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lol, like the work of Zeno, you're following in the footsteps of the Ancarian National Geographic.


I loved the read, and you brought life to an almost-obscure but highly dangerous area of the game...the one that hast the highest spawns and arguably most fertile ground for experience gathering.


Good job





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Wow, that was crazy. Asui'thaz is now on the map, uh wiki. My first "place". Who knew there was so much data and images to gather and pages to create. Well, you guys of course.


This litle village is what spurred me to create the many monster wiki contents. While all is not perfect it certainly is a good starting point. I found that many of the quest images I had captured were unsuitable for the NPC pages, so the NPC quest givers don't have floating question marks above their heads... I'm learning.


Amazing job, Raster! Don't care as practice gives you knowledge and teaches you on how to save time. I like both the Place and NPC pages you added :)


Btw, I've moved the pictures inside a Swamp album (and updated the links), as well as added albums for all the Ancaria regions (for the future). And yes, there IS a lot of job to do... but we're all together in the right way to do it! :bomb:




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Added information for the Dryad start quest Pastures New. I've laid out both shadow and light quests on the same page - what do people think to this approach?


Personally I like it better than the idea of duplicating much of the information by having two separate pages, but I'm prepared to be outvoted :bomb:

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Added information for the Dryad start quest Pastures New. I've laid out both shadow and light quests on the same page - what do people think to this approach?


Personally I like it better than the idea of duplicating much of the information by having two separate pages, but I'm prepared to be outvoted :)


The link on each side of the current path goes to the one page. I made sure of that when I set it up.


I can't keep up with you. :bomb:

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Added information for the Dryad start quest Pastures New. I've laid out both shadow and light quests on the same page - what do people think to this approach?


Personally I like it better than the idea of duplicating much of the information by having two separate pages, but I'm prepared to be outvoted :bomb:

Nice try, but personally I find it quite confusing. I cannot see clearly what's Light/Shadow, so I vote for splitting it in different pages. Besides, many light/shadow mixed quests differ enough to make really difficult putting them together.

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I cannot see clearly what's Light/Shadow, so I vote for splitting it in different pages. Besides, many light/shadow mixed quests differ enough to make really difficult putting them together.



This is an important point. Splitting in different pages can help people who are choosing to undertake a specific path drill down easily along one vector. As long as there is even one difference no matter how minuscule, it's still a difference and would have to be documented.


I know it's longer this way :bomb:, but eventually when the fun and final job of setting up pathing through all the hundreds and hundreds of quests is begun, we can actually have a path through specific allignment quests because of resolution we chose to undertake with the minutiae we are seeing now.


We have a few years ahead of us with the database before Diablo 3 comes out ^^





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Oh well, I was kinda expecting that response :D I'll put splitting the two versions onto tomorrow's todo list (along with the Shadow In Accordance with Nature & Kobold Blood, Let's Have a Drink, and Tutorial Damage Types: Burn Skeleton, Burn!).


Is there any way to rename a wiki page without making a new page entirely? I spotted one of the 'Threatened Vinery' chain quests has been called 'Bear Scourge' rather than 'Boar Scourge'. Also, the farmer NPC 'Lowen' from the Dryad's In Accordance with Nature quest is actually called 'Lohen'.

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We have a few years ahead of us with the database before Diablo 3 comes out ^^

Knowing how many times Blizzard use to postpose their releases, we've got time enough to finish the database and read it twice, don't worry :D


Btw, let's go to serious things. Today I've made some improvements in the Places of Ancaria project!

For those don't know, I'm working in Tyr Lysia places. I've added pages for the Temple Ruins, The Sleepy Badger and the Celestial Dome, as well as some data missing in some places (like Teardrop Hamlet's NPC links). Current status is 17/39 pages finished (or almost finished) in Tyr Lysia region.


More good news are I've got notes and screenshots (need processing) for:

Benny's Corn Circles, Goblin Camp, High Elf Outpost, North Brigand Camp, Thylysium Cemetary and Twainbrook. When finised (which probably will be tomorrow), these will rise the status up to 23/39, which is over 50%! :(



Zeno :(



PS: Bear Scourge quest renamed to Boar Scourge. I can't find where the Lowen farmer is called Lohen :D


PS2: I've added this morning Goblin Camp, North Brigand Camp, Thylysium Cemetary and Twainbrook, and after a re-count and adding a couple places which were missing in the lists, now the current progress is 23/41 done for Tyr Lysia. Maybe this afternoon I find some free time to make a couple more of them.

Edited by Zeno
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PS: Bear Scourge quest renamed to Boar Scourge. I can't find where the Lowen farmer is called Lohen :D


Sorry, I may have worded that wrong: The NPC currently called Lowen in the Wiki is called Lohen in the game - I've changed the name/links on the In Accordance with Nature quest page, but have no idea how to change the title of the character page (if I can...)




And big gratz on the places work, sounds like it's coming on great :(



Edit: Added Shadow In Accordance with Nature and added dialogue images to the Light version - the page 'In Accordance With Nature (Shadow Campaign)' will need deleting... I didn't realise it was there and created mine on a different page :D


Added both Light and Shadow versions of Kobold Blood, and split Pastures New into Light/Shadow pages as well. Also added Let's Have a Drink and Tutorial Damage Types. Calling it a day now - my head feels like Wraithking's trying out his new axe on it! :(

Edited by ZGold
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Just amazing guys. Quest pages, Place pages, Beastiary pages... The quality you guys are putting forth is truly second to none. :thumbsup:



I corrected Lowen for you ZGold. Links and page name should all be Lohen now.

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I cannot see clearly what's Light/Shadow, so I vote for splitting it in different pages. Besides, many light/shadow mixed quests differ enough to make really difficult putting them together.



This is an important point. Splitting in different pages can help people who are choosing to undertake a specific path drill down easily along one vector. As long as there is even one difference no matter how minuscule, it's still a difference and would have to be documented.


I know it's longer this way :thumbsup:, but eventually when the fun and final job of setting up pathing through all the hundreds and hundreds of quests is begun, we can actually have a path through specific allignment quests because of resolution we chose to undertake with the minutiae we are seeing now.


We have a few years ahead of us with the database before Diablo 3 comes out ^^





Actually, it's not that hard to point out the differences in most of the quests. I did that with the TG quests that I have completed so far. Take a look at it again and you will see why I think that is a better route to go.


So far I have not see that many differences in the shadow/light shared class quests that make it worth having a separate page for each path on those quests. That is just my own opinion though. I will go with what the team leaders want.

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Actually, it's not that hard to point out the differences in most of the quests. I did that with the TG quests that I have completed so far. Take a look at it again and you will see why I think that is a better route to go.


So far I have not see that many differences in the shadow/light shared class quests that make it worth having a separate page for each path on those quests. That is just my own opinion though. I will go with what the team leaders want.


I agree, most of the differences are really minor - dialogue/logbook differences to reflect different motivations for the most part. Where quest sections differ it tends to be that shadow path characters kill more 'NPCs' (characters you talk to, however briefly) while light path characters have alternate 'kill Monsters' or 'fetch x' quests.


On the other hand, I can see where Zeno's coming from with the concern that some people may find it difficult to determine what part of a single-page quest applies to light characters and what to shadow characters. I thought splitting the images of dialogue/text that were different (and giving them a heading of light/shadow) would have been fairly obvious, but the lack of similar split in walkthrough details etc. (where I'd made the instructions generic to cover both paths) might have confused some people.


I can also sort of see where gogo's coming from with the idea of pathing through specific alignment quests but I will always argue that any quest you can take no matter what your alignment is a 'common' quest, regardless of whether a few of the steps or the resolution etc. are different. The 'semi' exception to that is the mixed chain quests, but within those it's the quests that make up the chain that differ, rather than differences within quests themselves.


Maybe we should aim to get a few more examples of shadow/light differences to shared quests (so far we have three - TG 'Unpack', Dryad 'In Accordance with Nature' and Dryad 'Pastures New'?) and then look at whether they're all really minor differences (dialogue/logbook only, such as Pastures New), mild differences (some stages, NPCs living/dying, such as Unpack and In Accordance with Nature) or major differences (same title, same objective, everything else different, off the top of my head Through the Wall would be an example, although not a good one in this particular case!). I'm happy to work on cranking out the info for the Shadow Warrior and High Elf so we've got more info to chew over.


The key thing to remember is - the wiki isn't set in stone :D

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Through the Wall is part of the main campaign. That one does need to have separate pages because the main quests are quite different for each path.


I do think it may be possible to do the side quests as both ZGold and I have described. I will go with what the admins decide, this is just my thinking on the issue.

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If you want an example of a shared quest with a big difference, then look at Orpheus. On the Light side you take a lady into the catacombs to find her husband, and then go kill Orpheus the guy thats keeping him down there, then escape. On the Dark side, instead of killing Orpheus you help him by killing the man and lady.

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If you want an example of a shared quest with a big difference, then look at Orpheus. On the Light side you take a lady into the catacombs to find her husband, and then go kill Orpheus the guy thats keeping him down there, then escape. On the Dark side, instead of killing Orpheus you help him by killing the man and lady.


Sorry Slayer, you're categorically wrong there. Orpheus and also The Sick Hermit are somewhat unique in that they allow you to choose whether to end the quest one way or the other. In Orpheus you can choose to accept Orpheus' quest (Orpheus Himself) and kill the lady and her husband, or you can decline it (Changing Sides) and kill Orpheus instead. In the Sick Hermit you can choose to accept the Herb Woman's offer of gold for the herbs, or you can decline and take the cure back to the hermit instead. At least, that was how it was set up in 2.34, whether it's changed by 2.40...but I doubt it.


To a degree the tutorial damage types quest Burn Skeletons, Burn! is similar, as you get to choose whether or not the Kobold lives...although in the end it doesn't make much difference what choice you make as the kobold will try to backstab you anyway if you let him live.



As far as Through the Wall goes, I know it's a campaign quest - that's why I said it was a bad example. I just couldn't think of anything else off the top of my head that does vary that much without being a campaign quest.



Edit: I've checked The Sick Hermit - that still lets you choose either path on a Seraphim at least. Info is now up on the wiki.

Edited by ZGold
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Added quest info on: Annoying Little Kobold Shamans, Corn Circles, Disturbance of the Peace and Orpheus (The Lover, Orpheus Himself, Changing Sides). Will be adding more later.


Does anyone have any input on the way I've done the Orpheus chain? I've tried to make it as clear as possible about the dialogue choice between the first of the chain quests and the second of the chain quests, and whilst technically it should probably go at the start of both Orpheus Himself and Changing Sides, I think it's better at the end of The Lover, since I think most people will want to know their options before they get stuck with one or the other.

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Does anyone have any input on the way I've done the Orpheus chain? I've tried to make it as clear as possible about the dialogue choice between the first of the chain quests and the second of the chain quests, and whilst technically it should probably go at the start of both Orpheus Himself and Changing Sides, I think it's better at the end of The Lover, since I think most people will want to know their options before they get stuck with one or the other.



Looks good the way you have it, as it gives the reader an insight to both paths so they can make a better choice

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Does anyone have any input on the way I've done the Orpheus chain? I've tried to make it as clear as possible about the dialogue choice between the first of the chain quests and the second of the chain quests, and whilst technically it should probably go at the start of both Orpheus Himself and Changing Sides, I think it's better at the end of The Lover, since I think most people will want to know their options before they get stuck with one or the other.



Looks good the way you have it, as it gives the reader an insight to both paths so they can make a better choice


Good, that's what I was aiming for :D


Added quest info on: The Hunter Camp (Boar Skins, The Boar, Secure Shipment), The Tortured Soul, The Stray Cat, and Sinister Figures.


Target of 20 quests reached :):)

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Does anyone have any input on the way I've done the Orpheus chain? I've tried to make it as clear as possible about the dialogue choice between the first of the chain quests and the second of the chain quests, and whilst technically it should probably go at the start of both Orpheus Himself and Changing Sides, I think it's better at the end of The Lover, since I think most people will want to know their options before they get stuck with one or the other.



Looks good the way you have it, as it gives the reader an insight to both paths so they can make a better choice


Good, that's what I was aiming for :D


Added quest info on: The Hunter Camp (Boar Skins, The Boar, Secure Shipment), The Tortured Soul, The Stray Cat, and Sinister Figures.


Target of 20 quests reached :woot::lol:



WooHoo! Great work ZGold. I have barely had time to play the last week or so. Life gets so crazy sometimes. One of the reasons to have a guide is so that people can have the information to make the choices so I do think the way you set it up is good.

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Minor edit to the Blue Chain section of the chain quests page so that the links point to the Class Specific side quests page where the blue chain quests are listed. As a result the two pages Sacred 2:Dryad Blue Chain Quest and Sacred 2: High Elf Blue Chain Quest need deleting.


Also added a non-blue chain section to the Class Specific side quests page. It probably doesn't look as pretty as it could (rush job before work), and it might want to go after the blue chain section rather than before, but I think it needs to be there somewhere.

Edited by ZGold
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Added quest info for the shadow chain Powers in Noriath's Corner (Message to the Troops, The Mutated Black Bear, The High Nobility's Spy).


Nice work.

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Minor edit to the Blue Chain section of the chain quests page so that the links point to the Class Specific side quests page where the blue chain quests are listed. As a result the two pages Sacred 2:Dryad Blue Chain Quest and Sacred 2: High Elf Blue Chain Quest need deleting.


Also added a non-blue chain section to the Class Specific side quests page. It probably doesn't look as pretty as it could (rush job before work), and it might want to go after the blue chain section rather than before, but I think it needs to be there somewhere.



Very nice work. I had a wonderful time reading through the new adventures of Ancariaites courtesy of the guides.


Thank you ZGold, we can look at editing those pages now as well.





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It's been a busy past week. I bought and downloaded a half-dozen new games. Played one to completion... twice (Defense Grid). So I have been side tracked for awhile. But before that I downloaded and evaluated a half-dozen video editors and chose Cyberlink PowerDirector. I captured dozens of movies of the Moldered Skeleton Mage and edited several. It takes hours of trying just to capture the right video... I was unhappy with all of the results and a little discouraged but I will share them here. Also, while I had completed the code for the Moldered Skeleton Champion and Moldered Skeleton Mage, I only just added them to the wiki.


Now for the movie. First I found that PhotoBucket transforms any movie type to FLV. Furthermore, the transform process clipped the end of the movie. The link is also kind of hideous. Hell playing the video is not even intuitive and seems to require a separate player. Am I doing something wrong? Why won't it play in the browser?


After all that time, I am so dissapointed in the Original MPG.


Here is the PhotoBucket FLV. th_mSM_LOL.jpg

Edited by RasterOps
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It's been a busy past week. I bought and downloaded a half-dozen new games. Played one to completion... twice (Defense Grid). So I have been side tracked for awhile. But before that I downloaded and evaluated a half-dozen video editors and chose Cyberlink PowerDirector. I captured dozens of movies of the Moldered Skeleton Mage and edited several. It takes hours of trying just to capture the right video... I was unhappy with all of the results and a little discouraged but I will share them here. Also, while I had completed the code for the Moldered Skeleton Champion and Moldered Skeleton Mage, I only just added them to the wiki.


Now for the movie. First I found that PhotoBucket transforms any movie type to FLV. Furthermore, the transform process clipped the end of the movie. The link is also kind of hideous. Hell playing the video is not even intuitive and seems to require a separate player. Am I doing something wrong? Why won't it play in the browser?


After all that time, I am so dissapointed in the Original MPG.


Here is the PhotoBucket FLV. th_mSM_LOL.jpg


Awesome - I usually play zoomed right out, so I miss things like that.


On a slight side note, where the damage/defence types don't match for an enemy (between what's displayed on their health bar and what's displayed in your record of opponents defeated), which shows the correct types?

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  • The title was changed to SacredWiki Back OnLine! - DarkMatters and SacredWiki Updates

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