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Guide to Customizing the Sacred 2 Camera View and optionsCustom txt


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  • 2 weeks later...

This works great with the fixed option. I do everything as recommended.


But when I put it on follow option, the camera wont zoom out past the original default setting for some reason.


Any thoughts? I really prefer follow but I cant live without the zoom out.

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This works great with the fixed option. I do everything as recommended.


But when I put it on follow option, the camera wont zoom out past the original default setting for some reason.


Any thoughts? I really prefer follow but I cant live without the zoom out.


I would like to know as well because I also prefer the follow camera. :)

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I cant belive it took me this long to find this guide. AMAZING difference. thks a bunch for bringging this to everyones attention schot.




now, I have a question.


I used to toy around with oblivions version of this "options.txt" so im no stranger to the big list of words. and ive found somethings that I would really like to change.


namley, the radius of the collect all circle.


I play a fire HE so im blazing tempesting almost everything, have a big massive collect all circle would be ACE cause it would mean less running back to smoldoring corpse's and more burninating.


I tried to just change the value but that didnt seem to work.


anyone think they can offer a solution, or do we think that this is a setting that can not be changed.


sorry to go off topic a little, but I really wanted to ask.



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anyone think they can offer a solution, or do we think that this is a setting that can not be changed.


sorry to go off topic a little, but I really wanted to ask.




Go away!.......you are not allowed to go off topic! ;)

You are now banned and all your awards and post counts have been given to the less fortunate. :)


In regards to your question, this has been raised in the SIF but unfortunately there is no way to change the auto pickup distance.

Someone did post that the radius of the ring could be increased graphically but you still didn't actually pick up any items further out.


Now go sit in the corner for an hour as your punishment. :)

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*sits in corner for an hour*




ok well thats a shame. oh well, ill just keep toying around with options.txt till I find something cool to change

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lol stubs. :D


Regarding the follow vs. free camera I'm afraid customizing the camera can only be applied to the free cam. But I share your pain. :/


As for the pickup ring. Well... I think stubbs knows more about it than I do. ^^



For Kana. Copy the below into your file:


camera.cam1_trackdist_min = 140
camera.cam1_trackdist_max = 2000
camera.cam1_rotx_min = 0.00
camera.dng1_trackdist_min = 140
camera.dng1_trackdist_max  = 2000
camera.dng1_rotx_min = -0.00
options.camera_mode = 3

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for the link Schot, very handy, using -0.70 for angle and about 1400 max distance. Can see lots, very useful for scouting large mobs.

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When editting the optionsCustom.txt, do you have keep deleting the options.txt file that is generated by the game automatically, in order for the change to take place?


Also, I seem unable to reposition my camera. It seems the alt key doesn't work. Also tried the center scroll button. No luck? Could this be, because I only had the first 3 lines of code, and not the full 6 you have updated to:)

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Well, I did some more research, and finally checked my software settings for my mouse, and low and behold, the center mouse button on the scroll was changed. This is a learning mistake for me, and I hope others can learn from it to. I play other rpg's, so mapping my mouse is an essential thing for me. I wish I could change the default key for Sacred2.

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Well, I did some more research, and finally checked my software settings for my mouse, and low and behold, the center mouse button on the scroll was changed. This is a learning mistake for me, and I hope others can learn from it to. I play other rpg's, so mapping my mouse is an essential thing for me. I wish I could change the default key for Sacred2.


Hey dude, if mapping keys for games is an issue might I suggest the Logitech MX Revolution mouse. It ran me about $100 us dollars about a year ago and the greatest thing about it, besides 11(customizable) buttons was that I could bind them to different keys depending on the program that I had active.


For instance if running WoW all the bindings were set to keyboard keys so I could bind different buttons to them, but for IE and other programs they would function as normal(foward and backwards for web pages or a search button. I love mice and I make sure I have the best thats out there and I will promote the Logitech MX Revolution.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It works, and the world from the birds perspective looks amazing now. Really good job, man!!

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  • 5 months later...

I'm not sure if anyone still monitors this chat, but I'll ask anyway.


Excellent suggestions on modding the camera btw. I'm finding the game actually playable now.


Anyway, I simply would like to invert the camera. Currently MMB+Moving Down tilts camera down and I would like it to tilt up. Guess I'm used to that from other games and flight sims. I keep moving the mouse in the wrong direction which is causing some frustration.


Also, is there a way to move the point at which the camera targets? I'd simply like to move it up slightly so that it is more comfortable visually. Right now it focuses about the mid section and I'd like it more around the head or shoulders. I didnt see anything to that effect.


I'd also like to know if anyone has figured out what behaviour = 0 controls. Thats just more for curiosity :)


Other than that, excellent game thus far.

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  • 1 month later...

I cant seem to set the camera like the old way. Ive been playing around with the new options that were implemented in the addon but cant seem to figure how to scroll in between zooms like zoom in and zoom out when you want during gameplay. Ive used this custom options but the game simple looks really zoom out, im wondering if the author of this thread still uses this custom options on the addon, because they arent working well for me.

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  • 3 weeks later...
im wondering if the author of this thread still uses this custom options on the addon, because they arent working well for me.


I have to agree. Since I have installed the addon I cannot get the camera to work properly with this mod any more. :)


Come on Schot......got any hope for those of us that love your camera mod :D

.....what do we do now? :xmastree:

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Oops, sorry guys. Kinda missed the question here. ;) I am in fact still using it. I'm not sure why it wouldn't be working for you guys but you could try deleting your options.txt file to get the optionsCustom.txt file working again. I think I had to do that. I think I also had to set the camera to Free mode within the game menu options so give that a go too. Lemme know if it works out for you guys. :)

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I think I also had to set the camera to Free mode within the game menu options


The addon doesn't have free mode option in the menu like the original.

It does have an option to have follow or not so I just unclicked that one.

And the first thing I did when I tried the mod was remove the options.txt :)


So nope......no luck yet. ;)

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I had also some problems finding a camera setting I was pleased with, took me some fiddling around in the menu to get it right.

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I had also some problems finding a camera setting I was pleased with, took me some fiddling around in the menu to get it right.


Did you use Schots mod at all Spunky?


I really miss being able to zoom way out like I could before :)

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No, unfortunately I used a standard mode before Ice and Blood, so what I did isn't of much use for people that used customized camera views.

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I'll have to take a closer look at how I have mine set up Spunky. Are you able to use the the game menu to set up the camera the way you want it? I'm pretty sure the new camera settings in the menu can do nearly the exact same thing as my custom settings here. In fact I think I may have used them... I'll post a pic of my camera settings...


Here we go. Give these settings a try and adjust as needed. If there's something else you need the camera to do feel free to post what it is you want the camera to do and we'll see if it's possible. :)



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Looks similar to what I'm using, but I have camera collision on I think.

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I used those settings schot.

But the camera doesn't zoom out as far as it did before Ice and Blood was installed.

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Okay, whats that old saying?

"When all else fails, rtfm" :smile:


I re-read the beginning posts and saw that I was missing an entry in my optionscustom.txt

camera.cam1_trackdist_max = ####


So after adding that and mucking around with some numbers I was finally able to come up with a decent zoom out level.


So on with the show. :bow:

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Aaaaaah. Fantastic stubbie! Completely missed this post but I'm very happy that you've got it all worked out. lol @ rtfm. A word to the wise indeed. ^^

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