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19 Years of Wyntertyde in Ancaria

From the Sacred 2 Christmas Island Soundtrack
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My account was locked :O

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Well due to suspicious activity my account was locked sometime this morning. Weird thing was I could still log into game and play (and thankfully all my characters/gold/gear was intact). Seems it only locked me out of my account at Battle.net. Not what I wanted to see getting off work. Was pretty simple to reset password and everything appears to be fine now.


The only weird stuff I've been doing lately is dying lol. Guess I may buy one of those authenticators after all.

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FWIW, the authenticators for your mobile phone are free (provided that you have a smart phone).

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I had some of these as well. Bnet probably detected some IP change or something.

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Getting an authenthicator for Iphone/Droid is easy, works pretty fast too, hope it helps.



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Well due to suspicious activity my account was locked sometime this morning. Weird thing was I could still log into game and play (and thankfully all my characters/gold/gear was intact). Seems it only locked me out of my account at Battle.net. Not what I wanted to see getting off work. Was pretty simple to reset password and everything appears to be fine now.


The only weird stuff I've been doing lately is dying lol. Guess I may buy one of those authenticators after all.


Knuckles, did you send a ticket asking them about this for answer?

I'd have been worried as well




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the only weird stuff I've been doing lately is dying lol. Guess I may buy one of those authenticators after all.



Because you died backwards and upside down while on horseback? (a la Sacred) :D

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