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Everything posted by Rotluchs

  1. Okay, well I was thinking to start a new thread since it should be clear now that multi instancing is possible, however I'm searching for a way that allows for better multi boxing, meaning I'd like to do more than just filling up servers for better experience or trading with my own accounts here's the character-setup I was thinking of, up to that point its clear: either some veiled shadow warriors with 4 buffed skeletons each, or energy shields using temple guardians - Area of Effect (charged grid+fiery/icy ember).. I only got one PC/mouse/keyboard/monitor at the moment, so I will end up in trying to send inputs from 1 mouse/1 keyboard to all/specific exe instances/accounts (for the start, I'll use 2-3, later 5-6) meaning I will have to use tools like http://www.autohotkey.com/ and/or http://www.solidice.com/keyclone/ or http://synergy2.sourceforge.net/ or http://www.lavishsoft.com/joomla/index.php...=2&Itemid=2 or http://www.lavishsoft.com/wiki/index.php/I...Boxer#Downloads ..these tools I found on this wow related multi-boxer forum: http://www.dual-boxing.com/forums.php other infos about multi-boxing: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi-boxing http://www.wowwiki.com/Multiboxing >>>>omg.. look at THIS, thats SICK ^^<<<< since I see no way (do any of you?) of making a useful macro that would allow alts to follow up the main in sacred 2 (and I cant just send the mouseinput to all exe's, chars would be stuck somewhere in ancaria after few seconds) , only thing I could imagine to make the others port over to the main as fast/often and make their combat arts/buffs beeing triggered/activated after x seconds or on keyboard-input.. but, how? now that's where its getting difficult.. Greetings RL
  2. IMPORTANT INFO FOR WAY BETTER FPS PERFORMANCE WITH MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS LOGGED IN ON SAME PC: in addition to the info above: dont forget to set the -nocpubinding parameter for your sacred 2 desktop shortcut(s) , it really helps a lot.. had forgotten it when I was writing my post above, just remembered it now, and it gives a drastically fps increase trying out 6 accounts simultaneously atm.. user inputs from keyboard now lag more than before, but still... lets see... tbc
  3. hmm, well.. I think I have read somewhere else something about EP.. afaik/iirc it was: ''EP only gives a direct %boost to MF for chests barrels etc.. (the green value in skill-tooltip)'' ''EP does not add the %MF value shown in skill-tooltip to the other global mf% value shown in char-overview (the green one from skill tooltip is for chests etc only)'' ''EP (and subsequently, higher EP lvls) however DOES increase the value of %MF item-mods.. (the blue ones, unlocked by EP once u pick that skill)'' cant remember the rest of it atm and dont wanna mess it up with a incorrect translation of whatever I 'think' I 'might' be still able to rephrase/depict.. also, I cant say wheter the above is correct/incorrect.. what I can tell, is that from my own experience at least is, that I wasnt able to feel a major difference in quality+quantity of monster drops with or without EP (and no MF items unlocked by EP) but ofc, its nice to get a real high MF% value with the help of 'EP unlocked items' .. eg., my level 200 dryad has smth like 490%MF in total on her MF test-suit atm (global yellow tooltip) but, again.. I wasnt able yet to feel much difference between ~100% MF or ~500% mf , maybe its capped or just doesnt matter that much (considering that my kill speed drastically dropped when trying to equip 'as much MF as possible' .. which means 'as much MF as possible ISN'T the best choice always if at all, in any case) as long as your kill speed or requirements in defence arent affected/decreased too much, adding MF however is always a nice thing to try out...
  4. well, for my smiths I havent planned to ever waste more than 75 hard points even before I started em.. unlock master tier.. easy to get rest from equip, what do I have all my shopping chars for if not +all skillz eg. btw I will have to abuse this online-now thread in a very brutal way.. : offline-right-now bbl RL
  5. uh hehe.. well if you want me to smith res or dmg% then, just PM me ingame.. look for sessions/charnames with Lynx as prefix... however sometimes I can't receive msg's on all 3 acc's due to the fact im online with em on the same machine.. not all chars are connected to lobby on occasion.. for max dmg% possible to forge/smith with smith-skillz, iiirc/afaik you have to be at least level 176 with smith-skill 250.. in fact the max available smith-skill values are bound to charlvl and higher values are locked/capped @ smithlvl = charlvl*1,25 +1 ... what I mean is.. a level 140 char in niob will get the max value he could forge (~41,xx% or so.) if he has a smith skill of ~176 at least (140*1,25) even a level 140 niob char with a lets say 360 smith skill won't see a higher value for the smith-skills he can forge into sockets than with 176 pts (it's kinda similar to the armor lore thingy, it can allow you to wear items +25% higher than charlvl max.. its also charlvl*1,25 then)
  6. online since this morning, completed gold campaign ending up @ level 45 ... doing platin today, bosses are hard to do for me now, takes ages to kill em.. you're always welcome to drop in and kill one or the other for me right now, im heading into orcish territory so octagolamus tentacle thingy is gonna be the next one.. PS, @ dmo.. I dont have a high level niobium smith yet, unfortunately (but am working on it, my TG is 'already' level 4 ..but completing plat camp light mode with the SW first before starting to level the smith/trader TG) ..max dmg I can forge with my level 200 dryad (without smith, ofc hehe..) is ~37,5% but guess this wont be good enough for you?
  7. time to play! working on the light-campaign in gold with my level 40 SW , pushing my other 2 chars thru, to complete another 2 low level niobium traders.. someday.. atm I'm @ chapter VI, 1g.... yah, right doing the miasma's right now, takes such an awfully long time... usually u find me on custom server session when im campaigning - always with Lynx as prefix...
  8. Hi Knuckles, happy birthday, time for celebration cheers ! hope you have a great time...
  9. Hi all, first of, Knuckles.. im sorry to hear that, I wish you the best and hope your back will get better soon ! I had also some problems with my spine, one of the first vertebras (I think its the lumbar vertebra) ... gave me a hard time.. after a 6week therapy and muscular training fortunately it got better.. (training+instructions for daily live+work / fango / massage / electrotherapy) you really dont have to worry about clan campaigning right now, we all understand... you have all my already , you did an insane great job ... now it's time for you to step back for a while , its darn high time (I already started to think you could be some sort a programmable walking talking bot that likes to chat weired stuff and drink beer.. or stuff... and I know they dont call you Knuckles at home^^ but maybe, Bender..) besides, I started my TG and SW already, and doing silver campaign right now myself... its quite slow but thats no problem (will get faster) so maybe soon, I can take over Knuckle's shift if anyone needs...
  10. also, at the beginning mounts level faster than the character (if you fight mounted most of the time) ... so, it could be that very 'soon' your mount will have 10 lvls more than you have*, which has this result: if you buy a special aspect mount in bronze at level 1, iirc it has something like +50% all regen times and -33%aspect regen time... when you hit lets say level 60, maybe your mount is already (lets say) level 70 ... then you have +66% all regen times and -33%ascpect regen time (as the yellow mod is static) which means if the mount is too high in level u get a penalty when using it just like if the armor you want to equip is higher than your max ilvl u can wear w/ out penalty atm. to lower that penalty the armor parts may give you, u choose armor lore... and afaik 'riding' does partially the same thing for mounts, as it increases the max level of mounts u can 'use' (without extra penalty) plus decreasing the global regen times..... if u have it high enough it will decrease global regen times untill u even get a small bonus for that aspect (when +all regen% drops under the static -33%aspect regen) *however, as the max horse level (if you level by riding it) is capped @ hlvl 201 ... so if your char lvls further, the level difference is decreasing again instead increasing (this might happen earlier, im not sure atm) uh.. one more example this time with accurate values as it is my level 200 dryad : dryad clvl 200 mount level 201 riding skill without items 79 >> horse-Combat Arts +240,5% / max horse level 252 / mount speed + 16% >>resulting mount stats: +14,6%all regen / -33%aspect regen / +40%max HP / +37,5%defense with riding skill 107 (sry cant test atm with my +1k all skills equip, the other dryad is using it) >> skill: horse-Combat Arts +322,8% / speed +21,5% >> horse: +11,8%all regen /rest same
  11. Kat now knows the secret.... uhmm.. after hitting level 200 with my char myself some time ago, I can tell : there definitely IS ''no cow level'' afterwards Nah.. I know many secrets too, like ''what lies beneath the shadow of my couch ?'' and im willing to share, now that I hoovered there with the vacuum cleaner.. ''it is something that I LOST there.. '' oh and no, I donno the 'secret' Rhino is talking about.. or do I? Chrona! ..do I... **annoyed (performing) rant** Greetings , RL edit: and congrats to level 200 Kat, nice job im sick of following you with my accounts anyway, it was high time u finished nah, serious: welcome to the 'old guys' ... btw.. cya in silver, maybe.. soon
  12. Hi Knuckles, it's high time you're gonna take a break from campaigning, before you're so exhausted you dont wanna do it never EVER again ^^ nah hehe: I do have a few chars left, as I told you last time, at least one of them is planned to become a campaign runner also - so maybe I could take over the next few 'shifts' soon I will try to complete silver myself so I would only need gold+plat ... if you need any +sight% rings/amus for your big SW or other socketables one can buy for AD$* - let me know (1st shopper clvl200 - 2nd shopper clvl176soon - 3rd shopper clvl35 - a level 60 and maybe 100/140 one are also planned before I stop making bargainers) in total, I would have around 2 - 4 chars that would need gold+plat .. possible time-frames for the rest of this week: 1.july 14.00-24.00 2+3.july 16.00-22.00 and weekends 4+5.july 8.00-24.00 (*ancarian dollars, the official currency... there are also EP - elven pounds - but only AD is accepted as general payment everywhere.. especially in orc lands, they love real printed cash as their local currency still is teeth + shrunken eyes (instead of glass pearls) that they collect from their prey.. actual currency exchange rates: 1 AD = 0,8548 EP 1 AD = 135,8206 OT (1orcish tooth = 50 orcish glass pearl) Greetings , RL
  13. Hi all, first off: one can still find +all CA* amulets in current version 2.4 (*that means all, also spells,and all aspects>the yellow mod) but: at some point, and I dont know when, they seem to stop appearing... ''by saying so, im thinking of my level 200 bargain dryad that has barg maxed by hard points (200) + items ending up in a total of currently bargain=1047 unfortunately I missed paying attention on when +CA amulets stopped appearing @ the trader+'rune master' NPC's.. but my 200 dryad with the above stats 'definitely' cant find them anymore.. by saying so I only mean I havent found them for weeks/months, spending almost/more time shopping the isle+outpost traders rly fast even longer than it took lvling from 1-200... still, I cant say ''they're missing'' for sure, who knows what (if anything at all) would change if I had barg @ ~1200 (6x charlvl)** **I would need all help I could get for this to ever happen, meaning like another 15 +30 all skill amulets but what I'm primarily asking you today is: What is the highest charlvl you have found +all CA amulets @ any NPC in sacred2 version 2.4 @ CLOSED net ? (please post only if you're 100% sure it has in this version and not before patch) also, feel free to post your bargain level your char found it/them with (hardpoints+items), as well as the item's stats + level , or even a pic the highest char I found +CA amulets in 2.40 currently is: 141(523) niob dryad : ilvl 150 +CA 11 , ilvl 153 amu +ASK* 21 / ilvl 145 amu +ASK 11 , ilvl 145 ring +ASK 10 *all skills.. if u prefer any other acro/shortcut lemme know so, only higher charlvls and/or item stats are of interest for me right now IN ADDITION: WHAT I'D ALSO LIKE TO KNOW IS - WHAT IS THE MAX VALUE FOR +ALL SKILLS ON AMUS*/OR RINGS @ ANY CERTAIN GIVEN CHARLVL ? .see above list, red text (for amus distinguish: normal bonus and 'doubled' bonus.. for instance, 16 vs 30 both @ charlvl 200) oh btw if you are curious whats the max item level you can equip @ a certain char level , remember the chart somewhere on wiki and/or the max bonus armor lore is able to give (25%) , so that would be: max equipable item level = charlvl*1,25 or, the other way round: if you have a item of a certain level and you wanna know when you could wear it: desired charlvl for item = item level *0,8 € NOTE: ..I forgot that above formula is only for item level without penalty.. Greetings, RL
  14. ..when it comes to max amount of possible gold-sockets for slotting in double-bonused +all skill amulets there might be better classes, like seraphim + even dryad... for over-all max possible +bargain gear on items in total .. (+all skills,barg or general skills) hard to say... I admit I havent tried to find that out yet, good question... €: there also might be differences between charclasses regarding who finds what stuff more often @ same barg level + char level... I said, there might.. that is just a silly assumption of lil me, how could I..
  15. Hi all, and thx to Knuckles, who did a bit more than half the silver campaign for me and my chars, again.. Knuckles, I hope you back gets better soon, take a rest !! PS: I also had to leave todays session for now, I got multiple phone-calls with kinda disturbing news: my grandmother - after she's been @ home for a few weeks now - is in hospital, again.. she got fever/ague suddenly last week, and her complete condition still rapidly gets worse each week.. today my sister spoke to her on phone, and my elder brother visited her in hospital too.. she didnt recognized them, neither my bro nor my sis... shes getting more and more disoriented/confused now very fast. also, my father got ill early this week, I think its understandable that he caught this cold much more easily than he would have normally, now with all that stress @ work and @ home... he doesnt complain (much, if ever) but no doubt its a difficult time for all of us now, especially for him and my mother who has been looking after granny for the most of the time now since she fell and broke her leg few months ago.. we all had time enough the last years to think about what it will be like when 'the day' gets closer and closer... before it 'happens' one would think you can prepare, but its gonna be hard for all of us anyway, I really dont know yet how ill react although I tried to 'brace myself'..not sure if its the right thing to do or let it all out when it happens.. I will see and listen to my heart.. so: for the next days/weeks im asking for your all understanding, if I should ever feel like leaving the servers in a abrupt manner... I have mixed feelings right now, sometimes have the urge to get some distraction from RL, then all in a sudden I feel like taking a few minutes 'going deep into my self', thinking about this and that.. stuff.. you know.. life, everything... however, I still see all the other positive things around me, no need to worry about me Greetings, RL
  16. you can even use one location only, the fastest method to reset a trade/combomaster/smith NPC** however sure works best @ human outpost (if not occupied already (good thing also: shopping@HO...shouldn't influence the level of mobs outside this dungeon, so u wont endanger yourself/others) **go to human outpost and browse the NPC's gear > once done click the portal, hit your 'F12' 'isle'-key (mapped to F12 by default - maybe you have to zoom in for it to work properly) then quickly hit the HO portal again before the portal-map disappears.. this will end up in your char porting to isle but instantly moving back to HO (or any other portal you choose) leading in a reset of any 'lootable' NPC's in the portal-area. other (possible/by trend/but maybe not so safe) good locations: Ruka (dungeon-reset) Hissil'ta (portal-reset) Isle (portal or dungeon-reset) Thylysium - in the middle eg., where the combomaster+trader are (dungeon-reset) Khorum (dungeon-reset) windswept fortress (portal-reset) Na'Fian (portal-reset) ..and a few more..
  17. wee, tyvm Knuckles for dropping in unexpectedly and on such a short-notice it was another pretty fast rush-thru platin, as always I assume.. awesome. people, this guy could need an extra-reward, and I should mention it for the next patch also (if we see any) ..post your suggestions what it should be called and how to achieve it.. (or, mabe a new unique item like ''Knuckles lucent knickers of slippy-ness'' (+20%viewing range and +20%running speed) Greetings RL
  18. Hi all, I know it's a little short-notice , but I'm currently trying to complete the Platin Campaign on closed-net (eu) servers, light-mode.. however, I found my low level chars way too small to finish plat, so I'm stuck with a bunch of chars that want to be pushed through platin mode, so they would be able to shop for any new toons in niob.. besides my own chars, im also logging in with some of my friend's toons... now, I have thought about this: I will stay ingame as long as possible for the next few days, moving my chars every 50 minutes so they wont be kicked-off server.. if any of you want to help me out you can log on anytime and do some parts of the campaign, you won't need to do the whole thing at once this way.. (and, this way I/we could disburden Knuckles a little, maybe ) eventually, I/we are able to complete the plat campaign and there'll be a few more low level bargainers that could help out shopping low level stuff for new toons if anyone needs it.. (made a low dryad, in addition to my high-level shopper) Cu around PS: the campaign-server session im on @ usually is named smth like this: [D.a.r.k]&(DA) Campaigning ..or smth similar, always using the 2 Tags as prefix.. for the next few days untill sunday, I dont have any preferred primetime, the time-window im usually able to be online however is: 12.00 - 23.00pm GMT+1 (+/- a few hrs perhaps) Greetings RL
  19. That's interesting, has it been confirmed? I dont know.. I also might just gotten crazy and my mind is playing tricks on me after shopping in niob @ same charlvl for almost as long as leveling up from 1 to 200.. but feel free to test for yourself, or ask around.. you may as well start a small extra topic (or add to existing ones) about stuff related to bargaining & personal player experience ... heck, I feel like asking if it was possible to get a full niobium 16player server, with an empty isle + outpost so we could do some checks to my experience I got more +30 all skill amulets more often if there were other players ingame, as well as the weapons with max sockets and nice stats. (alone, it was only +27 most of the time for double bonus all skill amus, or eg. only +15 on rings instead max 16) I bet at least chrona would be up for this, few others too..
  20. got 3 accounts, 1 pc.. running them for multiple purpose, as followed: single account: for any 'dangerous' tasks, boss hunting, party play etc.. testing new difficulties once unlocked dual account playing: for muling level-grinding... playing with all 3 accounts: where my fps are quite ok to play fluently with 2 accs logged in, you can notice the rapid fps drop. still ok for: shopping (gettin better drops more often the more players are on same server) filling up servers playing 'passively' => chatting and letting others profit from the experience gain environment/setup: running windows 7 RC 64bit all drivers/necessary software packs/redists up to date 1 windows account 2 hard disks (on 1st, system partition and a separate part with a Sacred 2 root/install folder copy - 2nd contains the original installation) page file disabled how I start up sacred when logging in with all 3 accounts: 2x from 2nd HD 1x from 1st HD memory usage: with 2 accounts on isle, one trading : ~43-60% cpu usage: ~80% avg gfx gpu+memory usage: unsure, will add later (looking for a nice nvidia monitoring tool) fps with 1 acc: to be filled in later fps with 2 acc: -"- fps with 3 acc: -"- stability: for the last days, very good (some crashes on relogging/exiting the game) system: Pentium Dual Core ''Wolfdale'' 45nm (physically a Core2Duo with limited cache etc) E5200 8 Gig DDR2 800Mhz RAM Geforce 260 896Mb Ram (old 65nm version) Asus P5Q Creative Audigy 2 ZS PCI 2x WD 640GB Blue 7200rpm sata sacred settings: no custom settings besides camera angle texture qual: minimum shadows: off Render details: med surface detail: very low effects: med grass: lowest physx: off res: 1440x900 windowed AA: off vsynx: on music: off speech: off comments: never listening pos: mixed speaker#: 5.1 obstacles/obstructions: no change vol on zoom: no 2D/3D: 100 player fx to center: no openal: no hope that helps a little greetings RL hint to start Sacred 2 up multiple times: start first instance, wait for main screen. start 2nd instance, wait and DO not get impatient alt-tabbing or else... wait for 2nd instances main screen as well.. now u should able to switch them via alt-tabbing or choosing from task bar same procedure for logging on servers, starting session and leaving them: always complete procedure for one instance at a time, dont do both simultaneusly if you do (at least if I do) you may crash far more often
  21. Thank you for running Gold for my and my friends characters Knuckles it has been super-awesome-fast (compared to my 3hrs50min^^) I dont know how long it exactly took as I forgot to activate my stopwatch at the very beginning but I think it wasnt more than 2,5hrs (stopped 2:16:32)
  22. not quite sure if there's a min clvl, but my level 5 trader (max gold atm tho) is finding them already, and I think even @ level 2 I found some.. there comes a point tho, where +all CA amulets will be missing @ shops, I planned to find out this time when/why.. I didnt payed attention last time and my high level niob trader cant find them anymore at all. (I still have some in chest from pre 2.4 patch, but they are around level 170-180 and I dont remember if it was the lvls I made or the patch.. happend around the same time back then.. ..but as I have spoken to some players with bargainers ~clvl 140, I believe its the patch which still leaves open where the level cap exactly is..) for the +all skill amulets: amulets can have 'doubled' stats, so when at a certain point 'usually' you get max +3 on them, you 'could' get +6 but its very rare.. same for deathblow for instance and some other 'yellow' mods
  23. thx Knuckles.. 2pm GTM(UTC) should be fine, btw what are your iG char names for the gold + platin campaign runner(s) ? greetings RL
  24. Hello all, im terribly sorry I couldnt make it ingame today argh ! I had to leave and visit my parents after I got an urgent call from my father this afternoon: 2 month ago my (almost) 93 year old grandmother tumbled in her own flat and broke her 'neck of femur' / thig-bone? (I hope the dic got that right) until to this accident she was still dressing herself alone, she made her own lunch prepared tea... however her physical constitution was decreasing constantly in the past few years and somehow we all saw 'the day' coming.. Now, my father is re-arranging a room in my parents house at the moment as our dear granny is coming out of hospital next week, moving in (for now - retirement home rly is our last option if all is getting too much of a burden for my parents and us children to handle) Long story short, I had to help him with the hospital bed he bought, and moving stuff... Knuckles, I see you are doing another Gold+Platin run tomorrow on Sunday? I hope this time I'll be able to go online - will show up with the 1st char at least, or even the 2nd one (simultaneously, taking up 2/5 spots if there is room left) Well, I'll go and see for my chars now online anyways Greetings RL
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