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Sacred 2 Guide - Offensive Melee Inquisitor

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This is the build I am currently using for my GI Inquisitor.

Xbox 360 - Offline only (My building only allows dial-up whah)

Level 176.

Total death count = 0.

Total times the g/f said she hates Sacred 2 because of this guy and how much I play him = uncountable...


It's designed for an OFFENSIVE Gruesome Inquisition Inquisitor. The kind where you run in, start swinging, and don't stop until everything is dead.

No fear, no retreat, and more importantly no dieing. :thumbsup:


Firstly: I am only showing my skill values from 75 on (then every 25 levels after that), I feel it's still a decent goal to reach these values by 75, which ones you use first is entirely up to you.


Secondly: This was my first serious character (had a level 23 HE before him, and that's it) so this build is ABSOLUTELY attainable and usable without having a higher level character being a shopper/smither. (Although a smither would be nice). I bought/found all the equipment myself. I took Bargaining at level two and did everything in my power to boost it, WAY ABOVE MY Clvl. Mind you, I was broke for a LONG TIME before it all came together. I spent most of my lower level money on +all skills rings and amulets, and on +bargaining relics. But it payed off and he is unstoppable now.



Attributes: 100% Strength

Increases damage and more importantly, attack value, which melee inquisitors do have a problem with.

You won't need the Vitality, trust me on this.




Skills: Appearing in the order that I chose them. These are HARD skill points, with all the +skills you can have due to a high bargaining, 1 point in a skill is MORE than enough for quite a while into the game. These are only guidelines, deviate from them if you need a boost in a particular skill.

On a side note, I stopped Bargaining at 75 because at level 200 the skill level needed to shop tier 12+ items is impossible to reach. So I only went to 75 to get the mastery, and am only using it for +skill jewelry.


921 Points total (911 Earned - 10 Free For choosing 10 skills)

Level 75:				   296 Points Total
Bargaining: 75				   (75 Points) A point every level until 75.
Dual Wield: 75				  (150 Points) On par with your Clvl. Period.
Armor Lore: 5				   (155 Points) To make Constitution available.
Constitution: 75				(230 Points) On par with your Clvl. Period.
Gruesome Inquisition Focus: 5   (235 Points) To make the othe CA skills available.
Spell Resistance: 1			 (236 Points) 1 point for now, +skills handles the rest.
Tactics Lore: 41				(277 Points) We will max this soon, but I chose it later.
Concentration: 1				(278 Points) To allow 2 buffs, leave it alone after!
Astute Supremacy Focus: 9	   (287 Points) To gold-mod Reverse Polarity.
Nefarious Netherworld Focus: 9  (296 Points) To gold-mod Soul Reaver.
Level 100:				  421 Points Total
Bargaining: 75				   (75 Points)
Dual Wield: 100				 (175 Points) +25
Armor Lore: 21				  (196 Points) +16
Constitution: 100			   (296 Points) +25
Gruesome Inquisition Focus: 5   (301 Points)
Spell Resistance: 1			 (302 Points)
Tactics Lore: 100			   (402 Points) +59
Concentration: 1				(403 Points)
Astute Supremacy Focus: 9	   (412 Points)
Nefarious Netherworld Focus: 9  (421 Points)
Level 125:				  546 Points Total
Bargaining: 75				   (75 Points)
Dual Wield: 125				 (200 Points) +25
Armor Lore: 71				  (271 Points) +50
Constitution: 125			   (396 Points) +25
Gruesome Inquisition Focus: 5   (401 Points)
Spell Resistance: 1			 (402 Points)
Tactics Lore: 125			   (527 Points) +25
Concentration: 1				(528 Points)
Astute Supremacy Focus: 9	   (537 Points)
Nefarious Netherworld Focus: 9  (546 Points)
Level 150:				  671 Points Total
Bargaining: 75				   (75 Points)
Dual Wield: 150				 (225 Points) +25
Armor Lore: 75				  (300 Points) +4
Constitution: 150			   (450 Points) +25
Gruesome Inquisition Focus: 5   (455 Points)
Spell Resistance: 47			(502 Points) +46
Tactics Lore: 150			   (652 Points) +25
Concentration: 1				(653 Points)
Astute Supremacy Focus: 9	   (662 Points)
Nefarious Netherworld Focus: 9  (671 Points)
Level 175:				  796 Points Total
Bargaining: 75				   (75 Points)
Dual Wield: 175				 (250 Points) +25
Armor Lore: 75				  (325 Points)
Constitution: 175			   (500 Points) +25
Gruesome Inquisition Focus: 27  (527 Points) +22
Spell Resistance: 75			(602 Points) +28
Tactics Lore: 175			   (777 Points) +25
Concentration: 1				(778 Points)
Astute Supremacy Focus: 9	   (787 Points)
Nefarious Netherworld Focus: 9  (796 Points)
Level 200:				  921 Points Total
Bargaining: 75				   (75 Points)
Dual Wield: 200				 (275 Points) +25
Armor Lore: 75				  (350 Points)
Constitution: 200			   (550 Points) +25
Gruesome Inquisition Focus: 75  (625 Points) +48
Spell Resistance: 75			(700 Points)
Tactics Lore: 200			   (900 Points) +25
Concentration: 1				(901 Points)
Astute Supremacy Focus: 9	   (910 Points)
Nefarious Netherworld Focus: 9  (919 Points)


Left over skill points: 2 (Use them however you want. 2 points won't matter much)




Combat Art Modifcations:


Callous Execution: Bleed - Lacerate - Draw Life

Adds a DoT, lowers BASE HP, and leeches life.

On a side note, the Draw Life Mod ADDS damage, the base damage stays the same, the leeched life is added afterwards (roughly 10-15% increase)


Ruthless Mutilation: Ire - Dolor - Frenzy

More damage, multiple target life leech, and chance for double hit. Sounds good to me.


Mortifying Pillory: Disgrace - Proclamation - Mortify

This spell is... well... less than amazing. I don't rely on the "outlaw effect" to actually happen later in the game. I use it more as a debuff than anything. Modding it this way lowers BOTH defense and armor while making it more likely that the outlaw effect actually happens.


Frenetic Fervor: Fanaticism - Resolve - Relentless

Even faster attack speed (passes 150% cap, to 170%), increased attack value, and longer duration.


Purifying Chastisement: Mystic - Eradicate - Hallow

Magic damage, more crits, more damage.

I chose Mystic because most weapons late game have magic damage on them before a damage modifier is applied. Plus fire is so overdone.

I chose Eradicate because it's a passive buff, more crits, ALL THE TIME. Merciless is a great mod yes, but if you're not hurt you receive no bonus at that time.


Reverse Polarity: Rebound - Counterblow - Evade

It reflects EVERY KIND OF ATTACK, plus a defense boost.


Soul Reaver: Zealot - Source - Zealot

At higher levels, dual modding zealot will allow the souls to stay around for so long you can still be loaded with souls for a boss fight, maybe not the whole fight, but it helps a ton nonetheless. I usually Pull a few mobs as close as I can to a boss, kill them, and commence anihilating the boss afterwards.






Purifying Chastisement:

Always, always, ALWAYS have it on. There's nothing sweeter than something hurting you, then you suddenly one shot it's due to the damage buff it gives.


Reverse Polarity:

Is the next best bet. Reflecting a percentage of every kind of attack and giving a passive defense boost is nice. Can't go wrong with it.


Soul Reaver:

Should only be used when encountering enemies that would normally grind you into a fine powder. Going to fight a boss? Is there a group of enemies within a 60 second ride from him? Good, pull them as close as you can to the boss, kill them, and then go fight the boss with your attack and defense values in the TENS OF THOUSANDS, possibly HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS. I've had mine over 500,000 attack and 250,000 defense with Soul Reaver on.

The downside to using Soul Reaver is it makes Purifying Chastisement USELESS!! What good is having a HUGE damage buff from Purifying Chastisement when you get hurt, if your defense is so high you do get hurt? You'll live yes, but kill so slowly you'll want to kill yourself. It's boring. And what's the point of playing a game if it bores you?





Since you have Dual Wield, obviously go with 2 1-handed weapons.

Basically I went with Ilgard's set as soon as I could and I haven't looked back.

PS: DON'T USE THE FULL SET!! Ask our beloved Cthulhu. He'll tell you that it will kill you.

The 8/8 set bonus is bugged, and the serious open wounds it inflicts will BE ON YOU.

And as many +skill rings/amulets socketed as I could.

I would rarely socket a +attack value% into a slot if I felt my attack value was low. Rarely.




Strategies: Callous Execution everything. EVERYTHING.

I find Dislodged spirit VERY hard to target and cast correctly on the XBOX so I place it in a combo with Mortifying Pillory.

Those 2 are a deadly debuff combo on bosses, champions, etc. Anything with high HP and defense/armor.




Well, there you go. Have fun!


Well done. Comprehensive, detailed and well-written. If you're looking to inspire players with a melee master, you've done it. I use a lot of melee in my own Inquisitor now...what kind of regens a x level of CA are you able to have this build run at? And at what level of toon?


hmmm... I'm wondering now with what you've written, if I made a new Inquisitor as a zero utility build and used my bargaining network to power it with items in the servers.


ooooh, what havoc we could wreak


*rubs hands in glee*






what kind of regens a x level of CA are you able to have this build run at? And at what level of toon?


Regens have NEVER been a problem with my inquisitor. As long as I stayed loaded with +skill jewelry and have it socketed into, well almost everything I could, my Concentration and Gruesome Inquisition Focus were boosted WAY above my own Clvl. I usually ran my CAs at absolute max level before penalty.


On a side note, Ilgard's gloves, especially at higher item levels, provide a HUGE "regeneration on hit" So if you combine that with a maxed dual wield which is 2 weapons swinging at 150% attack speed, even if you had a high regen time, it wouldn't matter. But I also have a few pieces of jewelry that are "+all skills" AND "regeneration on hit" so I got lucky with those, they're golden.

Not quite as golden at the "+all skills" and "Opponent level for death blow" (which my Inquisitor has currently at 41%) but I love them both and suggest using those over any other stat jewelry out there.


My Callous Execution at the moment is at 3.2 seconds.. which might seem bad to some people...maybe, but with the gloves knocking 1.8 seconds off regen for EVERY HIT... Using it once will grant 2 hits, possibly 3-4 if dual wield mastery procs (don't know if Sacred uses that terminology heh)... it's ready before my inquisitor pulls his hands back from attacking.


I've only recently started putting points into GI Focus. And to be honest it's only to boost the level of CAs before penalty. I WANT TO HIT HARDER.

(I have a mild case of OCD, and knowing I consumed a rune only to get a 0.X level will BUG THE SH*T OUTTA ME. And seeing level XX.X will BUG THE SH*T OUTTA ME. I'm a number cruncher, and a counter, so it has to be a solid number)


OK, I got distracted, anyways, Most of my CAs are in the high 90s at the moment, I can't wait till I crack the triple digit mark. And regen times are a joke, as they always were. And they're only going to become more of a joke as I am finally placing points into GI Focus. And once I get the mastery... Nothing will stop my CA-machine-gunning Inquisitor.


I have NEVER seen one item for this game headlined because of regen per hit before. I trust your findings, if you're saying you're getting that much of a benefit from this item, I'm now wondering if I can benefit off the concept not only for an Inquisitor but for other builds.


Nice info Kudos25





Posted (edited)
I have NEVER seen one item for this game headlined because of regen per hit before. I trust your findings, if you're saying you're getting that much of a benefit from this item, I'm now wondering if I can benefit off the concept not only for an Inquisitor but for other builds.


Nice info Kudos25







I agree that regen per hit is an absolutely incredible mod for any build on any class utilizing some degree of melee. Using even 1 item, like the Ilgaard's gloves Kudos mentioned (which incidentally I also prefer on an Inquisitor; its headlined because of the sheer amount of regen on hit that particular item provides) provides enough regen on hit that you can literally use a multi hit melee CA (like RM for Inquisitor) to instantaneously recharge combos with regens that would otherwise be prohibitively long (say 8-10 seconds) for consistent use.


This allows you to eat many more runes to boost damage with virtually no ill effects. Note that maintaining a good hit rate is important for this tactic, so combining "regen on hit" with "-enemy chance to evade", and especially with "+chance that enemy cannot evade" provides best results IMO. Regen on hit was a staple of my hybrid Inquisitor build, and is a staple of any build I make that uses melee in a dominant or support capacity.

Edited by MTCityHunter
Posted (edited)

Odd. I've never seen "regen per hit" working with CA to regen itself, only with normal strike. If I make CE regen longer than execution time, this mod doesn't work (and this gloves give more bonus than CE regen takes). We're playing different games or what ?


EDIT: I just tested it on DS (regen 10 s, mod gives +2.4 per hit) and it doesn't work AT ALL (both CE and normal attack). What is going on ?

Edited by Zonc1
Posted (edited)
Odd. I've never seen "regen per hit" working with CA to regen itself, only with normal strike. If I make CE regen longer than execution time, this mod doesn't work (and this gloves give more bonus than CE regen takes). We're playing different games or what ?


EDIT: I just tested it on DS (regen 10 s, mod gives +2.4 per hit) and it doesn't work AT ALL (both CE and normal attack). What is going on ?



Works on PS3. You need to use weapon based CAs (edit: or normal weapon based attacks), and actually connect on the hit for it to work, but when you do, it recharges any CAs that have regen remaining, including the melee CA you use to initiate the regen on hit. If that's not working for you, I expect your game is bugged or something.

Edited by MTCityHunter
Posted (edited)

I have def used "regen per hit" on my SE with PS and it works great. My regen time is around 7-8 sec's, and with 1 ring socketed in a slot with .8 regen it never dies.


The PS not the SE, though she doesn't die either.


ALso kudo's on the build, this is my next char, just started him last night.

Edited by nugmanagogo
Posted (edited)
I have def used "regen per hit" on my SE with PS and it works great. My regen time is around 7-8 sec's, and with 1 ring socketed in a slot with .8 regen it never dies.


The PS not the SE, though she doesn't die either.


ALso kudo's on the build, this is my next char, just started him last night.



Right, right. I have a habit of always using the word "melee" when I talk about regen on hit, when it works for ranged as well; it simply requires a hit with any weapon attack (normal attack or weapon CA) to activate. I've used it with the BFG seraphim as well to recharge CAs. Just trying to clarify :)


Anyway, for any build of any class using any weapon based attacks, "regen on hit" remains one of my absolute favorite item mods. The versatility it allows is pretty impressive.


EDIT: okay...and sorry about the thread hijack Kudos. I'll leave it at that for now :) BTW, nice build. I prefer to build more hybrid types, but there's no denying the power of a pure melee Inquisitor!

Edited by MTCityHunter
  • 2 weeks later...

Ya that's why I love it so much. heh.

I've maxed this guy out at 200 now. He's my shopper ;)

I'm making another Melee Inquisitor as we speak. But this guy is going to be a *little* more defensive minded. Only because for newer players out there... You will NOT expect to get hit that hard in niob lol. But, you will get hit.... THAT hard. Angry blood-drunk dump trucks on steroids hard... well that's what I first thought when I first entered niob, now... not so much.


My new guy will be the same play style, different skills and CA mods though. And some new gear. Damage mitigation minded. COMPLETE IMMORTALITY(ish)


Seriously though, I've spent so many hours in the world of sacred, I need this, I need a guy so strong the game seems like nothing to me anymore, I need this to....break....free.... ;)

I will share with the world when he achieves my goal...

Posted (edited)

I'm doing such defensive melee build. Toughness, Inure, AL mastery, sarakis belt = 70% phys mitigation and ~42% for the rest. I can farm nameless guys with no pots.

I really think anyone needs as much defense as he can get, cause we get crappy set items in terms of defence (not a single item with all channel mitigation).

Edited by Zonc1

Nice guide Kudos. I'll be trying this build starting this weekend. I already have a couple of shoppers and I've saved up a good amount of Inquisitor gear in preparation of getting him started out until he can reach their level. So, I won't take Bargaining and move everything up a spot - I am thinking of perhaps Damage Lore at 65 to fill the open slot, but I'll wait to see how things are progressing before I lock myself into anything.

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

I completely agree about the usefulness of regen per hit especially on melee builds.

The thing that REALLY annoys me about melee builds on xbox is that when you hit the CA button, most of the time it executes a normal attack before it figures out that an enemy is in range. If you are using a ranged weapon or a spell, the ca execute when you hit the button every time.


Why not mod paralyzing dread for Despair (less enemy armor), Decrepit (less enemy attack speed) and confidence (more attack) and combo it with frenetic fervor?

Edited by ka243
Posted (edited)

Reg per Hit seemed to have worked on a few weapon Combat Arts on PC before the AddOn, but only to by a tenth. So 2 seconds were 0.2. It seems to work on some more Combat Arts now. On consoles it seemed to have always worked for most weapon Combat Arts.


Alchemy and demontooth trophies can give 4.5s RpH on Niob. So demonteeth and a combination of a long regen bosskiller CA and a quick weapon CA for recharging the combination was always one of my ideas for my alchemy builds. But sadly its still a small miracle on the PC which CA work and which not.


And then there is stuff like:

some say that RpH is not working if the remaining reg-time is below your RpH,

that the duration of an arrow flight makes precasting which RpH is still okay troublesome because of this,

or half reg-time is ruining planing too,



In the AddOn the few times I had time to play I was seeing purple lines like the red lifeleech lines sometimes. I think this is mana leech. I never saw these lines before the AddOn, so either magic coup had no working mana leech before or the animations are new.


Since I stopped all playing till our 3rd daughter is out of hospital, I can currently only look at my other daughters playing for some minutes a day. Seems a magic coup with mana leech to charge up combinations is working now: An elf without concentration and regeneration buff



And back to the Inqui: Since he has 3 useful Buffs for melee, with RpH you can go higher Buff levels and still have a nice CA-regen with RpH. Sadly I did all my playing before RpH was a bit fixed on the PC.


RpH discussion were like it is one of the most important modifiers on one extreme to absolut useless on the other for a year now. Probably because it was not working for all Combat Arts for the PC. I didn't find a list of which Combat Arts have it working for PC, PS3, XBox yet. But RpH should have an own thread to discuss that out and then move the results into Wiki.

Edited by chattius
  • 8 months later...
Posted (edited)

Hey there man, I'm fairly new to Sacred 2 so I'm quite unsure what I'm doing lol

I'm currently running an inquisitor with the build you have shown, so far up to level 54 and it's going pretty well.

Though I am having 3 problems which I'm hoping you or somebody else can help me with.


First problem, Gear wise, I have no clue which stat I should get / shouldn't get. Obviously I don't want crap like casting speed, I mean I haven't been sure if I should go for attack / defense values or go for +CA stats. Atm I'm using mainly defense / attack value things, and I'm still losing health fast. In random bits of my gear I have took your advice with the -regen per hit....and I love it, I used runes so all my skills are up to level 10 and it's like, 2 hits then able to use again, it's amazing! But the first question is....What stats should I really be looking for with your build?


Second problem, is purely gear related, As in I can't find any of it. lol. I started on Silver and am now currently working through gold, but I have barely found any upgrades, so alot of my items are level 18 - 30 and rubbish. I'm even using level 15 legs from the Deylens power set which I randomly found. So my second question is where is the best place to find gear? This will probably be easier when I know what stats to concentrate on, as atm bartering is level 30 with 6 x +5 runes for it so the shop does have good things now and again.


EDIT: Third and most important problem, not actually hitting much. Even dual wielding I seem to miss alot of the time, so I got 3 rings and forged them into items that have -enemy chance to evade by 11%, on enemys it's not too bad, miss the odd 3 attacks out of about 7 battles, but on bosses I have about a 20% chance to hit (going by what it said on the squid boss on gold difficulty). Any ideas on this?


Anyway, thats my problems.

Thank you in advance for all responses :)

Edited by BsE Bloodbath
  • 2 months later...

Morning all! I love this guide! I've had nothing but trouble trying to keep many Inquisitors alive, exspecially against Bosses. I've tried many different combos and personal builds but this guide gives me hope!


Strangely, I've been trying to build my melee char with pole arms and buffing the Doppleganger. Hence, my builds left me with few options for mass damage. I never even thought of dual wielding him!


Here's a question: I have tons of items in the chest so I'm assuming choosing bargain isn't worth it. Or is it? I've never really used the general skills much.


Also- I'm now assuming the Doppleganger buff isn't good either.


Again, thanks for the guide!

  • 6 months later...
Posted (edited)

Well done. Comprehensive, detailed and well-written. If you're looking to inspire players with a melee master, you've done it. I use a lot of melee in my own Inquisitor now...what kind of regens a x level of CA are you able to have this build run at? And at what level of toon?


hmmm... I'm wondering now with what you've written, if I made a new Inquisitor as a zero utility build and used my bargaining network to power it with items in the servers.


ooooh, what havoc we could wreak


*rubs hands in glee*









I have a question: If I leave out Bargaining from the skills (I have items from my EP seraphim) would it work and do you think I could put in COMBAT DISCIPLINE or COBAT REFLEXES?


On the other hand I begin no to regards so much Bargaining at all (first I have an EP mastery seraphim who finds tons of items, jewelery etc..., second you would have to have really huge Bargaing points invested in). My Dryad at level 65 has 65 points in Bargaining plus all skills ring, it woukd sum up 200 alltogether and she cannot really get good stuff (she can get good items like plate etc, but the set items are far better with 2-3 slots in) while with my EP mastery seraphim she can find good items and really rocks.

The only thing I see Bargaining is useful for buying rings and amulets. /My Lvl65 Dryad saved some for any class./

Anyway I do not know about Bargaining Mastery, maybe it rocks or a level 75 Char with 600? points in Bargaining? Is it possible, because everybody talks about you should have a tier 10+ or better?




Edited by joanofarc

I have no console so I do a bit hard in answering:

I think there are big differences how attack speed is done in console and PC version, and for the PC even a difference between ice and Blood. 200 points in a weapon skill seems way to high for me.


At least in Ice and Blood there are 5 ways to do a weapon attack:

1) normal attack- animation speed would be from attack speed because of the weapon skill and attack speed from equipment

if a weapon combat art is modified by tactics lore

2) weapon combat art - animation speed would be from attack speed because of the weapon skill and casting speed from equipment

3) weapon combat art put into a combination - probably same as 2)

if a weapon combat art is modified by a magical lore (magic coup, archangel's warth, ...)

4) hybrid weapon combat art: animation speed would be from magical lore and casting speed from equipment

5) hybrid weapon combat art put in a combination: probably same as 4)


How are the animation speeds done on consoles, if they are same to Ice and Blood, a single point in double-wielding should be enough.


IIRC, casting speed affects non-hybrid weapon Combat Arts as well.


IIRC, casting speed affects non-hybrid weapon Combat Arts as well.

AFAIK, on the consoles all CAs use attack speed, which is why the wiki recommends boosting attack speed, even for pure casters.

Posted (edited)



I have a question: If I leave out Bargaining from the skills (I have items from my EP seraphim) would it work and do you think I could put in COMBAT DISCIPLINE or COBAT REFLEXES?


On the other hand I begin no to regards so much Bargaining at all (first I have an EP mastery seraphim who finds tons of items, jewelery etc..., second you would have to have really huge Bargaing points invested in). My Dryad at level 65 has 65 points in Bargaining plus all skills ring, it woukd sum up 200 alltogether and she cannot really get good stuff (she can get good items like plate etc, but the set items are far better with 2-3 slots in) while with my EP mastery seraphim she can find good items and really rocks.

The only thing I see Bargaining is useful for buying rings and amulets. /My Lvl65 Dryad saved some for any class./

Anyway I do not know about Bargaining Mastery, maybe it rocks or a level 75 Char with 600? points in Bargaining? Is it possible, because everybody talks about you should have a tier 10+ or better?




Edited by joanofarc
  • Like! 1
  • 4 years later...
Posted (edited)

Wow this is an old post. Well , I have Sacred 2 now and I've been poking around with this build but I'm still a beginner.

My questions are : How do I mod my Combat Arts properly , will that happen in later levels ? I don't know much about eating runes so basically at level 35 I only have two mods total on Combat Arts is that because of lack of points in CA focus skills ?

Also , the build seems ok , but he's a bit weak in the defensive part of the game. Gotta be pretty twitchy with the potions when he gets surrounded , is that going to clear itself up later as I level ? Is it a gear thing ? (I know little about the actual mechanics)

That said for the most part he does just fine , really smokes bosses. (so far) and his bargaining has certainly found even at this level cooler rings and amulets and stuff than all other chars combined.

Oh , L38 now and in Silver/Jungle. Could use pointers on my defence , mods (where do I get points) , what runes to eat ,




*Edit* Oh and I'm PS3

Edited by Pfitter
  • Like! 1

Welcome aboard!


CA mods come from Focus and Lore skills (mostly). There's usually one CA Aspect that doesn't have a Lore and it's mod points come from some other skill. see http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:Combat_Art_Modifications


I never really played Inquisitor, but for other classes I kept my rune consumption down to keep CA regen as low as possible.


Wow this is an old post. Well , I have Sacred 2 now and I've been poking around with this build but I'm still a beginner.

My questions are : How do I mod my Combat Arts properly , will that happen in later levels ? I don't know much about eating runes so basically at level 35 I only have two mods total on Combat Arts is that because of lack of points in CA focus skills ?

Also , the build seems ok , but he's a bit weak in the defensive part of the game. Gotta be pretty twitchy with the potions when he gets surrounded , is that going to clear itself up later as I level ? Is it a gear thing ? (I know little about the actual mechanics)

That said for the most part he does just fine , really smokes bosses. (so far) and his bargaining has certainly found even at this level cooler rings and amulets and stuff than all other chars combined.

Oh , L38 now and in Silver/Jungle. Could use pointers on my defence , mods (where do I get points) , what runes to eat ,




*Edit* Oh and I'm PS3

And a hearty welcome to DarkMatters from me as well, Pfitter!

I wish I had more info to give you as an Inquisitor, but had time to get through only one incarnation of him, and I think it was with the bunny ears as well?




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