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19 Years of Wyntertyde in Ancaria

From the Sacred 2 Christmas Island Soundtrack
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My Christmas Present To The Community...

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I'm finally ready to let you all in on a top secret project I've been working on for the past couple of weeks.


The good news - it's done and finally ready to be shared with all of you.


The bad news - it won't likely be implemented and released until the next CM-Patch. Maybe longer. I had hoped to get it done by the time version 0100 was ready to go - but it wasn't. It took FAR longer than I anticipated but I assure you, it'll be quite worth the wait.


The quick, down and dirty version of it all: It's a brand spankin' new quest. It's not a difficult one - except, perhaps for the amount of time schlepping around to do it. There are no difficult boss monsters involved. But it should still be worth the effort.


It's open to both light and shadow fans alike.


Over the next few days I will be posting details of the quest and the 5, (YES! Count 'em FIVE!) new books.


For fans of Ancarian lore, this will answer a lot of burning questions, tie together the lore and stories from Sacred 1 and Sacred 2 into one fairly lengthy yet hopefully entertaining read. And yes, for Gogo, I've managed to incorporate a fair number of easter egg type references that should make him quite happy for some time to come.





Edited by wolfie2kX
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Well, that sounds very exciting indeed. I look forward to hearing more on this, and many thanks for your work.




Steve. :)

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Nice. Sounds like a lot of work so I'm not surprised it took you a long time. Thanks, shame I don't use the CM-Patch! Maybe you could make it available now as a standalone MOD?

Edited by Gordius
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Nice. Sounds like a lot of work so I'm not surprised it took you a long time. Thanks, shame I don't use the CM-Patch! Maybe you could make it available now as a standalone MOD?


Well.. IF I had a clue as to what I was doing... I might, however, I wouldn't know where to put what to make it work properly. I figure the only way it'd get done is if it were done by folks who are quite knowledgable about how to get it done right.


At any rate, over the next 5 days I plan on posting the text from each volume as well as the quest. Stay tuned!


Oh.. And in case anyone is interested and has the time, I'm sure Marcus and Czevak would appreciate some help in translating this into all of the CM Patch supported languages. I don't speak French, Italian, Polish, Russian and my German is rustier than a Temple Guardian stuck beneath a collapsed temple for 1000+ years. And I really don't trust online translators since the last time I used one and it translated "Release Candidate" into "Reinforced Concrete". That was quite embarassing to say the least - not to mention it made NO sense to the poor Chinese guy I was posting a reply to. :Just_Cuz_21:

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I'm finally ready to let you all in on a top secret project I've been working on for the past couple of weeks.


The good news - it's done and finally ready to be shared with all of you.


The bad news - it won't likely be implemented and released until the next CM-Patch. Maybe longer. I had hoped to get it done by the time version 0100 was ready to go - but it wasn't. It took FAR longer than I anticipated but I assure you, it'll be quite worth the wait.


The quick, down and dirty version of it all: It's a brand spankin' new quest. It's not a difficult one - except, perhaps for the amount of time schlepping around to do it. There are no difficult boss monsters involved. But it should still be worth the effort.


It's open to both light and shadow fans alike.


Over the next few days I will be posting details of the quest and the 5, (YES! Count 'em FIVE!) new books.


For fans of Ancarian lore, this will answer a lot of burning questions, tie together the lore and stories from Sacred 1 and Sacred 2 into one fairly lengthy yet hopefully entertaining read. And yes, for Gogo, I've managed to incorporate a fair number of easter egg type references that should make him quite happy for some time to come.







Wow! Exciting news indeed wolfie! :D I'm surprised you've had time to do that considering how busy you've been on the wiki. Oh and I LOVE that you made some new books. It's so much fun collecting those on the wiki. :)


I'm looking forward to taking the time to try out the CM Patch and your surprise wolfie. Thanx for the heads up!

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Nicely done, I enjoyed the read indeed!


Good work :thumbsup:



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In our next installment, we shift gears into a different mode all together.


Getting this part of the tale off the ground took a bit of time and effort. One day I was bored, so I started browsing the forums here on DM and I came across a post in the media section that had to do with music and one post in particular had a link to a site with band name origins. And as I was scrolling down the list, I came upon a band named Aesema Daeva. The guitarist for the band was quoted as saying:


"It is originally from Persian mythology. I, when younger, was into groups such as Nephalim, and Aesma Daeva is basically a fallen angel - or a member of the Nephalim" - John Prassas guitarist, composer of Aesma Daeva


When I read that, the Las Vegas marquees were lit and the muse was with me. I did a bit of research and other than the misspelling of "Nephilim" and that Aesema Daeva is more demon than fallen angel - but I didn't quite let that stop me. Inspiration was with me and I wasn't going to let a few mistaken facts get in my way. It was time to put the "fallen angel" into Sacred 2: Fallen Angel!


I put myself into a sort of mental time machine - and went back to the time of the Great War and imagined what Ceria Delith might have been like. I took a trip to the jungle and found that the city borders - as defined in the game - were a tad small. Given the size of the primary metropolis of the Elven region, Thylysium, is several times bigger, I realized that the entire jungle area was likely part of the city proper. The central pyramid was likely something akin to their city hall.


The rest, as they say, was a piece of cake. The remainder of the tale is the diary of on Dr. Aesema Daeva, who was likely a High Elf, skilled in the healing arts and possibly had something to do with the military. A bit of warning... The following diary entries contain a somewhat graphic description of alien autopsies. Might not want to have dinner while reading this if you've got a squeamish disposition...


Therefore, without further interruption, tonight's installment:


The Journal of Aesma Daeva 1


2 Jankar 4158


Today marks the 3rd month anniversary since the beginning of the war against the alien invaders. The world of Ancaria has taken significant losses already. The Ancarian Unification Council’s Science Division has put me in charge of harnessing T-Energy and creating a weapon to defeat the invaders.


As near as anyone has been able to figure, the invasion started not long after the near-tragic portal accident in the Orcish territory of Nor-Plat. The explosion in the heavens above Ancaria apparently caused a rupture in space and time and when Ancaria’s orbit took the planet within range, a large contingent of what can only be referred to as monstrosities crossed over into our world. Monstrosities of every size and shape that are as difficult to kill as the germs that cause Black Fever.


3 Jankar 4158


Today, Seraphim Maria and her Primad squad of warriors managed to fell one of the invaders. It wasn’t quite dead when they brought it in to the hospital at Ceria Delith. We were ordered to examine the beast and find out what makes it tick. Surprisingly, it appears to be very similar to life forms we’re familiar with. One head, two arms, two legs… Of course, their elongated heads, slavering jaws and foul acidic breath speak otherwise. Several of the Seraphim that brought the beast in today had fairly horrific acid burns on various parts of their bodies. Fortunately, their combat healing potions helped keep them from getting anything worse than a few nasty scars. Apparently, the acid it spits is part of its food intake mechanism. It spits out a nasty dose of acidic poison that immobilizes and eventually kills its prey as well as begins to predigest the victim. The slavering jaws extend from its mouth to latch onto the victim where the creature begins sucking in the pre-digested flesh of said victim much like an Ancarian sucker fly’s proboscis.


The internal arrangement of the alien seems to be a bit different from most Ancarian life. The exoskeletal arrangement of the creature seems to indicate it’s an insectoid. It seems to have four lungs that function much like our hearts – two chambers take in air, while the other two handle the exhaust.


All in all, these beings, while they’re exoskeletal structure are like built-in armor, they’re not impossible to kill. The information has been forwarded to the appropriate departments.


18 Jankar 4158


Maria and her Primad squad brought in another specimen for our research. This one appears to be fish-like except that it doesn’t appear to live in water. It floats above the ground. How exactly it manages this defies logic. Since this one was quite dead, we were able to dissect it. We didn’t find anything within its body to suggest how it can just float in the air. Clearly, this is something NOT of this world.


19 Jankar 4158


The alien is dead. Our captive seems to have decided to commit suicide. It refused to eat. Even live sheep, goats and other animals couldn’t tempt it to feed. Either that or the animals in question were just not appetizing to our ‘guest’.


21 Jankar 4158


The autopsy on our ‘guest’ was completed. What a putrid mess! Apparently, the creature was not entirely immune to its own toxic juices. It apparently swallowed some of its own acidic poison spittle and the toxins and acid ate parts of it from within. It would seem that normally, the acids would be partially neutralized when it comes into contact with the flesh of its prey. Unfortunately, the exoskeleton is not affected by the acidic compounds. So even if we were able to reproduce the acid and find a viable delivery method, it wouldn’t likely have much of an effect.


It took a lot of effort to crack the shell open. We finally brought in a 50 tonne press to crack the creature’s shell open. Too bad, we can’t ask these monstrosities to step inside one of these presses one by one so we can kill them. I doubt they would be willing to cooperate. As it is, the press damn near broke. It might work for one, maybe two of the beasts, but there are at least a few thousand of them all over Ancaria.

Edited by wolfie2kX
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In the third installment, we find the good(?) doctor coming across a serendipitous little accident - one that would eventually lead to the state of the Ancarian world we find in Sacred 2...


Now, without any further interruption, the third installment...


Journal of Aesma Daeva 2


13 Kuthar 4158


The war against the alien intruders has been going well. With weaponry enhancements furnished by the Ancarian Unification Councils Ministry of Warfare based on the information we provided them, the soldiers in Seraphim Marias armies are better able to take down our unwelcome guests. Thats not to say there havent been any significant losses to the Seraphim. Its been estimated that 10% of the Seraphim Corps has been killed off. At least the enhanced weaponry has somewhat stemmed the tide of losses.


The Ministry of Weaponry has decided to reassign my team. We are now going to be working on finding even better ways to eliminating the invaders. Weve received reports from some of Seraphim units that said that T-Energy in its purest form seems to be lethal to the invaders. That is not too surprising, given that T-Energy is likewise toxic to Ancarian life as well. Though oddly enough, its also well known that T-Energy also has the ability to stimulate life (or at least, life-like qualities) in dead tissues. In minute doses, pure T-Energy can cause severe mutations, psychotic behavior and ultimately death in otherwise normal beings. Fortunately, pure T-Energy is relatively rare and only occurs in a few places like the eastern edge of Bluestone Lake. We will be focusing on T-Energy research namely how to deliver pure T-Energy lethality to our invaders, wherever they roam.


15 Kuthar 4158


We had a bit of an accident in the lab today. One of our rat specimens fell into our vat of pure T-Energy. He had gotten loose and in his efforts to escape, he fell directly into the vat.


On the bright side, it was almost a serendipitous moment. When we fished the rat out, we were expecting him to be mutated in the usual way, and to be quite dead. He wasnt. In fact, other than the fact that the rat had lost all of its fur and was glowing a bright blue and was approximately twice his previous size, he was quite alive and kicking.


Weve decided to keep our blue rat alive as no one has ever quite seen anything of the sort.


18 Kuthar 4158


Our blue rat has done some surprising things in the last few days. It seems to have gained a few abilities much like the Elvish mage technique known as a shadow step a sort of near instantaneous teleportation. It (and I say it, because our specimen no longer appears to be a he) used the technique to get out of his cage to get at some food my assistant left on the counter across the room from him. We wouldnt have suspected our blue rat to have been the culprit if it wasnt for the fact that there were at least four pairs of eyes focused on him at the time. What we saw boggled the mind.


When my assistant confronted our rat, the rodent glared at him with a rather evil look and raised a paw toward him and took a swipe at his arm that nearly broke it in two. Amazing! Its beady red eyes were positively glowing like red hot coals. When it finished my assistants lunch, the rat promptly used its shadow step move to return to its cage.


19 Kuthar 4158


I decided to repeat the previous days events with our blue rat again. This time, however, under more controlled conditions. This time, I had a large metal plate brought in and set it up so it would block the rats line of sight with the counter where my assistant left his food the previous day. Then I brought in some leftovers a rather aromatic Bengareshi Curry and placed them on the counter. The rat got a whiff of the curry and immediately used his shadow step technique to escape his confines and raid the plate. Once the meal was finished, the rat returned to his cage the same way it escaped.


It would seem the rat has the ability to remember the exact layout of the laboratory so it didnt need line of sight to find its way to the food.


20 Kuthar 4158


I decided to see how our specimen reacts to our enemies. I had the Seraphim bring in one of the invaders alive and placed him in restraints in the place of the metal plate. The food reward today was a nice Dryad Fish Stew. This time, however, I smeared some of the gravy from the stew onto the aliens body. The rat once again escaped its confines and went on the attack. What it did to the bipedal invader wasnt pretty. We wired the invaders jaw shut so it couldnt retaliate with its acidic poison before we brought it in.


Our control rat one that was a quite normal Ancarian specimen tried to flee by hiding in its cage under the sawdust. Our blue rat, on the other hand, used its shadow step to escape its cage and went on what could best be called a rampage. The rats enhanced strength and claws dealt some serious damage to the aliens exoskeleton. The carnage didnt stop until I brought in the plate with the Dryad Stew and placed it on the counter. At that point, the blue rat abandoned the attack and went directly to feast on the food. The alien was quite dead by this point.


A side note: weve agreed to name our blue rodent specimen Algernon after one of my lab assistants grandfather who was quite a wise elf in his day.


25 Kuthar 4158


Algernon, our T-Energy infused rat specimen is doing well. Ten days after being immersed in the T-Energy vat and still ticking.


We decided over the past few days to attempt to reproduce the accident that caused Algernon to change. Weve brought in a fresh supply of rodents and replenished our vat of T-Energy. Apparently, Algernons dunking seems to have depleted our previously full vat by a third.


Before we did anything with the rats, we ran a standard genetic sampling study on the lot of them to see if there were any genetic factors involved in the change. Cant be too careful.


The first two rats merely mutated in the more traditional sense. They turned black and blue. They didnt become fully infused and died soon after their dunking. The third merely drowned in the vat without any change. Were obviously missing some key ingredient to make the transformation successful.


27 Kuthar 4158


Success! We finally figured out why our attempts were failing. It would seem there was a short in the power outlet near the vat that energized the vat and the T-Energy inside. One of my assistants fixed the short soon after we fished Algernon from the vat. Once I was reminded of that, I had him undo the fix and we were able to create Ben, our second T-Energy infused rodent.


Weve also found that Algernon and Ben do not seem to be able to get along. Ben seems to have gotten the same abilities as Algernon. When we brought in a plate of food for Algernon, Ben immediately shadow stepped to the plate and tucked in.


Algernon, of course, wasnt too thrilled with his new rival. He also shadow-stepped to the plate and a fight ensued. A quick thinking assistant Ill have to learn her name one of these days quickly brought in a second plate and with the appearance of more food, the two rats decided fighting wasnt quite as important as was the eating.


After the plates were cleaned, (and I mean clean! They were spotless!) the two rodents gave each other a brief hiss and shadow stepped back to their cages.


28 Kuthar 4158


A representative of the Ancarian Unification Councils Ministry of Warfare stopped by today. Unfortunately, he had the bad taste to show up with a food stain on his tunic. Seems he was a bit of a slob at breakfast. When the two T-Energy infused rats got a whiff of his food stained shirt they had the bad taste to shadow step out of their cages and immediately attacked the poor man. They bloody well tore a hole in his chest half way to his heart before they gave up and went back to their cages. This does not bode well. I think he was the deputy minister or some such. The damage done by the two was quite incredible. Nothing stopped their progress neither clothing, nor skin, nor bone.


1 Tyrbor 4158


It seems the attack on the misfortunate minor official by our T-Energy infused pets did us a bit of a favor. He was part of a faction who would have rather invested our time and efforts in other directions. I think were onto something. If only there were a way to better control our pets appetites so they attack the invaders and not Ancarian citizens. Maybe if we used other species ones better able to take orders and behave. We will have to expand our tests to bigger and better subjects.

Edited by wolfie2kX
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I agree!...about the good reading part, anyway. I'm on console, so the CM-Patch doesn't do me any good. Ah well.


Oh, and unless that Mutated Rat has a mustache, Algernon is an unfitting name.

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I agree!...about the good reading part, anyway. I'm on console, so the CM-Patch doesn't do me any good. Ah well.


Oh, and unless that Mutated Rat has a mustache, Algernon is an unfitting name.




{sigh} They must not be teaching Sci Fi Classics in schools any more..


It's actually VERY approprate. Check this out...



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I agree!...about the good reading part, anyway. I'm on console, so the CM-Patch doesn't do me any good. Ah well.


Oh, and unless that Mutated Rat has a mustache, Algernon is an unfitting name.




{sigh} They must not be teaching Sci Fi Classics in schools any more..


It's actually VERY approprate. Check this out...





lol, I'm pretty sure they are teaching Sci Fi, but that doesn't mean there is only one meaning. He's also Rupert Everett from The importance of being Ernest - Oscar Wilde. It's been done in many forms in movies and plays now with it's famous main character Algernon Moncrieff


I wish I played to be able to get into all of this patch's goodies, and especially this new tome of history you're adding to this game's pages. Very good prose Wolfie and a delicious morning laugh.





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I agree!...about the good reading part, anyway. I'm on console, so the CM-Patch doesn't do me any good. Ah well.


Oh, and unless that Mutated Rat has a mustache, Algernon is an unfitting name.




{sigh} They must not be teaching Sci Fi Classics in schools any more..


It's actually VERY approprate. Check this out...





Yeah, I wasn't familiar with "Flowers for Algernon." It wasn't part of my school curriculum...


As for the name 'Algernon,' I was only familiar with it because of a book of names I got lying around. In said book:


"Algernon--Old French, "with the mustache."


The origin of this name is unknown. It may have been designed to fit some bewhiskered knight, for legend has it as a nickname for Alex of Louraine, the mustachioed ancestor of the Howard and Percy families. Normans and Germans liked this name and the Norman invasion carried it to England. It is typical of the "personal characteristic" name, many of which developed in early England, such as Armstrong, Longfellow, Whitehead, etc.


English--Algernon, Algy."


So, yeah, I only knew about it because it had a funny meaning. "Mustachioed one," indeed.


In any case, after looking up "Flowers for Algernon," I gotta agree it was a fitting name after all! My apologies for saying otherwise!

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lol, I'm pretty sure they are teaching Sci Fi, but that doesn't mean there is only one meaning. He's also Rupert Everett from The importance of being Ernest - Oscar Wilde. It's been done in many forms in movies and plays now with it's famous main character Algernon Moncrieff


I wish I played to be able to get into all of this patch's goodies, and especially this new tome of history you're adding to this game's pages. Very good prose Wolfie and a delicious morning laugh.






Yah.. So Algernon isn't a unique name. Never said it was - but in the context, Flowers for Algernon is the only one that fits.


You'll see why in the next installment. If you liked the stuff so far, wait till you get a load of the final two installments.


Now as to the patch... The content hasn't been added to the patch as yet. It's still in the pile of pending stuff on the CM Patch site. The quest will involve a LOT of work. There's translations that need to be done for the various languages the patch now supports. We'll see...


By the way - this installment IS dedicated to you - figured you'd get a kick out of finding the Easter Eggs.. :D One has been exposed... The other still remains...

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In any case, after looking up "Flowers for Algernon," I gotta agree it was a fitting name after all! My apologies for saying otherwise!


S'ok.. No problem. I suppose I was the one in error - assuming people would be up to speed on the same sorta stuff I've been exposed to in school... So... Don't worry about it.. My bad.

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In the fourth installment of this tale - things start getting very, very interesting - and not in a really positive way for the people of Ancaria. But as with any tale, things usually have to get worse before they get better...


And a bonus cookie (rep point) to anyone who can name the spot on the map mentioned in the final entry of tonight's episode.


And now, without further interruption


Journal of Aesma Daeva 3


5 Tyrbor 4158


We’ve appropriated a larger laboratory. We’ve now got a larger vat and a bigger supply of T-Energy to work with. We’ve also gotten some stray dogs to experiment with. Some big mean dogs that were running wild. We will begin tests on them as soon as the lab is ready. We must make sure the power surge required to make the experiment work is set correctly.


6 Tyrbor 4158


We had some disturbing news from the old lab. Apparently, Algernon didn’t come out for its daily feed today. Ben was quite happy to shadow step its way out of its cage and devoured his portion and half of Algernon’s plate. Algernon was showing some signs of being a bit listless in its cage.


7 Tyrbor 4158


We’re ready to try our next experiment. The vat is filled; our first dog is about as ready as he will ever be. The power settings appear to be approximately what was running through the vat in the old lab.


8 Tyrbor 4158


We conducted our first dog based T-Energy test today. It was less than a raving success. What was once a mean spirited nearly feral dog became almost timid after infusion. I have no idea why. Apparently, personality has something to do with it. More experimentation will need to be done.


9 Tyrbor 4158


Disaster! We got a report from our old lab. Algernon exploded. The people monitoring the two mutant rats reported that Algernon hadn’t eaten anything for 4 days – and that it had started glowing a brighter shade of blue just before it happened. They also reported a few minutes before Algernon exploded, Ben had shadow stepped out from its confines and fled the lab. Somehow, it knew what was going to happen before it did. Ben had vanished and hasn’t been seen since. Algernon survived for all of 24 days. Not as promising as we once imagined, however, we’ll have to see what our current test subjects have to offer.


10 Tyrbor 4158


The explosion in our former quarters has caught the attention of the powers that be in Ceria Delith. They have requested that we find a more appropriate location for our experiments. Requests made to the various regions of Ancaria have come up short. The common theme for the rejection was the same – Not in my back yard! Bah! Bureaucrats! Technophobes! How are we supposed to save the world from the invaders without taking bold steps? Surely, some losses on our side must be acceptable. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.


The Dwarves finally agreed to allow us to build a facility in the southern portion of their domain on the western side of the central continent. It’s a mountainous region riddled with caves and canyons. They felt that the surrounding mountains would contain most any explosions so they wouldn’t harm the rest of Ancaria. Unfortunately the area is devoid of T-Energy so we will need to figure out some means to import it from other parts of the continent.


In the mean time, our T-Energy dog really hasn’t worked out very well. It hasn’t eaten since his transfiguration. It hasn’t so much as displayed any interesting talents gained from the infusion. In fact, it hasn’t done anything except cower in complete fear in its kennel. What a disappointment. We fear its end is near.


13 Tyrbor 4158


The T-Energy dog exploded today. Fortunately, this time we were somewhat prepared. We put it in a boat and towed it far out to sea. The explosion was immense. We calculated it was roughly four times larger than the one caused by Algernon. Given the dog was proportionally four times larger, this fits in nicely. No damage was done – except for the boat the dog and its kennel were on. Too bad we couldn’t include a few of the invaders. I doubt, however, they would have been willing to cooperate.


Given the failure of our one canine subject, we need to find another species to experiment on. One that can be controlled and be made to attack the invaders. It’s not like we have forever to deal with the current problem. Our astronomers at the Celestial Dome have concluded that our world, Ancaria, will be passing close to and possibly coming into contact with the dimensional rift caused by those idiot Orcs and their accursed portal accident – again. Who knows how many invaders will be coming through the portal this time around. The forecast is not a good one.


18 Tyrbor 4158


We’ve received a report from near Orcish Byway about a medium sized explosion near the town. It appears Ben had just about made it to Nor-Plat before his time ran out. Not too surprising given that Ben and all of our test rats were obtained from Orcish traders from Karagh.


21 Tyrbor 4158


Construction on the new site for our laboratory is progressing very nicely. It will be quite nicely guarded by not one, but three fortresses so security shouldn’t be much of an issue.


We still need test subjects for our experiments. It seems none of Ancaria’s fauna would be compatible with the goals of our experiments.


23 Tyrbor 4158


I had a bit of a brainstorm last night. I sent a note to the local prison warden to see if he had any prisoners scheduled for execution. If the transformation is a death sentence, it really doesn’t matter how soon they cease to exist. Or for that matter, how they cease to exist. And who knows, they may, in fact, find some measure of redemption should our experiments succeed.


26 Tyrbor 4158


Bloody bureaucrats! The powers that be got wind of my request. I’ve been called before the full Ancarian Unification Council to explain my request. I report to them tomorrow morning.


27 Tyrbor 4158


Disaster! My appearance before the council was postponed. It would seem Ancaria not only came into contact with the rift but collided with it head on - something about fluctuations in Ancaria’s orbit due to extra planetary influences. It was also about a fortnight ahead of schedule.


What emerged from the portal this time around was truly the stuff of nightmares. The invaders we’ve had to deal with the first time around were nothing in comparison to what emerged in the past few hours. Huge winged monsters, bigger than a two story noble’s house that exhale fire! Other huge winged monstrosities that seem to be burning from within. They can scoop up huge chunks of dirt and melt them in their hands. This is NOT good. We aren’t ready yet. This is NOT good.


28 Tyrbor 4158


The new invaders have spread far and wide. The huge flying lizards that exhale fire number in the hundreds. They appear to be giant dragons – the kind that hasn’t been seen on Ancaria for a thousand generations. The sort of dragons you can find on Ancaria in this day and age are nowhere near the purported size being reported. They’re maybe twice the size of a normal riding horse with a wing-spread about twice as long.


28 Tyrbor 4158


(later) We’ve just received a report from a brave soul willing to go to the eastern portion of the southern desert on the eastern continent where the portal came into contact with Ancaria. The portal now seems to be firmly locked onto the spot where it landed. This time it’s not going away.

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I'd hazard the guess that the spot the final journal entry is referring to is around that giant gaping crater that you run into on the way to the desert Dragon.


Also, should the Celestial Dome exist yet, at that point in time? I was under the impression it its contruction finished just before Sacred 2 began.


In any case, this is still an entertaining read. Thanks for posting it.

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I'd hazard the guess that the spot the final journal entry is referring to is around that giant gaping crater that you run into on the way to the desert Dragon.


Also, should the Celestial Dome exist yet, at that point in time? I was under the impression it its contruction finished just before Sacred 2 began.


In any case, this is still an entertaining read. Thanks for posting it.


Actually... no.. Wrong continent... Think Sacred 1... Good try though.


And yes, you'd think so, however, there's that quest on Seraphim Island (Navigation Crystals) where the Seraphim teleports you to the Dome with some nav crystals she's been working on for them. When you get there, you talk to a gal who tells you the guy you were supposed to give the crystals to was her Grandfather and he's been dead for a very, very long time - something like 150 years if I recall correctly. When you get back, the Seraphim in question says something or other about Elven immortality not being what it used to be... That would imply the dome has been there for quite some time - in one form or another.


Also, don't forget our not so friendly visitors. For all we know, they could have utterly laid waste to the original installation.

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I'd hazard the guess that the spot the final journal entry is referring to is around that giant gaping crater that you run into on the way to the desert Dragon.


Also, should the Celestial Dome exist yet, at that point in time? I was under the impression it its contruction finished just before Sacred 2 began.


In any case, this is still an entertaining read. Thanks for posting it.


Actually... no.. Wrong continent... Think Sacred 1... Good try though.


And yes, you'd think so, however, there's that quest on Seraphim Island (Navigation Crystals) where the Seraphim teleports you to the Dome with some nav crystals she's been working on for them. When you get there, you talk to a gal who tells you the guy you were supposed to give the crystals to was her Grandfather and he's been dead for a very, very long time - something like 150 years if I recall correctly. When you get back, the Seraphim in question says something or other about Elven immortality not being what it used to be... That would imply the dome has been there for quite some time - in one form or another.


Also, don't forget our not so friendly visitors. For all we know, they could have utterly laid waste to the original installation.



Ya, I never played the first game, so by this point, you've completely lost me. Still an interesting read, though.


And my memory must be going bad. I didn't remember that quest...


Oh.....and MERRY CHRISTMAS! (If you celebrate something else, I hope that's merry too!)

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Ya, I never played the first game, so by this point, you've completely lost me. Still an interesting read, though.


And my memory must be going bad. I didn't remember that quest...


Oh.....and MERRY CHRISTMAS! (If you celebrate something else, I hope that's merry too!)


Ah... That would explain it. The answer is in the bottom right corner of the S1 Map...


Thanks for the compliment though...


Some quests aren't that memorable. The ones on Seraphim Island that have you teleporting around just aren't THAT super long or memorable - except the harvest one where the people explode after eating the genetically engineered chow the Seraphim cooked up.


And Merry Christmas right back at you..!

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That link came back with an error - something about not having permission to access the file on that server...


But if you were referring to Ben 1972, or the Michael Jackson song of the same name, then yes... You got it...


I suppose I could have gone for a trifecta - but that particular chapter was getting a bit long as it was. And I was going for an alphabetical naming strategy - Algernon, Ben.... W is a LONG ways down the alphabet...

Edited by wolfie2kX
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