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Blizzard's new game

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On 19 may 2007, less than 2 days from now (depending on where you live), Blizzard is scheduled to announce its next game at Blizzard World Wide Invitational in Korea. So what do you guys think the next game will be about?


An expansion for WoW? That would suck imo, games that require monthly fees are lame. >_>


A sequel to one of the two other big games by Blizzard? Diablo 3 or Starcraft 2 anyone? This one would be awesome, but it would require Blizzard to stop being greedy and focus on something else than their cash cow, WoW.


Or is it something completely different? This might be either good or bad, depends on what different actually is.


So what's your take on this?



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I would go with WarCraft or Diablo.

I dont think that they are even thinking about StarCraft or that they will be thinking in the near future.

As for WOW a friend that plays it told me that they allready had the next two expansions ready just waiting for the write time to let them out.

What ever it is they better get ready because ever other company has there game caps on.

If it is WarCraft or StarCraft they will have some big competion in C&C3; WarHammer:Mark of Chaos and all the other RTS that will come out.

As for Diablo well they have to take on Hell Gate London and the game is not out yet and people are saying that it will be not only the game of the year but the game of the decade. But as allways we will have to see and they better bring it on or they will have to run back to WOW. :4rofl:

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I have super mixed feelings about this. I do want Blizzard to release d3, but only because I want to see what the worlds most successful video game company will do with a hack n' slash. I know this will create competition with Sacred 2, but...maybe it'll just make them work harder? As well, even if d3 does come out, who's to say I will play it? We already have tons of friends from all over the world now regarding sacred and playing within a smaller universe has great appeal.

So evilly speaking, I'm even hoping that blizzard does starcraft. It would be super cool having a wicked rts come out and...who knows...maybe we can even clan this?

Here's ta hopin




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I wonder if ( and when ) after the release of Starcraft 2 , they will release their follow up on WOW .. meself thinks somewhere along the lines of ... ( u can laugh :) )


Planets of starcraft ( POS )


Suns/Sons of Starcraft ( SOS )


Legions of Starcraft ( LOS )


:):) I've been wrong before ... and honestly I hope I'm wrong again :bounce::bounce:




mainly cuz I agree with Indy13 ... Pay 2 play is mega lame... :evil:


I prefer the sacred style... pray 2 play :P

Edited by DreDBanGeR
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I"m crying here now

Crying over the beauty that is blizzard and how they have the gall to consistantly release games that over and over put them on the very highest pedestal of video game creativity.

I am weeping now in sheer joy over the beauty of their game trailer.

And at this little piece of info...

Multiplay capacity!

Woo Hoo!





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well I didn't say I wasn't fond of seeing Starcraft 2 :P .. btw the gameplay trailer will be released tomorrow

( or so the website says)

Edited by DreDBanGeR
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Never liked starcraft, I'm sure not going to like this one either so I won't even bother to try it. Too bad blizzard hasn't created a good game since... since.. eh.. warcraft 2? well blizzard has only made two good games overall d2exp and W2.

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Mmm, just noticed this, anyone can guess who this is?


kekekeke :)


It's the return of one of the best video game villain ever. :)


Fenix? But he is dead. :P

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Played the first one. Never got under my skin.


As for the picture it is Kerrigan for sure. It is a not so human female. Sarah Kerrigan: The Queen of Blades for sure. :P


AS for Blizzard being the best game company out there I wouldnt put my money into it.

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Blizzard is masterminding a VERY big game here.

They dont' need money...so why even bother putting out another game that doesn't have pay by the month?

I believe it's cuz Blizzard is looking for good will value. A lot of the peeps who don't play wow are perhaps reseentufl of the fact that blizzard actually got their game model off the ground. Wait no, in fact...they turned it into a veritable cash cow!

So what else does a company need that has all the money in the world?

How bout faith and kind feelings?

With this release, I they will have won over ANOTHER part of the gaming market. That of the one time only buyers. And with this release, they will soothe their savaged souls.

Resentment healed.

More money for blizzard.

Two for one.





p.s. Kat, I'm curious, what other companies do you think rank on the same playing field as Blizzard?

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Could it be:)

Queen of the Blades?! Once, long ago known simply as Sarah Kerrigan?! :)


For me Kerrigan was the most genious part of the game. Hubba hubba! Errr, well not so much anymore now that she's all green and slimey... :P But she's still one very cool character. As far as gaming goes I think she was the first villain type I had ever come across that had a convincingly dark edge.


All hail the return of the great Queen of Blades!

Queen of Blades


Sarah Kerrigan wiki



Doh! I took too long in posting. Haha.

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Fenix? But he is dead. :P


As for the picture it is Kerrigan for sure. It is a not so human female. Sarah Kerrigan: The Queen of Blades for sure. :)

Ayup, that's her. :bounce:



@gogo yeah they needed to listen to what the gamers want. Also they should get enough of a profit from SC2 as well. True that not as much as they get from WoW, but on the other hand basically the game markets itself by being one of the most desired game sequels of all time. :evil:



@schot :bounce:

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Bottom line is

They've made a WHOLE lot of one time buyers/Illneverpaymonthlyfees gamers happy today with this announcement.

They really seem to be looking for...all of the pie?

Could Blizzard gaming be the next browser?

Oh wait





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Well that doesn't look like a women at all in the trailer.... so whatever.


I'm not good with starcraft though, I personally like warcraft better. Oh well...

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p.s. Kat, I'm curious, what other companies do you think rank on the same playing field as Blizzard?


I dont know how about Electonic Arts; Activision. They are two big game hitters that come to mind.

And why is blizzard so rich becoause it found a google people that want to pay every month to play a game that has no end.

Come on that is what is bad about browser games and games like WOW they have no end and that is the killer for me.

As for the games that blizzard has made lets see[I will write there names and games that came out in the same time that were way better or at list shared the market]:


1. WarCraft=======C&C

2.WarCraft2=======C&C: Red Alert [by far the best RTS of all time]

3. Diablo=========Fallout

4.Diablo2=========Baldurs Gate[by far a lot better and maybe the best RPG]

5. StarCraft=======Come on what RTS do I need to put here to kill it lets say Total Anhilation

6. WarCraft3=======I forgot it and had to add it in but in its time came out som many RTS and no one brought something new.

7.WOW==========My god the game that was made a 100 years and came out from warCraft3. Say what you want but it came out in a time that LOTR was out and people were in the fantasy mode all over the world. I will allsaw say that there are that many better games of the same type then WOW but will never see the light of day because playing wow is "cool" it is like the new best thing for people and if you dont play it but play a nother game of the same type you are not cool.


Sorry but I dont see one game on there list that you can call killer that gave us something that never was before.

What will you say now Gogo? :viking:

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Sorry for the double post but I just watched the two movies.

4min of my life to watch a CG space marine getting dressed.

And what is up with all does warcraft style of green field. Like future space wars will be fought on green fields. I dont even think that in Starcraft there was a mission when you were fighting on green fields. :viking:

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K, so you're saying that TA beats SC easilly?

Let's see what TA has that SC doesn't.


TA has 3D graphics and SC doesn't, true. However the graphics of SC were still decent to good at the time the game launched, and despite not having 3D graphics, some terrain features were considered 3D in the game's mechanincs, such as elevated ground or line of sight.


TA has a lot more units than SC, also true. However most of the units in TA are pretty similar one to another and in the end you'll end up using only a few of them. On the other hand, SC comes with 3 different races with completely different units, yet completely balanced between them. In SC there is no extra-strong unit that will allow you to win any game against any player by just using that unit, all of them have strengths and weaknesses. Also in SC there are no useless units, all units have a role and all are equally usefull. Even the weakest units are just as usefull in the end game as the most powerfull ones, as they never become obsolete.


So that's about all for TA's "advantages".


Now for the disadvantages. Unit pathfinding in TA is mediocre at best. Moving large armies at the same time is definetly not very effective in TA, with units bumping into each other a lot and wasting time this way. In SC though even the large swarms of zerglings travel without much trouble all across the map.


As for the AI, *sigh*, lets face it, AI in TA poses no challenge to a human opponent, not even to the begginer players. In SC if you chose to play on the hardest difficulty expect to get your bottom kicked if you don't know the ins and outs of the game.


That's about it for SC.




As for WC I was never a big fan of it and I'll have to agree with you on C&C being better.


Diablo vs. Fallout, also agree.


D2 vs. Baldur's Gate - now here's a problem.

If you ask me I'll say these games are about at the same level, but if you count the expansion packs then D2 wins.

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Well that doesn't look like a women at all in the trailer.... so whatever.


Are you sure? :viking:



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Looks female to me, as far as alien infested humans go. >_>

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Indy you missed my point. I said what this game brought to us that they didnt have before.

TA was the first game to take out the command center and bring us the command unit wich was you the player. As for the units you better check the game again. TA gave the biggest startegy on player VS payer.

You had everything from all types of ground units[infantry, tanks, anti-air and Artilery], navy[subs, crusers, battle ships and carriers yes thats right carriers] and air[chopers, bombers and fighters]. That is one of the rear games that gave you a compite set of weapons to chose and to develope your startegy.

Allsaw first game to give you the gatter the destroyed parts of troops option for extra metal as well as other neutral objects.

On the other side what new did SC give us that we havnt seen before.


As for Diablo2 if you are takeing in acount take it all diablo against Baldurs Gate. Baldurs Gates wins hands down there is no way the diablo series will win against baldurs gate.

Some moths ago here on FDM we were talking about BG and had to convince some on to play the game he first didnt like it wasnt his thing but once he got in to it he new it was the best thing around and this was what some 4-5 moths ago and the game has been out for so long.


What I was saying is that Blizzard hasnt given as anything original in there games they live on onld thing for years and years.


P.S.: Indy if TA doesnt make the cut for SC then Homeworld does for sure. No other game has given us that many new things. When I think of it there is no game to top it no one even trayed to make a cheap copy of it. Now that is cool. :viking:

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