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7 hours ago, Veracious said:

Will there be a new game that the Dark Matters members will be playing jointly anytime soon? 

Funny thing you asked this just right now, Schot's getting a SICK new video card...mostly for his work for video editing, and muhahah of course, it'll probably do awesome side duty as gaming machin :bounce; .. 

any thing that you're looking at ? Fornite, overwatch?

or arpg?




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More arpg like sacred diablo p.o.e. Just curious because most communities these days suck and being part of this community already would be convenient if you all are playing something new. 

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Been playing Grim Dawn and Titan Quest Ragnarok lately.  Unfortunately my internet speed is garbage so I can't do multiplayer.

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unfortunatel is that the way of gaming communities. if a gaming series "dies" often also the communities dies also.

that this site is still online and the community here is still active in the forum (big applause for that!) is hard to find.

it is also hard to find a new game, that all of us like and play. I am playing titan quest with a closed group of people, after trying Grim Dawn (great game, unfotunately big technical problems at one of our group) and Van Helsing.

other problem is sometimes the time zone. I tried to play Life is Feudal with some guys from here, but Canada and Germany doesn't match! :D

drop in and out on servers is something that could be a pita in these days. these "communities" are the reason why I don't play Guild Wars 2 anymore...

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3 hours ago, Dorimil said:

unfortunatel is that the way of gaming communities. if a gaming series "dies" often also the communities dies also.

that this site is still online and the community here is still active in the forum (big applause for that!) is hard to find.

it is also hard to find a new game, that all of us like and play. I am playing titan quest with a closed group of people, after trying Grim Dawn (great game, unfotunately big technical problems at one of our group) and Van Helsing.

other problem is sometimes the time zone. I tried to play Life is Feudal with some guys from here, but Canada and Germany doesn't match! :D

drop in and out on servers is something that could be a pita in these days. these "communities" are the reason why I don't play Guild Wars 2 anymore...

Yea even with active games like path of exile everyone plays solo including the sacred guys who made the FATE guild. They're all German so I never really got included, I'm in ny and they're all irl friends. 

Figured I'd try something new if anyone here did multi in a new game

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Wolcen has a potential to really shine here. When I first purchased it, they had a video of the armor customization mini game. I miss games where I could customize armor appearance instead of just stats (like S:EA). If it's not scrapped,  I can imagine guilds walking around in matching armor that is actually distinguished from the same chainmail that everyone else is running around in. Since we have the option of customizing our homes, I see the ability to have a customized guildhall. If I'm not mistaken, some cosmetics in Wolcen carried bonuses to certain stats, so I see the potential of different guild memberships carrying different perks, instead of the same lame plane Jane "if you joined one guild, you've joined them all" type of deal. Of course, this is all speculation, but I see the potential for guild creation to really shine in Wolcen.

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The problem with guilds or even with multiplayer function in the games I have is that everyone wants to be self sufficient. The day that they make one where people have to cooperate ( bakers depending on the farmers, smiths depending on the miners, etc), sign me up :)

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7 hours ago, Gilberticus said:

The problem with guilds or even with multiplayer function in the games I have is that everyone wants to be self sufficient. The day that they make one where people have to cooperate ( bakers depending on the farmers, smiths depending on the miners, etc), sign me up :)

That would be really interesting. I find games to favor too harshly the real hardcore 24/7 players in the self sufficient department. You're either poor and unable to experience the entire game because you can't afford inflated trade values, or you don't have time to put into the game in order to farm what you need yourself. If drop rates were higher so that casual players could still experience a whole arpg game that would help. Diablo and path of exile type games all favor lifers who don't do anything else. This is why there was so much duping of runes in diablo 2. People were mad at the 1/1,000,000 drop rate for the higher tier runes necessary to solo the end game content. There's also a lack of group play. Maybe because the increase in monster power per player is usually too large. 

Edited by Veracious
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  • 2 weeks later...

I’m just posting here for notifications :lol: I would really love to find a game to play with you guys. 

I’ve been pretty much burned out on gaming the past few years and really need something to grab my interest again. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mostly playing singleplayer games now a days:
Astroneer, jurassic World evolution, subnautica & some HMM5.
Or just Goof around in Newerwinter online, doing boring campaign stuff. They dont releace new raids and such, so loosing interest in that one too.

Most modern games are way too pvp/ pve oriented or just fps, which I dont like.

I now and then do some DDo raids or LOtro raids with my discord friends.
Not regularly cause they started playing Conan the thingy, which is also pvp / pve oriented - so I dont like it ...

Edited by D-molisher
added some and such ...
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  • 2 weeks later...

I've kind of been burned out on gaming the last few years, like Timo. I've decided to go against my traditional games and buy SCUM next week. I would have purchased it today, but I got a little overzealous with my spending at a vape and gem store. So, if anyone is interested, hit me up next week. 

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11 hours ago, Gilberticus said:

I've kind of been burned out on gaming the last few years, like Timo. I've decided to go against my traditional games and buy SCUM next week. I would have purchased it today, but I got a little overzealous with my spending at a vape and gem store. So, if anyone is interested, hit me up next week. 

Is that the survival game? Way too involved for me lol. But good luck. Enjoy

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I will indeed be buying SCUM. I had wanted to spend a few extra bucks to get access to Identity's beta, as I only paid enough to get access to the finished product. However, I can't even log onto my account. Bad gateway, error 502, all types of crap popping up. So, if they can't even handle more people suddenly logging onto the homepage, I'm skeptical as to how stable their beta's going to be. So, I'm buying SCUM instead.  

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And yes, it's a survival game, which is where my interests currently lay. I've been playing Rpgs for over 30 years; my first being The Fairytale Adventure for the Amiga. While I love rpgs, everything these days just feels like rehashes of Diablo, Sacred, and Titan Quest. Perhaps I'm getting pickier as I get older, but I'm looking for an rpg that has a little bit of a nostalgic feeling but also has a brand new flavor. So, until that day, survival games have caught my eye, particularly ones like Rising World. I've discovered that I love building, and I love running around foraging for stuff, like in Subsistence.


I've also discovered that I'm spoiled. I was going to spend a few extra bucks on Identity, but got turned off just because their website couldn't handle a sudden influx of visitors. Good lord, I must be forgetting the days of crappy dial up AOL, where I was lucky to even get on a website, and where my online plans would be completely shot if dad was expecting an important business call. 

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4 hours ago, Gilberticus said:

And yes, it's a survival game, which is where my interests currently lay. I've been playing Rpgs for over 30 years; my first being The Fairytale Adventure for the Amiga. While I love rpgs, everything these days just feels like rehashes of Diablo, Sacred, and Titan Quest. Perhaps I'm getting pickier as I get older, but I'm looking for an rpg that has a little bit of a nostalgic feeling but also has a brand new flavor. So, until that day, survival games have caught my eye, particularly ones like Rising World. I've discovered that I love building, and I love running around foraging for stuff, like in Subsistence.


I've also discovered that I'm spoiled. I was going to spend a few extra bucks on Identity, but got turned off just because their website couldn't handle a sudden influx of visitors. Good lord, I must be forgetting the days of crappy dial up AOL, where I was lucky to even get on a website, and where my online plans would be completely shot if dad was expecting an important business call. 

I don't know if you tried path of exile but it's in its like 7th year or something and the content is endless. It's actually a bit overwhelming for people who aren't full time players. But like I posted originally it's more single player but I feel like that's just pc gaming these days. 

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On 9/16/2018 at 0:11 AM, Gilberticus said:

It's gilbert79. I just kind of do my own thing on POE, I'm not much of a team player on rpgs. 

That's pretty much everyone these days. I miss the early 2000's days of logging into diablo 2 and getting 16 messages/invites. 

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  • 3 months later...

*nudges thread

Currently I am slowly starting D3. After playing the demo I kicked it aside as I was sure it was a game which would consume all my free time. :4rofl:But, right now, that's not the way I look at it, still learning and I am not that far into the game but it hasn't fully captured my interest yet.

I do miss some interaction though, Sacred and Darkmatters were my only venture into online gaming. Ever since then I was sure I would never find this experience again.
And I can't believe that there are so many people here now who I've never played with :blink::blush2:

Long story short: if anyone's up for some co-op play of some sorts - preferably something else than D3 though - I would love to hear what you guys play. 

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A few of my assignments fell through, so I'm back home with oodles of time. What I'm looking for is like a Minecraft MMO with better graphics, that's not set in a medieval time period, where I can build things brick by brick instead of placing pre-made structures. I think it's safe to assume that this is more of an arpg/rpg crowd, but if someone knows of a game like what I described, I'd be happy to buy it and build you a whole blooming city. 

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On 1/6/2019 at 6:23 PM, Timotheus said:

*nudges thread

Currently I am slowly starting D3. After playing the demo I kicked it aside as I was sure it was a game which would consume all my free time. :4rofl:But, right now, that's not the way I look at it, still learning and I am not that far into the game but it hasn't fully captured my interest yet.

I do miss some interaction though, Sacred and Darkmatters were my only venture into online gaming. Ever since then I was sure I would never find this experience again.
And I can't believe that there are so many people here now who I've never played with :blink::blush2:

Long story short: if anyone's up for some co-op play of some sorts - preferably something else than D3 though - I would love to hear what you guys play. 

wow, Timo!! Good seeing you and Happy New Years, Friend !!  Are you stll playing D3? I actually have the game... would love to play with someone and start again.... do you just have base or in fact have the addon>




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@gogoblender A happy and healthy 2019 to you too Rommel :) say hi to Brad as well! Still is the wrong word actually. I played the demo when it became available and thought: this would not be a game I should pour my time into right now... So I never bought it. But, having some spare money makes it easier to make foolish choices ;) so I bought both the base game, the Reaper expansion... Yeah... Aaaaand… The Necromancer DLC since that was my main character in D2. :whistle:

I actually tried playing D1 before this since I never played it, I love the lore of the franchise, but that game moves sooo slow! 

@Gilberticus I was thinking of a game but then I saw no medieval... So I guess you are aware of Life is Feudal?:zipit:

Edited by Timotheus
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