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Everything posted by Indy13

  1. Because at one point set & forget will turn into forget to set.
  2. Lol, cool one, though a bit old. Lets see, last time I've run it was in december 2004, or so the files say. Got 3 more chars at the same level...
  3. Mmmh, awesome. I'll chose number 5 as well, it just has a really "fast" feel attached to it.
  4. Fahrenheit confuses me. Anyway, to keep on topic, there are like 38C here in the shade at the moment. Argh!!
  5. aww. But if don't feel like playing anymore that's ok. However its your duty to continue posting on our forum, especially all those cool links you keep finding.
  6. Ah, another old face hehe. Hey there Akky, welcome to our nice, warm, and completely wacky corner on the internet.
  7. Claymore episode 13 Blue-eyed blong girls, swordfigthing, monsters, blood, gore and gratuitous dismemberment of bodies. In other words, awesome.
  8. I already posted it, check the thread, nyuh nyuh. As for making stage6 videos work, on the page where they are there's a share video option. Click on it and two lines of code should appear. Copy the one for standard embed code and paste it somewhere. In it there should be a html link like this: http://video.stage6.com/1181241/.divx put that in your post and place the following tags arround it (without the spaces): [ divx] [ /divx]
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqFOB77jLaE Don't click this untill you've watched the video
  10. Wooo, gratz Therion. So how long did it take to get it to 216?
  11. Haha, I know!! The song is stuck on my mind for a week and it wont go away. Everyone I've sent it to now hates me for the same reason, this song is impossible to resist to. Also here's something special for you gogo, since I know how much you like stuff like this: CLICK HERE TO RECEIVE FINAL BLOW
  12. ------- Now some more brain damage for you guys, though not as much as the previous one. Azumanga Daiou weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
  13. Owch. That sucks, losing so many resources and troops. =/ But you know about the espionage part, maybe the guy was secretly monitoring you in your offline periods, sending spys and disbanding them after if he didn't found anything. That way there was no way for him to get caught, unless his spies get captured attempting to infiltrate. All this to lead you into a false state of security. =/
  14. Nice cake, looks really delicious. As well as really funny (in a comical way) with those frogs on top.
  15. Oh wow, I remember the parmaviolets thread on the SIF. Hey Simon and welcome to Dark. Another SIFer to join our friendly community.
  16. Nice description you did there myles. The show looks interesting, though I wonder if I'd be able to watch it. I might be a bit too "old" for it. Oh well, I might give it a try once and watch a few episodes and see how it goes. While I enjoyed Samurai X and Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop was one of the shows I didn't really like. This might be strange, since this anime is considered as having one of the best soundtracks ever, but it was actually the music that spoiled the entertainment for me. Jazz and rock and roll are definetly not compatible with me. Same goes for blues which also had the effect of making the anime feel as if it's going really slow. Ah, Initial D. Yupp, really cool anime if you like the idea of street racing (well, actually this would be the only anime about street racing, but it's well made nevertheless ). However of the Initial D series I've only watched First Stage, so there's still Second and Third Stage before I get to Fourth. Well, you know that whether this kind of sites are legal or not is very controversial and as I said in the first post I will be refraining from having links to full episodes in this thread (openings/endings/amvs are on the other hand) so uhm yeah, I would prefer that you removed the link. If someone watching this thread wants to get a hold of an anime they will find a way, they don't need it to be pointed out, or at least not in everyone's view. Hope you'll understand, no hard feelings.
  17. Ooooh, happy birthday!! Drink lots and have fun!
  18. Err, I know it as being used to make tea. One that has the purpose of treating lack of appetite. It works, but tastes awful.
  19. Haha, interesting gifts you received there. Nice.
  20. Haha, cool. Though I never liked paper cases, they make me feel as if my cds are alwas vulnerable to external damage. I prefer using slim cases.
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