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Legend Aadil

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Everything posted by Legend Aadil

  1. The meteor rain is only with the community patch, but has much too high regeneration time. It's called 'Armageddon'
  2. Wow, this is interesting. Erm, so level 200 has all available skills and difficulties? For the person to choose?
  3. Isn't looking great. First time I think I've experienced a memory problem! My screen crashed, well not the screen, I don't know what happened. The game froze BUT I could still move about, use combat arts or potions or attack things using the cursor, it just didn't move on screen or anything! I pressed ctrl+alt+delete, and tried clicking back on Sacred 2, then this memory problem appeared, well I don't know what it is! All colours went weird, and I print screened it fortunately, quickly did it into paint before restarting the PC. It's happened once before, but the application error has never appeared! Will 2GB stop this? Or how do I prevent these screen crashes, or break points?
  4. Male and female is of course a decent idea. Special mounts - Standard... Classes for characters I'm not sure about, as each character is specialised and it's combat arts drastically effect it. You wouldn't want Dryads Combat Arts with a melee based Dryad. Rather than adding character classes, just add more characters would do I guess. Inventory can't be too large, as limiting the inventory is part of the process of clearing it out regularly and making sure you see any items that are rare which you may have missed out.
  5. The allignment is definitely a great suggestion! Simple but very effective!
  6. I have 1GB ram only. It's difficult at times. I set priority of CPU to highest... I cancel out all other applications as much as possible, and it's ok sometimes, but then after a while, the game starts to slow more and more and eventually is like a near freeze with every movement taking 20 seconds or so. Will increasing GB in my case be good?
  7. Dragon Mage isn't overpowered. It was underpowered which was the problem. So they've changed it. Every character has unique strengths. The regeneration for that meteor spell is high.
  8. Does this mean you have unselected the option which takes regeneration from other aspects? And individually wait for the recharging times rather than waiting. So while you wait for Dragon Strike to recharge, you use the next aspect's spell?
  9. Thanks for that, much appreciated. I haven't got a shopper, as I've only mainly played DM so far =/. What do you mean with the combos? If you choose it once you can't change it?
  10. I'm playing pure mentalist Dragon Mage, but Concentration and Mentalism Focus isn't enough to keep regeneration times low if I want to eat more runes in the combat arts. How do people even get 1 second regenerations? It's difficult, I'm around Level 15 now, and using Mind Strike, Psychic Hammer and Energy Blaze mainly (latest community patch). Any recommendations on how to get regeneration times really low?
  11. How's your performance? With 2GB, did you lag severely or only occasionally? Because I'm only upgrading from 1GB TO 2!
  12. Did you see a massive performance improvement? They're around £20 each, 1GB sticks.
  13. This is great. For your second buff, what would you recommend? And when starting out, how would you get the regeneration times low as soon as possible? I'm a pure mentalist. I've got the community patch though, where the 'Combat trance' is replaced with 'physic hammer' And eternal fire has been upgraded a bit better, and the Dragon Berserk has been changed totally, what do you think on this? Also, do you use both buffs at once? What level would you have it at from rune eating? So at level 10 - what level would you recommend the buff to be? level 5? level 20 - level 10? level 50 - level 25? etc
  14. How did you manage to re-move the character?
  15. Seraphim Dryad High Elf (HE) Shadow Warrior (SW) Temple Guardian (TG) Inquisitor Dragon Mage (DM) Which is actually the best overall character? Characters measured by power, consistency, fun to play, best survival, all of them put together plus your own opinions to see which is the best overall character? Then the other poll is based on pure power - fast kills, great at destroying large swarms of enemies, or quick scale boss slaying. Get your arguments here! I'm interested! I've only played the Dragon Mage so far, so my view is extremely biased, but I am sure this topic will influence my next character choice.
  16. Have you fixed the problem yet? Unfrozen?
  17. It's for all characters, including Dragon Mage. No more patches will be coming out. And in the final patch, it hasn't been fixed. So you can't fix that. Just keep clicking on journal, it's only required when you load up the game. This bug isn't as bad as others. Just be grateful :L.
  18. What patch do you have? Do you have the expansion? When did this start happening? Can you remember what item or event caused this to start?
  19. I'd recommend using a mount. Mounts prevent stuff. I used a unique mount to destroy colossus. He doesn't use many combat arts at all against me. Because I used protector familiar, and they aid me in combat, 2 of them, absorb all damage, unkillable. You can hardly get knocked back, and that boss isn't hard individually. Try using a mount for bosses. It ruins your game style, but, much better than being unable to get past that stage of the game. It shouldn't crash then.
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