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Everything posted by Flix

  1. Hello! Correct, English and French languages only. For now.
  2. Glad you got it. I have only a rudimentary grasp on what I'm doing with 3D models, and I don't have Blender, just 3DSmax. So I'm not much help.
  3. Wheeeeeeeeeeee... Big Head Mode... that's what we did the Secret Agent Build video in! thanks for the share Bezlonir, I also added some words into your title for this thread so it documents better when google references it for people searching for Sacred 2 Mods gogo How have I never watched this. My life is now complete.
  4. Time for me to look into one of the Stash mods (why are there so many?). Filled up the shared stash easily, since unique and legendary drops in this game are so much more generous than Titan Quest, and I feel compelled to save them all. If I ever make a Vitality build I think he'll be set for life, it seems like every unique in this game drops with Vitality bonuses. After testing the latest patch these last few days it seems the bugs were ironed out and I guess I can forgive the defensive Devotion nerfs. It looks like they reduced enemy damage so you don't NEED the defensive devotions so desperately to survive. So despite losing health and resistances, I don't feel any more squishy in Ultimate.
  5. I think this is all you need: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwXXP3Exg5v4UDVVYnBicnNlYVk/view?usp=sharing
  6. Yeah it did feel kind of like a cheat being able to buy dynamite from Isaiah Reddan. Especially since some players might have killed him. But this patch... broken shadows, audio channels reversed, Nemesis bosses stopped spawning, bugged stat requirements for items, this patch is just a giant buggy mess, even putting aside all my nerfed Devotions. I'm going to have to stop playing until they undo this mess and do something else with my spare time. Read a book or something I guess.
  7. It's gorgeous. Draws your eye to it and complements the gold Wiki link next to it.
  8. Yeah, it's been reported. Marcus seems baffled at what could have caused it. Pretty much everyone seems to get it with CM 150. Luckily it's a totally benign bug. You can still pick up the Hunting Fever quest at the proper place and time and successfully complete it.
  9. I hate this patch. So much good things but massive nerfs to all the Devotions that were keeping my character alive. Lost 1000's of hitpoints and -20% on average to most resists. Not to mention Physique requirements for some items were changed making them unusable now.
  10. Some day I'm going to go to Canada and eat that stuff. Is it like piping hot or cold? I'd think it would be hot, but then the cheese should be melting?
  11. Well said. Sacred games are a special thing. I especially agree about offline play. I understand Path of Exile being online, it was always intended as such and it's free anyway, but D3 alienated a lot of fans by being an online game. Not everyone has connections that can support that, myself included. It's even more bitter as the console versions don't require you to be online. I'm understanding more and more of what you're saying about things being mercilessly "balanced" while I watched Grim Dawn be developed. They didn't mess up the game by any means, but time and time again, some strong combination of skills and gear would be discovered and nerfed. Constant player feedback during the entire development cycle is a double-edged sword. Of course people who followed "super cool power build" and downloaded the legendary sets would find things in Ultimate difficulty too easy.
  12. Thanks for keeping this map alive. I can't imagine all the work put into making it.
  13. You don't necessarily have to choose between defense and offense when it comes to skills, because if you're overly strong in damage, that frees you up to make up defense with item modifiers. From my own experience I'd take Combat Discipline for the regen time and damage bonus. But it works the other way too. What makes things interesting is the unlockable Shield Lore skills, as Androdion mentioned. If you're that well protected by skills and unlockable modifiers you might be able to focus on gearing towards pushing down regen time and damage bonuses instead. You misread. That applies to consoles only.
  14. Hello and welcome aboard!
  15. Hello! This mod requires the CM Patch actually. It's written on the file download page but I guess I should put that in the thread too.
  16. Hello! 1. I'd follow the campaign, yeah. It does a good job of steadily moving you through each region sequentially. Feel free to branch out and hit some side quests. Some of the chain quests are fun and rewarding, as well as the mini-boss "quests" (I.e., "go kill that thing"). 2. Forging using the Smith NPC is pretty much indispensable. If you mean taking the Blacksmithing skill yourself, eh... it's alright. It's the same as using the Smith, except you have more freedom in what items can go in which sockets, and it gives better values for the bonuses, and after mastery a chance to remove a socketed item without destroying the other socketed items. And of course it's free since you're doing the smithing yourself. I usually save the expansion areas for the end of the campaign. They can be initiated whenever, all you have to do is sail there from a port. The main quest and the character class quests are really the only things affected by Light/Shadow path. I don't know if the class-specific quests are even available in multiplayer.
  17. Get hyped! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CuH3tJPiP-U We're in uncharted territory here. Aside from a couple scenes with Cersei and Jaime (which look to be completely different anyway), the show has moved past the books into its own realm. No clue what's in store...
  18. Welcome to 2 years ago? lol. You know they have some hype when people who never even played the franchise get excited about part 3. For the record, I thought it was an excellent game, and looking forward to the last expansion for it. Oh, and my favorite TW3 trailer is "A Night to Remember" You get bronze, silver, and gold talent points. You're basically given free reign to level up whichever area(s) you want. I like to stick to putting points in his attributes before specializing in any signs or sword styles. Does this help?
  19. Haha yeah. You rescue the chicken from the cult. There's also an enemy harpy that looks like a hen. This quest is ridiculous in the best way.
  20. I draw the line right after hitting SHIFT+Click to move an item from one container to another.
  21. Yeah I died at the same place last night! I actually made it to the 3rd and final level, thinking I had beaten it after the 2nd. Got swarmed and killed right after the entrance portal. That place is the ultimate challenge dungeon. I'm loving the drop rate for uniques. It's so much more generous than Titan Quest. I love how there's a good reason to push on and keep developing your character after beating Normal/Veteran difficulty, with high level skills, faction reputation tiers to unlock, and more devotion shrines to find.
  22. Yeah, that's all well and good, until you want to move a collection of rings and amulets from the player stash to the shared stash. I can't applaud tedium for its own sake. It really has nothing to do with hand-holding or dumbing down of games.
  23. I'm not worried so much about attack rating as the attack speed penalty. You'll be slow as molasses.
  24. I'd take Concentration and Sword Lore/Hafted Lore personally.
  25. I think that would be thrilling. Plus you can just stash the gear for later.
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