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Epox Thunderboy Guide "Updated"

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Posted (edited)

The Story about Thunder boy


once opun a time thier was a little boy, he lived in the Great City of Mystdal were the worlds greatest Wizards were trained. he was the son of the Archmage Black staff who had great expectations for his son to learn the Mystic arts. The boy worked harder and harder each day but without any success, I could not throw a single spell, his farther was disappointed in him, but his farther knew a way to give his son great powers, but it was a dangerous way, he had to summon the souls of ancients beats into his sons body and hope that the would accept this empty vessel. At the day of the mystic moons appering the farther prepared the ritual for the summoning of the 5 beats, Inferno,Striker,Ghost,Gorgon and Hastos, the 5 beast each held a great power, and that power the archmage wanted his son to have. The Archmage threw a teleportation spell and teleported his soon in the circle of were the ritual whould take place. At midnight he started the summoning, and 4 houres later the summoning was done and the archmages was drained of power, when he look up I saw the 5 beast looking at him and they asked "why have thy summoned us?" he answered "my son has no powers and he can't throw spells like my family has done for over a decade, I want him to have the powers that you can give him they beasts looked at the boy, and each took out a round amulet and when they stroke each other they combined to an ancient artifact of mystic magic.


the Archmage saw it, and could feel the great power, he felt he was drawn to the artifact. He ran towards the beast and graped the amulet took it on, but something went terrible wrong. the Archmage were transformed into his worst adversary an "Sakkare Daemon" and he teleportet out of the place with his new powers. the boy woke up and saw the 5 beasts standing thier watching over him, and they said "your farther has become his worst nightmare, he took the artifact that was intende fo you, and he helped an powerful daemon to escape from it's prison within the artifact" the Boy was terrified but then something happened he smelled fire, the town was under attack buy his own farther and horde of monsters, the boy closed his eyes and prayed.


the 5 beast looked at him when he was doing so and they completed a more ancient ritual than then artifact. the boy opened his eyes and looked at the beats the were gone but he felt a change in his mind and body, the beasts and accepted him as their guardian and he now wielded the powers of all 5. He threw the spell of Hastos then ghost and gorgon and he had gain incredible stamina speed and could throw spells faster than any other in the town he knew of. he now knew what at to be done he had to kill his farther and the horde of monsters that was destroying his beloved town. he rushed with an incredible speed. he saw the pack of monsters and looked into the heaven a Lightning Strike came flying down at him he cached it and threw right at the monsters at impacts it spread out and killed the entire pack. But still he could not find his farther anywhere, he felt a warm breeze behind him and a fire beam came towards him and knocked him down.


he got up again and now stood face to face with his farther. the boy said "I will destroy you farther, "you have become the evil we hate and bye my love for this town and it's people you will fall buy my hand" his farther laughed and responded "you are no match for me my son join me and we will rule this world together, or you will die right were you stand" the boy threw the 5 spells of the beasts again. is farther threw 5 fire beams at him and hit the ground so it gave a quake the boy was not affected buy it the boy said "buy the power that has been given to me, I summon the power of Inferno" a great ball of fire flew right in the throat at his farther and knock it down. He saw the amulet was no longer on the daemons throat, it had been destroyed and the his farther was dead. The boy swore to the town that he will avenge his fathers death. and destroy all evil in the world. and he left like a flash of light to journey out in the big world on his campaign. The Local made a Statue of him because of I heroic deeds, he got the name "Thunder boy".


Skills & Attributes


lvl1: Magic Lore ( for damage on spells)

-> 50 ( because after this you get plenty of items to boost it)


lvl1: Meditation ( for lower regen )

-> 50 ( you get plenty of boosts)


lvl3: Air Magic (for even lower regen and atk speed on Lightning ca)

-> 50 ( its te same as above so it's only need a little)


lvl6: Agility (defence is always good)

-> 50 (no more is needed)

-> Alternative Earth Magic

-> 50 ( for faster usages of stone skin )


lvl12: Trading (Always good to have this skill)

-> 1 (because of huge boots from 2 parts of mammons, I got 49 hehe well 1 more point for me )


lvl20: Constitution ( for more life)

-> MAX it ( BM are very week just lie a little baby)


lvl30: Fire Magic ( for Fire Ball)

-> 50 ( same argument as Air magic)


lvl50: Parry ( for more Defence)

-> 50 or as much you can invest ( no more is needed)



all points to goes to Mental Regen so you can fire like with LS and FB




Combat Arts:

lightning strike

Fire Ball

Ghost Meadow

Stone skin or Flamskin

cataract of Agility ( you know what I mean )

Phase Shift (1 level only)





Osopymok's Bright Hood (for medi, ml, fire magic, air magic boost and + all skills and + all magic ca.)

Alternative: Dagowits Ghost ( for Mr,Rs,medi boost and + all magic ca )



Byleth's Vehemence ( for Rs, Fm boost and + all magic ca )



Armarris Girdle of Bewitchment ( for Mr,Rs boost and a HUGH GM boost )



Rare boots with LS boots and Regen spell and + other stuff thats good for this build



Black staffs Grasp (for LS boost and +% magic damage)



Elohinir Magic Gloves ( for + ca, Mental regen, mrfitaion)



LaraAimee's Book of Magic ( for rs, mr,ml,medi,skills and ca.)



Shiny Kite Shield ( for LS boost and + skill)



Dagowits Hast ( for speed, Mr and ml boost )



1x Black staffs Soul "Amulet" ( for RS, Medi and ML boost)

2x Solwemyr's Adornment of Virtue ( Mr, ll and xp gained )

1x Mammons ring ( for crit and Mr )

1x Byleth's Sparkle ( for increased fire damage on Fb, ml and widd )


Game play Advices

except than keeping keeping Stone skin and COA up all time keep out of trouble, because Lightning strike is low on damage, so stay clear of places oyu can't handle until you think you can. use LS for mobs, best mob killer in my opinion and use Fire Ball for single monster and bosses and dragons.


Different versions of Thunderboy


The Pure Air: Gow+Ls+WW+coa+Gm

the way he works is similar to the gow+ms you use gow and stun opponents, also use gow on single monster. in pakcs and vot use gow first to stun the pack then throw Ls afterwards.


for this version you should be using Full Armaris for best usages in the air area and also to increase the damage on Ls because the sets lacks to boost the damage on that ca, and here the Secret damage really kicks in


The Air+Water: Roi+ls+ww+coa+gm

this one is an advanced build he takes to time make strong but when he gets their wuff ge will shine...! here you throw gm coa and ww on you first then throw alot of roi's in one spot then run up and lure the monster after you then enter circle and throw ls when the roi is slowing them and damaging them.


for this version Full Blackstaffs is highly recommend because of the Gm Instant aura so that you don't have to throw it all the time. the sets also provides damage based on magic which is good because both roi and ls has that type of damage.



their will be updates later on if I find better items for the build stay tuned and get shocked! (also I'm not an BM expert like other people)

Edited by Epox

GL with the sole LS build. :4rofl:


thx Myles, :4rofl: this gonna be fun hehe now my dwarf just need to shop for him hehe and he will be powerfull! behold my schockness


hehe GL with him Epox be cool to see him on film when he gets a few lvls :4rofl:


Do some damage Epox! :)


hehe,another unique "take" on a guide for a sacred toon.

My only critique...


where's da pix!





guide updated, and he is now level 41 :P


just wanted to ypdate all that my bm is currenlty level 60 and is smacking through hords of ugly monsters :yay: I went to hell ridge at level 34 killing all then I tried vot he can do that to hehe :yay:


also I almost have an complet BM trader set just need 1 mammons ring 3 socket helmet + 1 skill and 4 socket sword/1handed bm staff + 1 skill and im set. right now the weapon is most important :yay:


very 3 Blackstaffs now boost my damage on LS from 700 to 2000 just with item swapping so


It sounds like a powerful build Epox. Looking forward to you getting it up to the higher levels so we can all do some quests together.

Any chance of you getting some pix so we can see the damage?






here is some a pic hehe





another one with SW and SS on




Holy Cow, I didn't realize this build was using Lightning until I saw the pics. Fantastic! Believe it or not, Lightning has to be one of my most favorite looking BM Combat Arts in the game.

How come more folks don't use it?

Epox hurry up and get this up to platinum man, Schot was talkin about and says it's a most explosive build!

What kind of damge does it do btw...mostly magic? And how does the chain lightning work exactly. Do you have to kill the first one before it jumps? Or does does it just fry everyone up all at once up to a maximum of x number of victiims?





Lightning Strike Does Phy/magic damage and when it hit's it passes on to the 7 next victimes if thier is 8 and if thier is 2 it zaps them both 4 times each thats how it works :P


yeah yeah I hurry gogo im level 62 hehe


new picture Schot was thier to in gold :P damage says 1719 :) had to be quick




Nicely done so far Epox. The thunder stick was doing a fine job. Considering you were level 62 and the monsters were and the monsters were levels were 126 I'd say your build is doing more than fine. :P


Take good care of him. He's gonna be a star! :)


thx Schot :) nice to get good feedback from a Mage Wis like you :bow: and as you all know this is my first bm ever in Sacred.


never though he would come this far but he did, now all you Ice Shards And GOw and Meteor BMs you have met your Maker the Thunder Stick :P


after some thinkin I think I have taken some wrong ca choice and skills to when I look of the benefits from Blackstaffs set:


Blackstaff is Air/ice mage set and I took fireball/firemagic to get a good hard hit buts thats a kind of waist.

I took 2 defesive spell Stoneskin is th only one neede here so Shield wall is a waist

phase shidt not really nessacary but good to have

I did not include coa but it' shines with a bm so im gonna update the guide a bit with what will be better


also waistet to many points into trade bm only need 1 so I think he has to start his carrer over from level 1 again. this time water/air with ls as mob thing and Ice shard as HH because they have same damage types and I t will get the best out of black staffs


okay I think I have an idear how to make this one work as he is just need to update the equipment sections and ca again will take a little time but it won't scrap him I love fb and ls so hope you will enjoy the improvments.

Lightning has to be one of my most favorite looking BM Combat Arts in the game.

How come more folks don't use it?

Well, it's not even nearly as powerfull as Ice Shard, Gust of wind, Fire Spiral or Meteor storm is. And to make it powerfull, you need to tweak lot more than whit those "standard" or "most common" mage builds.


Gotta say, good work Epox. I ones tried to make cool LS mage but didn't played for that long as it started to get boring cos LS has high regen time and low damage if compared to other spells. But I bet it would be a blast to do pure air mage using CoA for speeding up animations/casting times, LS for mobs, PS for jumping around in the battlefield avoiding all attacks and GoW for support if you can't PS to safer spot. Too bad it would still need some spell against single foes... or then it could be a melee option whit support of WW. In theory sounds perfect build, but in reality it would need tons and tons of runes (and some +to all magic spells) to make it work.


heh, this sounds like an interesting challenge. Ob, what was the highest level you were able to get lightning strike to? And Epox, how are you modding the spell damage exactly.

Keep goin with this build. Past challenges are always the most fun builds to play. I am intrigued as well with how you can get better damage.

I'm having a few of my own challenges over here.





here you can see my overall thingy on bm level 64 right now



heh, this sounds like an interesting challenge. Ob, what was the highest level you were able to get lightning strike to?

It was too far ago. Don't remember. Anyways I did it whitout muling anything or getting any help from others so I was not able to get fully working LS BM.


yeah and LS bame is hard to make if you don't have any gear then it's hard to do him but I found some and got om others for the test. and it's a blast.


Ls doing 4k damage now 8 hits

fb doing 7k damage

ghost meadow combo level 78 at level 80ish it will be over 100

stoneskine level 33

coa level 23 with coa set



guide has been updated with a little story :( enjoy the reading and if an moderator thinks it's not good redable plz set it up for better reading not good at this..


Its your story Epox. Its fun. :o


Other than a few typos :(, its good read.


yeah well im better at tlking engilsh than writing it hehe. well glad ya like the "short story" hehe


MY bm is level 78 now


ls level 50 regen 1,7 without GM and 1,0 with

Fb is level 36 regen 1,0 without GM and 0,5 with

Gm Combo level 96

Stone skin level 36

coa stil 23


I love the story! lol, putting a story into a build...Genius!

And regarding the spelling errors have you considered adding spell check to your firefox?

It will instantly help you with all the typing errors.

WE have a lot of other people here who don't have english as a first language, this is probably how they do it.

Nice work here Epox, the guide is looking good.

Would love to see a movie with LS now.





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