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DarkMatters - Member
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Everything posted by Dax

  1. Just try the pure hd mod from William Tokarev if you prefer the vanilla game with all its bugs and flaws. You can also go for Sacred Reborn, which offers HD and many more features like rebalance, new systems, new items... It is a tiny bit rougher at the beginning, though. But you get used to it in no time.
  2. Flix was not here since several months. Try to contact him on youtube, steam or gog.
  3. Yes. I believe as well that it is a daydream. Big respect to the maker but I doubt we will ever see a release. It is simply too much work. Also, I do not know if the Embracer Group, which holds the rights on the Sacred franchise nowadays, would interfer for commercial reasons. Suprisingly, Jonny Wild, the co ceo of Thoriums Life Leech project, which is also a Sacred remake, commented the video but did not mention Life Leech at all. For those who do not follow the Life Leech project on youtube, the channel fell quiet since quite a while. I do not say count one and one together, but it would be a shame if the team has closed the doors. LL really looked good.
  4. "Evil Lynn" just came to my mind. https://youtu.be/SwfVuMHWnKk?t=525 https://youtu.be/x0UiY-3yDKk?t=195
  5. Looks interesting. Wasn´t it a one of your pet projects? I remember we discussed the matter years ago.
  6. I could collect the shield-textures from the game quickly for you. Thats easy prey. Replacing them is a piece of cake. Well?
  7. Your best bet are sandal and sword movies from Hollywoods silver age. Check The Robe, Cleopatra, Spartacus and so on. Apocalypto might be an inspiration too, the green painted nobles look promising. Since there is more to do than a reskin, you might ask Ruddick, or SevPoots for help. Heres a short clip:
  8. D!mn it is so heartwarming to see finally some action again. Ah man. Like in the good old times.
  9. You can either go for Sacred NL, which offers HD support without rebalance, or for Sacred Reborn, which offers HD too, but has also a wide spectrum of bug fixies, rebalanced enemies, new systems and items. It is a bit rougher for newbies though, especially when you stumble into certain caves. :) Reborn Mod: https://www.moddb.com/downloads/sacred-reborn-v321 Sacred NL: https://www.nexusmods.com/sacred/mods/13?tab=description
  10. I just went throught the status quests in UW, but one of them does not work at all. Here: https://pctalk.info/Games/Sacred2/Wolfes.Lair/SacredUnderworld/Pages/Quest-GaremaFreedomfortheHaduk.html Is it just my lame old version of Sacred, or have I missed something?
  11. Check sevpoots. He is frome the Philippines too. https://www.youtube.com/@SevPOOTS/videos He made some Sacred stuff a while ago. Just ask him.
  12. I think your best bet is a LAN session. Play together with wife/kids/gf/friends is the easiest and fastest solution. Don´t forget to record it.
  13. I remember that a user uploaded the character sprites a while ago. Do not know if the download is still available anymore, just give it a try. Check here: Flix might be interested in helping you, but I have not seen him for quite a while. Thats pretty much unusual. He was here every day. Hope he´s alive and well.
  14. Ask either Dimitrius, Ruddick or William Tokarev for help. These are the guys with the most insight. There are others too, but they are taking a power nap right now. You know, world situation and bla. PS: May I ask what your mod is about?
  15. Thanks for writing the guide. I made it up to level 50 whith a Demon some months ago and hell yeah it was fun! The Demon's wonderful agility, her devastating firepower, combined with her mean personality... the answer is YES! The demoness is worth giving a try!
  16. Mmh. I just asked myself lately how long would it take to find all the gear I got, without pressing F8 all the time and without transfering stuff between heros. Years, I guess. Would my hero have then the same firepower like he has it right now? Most likely not. Under such circumstances, we talk about the "self found only" player, it makes sense to give the player the opportunity to boost the capacities of his hero for a moment. Since wilderness finds are to 99 percent useless, I had in mind to add magical fruits to the suggestion list. Imagine, piecing magical fruits to single shot combos together. The effects stack to make them useful, but there is a limit of allowed effects, let´s say 4, and if the player goes over it, the effects of the magical fruits cancel each other out. By turning fruits into single use combos, fruits should not start to pile up in your inventory. Fruits can be seperated in common, rare and very rare, weak and powerful. Some can only be found in the desert, some only in the forests of Tyr Fasul. Modifiers, like potion find, or a certain a character class, WE or BM, increases the chance to find magical fruits, solving all quests in an area, pacifying it, leads to happy citizens, who donate what they can spare. Seraphim gets an extra bonus, Vampiress not. Playing a bad guy, opens the doors of the black market for you, where you can buy what you need, if you got the money... The possibilities are endless.
  17. Check here. https://sacredonlinecommunity.forumfree.it/?f=10777642 The user Tur0k wrote a Radmin VPN tutorial some years ago, but I think the situation is a bit difficult right now. You know world politics and bla.
  18. Reborn mod works too. -Open config, unselect "full screen" -Run Sacred Reborn GameServer, select difficulty. Check "Wolfes Lair" for the right levels -Run Sacred Reborn -Pick Multiplayer + LAN -Klick "Join", then "Start" -Go back to desktop -Run Sacred Reborn again and repeat the procedure. You can swap items freely then between characters.
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