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Everything posted by Rotluchs

  1. well, I thought it was time to start a thread where everybody could list items he/she is looking for, or any kind of stuff you may have found, and willing to share it with other players if you don't need it so, I just start right away: elite-items, offering for free ofc: grab 'em while they're hot - when my stash is full, I have to purge it, meaning selling stuff to the NPC traders or giving it away to whoever is currently in the same town-instance... 1h- hammer mstrg124, orange 51-100basedmg +5firedmg +15electricdmg +11vit +27%damagebon 16%stun14sec ...etc 1h-spear mdex128, orange 20-113basedmg +14icedmg +11poisondmg +26maxlife +46%electricres ..etc helmet mstrg110, orange 4%dmgreflect +19luck +56AR +6%critchance +12manaregen/min 37%fireres ..etc 1h-wand mwis108, orange 42-51basedmg +15icedmg +13poisondmg +10dmgbonus +32maxmana ..etc elite-items I'm looking for: +9luck (or better) shirt +18luck (or better) shoulder with mrequ wis 1-xxx (even better but not 100% necessary: if it had xx luck AND xx life leech) +6 up to +20(or better) luck helmet mwis 1-xxx (and if possible, with xx life leech) +14luck cape (or better) mwis 1-xxx +14luck amulet (with either xx%crit , %dmgbon , %critdmgbon , best as always would be all of those stats) normal-items I'm looking for: any good +luck stuff with mdex (and if possible, +xx% life leech or +xx%dmg-bonus,critchance,critdmg or such.. best ofc if all-in-1 )
  2. online soon, in about half an hour, gonna do epics + cc.. my meteor will hit at least 42 tonight Greetings RL (PS.: looking for someone with some dex stuff or cash left in normal, started a new gatgeteer there.. meteor pyro sure is in elite)
  3. +4) yeah but next and really big high-level penalty is around 160/180 in niob, as a matter of fact 100-140 in platin can be very fast +5) it gives only a small bonus, hard to notice at all.. if it's even still there.. if, then the threshold is around 20-25% WD +6) sure, unless your dwarf is attack or mh based eg. +7) the max dmg that you can suffer from when hit by a niob golem is ~15-17k afaik. so be prepared and have your HP boosted high enough, when they launch their special CA, you could be hit by 3x of that dmg-output. very very high Def is the better strategy against them IMHO than very very high magic resistance. best was both ofc but the most important to survive is as always: you have to be able to take out multiple monsters as fast as possible. also watch out for life leech gear, and better remove your split-mods from your equip when you're unsure if you could handle that. if you plan a char that could handle niob VoT easily, getting the benefit of drastically higher experience but you're new to sacred, and planning a new toon, you may want to try first: PM dark elf , BFG seraphim , TB/CoA wood elf , various Daemoness builds.. etc. 8) if you either dont want to go VoT or if you can't, good alternative leveling-places are: GF (ghost forest) , OC (orc cave) , SD (spider desert) , or some of those smaller undead-caves with loads of ghouls eg. 9) in every situation, playing 'succesfully' in niob (and other difficulties) depends on how fast you can kill your enemies, and not how high your def/res is... once you deal enough dmg, then you could start on your def/res, but see for your killspeed first
  4. stopped playing sacred few months ago, but before that, I played Niob only.. as a matter of fact I always tried to get asap up to there, as in bronze.. well.. forgive me but sometimes there are too many yerks there than I could stand, and I level too fast anyway hehe. I bet that I spend ~80% of my total online-time in platin+niob, after ~15 lvl216 understandable I think.. however, the last one took me less than 10hours to get there iirc (max level ofc, not niob.. arrived there after 4hrs or so ) Greetings RL (PS.: maybe I drop in for a visit soon, just to see who of you's still there but doubt it very much as I would have to find my DVD again, first.. it's .. heck.. lost, somewhere ...)
  5. its' with an ''_'' between the Podgier and the Bear, right? just added Podgie_Bear and hope thats you then btw, I'm down to 3 toons, again: Acc: bobcat Rufus-A (Bloodletter, Dervish+ , currently clvl 20) Bobcat-D (Pyromancer, Meteor+ , currently clvl 34) Rotluchs-A (Gadgeteer, Piercing Barrage+? , atm clvl 21) Greetings RL
  6. alright could you check if the following are still/already in the guild? (im sure the bldl isn't, as I restarted him yesterday) Acc: bobcat Rufus-A (Bloodletter, Dervish+ , currently clvl 20) Bobcat-D (Pyromancer, Meteor+ , currently clvl 34) Rotluchs-A (Gadgeteer, Piercing Barrage+? , atm clvl 21) Greetings RL
  7. online, doing zivia-runs like mad to get my very first level 30 toon done (my meteor pyro, Bobcat-D )
  8. No, I'm afraid it won't.. normal members like the others and me are only allowed to edit own posts for 24 hours or so. don't ask me why it is still this way, and you don't wanna know how often I poked gogo about this for eg. (I'll check some old posts of mine right away hehe.. but last time I did, I still couldn't edit them)
  9. very well, I'll start off right away: (btw, we should post about this circuitous guild-invitation system on the mythos beta-forum.. http://ww2.mythos.com/mythostavern/ ALL chars that may be created in the future should be automatically added to the guild, it SHOULD be possible to recruite some sort of Guild Officers who can also invite others, and non-guild members SHOULD be able to send a invite-REQUEST themselves, so invitations would work the reverse way too (if the officer/leader grants the invitation next time he gets it) ID: bobcat (ingame) Rotluchs (forum) Chars: none that have to be added atm, for details see the player-name listing thread: http://darkmatters.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=6151 btw, maybe it's the best that new players or new toons are listed in only one thread, and if they wish to be added to the guild they could announce that with posting their new toons... (to prevent having 2 incomplete lists of player/char-names) just imho, ofc Greetings RL edit: just started a new thread on the mythos-board over here: http://ww2.mythos.com/mythostavern/showthread.php?t=13442
  10. also in addition to keep ones system up-to-date fresh and clean, it's also possible to tool a bit around with the gfx settings for your board (eg, catalyst for ati, detonator for nvidia) or directly in the config/settings of sacred itself. turning off FSAA/AA (all) and disabling the catalys A.I feature (for ati boards) could help with gfx glitches and maybe also crashes.. the Microsoft QoS Manager could also be deactivated/deinstalled without any further risk in most cases and might help with the sacred-network performance. but, the very best thing one can do to get rid of (imho) 99% of all crashes would be: using the unofficial sacred UW patch 2.29.13 ... unfortunately only available for the German version of the game ....* *and this will remain to be this way untill there are people willingly to get in contact with Sacred Vault for all the infos needed and then try to 'recompile'** or 'assemble'*** the stuff for the english version too. (**,*** unfortunately I'm no programmer nor anything near to it, really dont know how you may call it^^) so far, I don't remember much what else you could try out, but I'm sure the followers might have another good idea or a few.. Greetings RL
  11. I'm not sure when I'll be home today, since I'm out to celebrate my mother's 50th birthday if I can manage it, then I'll drop in anyway when I'm home again to see who's already or still there.. (~18:00-20:00 GMT+1 maybe) so long, happy hunting Greetings James ps: except for us DA & D.A.R.K guys and other sacred_refugees, it's understandable why this party-thingy isn't that popular atm: there's no real benefit in it, experience bonus in groups doesn't work properly, you also don't really get the feeling that there are better droprates when teaming up... but, I for one still enjoy teaming up, just for easier team-chat (when players aren't in the guild yet) and sure also for kicking some monsters a***s together
  12. you hardware should be more than enough.. I mean.. I'm running Mythos here on this config: Intel P4 506 2,66Ghz 512 MB Ram Intel Onboard Graphics GMA900 (shared Ram-Memory 56-120Mb) Onboard Sound Mythos running @ 1024*768 windowed mode all eye-candy off (no FSAA, AF or such) ping is ~200 here too, fps ~10-20 (for me, it's still playable.. I just can't stand the freeze-bugs, where your screen+user-input locks up for several seconds. but as you said, users with many different hardware configs get this too, from low to high end.. Prob seems to be Mythos itself) what settings are you running Mythos at? Maybe, you should try some lower settings too, and make sure to kill all unecessary background applications before running Mythos..
  13. sry to hear that.. well, I'm also quite far away myself too, living in&playing from Austria here... (but ping+fps in general is okay, I only have some abnormal freezes quite often too.. but I doubt it's the bad connection.. more like a hardware-compatibility prob.. Mythos seems to have quite some problems with all those different types of CPU cores out there) btw, what's your Hardware-Config, and what type of I-net-connection do you have? maybe, we can figure out how to boost things a bit up..
  14. I think, its clear now.. almost all Sacred-Players I've met so far, have decided play Mythos-Elite(non-HC) for now. (I for myself moved from normal to elite a few weeks ago, Csas and Jimmy kinda.. bribed me ) for HC, Mythos is a bit too laggy+unbalanced atm.. Greetings, RL
  15. playing Elite-Only now, no more normal chars... all toons are named Rotluchs , Bobcat or Rufus now, but have an additional suffix depending on how many times I restarted the same build : eg.: Rotluchs-C Rufus-C Bobcat-D and so on... so far, havent played the same build more than 4 times, so there's no Rotluchs-D Gatgeteer yet for example.. (atm, I only 3rd and 4th Generation-Chars, so try the names with -C or - D ) Greetings, RL
  16. Recently, all mythos-players received a couple of new invitations.. Infos can be found directly on the Main-Page: http://www.mythos.com/ (just log in with your account, and check whether you have still some invites left or not) Have Fun, if you're interested in beta-testing Mythos - just let us active players know Greetings RL
  17. ..when it's done (guess no one could know atm, not even the devs or producers) if I had to guess, I'd say - maybe - spring or sommer 2008? before Sacred 2 of course.. RL
  18. From this thread: http://ww2.mythos.com/mythostavern/showthread.php?t=11420
  19. ah ok so... how do I get that? first, you need an invitation-code/link for Mythos. those keys/links are delivered by email and can only be used once for setting up a new ingame+HP+forum account (to get one, ask other mythos players, on game-related boards, in the mythos IRC channel.. your just read >>THIS thread<<: you could also use our shared mythos account) download the game-client on the Mythos Hompepage after loggin in on the main-site (ingame-account and homepage nick+PW are the same forum must be different) install+run Mythos afterwards, make sure that Mythos isnt blocked by any software firewall. no extra-ports are needed, just inbound/outbound traffic must be granted. use the same login-data for loggin in onto the mythos server as for the Mythos-Mainpage where you downloaded the client
  20. I may join you for half an hour or so
  21. The Servers+Forums are up again, however - as announced - it was only for maintenance reasons, no new patch so far.. (imho, they also released the last Dec. patch way too fast looks like they were rushing things just for the comm.. always a bad thing, cause good things take their time to mature ) we'll see what the next patch will bring to us.. the Devs have already started the new 'almost a kinda blog - thread' after returning from their well earned x-mas/new year holiday.. with quite some infos about the new bugfix-update. Greetings RL
  22. Hi, I played a Marksman gtgt using piercing barrage as primary skill in the pre-patch build.. now after the patch, a lot as changed and I was wondering what the skill-progress might be if you'd spend some points to especially those skills: Seeking Shot and Napalm ... (that is, because I dont want to pick piercing barrage again, already tried that.. sure is working fine, but id like smth different now..) Maybe, Csas could post some skill-tree/tier screens of his elite-Marksman? Gratz btw, he's almost level 40 by now Greetings, RL
  23. hi csas, hehe - I expected something like this already, after talking to you ingame about some guids.. info's quite accurate, very nice also for rookies beeing new in the mythos-world really something one could work with you know, I haven't got any toon with a clvl higher than 21^^ but tried a few cinder pyros myself too, and they're working fine so far.. especially the cinder build is optimal for people who havent tried anything yet - a build for a quick start into the game.. and quite tolerable too.. I picked almost the same skills myself, but so far I spec wis only (clvl 13 only, though..) it's just another variation, because of those bugged 1h swords with no minlvl requirements maybe even the easier one (so far, imho) because of pushing wis only for the first 10-15 levels, you have quite enough manareserves soon to quit drinking mana pots all over the time... but I will start to specc strg only soon, for the better weapons on high level. (its hard to find very good 2handed staffs with wis mrequ only, so I wield 2 1h mrequless swords atm, and will switch to 2 1handed strg mrqu weapons later. I'm really not sure what the really optimal way would be (if there is one^^) but so far, both variations are working (wis first or strg first) in the end, you just have to make sure you could wear both highlvl strg gear and maybe wis gear.. as you said already, it almost doesnt matter that much what attribute you push for the first levels as long as you put enough points into it to give you access to highlvl gear that might be waiting for your char already Greetings RL
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