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Search for the Sacred 2 Easter Eggs - Help us collect 'em

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Perhaps this list may be of value?


Easter Egg list here.


Hope this can be of value to the wiki!


I remain, :)


EDIT: typo


Well.. It's potentially valuable as far as WHAT there is out there, but not so much for WHERE to find it.

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When I remember summer 2006: Bruno the brown bear,...


... and of cause the world soccer championship: whole towns, streets and cars flagged. There was nearly no car which hadn't a flag attached. Be it turks, spanish, italians living in germany, germans, everyone was proudly showing their nationality, and for us germans probably the first time after world war 2. We travelled to Frankfurt (at river main) one day to shop some parts for our tandem bicycle. We live on countryside and even our village had some flags, it was nothing against a 600000 people city flagged. We decided spontanous to watch a game on a public viewing area together with thousand people from all over the world. We watched the game at the river banks of the main river. The game was projected on silver screens mounted in the river....(around 1minute, 5 seconds)



In evening there were Autokorso's. An Autokorso is when people catch flags, jump in their cars without planing it, and wave them while driving slowly on the main streets of towns. On countryside all the people from nearby villages meet in a central place, district town. Don't find an english word for it, so here a video from 2010 after the match versus england:


Somewhere in all this are a few cars trying to fight to drive the opposite direction, one of them is mine. We tried to return from a birthday at my parents living in Wetzlar (normally a 50000 people town with the villages belonging to it.) and had to cross the bridge across the Lahn river. No chance, took us 2 hours for a normally 2 minute trip and my wife did first aid for around 90 minutes, rear door of our transporter opened and the kids standing on top of our ancient van waving flags.


Somehow this 2006 summer feeling made its way into Sacred2 too. 7 places I found with soccerballs laying around, some statues with german players and the national team coach, ....


Again I do not know if the statues are same in the international versions, but the soccerballs are there, I know it.

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In evening there were Autokorso's. An Autokorso is when people catch flags, jump in their cars without planing it, and wave them while driving slowly on the main streets of towns. On countryside all the people from nearby villages meet in a central place, district town. Don't find an english word for it, so here a video from 2010 after the match versus england:


I don't believe there is a word for that sort of thing - at least not in the US.


You see, here, if it was a US world cup win, the white and african american people wouldn't be exactly excited. Soccer here in the US isn't really considered a sport worthy of attention by many people. Not even David "Bender" Beckham has been able to really do much to raise the sport's status. For that matter, neither did the legendary Pele...


The hispanic people, on the other hand, would do something similar to what your videos showed. In fact, I saw some of them doing just that when Mexico won it's first first round game. The only thing is - there weren't quite so many cars, nor horns...


On the other hand, if this was the final game of say, the NBA championship, the winning team's city would erupt in a bit more violent celebration. The last couple of times the LA Lakers won, things got out of hand and there were a few minor riots. Think party in Artamark vs the same sort of party somewhere in the Orc region. NO comparison.


Somehow this 2006 summer feeling made its way into Sacred2 too. 7 places I found with soccerballs laying around, some statues with german players and the national team coach, ....


Again I do not know if the statues are same in the international versions, but the soccerballs are there, I know it.


If you've got the time and can recall where they might be, feel free to grab some screenshots and post 'em on line... I'm sure that would make Gogo's day...!

Edited by wolfie2kX
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OK.. Any idea where this sword in the stone is located in Grunwald? Say, in relation to the temple or any other landmark?


I have been there twice while uncovering the fog. I will have to get in-game and mark it so I can pin point it on the map.

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When I remember summer 2006: Bruno the brown bear,...


... and of cause the world soccer championship: whole towns, streets and cars flagged. There was nearly no car which hadn't a flag attached. Be it turks, spanish, italians living in germany, germans, everyone was proudly showing their nationality, and for us germans probably the first time after world war 2. We travelled to Frankfurt (at river main) one day to shop some parts for our tandem bicycle. We live on countryside and even our village had some flags, it was nothing against a 600000 people city flagged. We decided spontanous to watch a game on a public viewing area together with thousand people from all over the world. We watched the game at the river banks of the main river. The game was projected on silver screens mounted in the river....(around 1minute, 5 seconds)



In evening there were Autokorso's. An Autokorso is when people catch flags, jump in their cars without planing it, and wave them while driving slowly on the main streets of towns. On countryside all the people from nearby villages meet in a central place, district town. Don't find an english word for it, so here a video from 2010 after the match versus england:


Somewhere in all this are a few cars trying to fight to drive the opposite direction, one of them is mine. We tried to return from a birthday at my parents living in Wetzlar (normally a 50000 people town with the villages belonging to it.) and had to cross the bridge across the Lahn river. No chance, took us 2 hours for a normally 2 minute trip and my wife did first aid for around 90 minutes, rear door of our transporter opened and the kids standing on top of our ancient van waving flags.


Somehow this 2006 summer feeling made its way into Sacred2 too. 7 places I found with soccerballs laying around, some statues with german players and the national team coach, ....


Again I do not know if the statues are same in the international versions, but the soccerballs are there, I know it.




You have described perfectly well the "tone" of the soccor balls Easter Egg. I have contacted a few peeps from SIF who I know have compiled pix of where the soccor balls are, and hopefully we will get some responses soon of both pix and locations.





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OK.. Any idea where this sword in the stone is located in Grunwald? Say, in relation to the temple or any other landmark?


I have been there twice while uncovering the fog. I will have to get in-game and mark it so I can pin point it on the map.


No rush.. I found it.. It was in pretty much the last block of fog left on that particular area... (Isn't it always?)


The new page for it is up!

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I love the Easter Eggs :crazy:


I've found images for the last four, Wolfie your writeups are awesome. Here they are:



Douglas Adams

Forrest Gump

Jurrasic Footprints




I'm also beginning now to shift out all the old pix that were there and replace them with their real world media counterparts






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I love the Easter Eggs :crazy:


I've found images for the last four, Wolfie your writeups are awesome. Here they are:



Douglas Adams

Forrest Gump

Jurrasic Footprints




I'm also beginning now to shift out all the old pix that were there and replace them with their real world media counterparts







I got another one for ya.. And surprisingly it was under everyone's noses...


One of the graves near where the Shadow Warrior gets 'born' has the title "Live and let Die" - which is the title of a Bond flick from '73... Noted, logged an online...

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The 'electric poop' is a play on words. It makes more sense in German. electric + poop>stool>chair = electric chair


The quest Sheik Yerbouti (Shake Your Booty) is in homage to Frank Zappa's CD of the same name


p.s. one of these days I will find a way to get to the 'smiley face' cave ;)

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Knuckles, I'll add your egg to the wiki next. Do you have a link to where you first mentionned it on the boards here? I'll copy paste that info in.


As well, just finished adding extra links to the bottom of all the easter eggs page, for other sightseeing kind of in the same vein... plus put all Easter Eggs into their own category, you can get to the category link at the bottom of any Easter Egg writeup or click here:







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I keep reading about it.... Soccer balls? Don't think I have ever seen one or it just didn't register in my brain as such. Where can I find one to at least get a visual on?

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I wonder if the poo is in the form of a moebius knot /trefoil knot. If it is it will have no start and no end. What a strange beast will produce something like this. Interesting digesting system.


Well, now I know!


THAT's why you don't feed the Llama8 curries! (grave inscription somewhere...)


Yup.. It's right next to the cat you're supposed to rescue for the girl in Benny's Corn Circles.

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Adding another one... There's a memorial to Bruce Lee in the cemetary north of Twainbrook. Now on the Easter Egg page.


Thinking some of these might be best put in a special catagory of celeb statuary...

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I did a browsing through the easter egg thread at GSF:







Ex-Dev Lars Hammer posted this link how a voice actor speaks the yoda quest (sad for me, lucky for you: its english)



All of the inert gases/noble gases as guardians



One of the paintings with a sacred1 landscape



The well know enemy from sacred1



Doctor House --- Grave stone reads: I am sure Dr House would have cured me.



Blind Guardian Fan Shop



Sh*t happens if there is no boys/girls sign at the toilet (right picture)



Well hidden eastereggs



Statue of Britney Spears



seraphim with MINIGUN (not BFG), Developer Lars Hammer said that this poster was hanging at his door (post 297)



The phoenix logo of studio2 on the back of the flame horse



Parody of the Erlkönig from Goethe, there is more parody on old german writers, but since I don't know if they are same in international versions. Or the saying of the dryad when idling: 'Das Leben ist nur ein Moment, der Tod ist auch nur einer' 'Life is just a moment, death is just another one' is from Schiller's drama Maria Stuart (post 357)



A demon with a stone in his head? (Diablo2?). Found in the diary of a mage in blood forest.



Thanks to all in the GSF who distributed.


Electric Poop: In german the word Stuhl has several meanings: chair (english word stool) or feces. So it is a rebus for an electric chair. Stuhl for feces is used mainly in medical language.

Edited by chattius
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Electric Poop: In german the word Stuhl has several meanings: chair (english word stool) or feces. So it is a rebus for an electric chair. Stuhl for feces is used mainly in medical language.


I believe the english version is likewise used in medical lingo - As in: "Nurse, help me get a stool sample from the patient..."

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I did a browsing through the easter egg thread at GSF:







Ex-Dev Lars Hammer posted this link how a voice actor speaks the yoda quest (sad for me, lucky for you: its english)



All of the inert gases/noble gases as guardians



One of the paintings with a sacred1 landscape



The well know enemy from sacred1



Doctor House --- Grave stone reads: I am sure Dr House would have cured me.



Blind Guardian Fan Shop



Sh*t happens if there is no boys/girls sign at the toilet (right picture)



Well hidden eastereggs



Statue of Britney Spears



seraphim with MINIGUN (not BFG), Developer Lars Hammer said that this poster was hanging at his door (post 297)



The phoenix logo of studio2 on the back of the flame horse



Parody of the Erlkönig from Goethe, there is more parody on old german writers, but since I don't know if they are same in international versions. Or the saying of the dryad when idling: 'Das Leben ist nur ein Moment, der Tod ist auch nur einer' 'Life is just a moment, death is just another one' is from Schiller's drama Maria Stuart (post 357)



A demon with a stone in his head? (Diablo2?). Found in the diary of a mage in blood forest.



Thanks to all in the GSF who distributed.


Electric Poop: In german the word Stuhl has several meanings: chair (english word stool) or feces. So it is a rebus for an electric chair. Stuhl for feces is used mainly in medical language.



Btw.. Clicked on the links in your post ... They all seem to link to the same page - one that seems to show the link to the noble gasses as guardians. Tried it in both IE 8 and Firefox 3.6 - same result.

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Btw.. Clicked on the links in your post ... They all seem to link to the same page - one that seems to show the link to the noble gasses as guardians. Tried it in both IE 8 and Firefox 3.6 - same result.


They are all the same topic, different posts.

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ack used showpost instead showthread, or a mistake copy and paste and change of forums addresses, I will put on working links


EDIT: hope I got all false ones

Edited by chattius
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Btw.. Clicked on the links in your post ... They all seem to link to the same page - one that seems to show the link to the noble gasses as guardians. Tried it in both IE 8 and Firefox 3.6 - same result.


They are all the same topic, different posts.


Right... But all I'm getting is the same POST. There seems to be 300+ posts in the thread - just seeing the same post over and over again. Either way - I think he may have fixed it...


ack used showpost instead showthread, or a mistake copy and paste and change of forums addresses, I will put on working links


EDIT: hope I got all false ones


Thanks! Much better!

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there are alot of hints to books and other games as well, few examples:


Muad'Dibs Visions, seraphim Unique, from Paul Herberts 'Dune' Paul Muad'Dib = Paul Atreides

Bodhi's resistance, Bodhi Irenicus from 'Baldur's Gate 2, Shadows of Amn'

Kiras Wall, Belkira and Beltira twin from Edding's 'Belgariad'


There are more, but cannot think of em atm :D



Edited by Barristan
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wow, loads of new info here. I'll make new sections within the quest page and then we can drop references like this so they are organized.


Munera...SICK job on the wiki image resizing.


I love seeing yer work, welcome back to Wikiland





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