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Ravaged Impact for Dryad - Why is Double Hit the popular choice?


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It seems like it is...I know that I have been using it forever it seems for that choice for a Dryad's Ravaged Impact... but why? Are we really getting double the damage? Does it calculate auto double damage or will it make a roll for both regarding value of damage ?


As well...what about the explosion... I think I took it only once on a Dryad... and I think that dryad only made it to gold ... I remember looking quite a bit for the explosion but I could never seem to find one... does anyone have a pic of the explosion... and what does it do?





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From my limited experience with the dryad. Only time I could get an explosion is when I got the mobs to group up really tight. Best times I saw this was when I ran the Kung-fu dryad. The more runes that are eaten the higher chance I had for the explosion. At higher levels and in tight groups I got better RpH results from the explosion on tight groups than I did for Darting Assault.

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I always took the double hit and used it on bosses and champs. the double hit showed as to seperate damage hits, 2 RpH hits, 2 LL etc. so it was nice for high HP enemies.


I never messed with explode.

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I have taken the explosive mod for my Dual Wield Dryad, the explosions have a massive range as when I fight the guardians and one are getting close to the egg I also are doing damage to it.

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I have to admit that my bad eyes make me play zoomed in, normally standing in a big herded mob with a shield in the hand. Now with RpH you can push the Combat Art to a level where the explosions nearly always appear. I have RpH like 4 seconds and Combat Art reg time like 8s around level 100.


I think I nearly allways played with explosion meaning close combat Area of Effect:

Melee elf and magic coup with stray damage

Celestial Techno seraphim with Shield and Archangel's wrath to double shots with explosion.

My sohei dragon mage: An Area of Effect Mindstrike, recharged with a melee hit

Deathspear Temple Guardian: deadly spears recharged with quick normal knife attacks

The Kungfu Dryad: weaponless/Shield. It combines quick hits as if dual wielding with the protection of a shield. Doing 2 explosions per RI.


In case of the Kungfu Dryad there are other reasons than bad eyes which speak in favour of Explosion:

You simply can't kill as a Kungfu Dryad in higher Difficulties with a single hit. So you need at least 2 hits. Since the Dryad and Shadow warrior do 2 hits with their 'hard hit' Combat Art when using a shield but no weapon the idea is to use death blow. So there is a good chance that a normal mob which is hit by the first half of the Combat Art is damaged enough to be killed by the death blow boosted second part of the hard hit.

So the math's say that the aim should be to kill a normal mob in one RI, and with deathblow one RI is doing 3 times the damage of the first hit in total. Which is often enough, even if not using a weapon.

If their is a champion in the group you need like 3-4 RI's and if you aim on it first the whole group of normal mobs died in the explosions already. If there is more than 1 champ in a group, he will be damaged already so that deathblow will be already in at a target change.


A doublehit is wasted if the enemy died on the first hit, an explosion may damage others. In case of Boss fights: x% life leech could speak in favour of double hits. But there is no big difference between 10 or 12 seconds in a boss fight. So I would choose explosions for leveling.

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I have taken the explosive mod for my Dual Wield Dryad, the explosions have a massive range as when I fight the guardians and one are getting close to the egg I also are doing damage to it.


Cool. I was looking for actual confirmation that explosions work with melee weaps. What kind of range?


High RI combat art level for better chances to cause explosions, will have to work on that part :D

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Hard to measure the range in-game, so I would say the "splash" damage is reaching up to 3-4 RL meters :D


Ooohhh, cool. Lotsa daylight between the monsters who are getting the splash! Are you using any + Combat Art range?


Regarding Chattius' comment about explosions / double-hits: If we take Darting Assault for our mob-killer (with rotate gold mod), wouldn't it make more sense to have Ravaged Impact as our boss-killer? Or is it just "better" to always have explosions over double-hits?

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I always take explosion for this Combat Art. Even for dual-wield and bosskillers.

For me the result is better, than double hit.



Pics :












Edited by Woody
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