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Guide to Customizing the Sacred 2 Camera View and optionsCustom txt


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you can't patch a US version of Sacred 2 with a UK version of Ice & Blood, they both have to be from the same country.


It would be best to download a copy of Sacred 2 Gold that includes both... but I understand where your coming from in this economy. Maybe someone else has a better idea.

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Hey all. I just wanted to thank everyone in this thread and on this site. Because of all of you, I not only have a third person mmo-style adjustable view, I managed to change the font using the 'Torchlight Font.ttf' file from my Steam version of Torchlight. While it doesn't exactly fit the art style, it looks perfectly readable at 1440x900. I can now actually enjoy playing Sacred 2 after all these years!


Unfortunately, I can't seem to upgrade my UK copy of Ice & Blood to 1.65.2. I lost my old copy of the game, and a friend of mine gave me her copy-only it's the UK and not the US copy. For some reason, it's not the 1.64.0 to 1.64.1 patch isn't recognizing the game. I swear I'm not using a cracked copy! I'd buy a copy of Sacred 2 gold, only I'm having trouble finding where to purchase it.


Can any of you maybe point me in the right direction, as far as patching issues? I really can't afford to get another retail or digital copy :/

So you are trying to apply the Ice and Blood expansion to a UK copy of Sacred 2? That should not be a problem. What issues are you having?

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  • 5 months later...

Oh crap. I am SO freaking sorry for not responding >.< I ended up talking with one of the moderators over on the Steam forums & pretty sure my feedback is part of the reason (albeit a teeny, tiny part) Sacred 2 gold ended up back in the store. I now have the steam version! Woot! Thanks again for the help, I really do appreciate it. Again, so sorry it took me so long to post ;/

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s'ok. Lujate raged about it for a few weeks (in the admin threads), but he seemed to calm down after we cobbled together a mod with nothing but creatures called "zid" that he could hack at for a couple of days.




Nah, just joking. Thanks for popping in!

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  • 3 weeks later...

The great thing about this topic is not only did it help me to customize my camera settings, but it also allowed me to customize my resolution. So now I can run the game "fullscreen" in my second monitor.

Thanks for this.

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  • 4 months later...

Is there a way to increase the speed of the zoom in/out when you visit a merchant etc?

And increase the speed/rate of zoom when using a mousewheel?

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  • 2 months later...

I'm happy to have stumbled upon this thread. I read through most of it very well, and seem to have my settings pretty well in order now. However, if there were a way to have an increased angle of tilt downward (looking down) with zoom out it might make navigating and fighting in enclosed areas easier, especially caves, where walls can get in the way. It would take a lot of effort to post a Wiki article outlining what each of the parameters that affect the camera are and what changes could be made to them as well as what they would look like with screen shots. Regardless, if there is a way to be adjust the optionsCustom text file so that one could look downward a bit more when zoomed out, it would be great to know how. If anyone could post a helpful reply it would be much appreciated. Thanks.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

Is there a way to increase the speed the camera follow your character ?
For example when you teleport / belligerant vault/move fast to the edge of the screen , the camera is really slow to follow and you need to wait for it to center on your character.
I woul like it to be just like diablo 3, with the wizard teleport spell camera view.
Of course I know Sacred 2 is open world and loads the content slowly so is it possible ?

Edited by laharl9999
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there's different things in one question:

1) spell casting animation.

Contrary to D3, all spell have a casting delay that can be reduced with Casting speed stat on item. I think that Flix reduce it for teleport in the D2F mod, to make it smoother to use.


2) graphics engine.

Diablo3 use a light engine with fast loading texture and limited area. At contrario, Sacred 2 use a lot of texture and effect in an open world.


3) Camera setting.

in a game with a fixed camera that only show fround, there's no need for perspective, sky, etc. It help a lot.


With good and recent hardware, technicale limitation shouldn't be that importante.

But the cast time will still be here but it's part of the gameplay : nothing is instant.

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  • 4 months later...


That's something I've been wanting to do for a while now but haven't found a solution for yet blade.

Oh dam, because I play world of warcraft like a religion and going from moving the camera with the right mouse button to my middle mouse button feels very awkward :/

I'm kinda new on the forum so sorry for answering this question yeeeeeears later but it may still be useful for some of us so here goes. There is probably a way to mod some of the game's files in order to do this but I'm not a modder so I took the easy path. If you're using a 3rd party program such as the Logitech Gaming Software with gaming peripherals (at least your mouse) then you should be able to switch the functions on your mouse. Simply switch the right-click button with the middle-click and you're good to go. I suggest creating a profile in your software so that you just have to activate it when playing Sacred 2 and revert back to your default profile once you're done playing. ;)

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Hi again everyone! I took the time to read every single post here and like many of us I played a bit with the optionsCustom.txt to adjust my camera settings. I finally came up with some tweaks that allow me to make the camera behave pretty much like what I use when I play World of Warcraft. Since in the past some people asked if it was possible to do some of the modifications I'm using, I decided to share what I found so far. I'm still trying to find out how a lot of the optionsCustom.txt settings work to make it better but for now here's what I did in details:



- I use the latest Sacred 2 Gold build from steam with the CM patch 0150

- I simply made a backup copy of the standard options.txt file in a seperate folder and edited the original in AppData\Local\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2. This way I'm sure I can revert any settings to their original values just by looking at the backup copy. I think there's no real need to create the optionsCustom.txt file since I did that instead.



1 - Boot the game and on the title screen select the "Options" then "Gameplay".

2 - Set the camera options as described:


Follow Camera: Off - Allows the camera to be in "free mode" without "auto-centering" etc... Required to benefit the most out of all the other settings we'll modify in the menu and options.txt file. By default, holding down the middle-mouse button allows to move the camera around freely (within the current parameters). People asked if it was possible to remap that function to another button (like the right-click). It might be possible to do it with the options.txt since some keybinding options are found in the file. I'll try to find the value corresponding to this button eventually to see if it works. I'll edit this post with my results if I find a way to do it. For now the only work around I know is what I explain in my other post above.

Camera Collision: On - Prevents the camera from going though walls, objects etc... Not required but still useful when using the camera in "free mode" if you don't want to see "out of bounds" all the time.

Automatic Zoom Curve: Off - Makes the camera's vertical axis movement independent from the zoom distance. Required to benefit the most out of all the other settings we'll modify in the menu and options.txt file. When used with "Follow Camera: Off" you have complete control on the camera's movements (within the parameters set on the 4 sliders).

Min. zoom (slider): Set 2 steps up from minimum (left side) - Allows to zoom very close to the character but not completely all the way. Once combined with the proper Min. zoom curve (slider) setting and another modification made in the options.txt file, this setting will provide a very good 3rd person perspective. You can adjust it even lower if you really want to zoom as close as possible to the character but by doing so you'll also have to re-adjust the related settings in the menu and options.txt file accordingly to keep a good balance for all 3 of them. More info on that coming in this post, keep reading. ;)

Max. zoom (slider): Set to maximum (right side) - Allow to zoom out as far as possible. We will increase this value even more with a well know setting in the options.txt file later. Some of the following settings will allow us to use a true 100% top down perspective so when needed we want to be able to zoom very far, or in this case, very hiiiiigh! :bounce:

Min. zoom curve (slider): Set to minimum (left side) - Allows the camera's vertical axis to reach ground level. Once combined with the Min. zoom (slider) setting recommanded before and another modification made in the options.txt file, this setting will provide us with a comfortable 3rd person perspective.

Max. zoom curve (slider): Set to maximum (right side) - Allows the camera's vertical axis to go higher in a semi-top down view perspective. We'll increase this value even more with a well know setting in the options.txt file in a few seconds. It'll be very useful since we'll be able to use a true 100% top down perspective.

3 - Make sure to SAVE all the modifications we just made in the game's options menu and close the game.

4 - Now that the more basic stuff is done let's mess around with that little options.txt file hehe. :diablo:

(The settings are placed in the same order as they'll appear in the options.txt file. I just didn't bother copying the entire list since most of them aren't useful for now so just scroll down to bypass those in between)

cam1_rotx_emax = -1.57, - This is the little setting that let's you set a higher limit for the camera's vertical axis. Now the camera is able to exceed the normal +/- 60 degrees angle when moved to top down perspective. The value -1.57 seems to be the sweet spot because when using a value of -1.58 or more, the camera is allowed to go too far on its axis, causing it to go on the other side of the character (in front of him instead of in his back). One more modification and we have a working top down perspective. :wow:
cam1_rotx_max = -1.57, - Finally, this is the last setting we need for our top down perspective. The Max. zoom curve (slider) in the game's option can't go as high as the new limit we just set. Let's help him a bit by forcing it's value beyond the slider's capabilities. Since we have a limit value of -1.57, guess what we'll put here? Yup, the exact same value, -1.57. Now we can move the camera at 90 degrees on its vertical axis and truly see our character directly from above when we want. Feel free to zoom out a lot during battles. :wizard:
cam1_trackdist_max = 1800, - Most of you already know what this one does. It allows us to exceed the Max. zoom (slider) value and zoom out A LOT MORE. I find 1800 to be fine but feel free to increase it as much as you like. Keep in mind that the higher it is, the harder it becomes to clearly see what's happening on the ground.

TPOMax = 85 - Now this is another useful setting that some of us needed. In short, it will let you adjust the height of the camera from the ground. Do not mistake this setting for the Min. zoom curve (slider). The slider is affecting the camera's vertical axis movements while the TPOMax determinates the height on which this axis lowest point is based. If you followed my recommandations for the settings of both Min. zoom curve (slider) and Min. zoom (slider), then when you'll zoom in as close as possible to the character and move the camera at ground level you should have a good 3rd person perspective with your character NOT centered with the camera angle. In fact his feets should not be far from the compas. Using a value lower then 85 will make him more centered with the camera while increasing the value will eventually make him go down and behind the UI where the compas is displayed. Speaking of which, the last setting I'll explain for now is for the compas...


compass = 0 - This will simply turn off the compas display (1 = On & 0 = Off). If like me you play with your minimap in fixed position (with the upper side always facing north) then you may not really use the compas that much, if at all. I use this setting to remove it, thus gaining a bit more space to lower my character's position (or if you prefer, raising the camera's center) even more with the TPOMax from above.


Damn, I almost forgot... Back in 2010, blast asked if there was a way to play with an inverted vertical camera axis. It is indeed possible. For those who want to play like that just search for the invert = 0 line in the options.txt and switch the value from 0 to 1 to enable the inverted axis.


That's about it for now. I didn't include values for other settings like the dng1_trackdist_max because I want to take more time and do a bit of fine-tuning for the camera in dungeons etc... I'm also still trying to figure out if there is really a way to do things like increasing the camera's zoom speed. For now the only tip I can give for this is to create macros using a game peripherals managing software such as the ones used with Logitech and Razer stuff. If possible, create 2 macros that emulates the mouse wheel inputs. If done correctly all you'll have to do is to keep pressing down on the buttons you assigned to either zoom in or out smoothly instead of having to scroll like crazy with the wheel.

Ok, I'm done for today (been testing all this for hours now). Time to grab a beer and enjoy the game. Cheers! :drinks:

Edited by Aezgaroth
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I'm happy to have stumbled upon this thread. I read through most of it very well, and seem to have my settings pretty well in order now. However, if there were a way to have an increased angle of tilt downward (looking down) with zoom out it might make navigating and fighting in enclosed areas easier, especially caves, where walls can get in the way. It would take a lot of effort to post a Wiki article outlining what each of the parameters that affect the camera are and what changes could be made to them as well as what they would look like with screen shots. Regardless, if there is a way to be adjust the optionsCustom text file so that one could look downward a bit more when zoomed out, it would be great to know how. If anyone could post a helpful reply it would be much appreciated. Thanks.


With the improvements in the Gold Edition of Sacred 2 Fallen Angel and the Community Patches, the easy to adjust settings now allows for an easily customizable view and provides for the tweaking needed to fine tune ones settings to the satisfaction of most individuals. However, "Boss Cam" and "Screen Shake" are not disabled to the dissatisfaction, I would imagine, of many. It is worth mentioning here for there may indeed be those yet playing the vanilla version and because GOG has Sacred 2 Gold so deeply discounted and so often on sale it would be a boon for anyone who has a genuine love of the game to upgrade. Additionally, the other enhancements to the game and map expansion are plusses as well. Forsooth, go thee hence and make the Gold thy own!

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@ Hooyaah, there's the cameraShake = 1 line in the options.txt file. I didn't tried it so I dunno if the setting works or not. For the "Boss Cam" I'll eventually play around with the options.txt to see if I can come up with anything useful. Some of the settings are hard to figure out even when they DO affect the game and some also require to modify 2 or 3 lines at once to really see any difference. Patience is a virtue apparently. :thumbsup:

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  • 1 year later...

Here, in blue font, are two changes that I made to options.txt:


camera = {
behaviour = 0,
cam1_rotx_emax = -1.22,
cam1_rotx_max = -0.99,
cam1_rotx_min = -0.08,
cam1_trackdist_max = 1600,
cam1_trackdist_min = 100,

cam_autorot_speed = 0.5,
cam_autozoom_max = 1000,
cam_autozoom_min = 100,
cam_autozoom_speed = 1,
cameraDamping = 1,
cameraShake = 0,
cover_detection_dist = 1000,
customsettings = 0,
dng1_rotx_emax = -1.22,
dng1_rotx_max = -0.9,
dng1_rotx_min = -0.48,
dng1_trackdist_max = 710,
dng1_trackdist_min = 150,
editorDevCam = 0,
heromenu_rotx_emax = -1.22,
heromenu_rotx_max = -0.99,
heromenu_rotx_min = -0.48,
heromenu_trackdist_max = 510,
heromenu_trackdist_min = 150,
invert = 0,
leaf_occlusion_fact_x = 1,
leaf_occlusion_fact_y = 2,
TPOMax = 40,
TPOMin = -20,


With cam1_trackdist_max set at a value of 1600 I found that without changing any of the other items in options.txt that a variety of custom views may be attained by tweaking the four sliders. One may discover that it is easy to find a better aerial view which allows for a more appreciable way to survey the area surrounding your player character and the enemies well before they observe its intrusion into their location. This setting allows one to see the tops of buildings never before observed and a birds' eye perspective. It really make the game much more enjoyable, in my opinion. With the four sliders tweaked the way you prefer, you are likely to find what best suits your own preferences. Just in advance of battle I may zoom in to see a more close up view to admire more details. Aezgaroth did a very nice write up above with a good bit of helpful information. Many of you may have read his post and other similar ones before, but you may not have experimented by implementing any changes of your own. I recommend that you do so and try them out for yourself, as the results are well worth the effort. I like to set cam1_trackdist_max to 100 so that the character may be seen in a closeup view when desired.


I added some screenshots below to illustrate how one may now see views, elements, and features never realized before in the game. It's truly remarkable as it has added an appreciable "new" aspect to the game.




How many of you have viewed the Celestial Dome in such a way and noticed that its architectural features include a finial at its highest point?




Today is the first occasion on which I had noticed Celioth's Tower in it's entirety, a spire perched atop its lofty dome.




Above is a statue of The Keeper of Justice overlooking the Thylysium harbor. I did not even know of its presence before this day.




Such a lovely pastoral view! A panorama of this sort is indeed excellent for surveying throngs of Kobolds ready to run headlong into their certain deaths.




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  • 10 months later...
On 1/18/2017 at 6:25 AM, Hooyaah said:

With cam1_trackdist_max set at a value of 1600 I found that without changing any of the other items in options.txt that a variety of custom views may be attained by tweaking the four sliders.


Strange, I made my tests in Griffinborough and found that value of 2000 is not enough to see the highest towers, I currently set it to 3000...

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If your character is at ground level, some buildings would be too high too view. However, I could see the top of the Thylysium senate from 1600 - 1800. As far as the other buildings, I saw the tops of them after having scaled up their structure or from a higher level than ground, perched atop a hill or such. At cam1_trackdist_max set at 3,000 the distance from the character when zoomed out is so great that they are difficult to view and the ambient fog begins to obscure much of the foreground.

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19 minutes ago, Hooyaah said:

ambient fog begins to obscure much of the foreground


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  • 1 year later...

Greetings to you Schot, I have Sacred 2 gold with GOG, will your camera options work here too? I know where the Sacred 2 folder is in my Gog Folder and I am using Windows 10. I hope that helps?

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Custom settings should work on the same game version, regardless of where it's distributed. If it's the same game version (Gold, 2.65) then the files are the same.

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Thank you Androdion for the info, much appreciated, I am new to being a PC gamer. I'll give the camera txt to free view a try some time.

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  • 2 months later...
6 hours ago, Androdion said:

You mean third person view?

Basically, I guess? Sorry, new to setting up Sacred 2 and stuff, and I've seen 2-3 setups in this topic alone. I'm using the set up in the OP, and it's okay, but kinda, idk, finicky? Especially inside cramped caves and dungeons.

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