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Everything posted by gogoblender

  1. Just did some reading on msg...fascinating! Taken from: http://www.glutamate.org/media/glutamate.htm The First Steps At the beginning of the twentieth century, Professor Kikunae Ikeda of Tokyo Imperial University was thinking about the taste of food: "There is a taste which is common to asparagus, tomatoes, cheese and meat but which is not one of the four well-known tastes of sweet, sour, bitter and salty." It was in 1907 that Professor Ikeda started his experiments to identify what the source of this distinctive taste was. He knew that it was present in the "broth" made from kombu (a type of seaweed) found in traditional Japanese cuisine. Starting with a tremendous quantity of kombu broth, he succeeded in extracting crystals of glutamic acid (or glutamate). Glutamate is an amino acid, and is a building block of protein. Professor Ikeda found that glutamate had a distinctive taste, different from sweet, sour, bitter and salty, and he named it "umami". 100 grams of dried kombu contain about 1 gram of glutamate. A New Product Professor Ikeda decided to make a seasoning using his newly-isolated glutamate. To be used as seasoning, glutamate had to have some of the same physical characteristics which are found, for example, in sugar and salt: it had to be easily soluble in water but neither absorb humidity nor solidify. Professor Ikeda found that monosodium glutamate had good storage properties and a strong umami or savoury taste. It turned out to be an ideal seasoning. Because monosodium glutamate has no smell or specific texture of its own, it can be used in many different dishes where it naturally enhances the original flavor of the food. gogo p.s. yeah yeah I know it's spin..but isn't it so interesting? I'm just happy I have no adverse reactions to the stuff. It's not as coarse in my throat as salt...and boy does it ever taste good!
  2. The first Alien was possibly one of the scariest movies ever made. It was the first time I'd seen something coming out of a human. Enough to set me up with nightmares long afterward. Nice one there Frosty. And yeah....Exorcist... still scary. gogo
  3. oooh, imbibing...yes, let's all imbibe to Zinsho's welcome! *scampers off to meet up with Gene, Zinsho and the rest at the bar* gogo
  4. wow All of you have beautiful families. Warm fuzzy feeling! Thanks for sharing, all of you! gogo
  5. Seductive, I'm so happy you made it back! We missed ya! Settle back in and rest easy, you're back home with the gang! gogo
  6. very sketchy alliance very I wouldn't mind running an ops with them...they're certainly as nervy and plucky as we can be. I don't think I'd be happy with an alliance with anyone else at this point. The word Alliance comes with so much weight and ultimately responsibilities...and work! We're a very respected, classy group of people...I honestly believe that while we could use pawz firepower to marvellous effect...running ops with them would just as easily emulate all of the benefits of an alliance...but with none of the problems. gogo
  7. I love it It's got a grounded feel (and yeah Claire...parchment!). Really builds in on an intimate feeling and gets our wiki away from traditional wiki's which have so much whitespace and feel too spacey and are hard on the eyes. When the wiki's ready to go public, we're gonna have a gem on our hands. Great work Schot gogo
  8. Fantastic! I love the new software already gogo
  9. Welcome to Clan D.a.r.k Sacred, Zinsho! And not just Sacred...but it looks like you've got a great bearing on ogame as well. Have fun with the team, and...are you paying for drinks? gogo
  10. Ahhh, Nightwolfe...the rollercoaster of life...it's those down days that really make you appreciate it when the sun's shining extra hard, and the sky seems a little bluer. Just listen to your child's laughter and those clouds will disappear fast. gogo
  11. Go for it blade. The forums here are a kind of Switzerland...open to anyone posting hits regarding anything. Looking forward to reading it. gogo
  12. zomg! loooooooooool...my mom could have written that! Where do mom's get all this stuff from...secret mommy's handbook? gogo
  13. Nihilith, this is the uni 33 pickup thread here: http://darkmatters.org/forums/index.php?sh...ic=5831&hl= I know that Yaga is playing and he's also a uni 9 Game Captain. What you can do is either post on that thread of send him a pm to see how those guys are set up. Have fun! gogo
  14. A great guide for anyone who wants to get their hands on the icon set. As noted, so many different ways of getting them, but Csaszar, you (lol, as usual) did the abc's of getting them very quickly with little fuss. Good job gogo
  15. yucky dirty sponge...this is where we put em... gogo
  16. Congraulations Funki! Wednesday Night Partying! Print a pic and frame it! gogo
  17. I love them...Schot you're brilliant for getting the new prog up so fast. And money well spent. I'll do some some work on the permission to allow all fellowship to get into the wiki without a sweat as well. We're making headway! gogo
  18. Sitting around in my boxers by the computer THE best way! Did you do a good deed today? gogo
  19. And y'all know what happens to sheep on the boards huh... gogo
  20. Who do these guys know? gogo
  21. Happy Birthday Mister Toretster! Toret, I hope you got tons of books for the bday...and lots of gifteez that come in bottles. ^^ Best of wishes friend...makes a year and a half for you here on the site...and one of the most regular word game posters! gogo
  22. The Favicon looks fantastic! Nice work mister...keep goin! gogo
  23. This is a General Discussion Forum for everyone that's working on the wiki whether as an Editor or Contributor. This is the place to post and chat about your latest contributions, ideas to bounce off of others or...just show off something seksi you've added. If you have questions or suggestions, please don't hesitate to post. The Wiki has only been going for about a week now, and new software is being installed, a new skin, and templates being created. The Wiki's framework is mostly in place , and there are lots of places to add content: 1-Great CA images that will inspire others to use the CA in the build. 2-Filling in of the Armor and Set Item Templates. 3-Good Character Descriptions with insight that only you're able to give. ^^ 4-Any other submissions regarding Patches, Maps, and anything else you see on the index that hasn't been filled in yet and is looking for a friendly writer. Please make sure to read the Wikki Stikkies in this forum before venturing forth with your edits or additions, and most important of all.. Have fun! A warm welcome to everyone working on the WiKi! gogo
  24. Ike's guides rock! And nihilith, a bunch of the guys JUST started playing in uni 33. I'm not sure who's heading it up...bhj or yaga? In new uni's there's tons of players and tons of potential victims. Uni nine is quiet, so it's got that for plus...and if you get in trouble, there's always one of us to help you out. Enjoy the game and the reads! gogo
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