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Everything posted by podgie_bear

  1. I can't say that I am honestly a great fan of country music, but the song that always brings me to tears is Willie Nelson singing 'You were always on my mind'. It makes me think of lost opportunities that can never be reclaimed.
  2. Hey guys and gals, I tried that MedianXL mod for Diablo:LoD that 'Little Faith' posted and it is great! I honestly haven't had as so much fun since the original Sacred came out. Only been playing it for a couple of days now but it is really addictive, if you liked Diablo then you will love this. My Assassin is running around spamming poison novas and decimating the opposition. She is also supported by a whole flock (10) vampire bats and what my companion Rogue can do with her bow and Guard Arrow towers has to be seen to be believed! I would greatly recommend that you have a look at this mod or you just will not know what you are missing!
  3. Oh yeah! I still dream about my little Gremlin Gadgeteer, running around killing everything in sight with twin pistols. You're right about using the same environments over and over, but that was forgivable considering the upgradable options available, such as smithing, etc and especially since it was still in beta.
  4. Oh please, please, please let it be the new Mythos and be free to play online!
  5. Although I play Morrowind, Oblivion and Hellgate:London, I am still playing Sacred Underworld. I still haven't exhausted all the possibilities of this addiction yet. Such as getting my boxer dwarf to level 216!
  6. I certainly thought very carefully about the SecuROM when I considered buying Sacred2 and in the end it was enough to put me off, so I have not bought it. I have previously had enough bad experiences with this type of thing messing up my system that I would rather not play the game than go through that again. Now that it is obvious that SecuROM does not do what it was supposed to do, that should offer a version of Sacred2 that doesn't use it and then I would certainly buy it. After all, if they want my money they need to sell what I want. In the long run they need my business more than I need their game, attractive as it might be!
  7. We get Chicken Tonight here in England still as well as Holland. It is was taken over and is now made by Knorr (they have also expanded the range to Sausage Tonight). It is really tasty, especially the Honey Mustard! Mind you Locutus, I would be willing to swap you some for some Hamberger Helper or Rice-a-Roni.
  8. I never had any problems with PayPal, but I have had problems with credit cards. No matter how safe they say they are, I have lost money because of them twice. Both times the bank made me prove that it was not my purchases.
  9. It used to be mousy brown with ginger highlights, but it now includes grey streaks. Although it is long enough in a ponytail to reach halfway down my back, sadly it has receeded at the front until it has now reached the back! It makes it seem that it is sliding off the back of my head, or the front is racing to catch up with the back.
  10. Here is an interesting little joke I heard recently, which demonstrates that you can solve any problem with a little initiative. The SEALs, the Marines and the Police decide to go on a survival weekend together to see who comes out on top. After some basic exercises the trainer tells them that their next objective is to go down into the woods and catch a rabbit, returning with it ready to skin and cook. Night falls. First up - the SEALs. They don infrared goggles, drop to the ground and crawl into the woods in formation. Absolute silence for 5 minutes, followed by the unmistakable muffled "phut-phut" of their trademark silenced "double-tap". They emerge with a large rabbit shot cleanly between the eyes. "Excellent!" remarks the trainer. Next up - the Marines. They finish their cans of beer, smear themselves with camouflage paint, fix bayonets and charge down into the woods, screaming at the top of their lungs. For the next hour the woods ring with the sound of rifle and machine-gun fire, hand grenades, mortar bombs and blood curdling war cries. Eventually they emerge, carrying the charred remains of a rabbit. "A bit messy, but you achieved the aim; well done", says the trainer. Lastly, the police stroll casually into the woods. For the next few hours, the silence is only broken by the occasional crackle of a walkie-talkie "Sierra Lima Whisky Tango Foxtrot One, suspect headed straight for you..." etc. After what seems an eternity, they emerge escorting a squirrel in handcuffs. "What the hell do you think you are doing?" asks the incredulous trainer, "Take this squirrel back and get me a rabbit like I asked you five hours ago!". So back they go. Minutes pass...... Minutes turn to hours...... The next morning, the trainer and the other teams are awakened by the police, holding the handcuffed squirrel, now covered in bruises, one eye nearly shut. "Are you taking the urine!" asks the now seriously irate trainer. The police team leader nudges the squirrel, who squeaks: "Alright, alright, I confess - I'm a rabbit!" It works for me!
  11. Caviar was originally used by the the residents of the Chamoix region of France to treat the skins of the Chamois deer, thus creating an extreemly soft and useful sort of leather, called Chammy Leather. They never thought of eating fish eggs!
  12. Well guys, as a preacher of 20 years standing and a committed, born again christian, I personally think Sacred is one of the best games I have ever played! Unfortunately, the reviewer is not reviewing it from a Christian viewpoint, but from a Religious viewpoint, which is completely different. From a religious viewpoint, I could find numerous reasons why the game cannot conform to my faith, ie 2 characters (Daemoness and Vampiress) are clearly creatures of evil and the costumes worn by the Seraphim are clearly lewd and erotic. Therefore the whole game must be treated as suspect. As a christian, I say that the game offers me the chance to play from different perspectives, avoiding those that I do not find compatible with my beliefs. For example, I never play the Daemoness, and although I tried the Vampiress, I did not feel comfortable playing her. That said, I just avoid those 2 characters and take great pleasure using the other 6 characters in my holy crusade to trample the forces of evil underfoot. As for the Seraphim, her costumes never made me think of prostitutes, but then perhaps I think about prostitutes less often than the reviewer does. I personally say that no matter what game you play, film you watch or book you read, someone somewhere is going to be less than impressed with it, because of their personal beliefs. Fine, let them think what they like, because every individual is responsible for their own faith, morals and ethics. No-one should have someone elses forced upon them! In the meantime, here is one christian who is going to continue playing Sacred, smighting the forces of evil, and enjoying every minute of it!
  13. It was a Cold, dark, stormy night. They Were together in the house, just the two of them. The storm had come Quickly and each Time the thunder boomed he watched her jump. She looked Across the room and admired his strong appearance..and Wished that he would take her in his arms, comfort her and protect her from the storm. Suddenly, with a pop, the power went out... She screamed... He raced to the sofa where she was cowering. He didn't hesitate to pull her into his arms. He knew this was a forbidden union and Expected her to pull back. He was surprised when she didn't resist but instead clung to him. The storm raged on... They Knew it was wrong... Their Families would never understand... So consumed were they in their FEAR That they heard no opening of Doors... Just the faint click of a camera.....
  14. Sorry guys, I don't normally pay much attention to the news. My wife noticed it said "Isn't that the forum that you watch?". It was on the BBC, and I'm fairly sure it was on one of the 60 second news breaks they put between programs to grab your attention and get you to watch the main news programs.
  15. There has been a lot of news in this country recently about security issues and just how much monitoring of people's everyday lives should be allowed as our government allows more and more "spying" on ordinary citizens in the name of security. Now I don't wish to moan about it all, or go into details about what freedoms we may be losing. However, just this week it was anounced that they are thinking about ways to monitor peoples phone calls, emails, online forums and players chatting while gaming online. While the news article was being broadcast, the picture in the background was ........THE DARKMATTERS WEBSITE ...... Dah dah DAH! Is this website even more revolutionary than we thought:)
  16. I am not prepared to put up with this type of CP crap either. Stuff them! I'll wait until they either remove it, or it comes out on budget without it! I will not encourage them to do this sort of thing, or even worse in the future! There are other games I can spend my money on instead which don't expect me to put up with this!
  17. Considering MS's previous record and the fact when they bring out an upgrade it usually fixes something I don't use but messes up something I do use, it will probably be an icy cold day in Hellgate:London when I upgrade. After all, just how 'important' can it be if they have taken this long to bring it out?
  18. [I like that wispy lean look they opted for] quote. Nah, they are all pathetic, skinny and totally unsuited to cuddling. You may as well snuggle up to your sword! What you need is a nice, plump, cuddly female, with ample curves. She should not be too tall, no taller than say 4 foot 6inches and should have a luxuriously thick and glossy beard. For interests she needs to be 'into' drinking, fighting, love gold and own her own warhammer. Oh and she needs to be a dwarf! Now that is a real woman!
  19. In no particular order; Oblivion, Morrowind, Sacred, Quake 1&2, Vampire the Masquerade(Redemption), Diablo 1&2(LoD), FreeLancer, Heroes of Might and Magic 3(WoG). And the best game ever written (in its day), Elite. I would probably include Hellgate London if I could get my copy to work (MP works great, but SP crashes on loader screen every time!).
  20. I'm a wire yanker too! Muwhahahah!
  21. When I first started home-brewing, (about 30 years ago, sigh) I was given a very simple receipe for home brewed wine. All you needed was a gallon jar, 2 litres of pure juice (preferably orange or pineapple), 1 kilo of sugar 2 litres of warm water 1 packet of brewers yeast Mix well, allow to bubble for about 4 weeks in a warm room and it's ready. Allow to age for at least an hour and try not to fall over until after you have finished drinking it to prevent spillages!
  22. I do like the occasion sip, and would place my choices in this order:- 3) Budweiser 2) Coors 1) Stella Artois Although my usual brew tends to be Typhoo Tea.
  23. Sorry Tomi, no offence meant, but the sooner the Olympics are over with, the better as far as I am concerned. It is no longer what it was (showing my age now) and is almost on a par with reality tv these days. It tends to be more about politically correct hypocracy than sport now. Well, now that is off my chest for another four years. I'll put my straitjacket back on and return to my cosy, padded cell again.
  24. My main concern with Vista is compatability! I have loads of software and games that I love and still use that go back to the heady days of Win95. It all still works perfectly on XP (with a little help in certain cases), but what about on Vista? If I get Vista to be able to play the 2-3 new games that I like, will I lose the ability to play the 50-60 old games that I still love playing? Come on Techies, tell me I am worrying needlessly. (Please?)
  25. Notify the authorities of what is happening in writing, along with a statement that if anything happens to her they can be held responsible and be sued for negligence. Tell them that a copy has been sent to a lawyer willing to act on your behalf, who will persue the matter if necessary. Then keep alert and collect any evidence you can and give it to the authorities, but don't keep pestering them about it or you will alienate them.
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