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Game of Thrones (Beware, may contain heart-breaking spoilers)


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Well I'm pretty much done with the tv series after that finale. No longer interested. I won't give spoilers since I don't know who's not seen it yet. But yea I'm done. I'm over it.

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Well I'm pretty much done with the tv series after that finale. No longer interested. I won't give spoilers since I don't know who's not seen it yet. But yea I'm done. I'm over it.


I don't watch the show, but I am curious what this is commotion today about the show is all about. Can someone clue in me and the rest of the peasants?

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@ SX255: Without giving away too much about the story? Pretty hard to do.

I haven't seen the last episode yet, but based upon the responses at Facebook, one of the (most) favorite characters has died - read: brutaly murdered.


Strange thing: in the last book, the same thing happens; so it was kinda to be expected.


Still, since it was said the series would part from the books, my guess was that a lot of people hoped he would survive. Now he didn't and it shocked them.


Thorin :)

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The only issue I have with the death is that the actor and directors have all given interviews in the last few days saying the character is finally, definitely, and unequivocally dead, and the actor will not be returning to the show. That's a bit different from the ending of the last book, where said character is stabbed but their fate is ambiguous.


Now you might think, there are ways to circumvent death, remember red priests can resurrect. But the showrunners spat in the face of that idea by removing Thoros, Lady Stoneheart and co., so I fully expect them to continue the trend.

Edited by Flix
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Yup this is one series where it doesn't pay to get too attached to any character or pick a favorite. This one was a bit of a gut punch as I thought he might be one of the 'untouchables'.


Well at least my favorite character is still alive....yeah I know I said not to pick a favorite but this was before I realized anyone can at anytime die for any reason :P

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I don't have cable so I've never seen the show, but I did just finish the first book. I guess I was fortunate in that there's only one character I care anything about. If/when they kill her off, I figure I'll just close the book and return it to the library.

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The more I think on it the more I don't think he's permanently dead....I don't want to say more on it as I don't want to ruin it for anyone but if you would like to know more simply:


Major Spoiler Alert !




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could you also add

to the thread titel!

in German (free) TV we have to wait until Feb 2016 to watch it! ;) At the moment the series is only available in Pay-TV...

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could you also add

to the thread titel!

in German (free) TV we have to wait until Feb 2016 to watch it! ;) At the moment the series is only available in Pay-TV...

Was actually thinking of doing that yesterday...guess I forgot :) It's done now


Shame you guys have to wait til Feb '16. About the same time season 5 will come out on dvd. With all the theories/comments/threads etc on the internet, it must be hard not see any spoilers :(

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The more I think on it the more I don't think he's permanently dead....I don't want to say more on it as I don't want to ruin it for anyone but if you would like to know more simply:


Major Spoiler Alert !



That's just a theory, although I like it, because it seems quite an elegant way to explain it. It also doesn't have any bearing on whether he lives or not. Plenty of characters were the perfect one to accomplish TASK A but then they died anyway, leaving lesser characters to try to pick up the pieces.

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could you also add

to the thread titel!

in German (free) TV we have to wait until Feb 2016 to watch it! ;) At the moment the series is only available in Pay-TV...

I saw that it's been done a by a mod, thanks guys. I'd love to see, read more about series craft somewhere with peeps I know, and I figger if we assume that everyone reading this thread is good to season five inclusive, we can feel more confident about what we're putting up. Course, if someone who hasn't seen all season five yet wants to chat about past stuff, perhaps another topic can help?










K, SAFE... read now :D





That aside... last ten minutes of GOT last night (yeah only got to it after I got back from Vac and was the first thing I did... ) I didn't feel like I got enuff satisfaction AT ALL from Stannis...I mean, yeah, the procedure was followed and he got executed right and proper... but with all that pain we had to go through with Shireen...and it was a LOT...surely there would have been some moments of Schadenfreude that the GOT peeps could have given us?

I also found a cool link to a site with six reasons why Jon Snow could not be dead... I..have hope...



And ssup wit Arya blind... what did that happen?





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Well we didn't actually see Stannis get killed so who knows what might have happened....


I think Arya's blindness is the faceless god's punishment for her killing Meryn Trant instead of the 'Thin Man'. Pretty sure it's temporary.


@Flix...I know the link doesn't prove he's not dead....but I think his character is too pivotal to the show for him to be permanently dead. Between his true parentage being such a secret and the build-up of his character, it just seems senseless for him to die and be gone at this point. His death serves no purpose and doesn't further the story at all unless he resurrects somehow.


I believe Melisandre realized Stannis is not Azor Ahai and instead it's someone else. Plus it's way too convenient that she shows up at the wall just as Jon dies, knowing that her god can bring people back to life.

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@Flix...I know the link doesn't prove he's not dead....but I think his character is too pivotal to the show for him to be permanently dead. Between his true parentage being such a secret and the build-up of his character, it just seems senseless for him to die and be gone at this point. His death serves no purpose and doesn't further the story at all unless he resurrects somehow.


I believe Melisandre realized Stannis is not Azor Ahai and instead it's someone else. Plus it's way too convenient that she shows up at the wall just as Jon dies, knowing that her god can bring people back to life.


I agree on all counts. :) I actually spent most of this afternoon trying to convince my roommate of just those very things (he of course vowed to never watch the show again after that finale). It just bothers me that Kit and the directors are saying he's never coming back to the show.

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I think Arya's blindness is the faceless god's punishment for her killing Meryn Trant instead of the 'Thin Man'. Pretty sure it's temporary.


Yep. Gogo, remember that b*tchy blond girl who always gives Arya a hard time? She was blind when Arya first arrived, and now she's got her vision again.

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I keep thinking about a line in the book...


Melisandre says " Now he was a man, now a wolf, now a man again" while trying to decipher the visions she sees in the flames. In the tv show, she says "I pray for a glimpse of Azor Ahai, and R'hllor shows me only Snow". So to me I think Jon transfers his soul into Ghost just before he dies. At some point Melisandre resurrects him.


Plus if the theory on his heritage is correct, he has Targaryen blood in him so if they try to burn him so he won't turn into a wight/white walker nothing may happen to him (just like when Danaerys went into the flames)

This could cunningly refer to his little brother who can actually take control of his wolf at will. They crossed that land of ice to find that man under the tree. Edited by Veracious
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That's a good point Mike....Kind of forgot about Bran...especially since he wasn't in season 5 at all. Wonder what he'll end up doing in the last few books. I may have to re-read the books, and see if there are more hidden clues that I missed the first time I read them.


Oh on that note...just read that book 6 The Winds of Winter release date has now been pushed back to sometime in 2016 :(

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Oh dear. It sounds like the books are taking way to much of forever... Although the last 3 Harry Potter books where published 2 years one after the other... So that was 6 years that I was waiting to read 3 volumes of my favourite book series...


I don't mind spoilers, Infact I look for certain things, and when no one wants to tell me, then I look online...

I just tonight finished season 4 episode 5 and 6... Tyrion is having his trial for "killing"Joffrey and he just said all the other things but he did not kill him!

I am sad that John Snow is going to pass away/get betrayed, and a lot of other things that made me unhappy, but I'll get over this. Robb, his pregnant wife and Catalyn stark beig murdered was very bad... I really did not like that.



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There's differences in the book with the Red Wedding. Rob's wife isn't there so she gets away. And Catelyn Stark gets resurrected by Thoros of Myr.


I understand they have to change things, but at least with Catelyn, it seems like she has an important role to play. Since GRRM has divulged important future plot details to the showrunners, it makes me think that she's not important at all. When the show disregards things from the book, I get the feeling that it's actually a throw-away character or plot, and I'm less interested in reading about it. Kind of a sour mix, being a show fan and a book fan at once.


And I agree, since he takes forever to write the books, I fully believe that the show's 7 seasons will be completely done and finished before we ever see another book in the series (even though there are supposed to be only 2 more books, it will probably take another decade at least to see them released).

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@ Knuckles: re-reading the books might remind you that being a Targaryen doesn't mean you can withstand fire.

Denaerys' brother died because he got that pot of molten gold thrown over his head (and just in case some smart-butt wants to mention he got suffocated: he was screaming in pain when that happened to him); Maester Aemon was burned after he died at the wall, so being a Targaryen isn't enough.


Being a Targaryen and having the dragon's blood - like Denaerys is having would save a dead Jon from the death though.

However, with Mellisandre at the wall, Jon might indeed be resurrected.


I do agree about the Catelyn Stark story-line. Not having it in the show might be a mistake, as I have the feeling she's going to play a more important role as people think. Just the same with Bran, Rickon and Theon's relatives. They're all left out of this season, but they're going to play some important parts.

Of course, leaving them out of this season might've been on purpose so they'd re-appear next season.

Wouldn't surprise me at all, if that happens.


Thorin :)

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Actually Jon burns his hand while fighting off 'Others' when they go after Mormont at Castle Black. And Viserys got his golden crown so I'm not sure how/why only Daenerys is immune to fire.


Only reason I can think of why Lady Stoneheart is not in the storyline yet is they don't want to lessen the impact if/when Jon is resurrected, by already having it done with her. All I can think of. Surely GRRM wouldn't resurrect her just to have her kill off a few Freys right?

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I like how the show departed from the books. In the books, nothing happens. No ice zombies, no dragon stuff, nothing. Tyrion and Daenerys are wasted on some boring stuff.

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I like how the show departed from the books. In the books, nothing happens. No ice zombies, no dragon stuff, nothing. Tyrion and Daenerys are wasted on some boring stuff.


Agreed on the wights and the Others. We get way more of them in the show.


Disagree about the dragons. In fact I remember MORE stuff happening with the dragons in the books. I remember her two little ones getting loose and burning the city before she left.


Overall, yeah the show is super streamlined. Some changes I like (Brienne vs. the Hound), some I strongly disagree with (no Lady Stoneheart). Most changes are just different, not better or worse.

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