea why Bringer of Light is quite rare? Maybe it's just my bad luck or great overall number of items that make it hard to get, or maybe it was included only to limited number of droplists.


Oh, and today we seem to post to this topic at the same time. The first time around my post came 2 min later then yours, the second time it was the other way around. I hope nobody here minds double posting.

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Im not sure if this was mentioned yet but wouldnt it be fun to have a unique throwing weapon with the model of the kobold's stones that they throw? You could name it "David's *generic adjective* Stone". Would be a reference to the fairytale "David and Goliath"

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Posted (edited)

I sent you a PM with the blueprints. Now I wonder what droplists are you planning to add them to. For my game I used the same droplists that are used for normal unique swords, as well as additional quest rewards pool (random set and unique items that you sometimes get for quests). Though maybe you have different plans for lightsaber dropping. By the way, do you have any idea why Bringer of Light is quite rare? Maybe it's just my bad luck or great overall number of items that make it hard to get, or maybe it was included only to limited number of droplists.


I haven't touched droplists yet with this latest batch of weapons and shields. I will probably treat them roughly all the same (adding them to all appropriate droplists with similar weighted probs), and just rely on the higher item tiers (14 and 15) to make certain items more rare.


Bringer of Light is only in two droplists:

1472,{ -- Droplist_all_weapon_from_rare

1448,{ -- Drop_weapon_1h_sword


So it seems like it's missing from:

1528,{ -- Droplist_ab_set_unique

1383,{ -- Drop_Weapon_byskill_Sword


I don't know if that was intended or not, but it probably explains the rarity.

Edited by Flix
Posted (edited)

I'm not sure how silly or easter eggy I want to be, with song titles and the like. I love the mythology ideas though!


For better reference the clubs are retextures of these rare models:







And for the axes I can't decide which two of these four to work with (all have cool models and rusty textures that could be used/improved upon):










The axes that don't make it into the set, I would like to make uniques or even legendaries (there are no legendary 1h axes).

Edited by Flix
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Posted (edited)

How about naming these clubs after symbols of royal power - Sceptre (the one with stylized eagle that actually looks like a symbolic wand) and Globus cruciger (the round one that has crosses as a part of its design if viewed from the side)? And the set name can be something like "Regal Insignia" or "King's Power".


Another idea is naming them scepter and hand of justice after an ancient constellation called Sceptrum et Manus Iustitiae, or maybe even keeping the latin names if you feel like it.

Edited by Silver_fox
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Posted (edited)

And here I was wracking my brain trying to figure out if I could name some of the more wand-like staves as "Scepter of such-and-such", when I had two perfectly good scepters staring me in the face!


Thank you guys, this is why I need the community (one of many reasons), if it was just me on my own sometimes I think everything would be named "Bird Club" and " Fire Bonker."

Edited by Flix
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Posted (edited)

Any chance of getting a guide on how to add new uniques/legendaries and how to name them? Also how do you add sets to the game? I know most of it is done in the blueprint.txt but how do you set the names of sets/uniques/legendaries?


I'm so sorry I didn't respond sooner...somehow I missed this post entirely. It's like it just appeared there out of nowhere.


I had intended to make a complete guide to making new items, but since the final step (naming the items in global.res) requires use of an internal tool made for the CM Patch (that remains private, out of my control), I didn't see the point. Anyone that has the editor knows how to make new items anyway.


However, I can give you a basic run-down for a brand-new item:

  • Create models/textures/icons, using whatever 3D modeling and/or image editing programs you use. Models and textures can be given unique names, icon names should correspond with the itemtype number (see below). Models need to be exported to gr2 format and textures can be either tga or dds.
  • Create a new surface ID in surface.txt defining which textures will be used for the item. Special surface shaders and fx can be set here.
  • Create a new item type in itemtype.txt. This tells the game exactly what the item is classified as (helmet, sword, etc...item classifications are defined in typification.txt) and what 3D model, surface ID, and icons to use for the item.
  • Create a new entry in iteminfo.txt, using the item type number. This will tell the game what material it is made from (defined in material.txt) and how much space it takes up in the inventory.
  • Create a new blueprint for the item in blueprint.txt. This creates the item based on the item type number, and defines properties like bonuses, character class restrictions, item tier (unique, legendary, etc.) and whether it's part of a set.
  • If creating a set, add a set blueprint in blueprint.txt. This defines which blueprints are part of the set and what the bonuses are.
  • Add item to the appropriate drop tables in drop.txt, using the blueprint ID.
  • Name items by editing global.res. This part is secret.


I think that about covers it.

Edited by Flix
Posted (edited)

OK time for the first in a week of new updates and previews leading up to the release of the mod.


Mod is complete! All that remains is some finishing touches (icons, texture and bonus tweaks pending testing). There is a lot of new item content heading your way! I really feel like I am part of a team now, because Pesmontis and Silver Fox have been super involved behind the scenes in helping me with implementing all kind of new content. But...I'm going to be posting stuff that even they haven't seen!


To start off with this first update will be rather small. Way back at the beginning Thorin Oakenshield suggested more Dual Wielding sets, and while he didn't mention magic staves, I love those things so this the first of 4 DW sets, a Magic Staff set for Dual Wielders.


It is called Disciples of the Architect. I don't normally like to reference other games but when working with the items this set idea just came to me and it seemed to fit perfectly. The pieces reference the Darkspawn in Dragon Age: Awakening. When they are introduced there are mindless, somewhat generic orc/zombie hyrbids, but with the expansion they became "awakened" by the Architect and gained the ability to speak and reason.


I designed the items to be rewarding for casters but also primarily to help boost the powers of players actually attacking with their staves. It consists of two staves, a ring and an amulet.







7uQvFcXt.jpg 8cKITr0t.jpg wYdH2FZt.jpg EANdXXIt.jpg


You might recognize the skull staff as a new unlocked NPC item (formerly only wielded by Ogre mages). And I guess you're getting a little more juicy updates than I thought, because there you can also see the latest draft of my new Inquisitor set Disgraced Gods (no proper thread yet since the look isn't final, it was the last thing I was able to squeeze in before release). ;) 4th pic is an early draft of The Judicator set.


And look! Silver Fox even designed a new loading screen logo for the mod:



Edited by Flix
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Posted (edited)

What can I say, you've came up with brilliant ideas for a set! I love the idea of dual-wielded staves and the models you choose for them. They match well and look good together, while being noticeably different and easy to tell apart. A well-matched set all the way! I like the name choice too, they match the items and sound good regardless of whether or not you played Dragon Age.


The bonuses look solid, nothing is useless, and nothing looks overpowered. Except that the amulet seems to be on the stronger side from the first sight, but I need to compare it to the Artamark's Star of the same level. Arta-star is one of the best defensive amulets in game (probably the best unique) and it does not offer a skill bonus. If the resistances on "The Herald" (did I mention that I like the name choice?) are somewhat lower, than it's perfectly balanced, if they are the same, it might be a bit too strong, offering a good amount of skill points too. I understand that you probably meant to include "Magic Staffs" skill here because people with dual-wielding characters don't usually take weapon specific skills. But the parts can be used outside of the set, and ring+amulet make a perfect combo for any staff-wielding mage (especially if the first set bonus is for two items).

Edited by Silver_fox
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Thanks Silver Fox.


It's true people don't usually take a weapon skill in addition to Dual Wield, unless the skill unlocks modifiers. The Magic Staff skill doesn't unlock any modifiers, but it does unlock the power to shoot ranged projectiles, therefore I think there's extra incentive to take the skill. And, as you said, I like it when pieces have uses as individual items as well as part of the set.


The armor values on the Herald are identical to Artamark's Star. It's true the skill bonus is a blue and therefore "better" modifier, however Magic Staves has limited use for players, whereas the Star's second bonus (a chunky defense value) is useful for every character no matter what. I thought it probably balanced out. I could lower the armor a little bit though to make sure.


Yes, I think you're right. Of course blue modifiers aren't necessarily better than white ones. At first I was under a wrong impression that Artamark's Star has relatively low defense value to offset the strength of armor, but I just checked blueprint.txt and actually its defense value is high for an amulet. So giving a regular amount of some skill that is useful only for a part of characters is a balanced alternative. The staff wielders probably would find that amulet better than Star, others would find it worse, and generally it is about equal.


I'm sorry for always criticizing something or asking questions about your work. It's just that when I myself post something about my projects I'm looking forward to critique more than to praise, because I want to know the weaker point of my work and either improve it or be sure that these "weaker" points are not really weak. I know that not many people are like me. Your work is always great and even when I find something to nitpick or ask questions about, it's just a minor point of an otherwise incredibly good creation.

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> ".. posting stuff that even they haven't seen!.."
You've had so much on your hands, I'm awaiting your additions anxiously: a lot of original material that's never or hardly been shown before!

> ".. a Magic Staff set for Dual Wielders.."
I didn't even know that this is possible.. I should try this soon.

> ".. skull staff as a new unlocked NPC item.."
It looks great - also for bonking an opponent :-)

> ".. because there you can also see the latest.."
Yeah, the pictures reveal many new details - an appetizer for the mod update!

  • Like! 1

I hardly can wait for it! Please keep posting pics as they really mouth watering!

I guess, I know what I will do next weekend! :lol:

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Posted (edited)

I can't thank you enough for making this mod happen, Flix! Seeing familiar Sacred 1 names and stats makes me feel nostalgic and really willing to spend ungodly hours playing the game just to see these items drop. Special thanks to Pesmontis for fixind the sword. When Flix first posted the pictures I hoped that this model would be corrected so that the Thunder of the Sereish could be back.

The sword is mighty, but being a legendary it has every right in the world to be so. Looks like now we have an alternative for Kal'dur's as a perfect melee boss killing weapon. The Daemon's shield won't compete for being called the best one in game, but it's a good and useful item. My characters would be using it if it happens to drop for them. And thank you for implementing the staves. This typical Battle Mage's weapon class was lacking in Sacred 2, now you've brought some good ones back (or forward in time). I was a bit surprised that you used Intelligence and not Stamina for Delior's, but I guess it's better this way. For magic users in Sacred 2 Intelligence is more effective investment.

As for bringing full Sacred 1 sets to Sacred 2, I guess I should spill the beans and tell you that I'm currently working on a Xrystal's set for the Dryad. Because come on, guys, Sacred 2 even has a silly message about this set, and it's the one that can be implemented with decent likeness just by making new textures, without importing models. I know that this set was not exactly everybody's favorite, so to make the items useful and keep the things itneresting, I'm making it with a slight twist - I'm building a set around a throwing dagger that can be used for boss killing (like shurikens) and a damaging shield for people who would like to go melee or kung-fu. I haven't told you about this project before because it's unlikely that I'd be able to finish the set until 23rd, but I'm working on the idea.

Edited by Silver_fox
  • Like! 1

Thanks guys. More mouth-watering pics on their way later today.


>"Seeing familiar Sacred 1 names and stats makes me feel nostalgic and really willing to spend ungodly hours playing the game just to see these items drop."

Gooooood. Mwa ha ha....


>"I was a bit surprised that you used Intelligence and not Stamina for Delior's..."

Yeah, it was tricky to replace Mental Regeneration because it's like Stamina and Intelligence combined into one attribute. Since there was already a regen time modifier on the staff, I decided to go with a spell damage boost rather than even more regen time, but it could have gone either way.


>"I guess I should spill the beans and tell you that I'm currently working on a Xrystal's set for the Dryad..."

Oh, cool! Well that can go in the next version of the mod then!


I have a question, do you have the ability to make cursed items? In Morrowind, there were a few items that were insanely overpowered in one aspect, but hurt the player in other aspects. For instance, there was the Boots of Blinding Speed that you could get from that woman north of Caldera. They fortified speed by like 200 points, but they also had a 100% Blind spell. I spent a long time figuring out how to negate that stinking spell. Anyway, do you have the ability to do something like that here?

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Posted (edited)

Nope. The only penalties are to regen time, attack speed, and movement speed, and those can't appear in any way other than the normal ways they appear on items.


I appreciate RPG's that have curses or penalties on items, and still make it so that you might actually consider using them (or cleansing/charming/curing them). The first such item I ever remember encountering was the Halberd of the Rock in Divine Divinity. It's lying on an altar in a cursed abbey, and as soon as you pick it up, your stamina starts draining. Forums were full of people reporting this "bug" because it's the only cursed item in the game. So it was confusing and amusing, especially since it was so powerful that most people couldn't ID the item, just put it in their inventory to use later, and suddenly they were crawling along with no stamina. The key to making it usable was that it could sometimes spawn with charm slots (sockets) and if you put poweful enough constitution charms in it, it would negate the penalty.


I actually recreated the Halberd of the Rocks for the mod, minus the stamina drain.

Edited by Flix
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> ".. Delior's Holy Staff.. Agh'Ba's Dreadful Staff of Death.."
The staffs look very beautiful.
I thought I had picked up Delior's Holy Staff, but that was something else:


> ".. a Xrystal's set for the Dryad.."
I've just checked Sacred Wiki and I'm very curious how that will look.

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Posted (edited)

Ah yes, that rare staff was another candidate for Delior's. They look somewhat similar though that one is a bit bigger and fiercer.


Time for another update! With this one, we'll finish up looking at the new magic staves added to the game.


1-Handed Magic Staves:


Wand of Abaris

Abaris the Hyperborean was a legendary sage, healer, and priest of Apollo known to the Ancient Greeks. He was said to be endowed with the gift of prophecy, and to have traveled the world carrying a magic arrow, symbolizing Apollo, like a wand. Heraclides wrote that Abaris even flew on this "arrow from the sun."


This is a retexture of a magic staff, that only spawns with ice damage, so it is normally only seen crusted with ice. Now, in addition to the retexture, it has magic damage instead that arcs between the two points at the head of the wand and generates a corona of light.


HqjEFyut.jpg PclJk64m.jpg



Wyvern Charmer

Another retexture of a magic staff, this one gets its name simply from the reptilian wings it sports.


gIxLceTt.jpg yzLGmRnm.jpg



Shaman's Totem

This somewhat gruesome tribal staff is an unlocked NPC item formerly wielded only by Orc Shamans. It is customizable with several sockets so the player can use it as they wish.


TvGnpSIt.jpg uAhKfFDm.jpg



2-Handed Magic Staves


Staff of the Blood Dryads

This is another unlocked NPC item. While adventuring in the jungles of Dyr Lain you managed to defeat a Blood Dryad priestess and wrest her staff from her hands. The CA Range bonus has been slightly reduced since this stats picture was taken.


tlMi8SGt.jpg aapp7Qrm.jpg



Wayfarer's Staff

This humble staff seemed at first a mere walking stick, but when it came into your hands it seemed to offer a mystical clarity, while increasing your insight, strength of will, and resilience.


Since this stats pic was taken, the Intelligence and Stamina bonuses have been slightly nerfed to match the Willpower bonus.


lLQuKuVt.jpg r4mFkVum.jpg



Serpent's Gaze

Gifted to you by a an ancient Lizard shaman deep in the swamps of Hissil'ta. A hooded cobra coils around this staff and stares menacingly at foes, terrifying them, while offering protection from the venom of hostile creatures.


uG4fXDYt.jpg umRPOpJm.jpg



To Mega Therion

Greek for "The Great Beast", this fearsome staff is not to be trifled with. The name is sometimes attributed to one of the beasts that rise from the earth and sea in the book of Revelations, and his moniker was also audaciously taken by the notorious wizard Aleister Crowley.


Pesmontis sent me this staff to complement the Kha-Beleth set, and I think the model is entirely his original work. I retextured it to its current form, but a random rare version of the staff with its original textures can be bought at merchants (light brown wooden shaft, green orb).


HG6pfGAt.jpg sX3nt1xt.jpg YMZwKlim.jpg




More updates coming soon!

Edited by Flix
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The color for the pole of the To Maga Therion staff is much better than the gold/yellow of my original texture. The game applied a blue cover to indicate magic damage, and then the icon was ruined in te inventory..


All the new goodies! Excellent work. I've been busy with the new job the last few days so to drop by and see all this is definitely pleasing. Keep up the hard work!

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