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Everything posted by Stormwing

  1. D-Molisher: Believe or not, those screenies harassed myself into trying this one out. Only just getting to learn the ropes atm, but already getting kinda excited. ^^ Guess this'll get me over the disapointment D3 made. Kinda makes me wonder why I didn't get in earlier. xD
  2. Here's hoping for a great day, Epox! Congratz! Mind you, I'm only couple of years behind. Oh, where does the time fly...
  3. You know what strange things can happen when exposed too long for T-Energy... Ancarian equivalent for nuclear powa.
  4. Gogo: I guess. At least none of the other RPGs I've played sported readable tombstones and such. Hoping to see them return. And while hoping, I might as well crank my brains to get a few witty suggestions.
  5. Aegis: Playing perma-Vamp in original Sacred had it's quirks. Didn't delve into her that much, but that certainly was a change of pace. And too bad the DM's transformations were kinda borked in Sacred 2... Gotta echo you folks there, some were-creature or whatever would be nice to see. And basically whatever made the most unorthodox builds possible.
  6. Wolfie: Umm, it's just a beginning of a brand new, long time period. Or that's the most recent interpretation I've heard of the matter. And about the timeframe, I might be totally, utterly and reversably wrong, but I guess they might've been working with Sacred 3 for well over 3 years. To what extent, it's hard to say, but I'm sure to keep the positive hopes high.
  7. Well, that pic gives me some hopes. And I guess it would be nice to get to know that thing better, using a modest arsenal of weapons, that is. Not too exited about the side-scroller, but could be nice snack or something.
  8. Heya there, Maurice. Nice to see the officials around here too. Could really echo Chameleon and Steve there. Really hoping the game's gonna actually be on our HDs instead of servers and only having client. That would certainly limit moddability and such. Personally I'd like to see this one as moddable, as that's really gonna expand the lifespan of a game. And surely would see some that Steam's only one option. I personally wouldn't mind at all, but as it stands, quite many do.
  9. Aaaawyeah! Also great to hear it's not a MMO. Never got into 'em personally. Here's hoping it'll be another great ARPG in the glorious footprints of the predecessors. ^^ Currently bashing mobs with my Coup-Elf on Sacred 2.
  10. Wolfie: Don't we all? Sure thing, it's kinda confusing with all the numbers and very little differences. If one's not getting the most high-end cards at the moment, one's bound to swamp into so many options. That was painfully obvious when I was hunting a good replacement for friend's system. Well, hopefully you'll find a dencent one, whichever the decision is.
  11. Well, no personal experiences here, either, but if I looked correctly from Passmark, that's not even high-end nowadays. Cheap, maybe, but quite toothles, tbh... Ygdrad's quite right about the 550 ti. If you gat the dough, I'd suggest leaping to it. More power to the gaming, one might say, eh?
  12. You're right. Sigils are totally new thing added by CM-crew. Not quite an easter egg, but a nice idea. As it was discovered that one could get the set bonuses from the non-active relic holders slots too, so it would be possible to gain advantage from me than 3 slots at the time. Or something along those lines. If memory serves, there was better description on the CM-thread.
  13. Stubbie: Considered gettin one of those keybs a way back but was just too expensive for my budget. The LED-screen would be quite nice to have, but all those macro buttons would be quite useless to me... Still, it's very good keyboard. Had to use one at friend's. Epox: Customizable LED-display at the bottom? Well, kinda original idea from the makers of Sensei, if nothing else.
  14. Stormwing

    Ipad 3

    Nice to hear you're enjoying you gadget, Steve. I've considered get a tablet few times, as it's more handy than laptop, when you're just lazin' somewhere, especially when tabletop's off. Mebbe I'll get one, when I get annoyed browsing web with a smart phone. Won't get Ipad though, I just ain't comfy with Apple's products, but each to their own, I guess.
  15. Oh, just knew it's something along these lines... But still, great find, Hunter! Guess I'll be searching him, whenever I plunge into Ancaria with a shadow char. Haven't seen this one, as I've never been very thorough with the few dark chars I've made.
  16. Gogs: There's Eine Kleine Nachtmusik by Mozart, or it could just be the synonym of serenade. Theuns: That cake looks really gorgeus, and nice flavouring with the chocolate liquer. ^^
  17. Wouldn't mind multiplatform, if it would really work. Had a blast with friend couple weeks ago when we marathoned Portal 2's co-op with pc and ps3. Although something like Sacred would surely be harder to pull out. Like lujate said, something along those lines is much appreciated.
  18. ^ Indeed, really hoping for a good continuation to previous Sacreds, in one way or other. IMHO, there's plenty of MMOs already. And since getting somewhat dissapointed with D3, this would be a blissful news indeed. DB: Perhaps both a SP-orientated and MMO? Guess that'd really be a win-win situation.
  19. Used to fiddle around with the first ones way, way back, when my comp couldn't handle much else. Remember it bogging down when the city got somewhat (too) big. Those were the days... Guess I don't quite have the attention span for this genre anymore. Sure, I can spend hours grinding with King's Bounty and the likes. Guess I'll try the demo, if one's aviable, for the sake of the old times.
  20. I also DLd the pdf when the Sacred Citadel was there. Still has it somewhere on my hd. Although, I try not to get my hopes too high...
  21. siddham: I'm afraid fixed life leech is only option for staves of any sorts.And that by socketing. Can't really remember, but mostly random ones spawn with magic-orientated stats, obviously. The Unique ones have little more variety. All in all, you can get everything that's aviable on rings and ammies. Staff one is a viable build and you could add Staff Lore for some shooting, if you want. Mind you, it's only for normal attacks, as DM doesn't have weapon-CAs. There's few threads here and there talking about staff shooters. Most destructive, and also broken, being staff-shooter Dryad. It's a nice enough build, but can get a bit boring, and one might miss some loot due to insane kill range. Edit: Well, Dave beat me to it. There's a nice, solid build. I'm using one as a test dummy. RoP really bumps your defense up, so it's a nice enough buff, along with Familiar. Kinda momentarily broke his skills, as I forgot Swords are a second tier for DM. Atm, at level 50, hit rate seems discouragingly low, might need to fix it with few Whets or something until I get to 65 to finally get the Swords up..
  22. Dave: Thanks for reminding that. I really forgot about that quest already... Spent some time shopping with couple of top-notch shoppers and no sabers. Now I have at least one to work out with. At least until I get to use the one from Epic Office. About %LL; haven't seen it of hafted either, apart from Kal'Dur, obviously. Could be that those hand blades tagged as hafted could possibly have it, as I've seen them on sword ones. Quite rare though.
  23. So far I've managed with my LX-8 mouse, so no personal experiences from those. Guess I'd vouch for Logitech, as I've been personally very satisfied with their products. (sporting with K120 keyb atm, for instance) But, not being exactly a hardcore(st) gamer, I'm easily satisfied. FWIW, that Roccat looks really wicked. Oh, and a sidenote, kone is Finnish word for machine, what coincidence.
  24. Well, with fully buffed up char and goodie saber enemies will melt away. Though might take some time to come up with a good saber, if not lucky. The long Epic Office gives nice saber as reward, when CM-patch is in use, or some serious shopping. Guess I'll take a stroll with my DM into Ancaria today. Just to check the saber build once again.
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