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The Related Word Game - 2017!

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My tea mouse  ->  the pie and the patty pan

i dont know why, but i remember as a kid just reading over and over this silly story. hahahah, not at ALL my kind of things.. but potter seemed to infect her characters with such emotional painting that they leapt off the page. even as a child I got engaged




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Thai -> kid friendly

Our third used to do lunch at a Thai restaurant after school while waiting for one of the rare trains to our place. Very friendly people, she could eat in a corner and do homeworks after lunch. The prices were also quite low if she was choosing food which wasn't sold at the main business lunch break for bureau people.

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2 hours ago, chattius said:

Thai -> kid friendly

Our third used to do lunch at a Thai restaurant after school while waiting for one of the rare trains to our place. Very friendly people, she could eat in a corner and do homeworks after lunch. The prices were also quite low if she was choosing food which wasn't sold at the main business lunch break for bureau people.

kid friendly -> parents



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nurturing -> nurse

Nurturing, nutritious, (wet) nurse, ... all share the same etymology from latin.

"The word "nurse" originally came from the Latin word "nutrire", meaning to suckle"

The German word for a wet nurse is Amme, which is related to Amma, Mama, ..


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practitioner  -> cousin

he was actually in the emergency covid response unit here in MTL when the virus first appeared and while he"s just a yungun, mid twenties and was scared to go to work, Auntie had a great mom to son talk with him and had the duties and responsibilities talk...and said he if he didnt go to work someone else would have to be found for his job...

he went in..

proud of my cuz...and bless moms for their magicals ways!



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