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Got Boneslicers - I did it !

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You can do the quest as many times as you like in freeplay (just restart game)


The quest is located at a small outpost...only a couple of buildings...


I can try and get a pic...but you follow main north road from Thylysium (big High Elf city) until you come to a 'T' in the road. Turn right and continue down the road until you reach another 'T'. You should see a Merchant and Rune Master. Right next to Merchant is the quest giver.



Edit: It's at the Broken Lance Tavern



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I done the quest on ps3 with no problems

I just started the quest cant wait to get going on it and get my slicer to compliment my officers :thumbsup:

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I done the quest on ps3 with no problems


Microsoft has a patch now available and it is fixed or at least mine is. Congrats on the swords. I got one in my inventory, but it doesn't do me any good on my High Elf with her class quest staff.

My gods, sir, you use that garbage staff? For the love of all that is holy, stick and board, man, stick and board!

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It is glitched on the xbox 360 version for those of us without an internet connection to get the patch :evil:. Can't wait to get home to get the patch.

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Well, I Have Both Systems, But Got Sacred 2 On PS3, Considering I Have An HDMI Cable For It.



Guess I Have Good Luck Then =P.


Ps3 Graphics Are Way Worse Without And HDMI/DVI Cable, Trust Me.


-Jamie. :evil: :evil:

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  • 3 weeks later...

hey im a duel wielder inquisitor so I was wondering if anyone could tell me where the quest chain starts plz :P


edit: also if theres a class quest for a legendary inquisitor item could you post that to please ;)

Edited by Lewisw9012
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when I got my 1st 1 I just felt 1 wasnt enouth so I went on free mode and redid the quest line and got my a 2nd 1 to use :D, my seraphim is very happy with 2 bonslicers lol

and looks very cool when u got 1 with fire and 1 with ice :D

Edited by PotHed
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  • 1 month later...
when I got my 1st 1 I just felt 1 wasnt enouth so I went on free mode and redid the quest line and got my a 2nd 1 to use :blink:, my seraphim is very happy with 2 bonslicers lol

and looks very cool when u got 1 with fire and 1 with ice :)



So if I keep repeating this quest line does the level of the sword go up with the level of your character....Im not saying will the level go up as im wielding it...What im saying is I just finished this quest at level 47 and the General dropped a level 46 sword.....So can I go back at say level 70 and get a better boneslicer....Also I found a level 26 officers saber but now im level 47 and Ive outgrown it I guess...are there any suggestions or should I still keep this?

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I think Boneslicer is overrated and broken, since I got a level 50 boneslicer and a level 45 Flamesmitter dual wielding SW :blink: and the flamesmitter (3*) did more damage. So I can't be bothered to spend half an hour doing a long tedious quest when I could spend 30 mins farming and get better swords.


sorry but it is the way it is :)




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I done the quest on ps3 with no problems

same here 4 the xbox, did it by following the suggests on the walk thru guide on this site it worked great for me, KUDOS to concerned party for the info

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finally did it and I must say what an amazing quest...the only disapointment is, is that the build im following doesnt contain swordweapons as a skill so I cant get its bonus's :Just_Cuz_21: awww well atleast I got them for thier attack :o

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