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Game of Thrones (Beware, may contain heart-breaking spoilers)


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It bothered me she didn't say the words that Thoros said. He had a long prayer to the Lord of Light and she just said 4 or 5 words over and over again.


People are dropping like flies, it feels kind of insane. But I like that because it points towards storylines actually coming together and resolving instead of spreading further and further apart. What's going to happen in the North seems pretty straightforward, same for the coming conflict in King's Landing.


I think right now I'm most looking forward to Bran's storyline and his visions. Flashbacks to the Tower of Joy.

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People are dropping like flies, it feels kind of insane.

that kinda did get to me, how seemingly quick the flies fell... guess we're ramping up for the big battle of Castle Black? He sure does have an axe to grind with Jon ^^





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I dont think there's many villains out there in main stream broadcast that's done or wants to do what this guy is capable of.

And this is just the series...

the books are worse




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Only one character came close for me and it turns out he was a good guy lol. Damien Sadi from the black jewels trilogy.

Edited by Veracious
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I just can't wait to see the faces of the watch who stabbed him when he picks up longclaw and walks out to greet everyone with steel.

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I just can't wait to see the faces of the watch who stabbed him when he picks up longclaw and walks out to greet everyone with steel.

A startling breakfast surprise :P

Think he'll have more powers or something? I do remember that in the book, every iteration of Lightning Lord was progressively weaker ... hope pieces of Snow dont drop into his cereal





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lol.. flix, yer remember in Technicolor! :lol: ...I wish my dreams were as vivid... I dont seem lucky and forget most when I wake up... luck you, yer getting extra episodes for free!




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that's a more epic battle than anything we've seen in any of the movies :P:lol:

Never really noticed the two RR's in both names, though I have, a few times, had discussions with friends about which wrote better stories...




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  • 2 weeks later...










Although, rumor has it there's only going to be two more seasons after this, possibly abbreviated in length. I love that things are heading somewhere now at least.

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End scene... wow! Do you think the fire was real or CG or mix? Watched it a few times...yeah like you said Flix... great satisfaction here with feeling the pieces moving into place... we just know there's gonna be a knock out fight with the undead coming up!





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A co worker and I were talking and we're hoping theon joins Jon n sansa and ends up being the one to kill ramsay. That would be awesome.


And I loved the end of this episode when dany just burns the place down and stands there smiling then walks out when the doors fall off lol. Great scene

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I'm just happy Daenerys will finally be able to do something, anything outside Slaver's Bay...now only if she had ships....


I'm thinking the fire (at least the outside views) was CGI. If it was a real fire and something went wrong with the shoot, could be a massive setback having to rebuild that. Though of course the bridge blowing up in the movie "Bridge on the River Kwai" was a real explosion and they had only that one chance to shoot it....so what do I know.


Happy Sansa is finally safe...and do you think something is up with Brienne and Tormund? Think Tormund is smitten and Brienne has no idea how to react. Just keep remembering her story about the party her dad threw and all the boys laughing behind her back til Renley danced with her....she's not used to being the object of real desire...hope she finds some happiness before the show ends.


Oh and wonder how the Brienne, Melisandre, Davos meeting up is going to play out


My most hated character is/was Joffrey...now it's Ramsay, but unlike Joffrey I hope Ramsay sticks around a while. Iwan Rheon plays him so perfectly...I just never know what he'll do...like when he held his baby brother and everyone watching held their breath


Running in a close 2nd now is Littlefinger...can't wait to see his confrontation with Sansa

I've been rewatching this last episode... you're right...there's a great moment of awareness tween Brienne and Tormund... I've even found that patch in the series where she mentions her past "relationship" to her Squire... and while I think he may have the hots for her, she's so into her whole self-agrandized idea of purpose and honor, that I'm thinking poor Tormund won't get what he sees





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