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Everything posted by wolfie2kX

  1. Yeah.. He grew a brass pair when he told 'em "no".. Thinking the guys will be wanting to give him a beating - but I think Red will come to the rescue somehow. Probably when she hears him screaming in agony.. I think Ruby's conversation with him was the turning point. The real question - what will be the ramifications of it all? Will this get our bullies expelled? Or get them into serious trouble? Will Jaune be found out? and will he get expelled? SO many burning questions..! Such short episodes...! GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! :cha (18):
  2. Yes fans, it's THURSDAY! And that means a new episode of RWBY..! And yes, fans, there's plenty of blackmail going on. Right up until... Well... I'll let you see it for yourself... On the down side, it's another short episode with a cliffhanger just when stuff is about to get really interesting.. GAAAAH!
  3. What can I say.. I used to live with a trained chef.. Taught me a lot about foods and the like.
  4. No.. Turnips are not considered cruciferous. Cruciferous literally means "like a crucifix" and vegetables that fit this description would be things like any of the following: Celery Lettuce (all varieties) Cabbage (all varieties) Brussels Sprouts Bok Choy (baby and normal varieties) Basically - any leafy or stalky vegetable that has leaves/stalks that alternate mostly north/south with east/west... The turnip plant produces distinct two crops - turnip roots and turnip greens. Turnips roots are like potato, carrot, parsnip, celeriac (celery root) and so forth.
  5. Agreed!! Why bother with the pretense of the contest then in the first place?
  6. Why plan? You get there when you get there... A lot of this will have to do with your play style. For a single player game the end game is to kill the 4 nameless guardians. Defeat them and you can move onto the next level of difficulty.
  7. I have.. They're a lot like potatoes when boiled and mashed. I find it hard to tell the difference actually. Doubt it. Various greens - turnip, mustard and the like were predominantly the cuisine of the slaves here in the U.S.. And it wouldn't have been Texas. You'd have to go further east - Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, and so forth. Texas, at that time, belonged to Mexico. The plantation owners would get the "good" stuff - namely the root vegetables, the slaves would get the leftovers - in other words, the greens. The cooks of the day had to be super creative with what they were given to work with. They couldn't do the same sort of "high end" foods the plantation owners were having as they weren't allowed to have it or be given any. So they did their own thing - turnip greens, fried chicken, red beans and rice - all classic soul food offerings - all of these came from that era. And also, I'm thinking the turnips you find here in the US are more likely the English variety as they have a very mellow flavor. Damn it.. Now you got me hungry!
  8. You can also do a multiplayer game and level up - in a multiplayer environment.. You can't take a single player character and transfer them to multiplayer and vice versa.. But yes, that's the general idea - you kill things, do quests, etc.. and get XP for that. Get enough XP and you gain a level.
  9. Yah.. Like Chattius was saying - they cook like spuds.. And yes, turnip greens are a bit of a delicacy in the southern US... Sauté them with a bit of salt, butter, garlic and BACON and you got yourself some soul food...
  10. Feh.. No imagination.. Ah well. We tried to come up with something more creative but they seem to have taken the safe road.
  11. Looks nice - tho I can see a few items that need a fix.. Area of Effect - should read: ...affects MULTIPLE enemies in range. There are two listings for TG - Temple Guardian OS has a typo.. Only 2 U's in usually - not 3.
  12. Can't find it online..? Try AMAZON.. Or Steam. Both have the full game - $20 all day long...
  13. Er... Thinking he's already got enough brain damage.. As for him cheating - that would actually make perfect sense given his utter lack of readiness... Ruby may have gotten there 2 yrs ahead of schedule, but she was, at least, prepared and knew what to expect. Jaune - not so much. Like when they were shot off the cliff... Ruby at least had a clue as to what to do. Jaune didn't seem to have the vaguest idea about what to expect - as if he never even went to the kind of school Ruby was going to back in the first episode. On top of being clueless, he's also delusional if he thinks he doesn't need help. A wise man knows when to STFU and accept help and tutoring and whatever else to improve his skills. Especially when it comes from a smokin' hottie who's itching to spend some quality time with him... He wants to be the hero.. Fine.. Take her help and build them skills and get with the program. He should also take the old saying to heart... The one about "Behind every great man..."
  14. Ya know, there's probably a very good reason why you've never played the Predator dude in any game before... It's got to do with that "ripping the skulls out yourself" bit - a wee tad too graphic for the masses and ratings people. Think about it for a moment, Sacred 2 doesn't exactly have a lot of super violent graphics, nudity, nasty language, and it STILL managed to get an "M for Mature" rating.
  15. Um.. But there ARE trophies in the game.. and SKULL trophies even. You need Alchemy to use them..
  16. For me - and that experiment - all of oh.. an hour to get everything together... I did say it was twinked.. I personally don't shoot for 200. I rarely go beyond Gold. as by that time, I'm bored silly... Much more interesting building a new one.. 200, however, is max... And that is why I went with the level 200 character set. If you're going to go extremes, might as well go all the way.
  17. I got your "boop" here... And now you can too.. ROFL..
  18. Ultimate shopper a Dragon Mage..? You'd think a Seraphim with the full Mutation set and sockets crammed full of the best +x bargaining necklaces and rings would be it - as a.) Seraphim have more armor parts and b.) therefore more sockets to cram full of goodies. A long while back I actually twinked one together using the blank level 200 character set and got some seriously insane bargaining levels... (somewhere in the 900's, iirc..) And there is the rub - the Dragon Mage never got himself a Mutation set as he wasn't part of the original game. That said, the DM could do good as a shopper, but maybe not quite an ultimate shopper.
  19. IIRC, there is a bug with Dragon mages and combos - you can't change them once you've got them made.. it's entirely possible there may be other issues with it as well.
  20. Ok.. It's not completely dead. Neither is landline phone service. But it's fading fast. Let's be honest, times are tough. People have fewer dollars to spend. Sure... There are still some out there who have more $$ than sense. But I think those are fewer and further between. From Forbes Blizzard's Titan 'Unlikely' To Be A Subscription-Based MMO Apparently, other game makers are taking this into consideration? I'm surprised by this as well gogo Maybe so. I got my info from Wikipedia. They might have gotten it from the same source. I wouldn't say Windows is in any danger of becoming extinct just yet. Yes, there are new fangled devices - Android, iOS and so forth - but none of them are capable of running a full blown game like Sacred 2. Certainly NOT at the level of detail you would find on the desktop. That means if you're a gamer, you NEED Windows. Sure, you can MAYBE get a game to work under Linux using WINE, but that, more often than not is a major ordeal unto itself. Few, if any developers are doing much with the OS given it really has very few in the way of mainstream users compared to Windows and OSX... And speaking of OSX - there aren't many game ports that will work on that OS either. The market for that is also fairly small.
  21. The top and 3rd pics are topics found in the Easter Egg section of the Wiki... The top pic of the bus stop is an ode to Forrest Gump and the 3rd one only appears on the screen if you're playing on the dark side. If you hover your cursor over the box on the bench, you'll find it's a box of chocolates... After all, "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get." The Mad Scientist's house with the Vitruvian man is also documented as an Easter Egg.. And Robb - rest easy, there are only a very few bus benches in all of Ancaria. There's one on the northern road heading west from Griffinborough, another one in Whisperwood, and the last one is on Northland/Christmas Island... Why there? NO idea.
  22. As far as I can see, there are only 5 ways to actually launch an on line game and have it work. Three of them involve making money.. 1.) Pay for the game, Pay to be online (WoW) 2.) Free game, Pay to Play 3.) Free game, Pay to Win (Wartune) 4.) Pay for game, Free to Play (Sacred 2 like game) 5.) Completely Free game (PoE) I'm thinking in this day and age, 1 is dead, 2 may be on its way out, 3 is the current trend and 4... Well, We know what happened to Ascaron. 5 is the one that mystifies me as to how they can make money. About the only way I think the devs can make any is to pass the hat periodically requesting donations. Btw... This Blizzard game - Titan - it doesn't seem to be on their current roadmap. The only games listed there are Heartstone - which appears to be a Yugioh clone - a card game based on WoW characters. This Titan project is listed on Wikipedia as being "reassessed as to which direction it's going to go" which likely means "we didn't like where the project was going and it was costing far too much money, so we've moved everyone off the project and put it on the shelf." Or... "It's been cancelled."
  23. Or you can check out this page on the Sacred Wiki.. There's an ice elf with a light-whip...
  24. True enough... Ice Elves in the northeastern part of the Ancaria campaign.. Near where you'd find the white twin dragons...
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