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Blokeh's PS3 book store

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If you haven't seen Black Books, then you're most likely not British, and most definately missing out. Its a cracking TV show, full of books and alcohol - both of which I'm a fan of (not to mention I look a lot like Bill Bailey.... google him).


But I digress. Sacred 2: Fallen Angel has books in it. And you can read them. Like I did today, for hours. I love it when developers put this much effort into a game - it makes me feel like my money was very well spent.


Anyways, I've got a LOT of spare books that I'm looking to trade for others, so that my collection can become complete. Below you will find a list of books I need, followed by a list of spare books I have. If you have a PS3 and you need some books, then reply here and we'll work something out.


I need the following for a complete set....


Books of Magic

Book 5 - T-Energy

Book 6 - Forbidden Magic


Books of Religion

Book 1 - Kybele, Goddess of Nature


Facts about Ancaria

Dwarves - do they really exist?


The Art of Cooking

Book 4 - Table Manners and Etiquette


Travel Guide

Book 4 - Dyr Lain


The Lost Diaries of Magus Elohinir

Book 1






Books Of Magic

Book 1: General conspectus of magic (3 copies)

Book 3: Ice damage (1 copy)

Book 4: Poison magic (3 copies)


Books Of Religion

Book 2: Testa - God of science (1 copy)

Book 3: Forens - Goddess of philosophy (2 copies)

Book 6: Ker - Goddess of evil (2 copies)


Lore Of Weaponry

Book 1: Preface (2 copies)

Book 2: Swords (1 copy)

Book 3: Two handed swords (3 copies)

Book 4: Dual wield (1 copy)

Book 5: Archery (1 copy)

Book 6: T-energy (2 copies)


Lore Of Monsters

Book 2: How to deal with the undead? A Guideline (5 copies)

Book 4: Trolls (3 copies)


Book Of Herbs

Book 1: General (2 copies)


Travel Guide

Book 2: Artamark (1 copy)


Facts About Ancaria

The Winning Gambler (2 copies)

How to beguile aristocrats: Princes (3 copies)

Book 8: Fishing (1 copy)


The Art Of Cooking

Book 1: Orcish cooking (3 copies)

Book 2: Dryad cooking (4 copies)

Book 3: Drinking in Ancaria (1 copy)

Book 5: Guide for a successful feast (1 copy)

Book 6: Ancient and foreign recipes (2 copies)


Lost Diaries

Book 3 (1 copy)

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Haha! I'm glad to see this thread :) I love real books and hope to have a nice library some day. I'm obsessed with hard-bound books too.


I think you've inspired me to both help you complete your collection and also my own! I'll add you as a friend on PSN so we can do some book swapping. Now all I need to do is stop wasting the extra books I have. I think it's weird that the game allows you to "read" books you've already read. I just got into the habit of reading every book that wound up in my inventory knowing full well that a lot of them I've already read. Anyway, I'll start keeping the ones you're looking for and I'll try to come up with a list of the ones I'm missing



Edited by nilihanth
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Hold on ( total noobie here) There's actual books that you can read like flip the page and all?


Not quite like flipping the page, but you can scroll down and read them like a scroll. They don't appear as books, scrolls, or parchment (at least on the console version) but rather appear the same as reading quests in the right menu pane. Some are quite lengthy though. I just read the 1st book on weaponry and it was a good little read. :(

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Hold on ( total noobie here) There's actual books that you can read like flip the page and all?


Mastergd, if you are unsure of where to read the books, as I know I was at first, hopefully steps I describe below can get ya there.


I describe from XBOX 360 but im guessing PS3 is not much different.


1. Go to inventory window and hit right or left on the left thumbstick to get to miscellaneous category. If you have an un-used book, it will be listed there. Lets assume you have one.

2. Scroll down to the book and hit the 'A' button to "use" it. Book will then disappear.

3. Go to quests window.

4. Hit the right trigger.

5. There are a few categories of books so move left thumbstick to the right or left to move through them.

6. When you see the books title that you just read, select it and hit 'A'


If I am recalling this process correctly from memory then a window should pop-up with a few paragraphs you can read through. I have only read the dual-wielding and sword weapons books but am looking forward to the "How to beguile Princesses" book.

Edited by Frisky
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If you can't wait to find the book, it's written out somewhere on the wiki. (and because I'm lazy you'll have to search yourself where on the wiki they are)

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lol, Arperum...here's the link:




Actually, I"ve gotten totally hooked to using the google search bar along the left of wiki lately for finding pages in the wiki. SacredWiki's gotten a little too huge, and I can hardly remember where stuff is, and having to read through all the pages can take so much time. Google's so powerful. This time I just typed in books and blammo...page appeared.


yay google!





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If you're still interested in getting the in-game books rather than just reading the wiki, let me know. I have at least 2 of the books you were looking for that I can spare.

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hey I have these books. But am in dire need of good seraphim stuff so if you would mind helping me out with an item or two then these are yours. :pitcher:


Facts about Ancaria

Dwarves - do they really exist?


The Art of Cooking

Book 4 - Table Manners and Etiquette

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