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The Related Word Game - 2017!

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friday the 13th -> quatorzieme

My neighbour asked me if my daughter could be the quatorzieme for his (playboy) son. Quite dangerous question since we met in forest and I carried a gun. Then he said that a quatorzieme is a 14th guest in case there 13 at table.

So wasn't the question to be the 14th girlfriend.

  • zomgod! 1
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5 hours ago, chattius said:

friday the 13th -> quatorzieme

My neighbour asked me if my daughter could be the quatorzieme for his (playboy) son. Quite dangerous question since we met in forest and I carried a gun. Then he said that a quatorzieme is a 14th guest in case there 13 at table.

So wasn't the question to be the 14th girlfriend.

quatorzieme -> lucky

yeeks... :oooo: neighbor didn't realize how lucky he was 


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myrtle beach -> Wadden Sea

Germany's Atlantic coast. At low tide the water reveals a large muddy beach and you can walk from mainland to the islands. Before I went firefighter at naval air wing I was weapon officer on subhunter helicopters and planes. We did some SAR flights for tourists who were surprised by high tide while not yet back to main land.

There are some places which allow swimming, but I always liked to walk on the wadden sea at low tide. See the houses atthe horizon? You can reach them walking at low tide.



At lowest tide and the reason I like the place:


But so it looks at high tide. And there are dangerous and strong currents.




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3 hours ago, chattius said:

myrtle beach -> Wadden Sea

Germany's Atlantic coast. At low tide the water reveals a large muddy beach and you can walk from mainland to the islands. Before I went firefighter at naval air wing I was weapon officer on subhunter helicopters and planes. We did some SAR flights for tourists who were surprised by high tide while not yet back to main land.

There are some places which allow swimming, but I always liked to walk on the wadden sea at low tide. See the houses atthe horizon? You can reach them walking at low tide.



At lowest tide and the reason I like the place:


But so it looks at high tide. And there are dangerous and strong currents.




Beach walking at low tide is one of my familys favorite summer activiaties... theres no show on netflix that equals walking along a moist grainy shore and looking at al the animals and plants the environment brings literally to our feet.

Wadden Sea -> Panama

Fam Vacation Panama Last Year





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effect-> rotor-sail

My god-child is an engineer on one. It has Flettner-rotors which use the Magnus effect.


  • zomgod! 1
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2 hours ago, chattius said:

effect-> rotor-sail

My god-child is an engineer on one. It has Flettner-rotors which use the Magnus effect.


rotor - sail -> catamaran

can sail ANYWHERE



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2 hours ago, Delta! said:

Catamaran -> fancy sail boat


 fancy sail boat -> ants 







  • Haha 1
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ants -> zombie

There are several parasiteaffecting the brain of their victim. Some make ants climb up plants. Once at the sun and way above ground the ant is killed and the fungus releases its spores spreading in a wide area.



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14 hours ago, chattius said:

ants -> zombie

There are several parasiteaffecting the brain of their victim. Some make ants climb up plants. Once at the sun and way above ground the ant is killed and the fungus releases its spores spreading in a wide area.



zombie -> movie

Heard about this movie... zombies are REAL



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movie -> Good Bye Lenin!

Just watched it again sunday.

The mother of a boy is a member of the east german party. She gets a stroke and falls into coma. German is re-united when she awokes. Docs tell the boy that she may die if she gets a shock because of it.

So the boy does fake news with a video camera, collects old east german food tins and refills them, just anything to hide that the re-union happened.


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goodbye Lenin => goodbye linen (just washed linen in scalding-hot water) :dntknw:

  • zomgod! 1
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13 hours ago, Hooyaah said:

goodbye Lenin => goodbye linen (just washed linen in scalding-hot water) :dntknw:

did it work? after a while can things still get white?
good bye linen ->problematic



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