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Community Patch 1.60 Beta Test Release

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14 hours ago, dimitrius154 said:

d_gpuSync = 1,

waitForGpuMode = 1,

 checkWorldPositions = 1,

 dxDetect = 1,

 enableMobilitySupport = 0,

 usePhysHW = 1,

 detail_physx = 0,

Dmitriy, can you tell us a little about what these various options do?  I was going to ask you in private but then I figured many people might like to know.



It seems my previous game instability was all related to memory leak crashing, PhysX, and those weird crashy spots in the Cursed Forest, which all seem to be addressed now in 1.60.  

The only bad performance I get now, I can directly trace to texture size.  Take Griffinborough for example.  Elite Textures = slowdown is worse, Normal Textures = not so bad, Minimal Textures = no slowdown.  Perhaps unsurprisingly, giant 2048x2048 textures cause the game not to run so well.  No other variables have had any noteworthy impact on performance since I started running CM 1.60 (except Anti-aliasing + old Combat Alert FX, which we removed).  My 2 cents.

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Enemies walk backward when you're higher level than them.  Check your level, check enemy levels, report back.

Yes, it was just that indeed, sorry, I had never noticed it before. I went to Gold and they attack, no problem.

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2 hours ago, Flix said:

can you tell us a little about what these various options do?

d_gpuSync = 1, -  used in pair waitForGpuMode seems to improve game responsiveness.

waitForGpuMode = 1, - used in pair with d_gpuSync seems to improve game responsiveness.

 checkWorldPositions = 1, - not well researched, purely experimental.

 dxDetect = 1, - installed DirectX detection

 enableMobilitySupport = 0, - seems to disable functionality, pertaining to notebook power consumption optimization, should improve performance

 usePhysHW = 1, - enables hardware PhysX(which, for me at least, is pretty stable). Will, perhaps, not work for non-Nvidia adapters.

 detail_physx = 0, - switches off software PhysX(which appears no be unstable sometimes)

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2 hours ago, Flix said:

giant 2048x2048 textures cause the game not to run so well.

 texMem = 209715200 ->  texMem = 419430400, then, I guess.


[EDIT]Lagging at Griffinborough is caused by Sacred 2 software antialiasing. It's "very well done".


Edited by dimitrius154
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Great work as ever, thank you Flix.

Loading is drastically increased (and no, I'm not playing on a potato:lol:).

For the first time ever, this game works fine in fullscreen mode with windows 10. Before I have to play in windowed mode. I love it!

Everything works fine, just the stacking for potions. With healthpotions, it works fine. Drop them, put them back to the inventory, they are stacking up to 99. But all other potions don't. I drop them, collect them from the ground (I tried with manual clicking also as with the "collect all"-button). They are in tbe inventory, but stacksize is just 20.

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1 hour ago, 12DuneLord34 said:

They are in tbe inventory, but stacksize is just 20


Just had that statement checked with concentration potions and potions of death. They stack correctly. Please, check(you can do so by hovering cursor over an item, while ALT is pressed) the potion difficulty level(yes, potions do have difficulty levels).


1 hour ago, 12DuneLord34 said:

Loading is drastically increased

A result of having the texture and shader cache flush function applied, when loading a game, or using a teleporter. Can't be helped. Loading takes about 10 seconds for teleports, about 35 seconds for game loading.


[EDIT] If loading backgrounds don't display, set s2gs.exe compatibility to Windows Vista SP1 and sacred2.exe compatibility to Windows 7.


Edited by dimitrius154
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50 minutes ago, dimitrius154 said:


Just had that statement checked with concentration potions and potions of death. They stack correctly. Please, check(you can do so by hovering cursor over an item, while ALT is pressed) the potion difficulty level(yes, potions do have difficulty levels).




I didn't know that potions have also dificultiy levels

Exactly this was the problem here. Some of the death potions are gold level, the others platinum. Testet it with other death potions within the same level and it works.

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The Elite textures should not be used as a package, they cause a very big drop in fps in cities and towns. The best strategy would be to dissect the elite texture archives for textures that actually add to the visual experience. 

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No the 'double mount' isnt fixed with that system.rar you posted :

iv had a mount before cm patch 1.50
no duplication

iv had a mount before cm patch 1.60 beta
the mount is being cloned no matter what you do, even selling the mount saving and reloading doesnt matter the mount is still being there near the player after reload lol, even after using an save WITHOUT the 'double mount bug'...

buying and selling any horse will leave that 'cloned ' mount there unsusable untill you sell your actuall mount then you can sell the cloned mount but it spawns again after reloading if you sell that too...

another thing is that apparently the mount cloned IS the horse iv had BEFORE beta 1.60..interesting..even selling reloading, selling alt-tab deleting the save then saving within the game doesnt fix it...odd

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2 hours ago, dimitrius154 said:

The Elite textures should not be used as a package, they cause a very big drop in fps in cities and towns. The best strategy would be to dissect the elite texture archives for textures that actually add to the visual experience. 

Yes for me Anti-Aliasing on/off didn't have any noticeable affect in this scenario, but texture size made a dramatic difference. With texture quality at minimal I could run up and down the entirety of problem areas like Griffinborough or Teardrop Hamlet without a single hitch, even with all other settings activated and maxed out (PhysX, AA, Weather, Shadows, etc.). 

Pulling out just the textures that "need" elite versions (because the normal versions are of such low quality) is a big project.  You can't tell the difference between a lot of landscape and architecture, but for NPC's and weapons, oftentimes the only textures that look half-decent are the elite versions.

Case in point:




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1 hour ago, Flix said:

is a big project.

graphics24.zip - remove folders: patches, miniobj

graphics23.zip - remove folders: trees, test, terrain, questitems, objects

graphics21.zip - remove folders: miniobj


What's the result on your end?

1 hour ago, hrsr said:

No the 'double mount' isnt fixed with that system.rar you posted

I'll check the conditions again. The savegames store quite a bit of structured info, never know what tampering with memory addressing might do. By the way, did you try saving and then reloading without any mounts, then buying one? 

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On 23/09/2017 at 3:43 PM, dimitrius154 said:


Please, try the following options:


d_gpuSync = 1,

waitForGpuMode = 1,

 checkWorldPositions = 1,

 dxDetect = 1,

 enableMobilitySupport = 0,

 usePhysHW = 1,

 detail_physx = 0,

I've tried these, and noticed no diferences in terms of fluidity. Just the same experience as before.

Afterwards with those settings on I've tried disabling several aspects one by one:

  • NCP off/ET on/Physx on/in-game AA on - Griffinborough has massive frame rate drops
  • NCP off/ET off/Physx on/in-game AA on - Griffinborough is better but still has major frame rate drops
  • NCP off/ET off/Physx on/in-game AA off - Griffinborough is much better
  • NCP off/ET off/Physx off/in-game AA off - Griffinborough is better still
  • NCP on (AA enabled and maxed)/ET off/Physx off/in-game AA off - Griffinborough is at its best of all the chosen variations

With ET off my game textures were still maxed out (very high) though, not minimal, and I could almost walk without frame rate drops in Griffinborough. Almost, just minimal stuff. All in all I'd say that in-game AA should be turned off and be active via NCP, as it doesn't impair on performance and still works like a charm in visual terms. After trying to turn ET back on again Griffinborough is again slowish but not as much as before with in-game AA on. It seems that the combination of ET on/in-game AA on really breaks the frame rate there.

Now I'm going to revert those settings on the options.txt and try to play a while and see what happens.

Edited by Androdion
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1 hour ago, dimitrius154 said:

I'll check the conditions again. The savegames store quite a bit of structured info, never know what tampering with memory addressing might do. By the way, did you try saving and then reloading without any mounts, then buying one? 

Indeed I difd, also I deleted that character shortly after I posted however now I started another character this one was started during 1.60 cm beta installed so far so good ...apart from the stutterings...introduced in 1.6 :cstars: 


awsome patch so far :)

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So, back again for more.

I've reverted the options.txt file so that the only change there is about the auto-collect radius. I didn't see any loading screens so I've made adjustments to both .EXE files in terms of backwards compatibility, but they still don't appear. Potion/hero statue FX is working but spells still show the ranged attack cursor (an arrow). Duplicate unusable mount still happens. I also turned AF on the NCP in addition to AA, maxed it too and turned ET back on. The gaming experience in terms of frame rate drops is mixed, as on one hand they still occur but on the other even Griffinborough is much better with ET on, so this option may help in terms of using ET. And once I got out in the wild, in this case near the Orc Cave territory, the game engine worked just fine without any stuttering or problems.

That is until I teleported to Sloeford and walked around for a while, zooming in/out. Bam, CTD! So yeah, it's playable but it still crashes out of freaking nowhere.

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37 minutes ago, Androdion said:

in terms of backwards compatibility

Hmm, what is the OS -  Win 8 or Win 10? 


38 minutes ago, Androdion said:

still show the ranged attack cursor


What weapon do you use, while casting those spells?


39 minutes ago, Androdion said:

That is until I teleported to Sloeford and walked around for a while, zooming in/out


Ok, compatibility mode off then.

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8 hours ago, dimitrius154 said:

If loading backgrounds don't display, set s2gs.exe compatibility to Windows Vista SP1 and sacred2.exe compatibility to Windows 7.

I did this.

24 minutes ago, dimitrius154 said:

What weapon do you use, while casting those spells?

Mage staff, so that pointer shouldn't appear right?!


PS: I'm on Win 7 x64.

Edited by Androdion
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8 minutes ago, Androdion said:

Mage staff, so that pointer shouldn't appear right?!

It should. 


10 minutes ago, Flix said:

Mage staff is now a ranged weapon.


Just to make it clear for everyone: the weapon class is still controlled by the "Magic Staffs" skill like before, it's just not needed to have Mastery at said skill for staves to shoot projectiles.

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Download has been updated again with fix for duplicate special mounts.  Characters who haven't had this bug yet should be prevented from ever getting it.  If you've already got a character with the bug, make sure you buy a horse and special mount, save and reload.  Bug should be gone.

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Because mage staves now shoot bolts even without the skill, that makes sense. A couple of questions then:

  1. Do they shot whatever elemental damage is socketed on the staff or do different staff models have different projectiles?
  2. What range do they have? Because they seem to shoot at a really long distance!

On a different note, is the "-nocpubinding -skipopenal" line on startup really necessary, and why? If you guys don't mind explaining?

Edited by Androdion
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5 minutes ago, Androdion said:

Do they shot whatever elemental damage is socketed on the staff or do different staff models have different projectiles?


Technically - the dominant elemental damage defines the projectile.


6 minutes ago, Androdion said:

What range do they have? Because they seem to shoot at a really long distance!


525.0 units - a single screen, supposedly.


7 minutes ago, Androdion said:

"-nocpubinding -skipopenal" line on startup really necessary


-skipopenal - removes OpenAL functionality check, a badly executed 3D sound solution, which adds to crashing.

-nocpubinding - allows to make use of multi-core processors.

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Oh, gotcha then. Thanks for the info, and just so we're clear, this is how it should be right?

2 minutes ago, dimitrius154 said:

Folks, setting textures to Elite in game actually doubles the amount of memory the game eats in the texture department. Which is bad, and causes crashes. That option should not be used.

Oh come on... Wasn't this one of the objectives with this patch? To make ET actually playable?

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