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Secrets of Sacred 2 Boss Combat Arts ... Revealed!

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What's a boss without his combat arts huh? :D



I've been wanting to do this for a long time and think that it will add wonderful depth to our collection of knowledge if we were to document combat arts that the many Bosses use in game. The information availabe about Boss combat arts is surprisingly plentiful when you know where to look for info. Just inside the spells.txt file of our Sacred 2 installation files there can be read all the details of Boss combat arts needed to develope strategies. As well as nice thorough wiki pages of course. :D


I think what I love most about doing this is that Ascaron created unique names for Boss combat arts which I've already started to use in the wiki. Granted the names are in German, so I've been translating them as close as possible to English. Luckily, in most cases there is a direct translation from German to English. So far... The additions I'm making to the Boss pages are much more than mere naming of Boss combat arts. Also provided by the Spells.txt file is the type of damage the combat arts do as well as any modifiers associated to the combat art such as; damage types, Area of Effect, DOT, life leech, range, durations and lots more. For the time being I'm copy/pasting the distinct variables for each combat art onto the Boss's page. Hopefully one of the script geniuses will be able to help out on that part. If anyone can translate the "Tokens" into plain English that would be awesome!


I'm also working on some mini icons to go along with their combat arts so at the very least they'll make spotting each combat art easier on the eyes. Feel free to jump in and Adopt-a-Boss page. :)


Check'em out!

Gar'Colossus Boss



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That is looking sweeeeeeeeeeeet Schot


I need to know how/what you did to take the mini-vid of the Dirt Cloud animation. That would be perfect for the Combat Art animations gogo wants me to re-do

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Thanx! :D


That animated pic was Antitrust's handy work though. It's a pretty sweet lookin thing eh. Animated images are quite large in file size so we'll be going the youtube route for any future animations. We've already got a Youtube embed function actually. ^^

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Awesome. are you pulling the Combat Art names from the spell.txt or making them as you go? and the cool with Combat Art icons too, very nice

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I'm naming the Boss Combat Arts based on the names already given to them in German. There's a tiny bit of creative process in the naming but I'm staying as true as possible to their given German names. Some are a bit difficult to translate. The most difficult translation I've had so far is Gar'Colossus' Splinter Shot. It's given name, Splitterschuss, was hard to come by. For most translations I'm using google translate but that wasn't working out so well for Splitterschuss so I had to google it and do a bit of searching. Eventually I found a Guild Wars Skill named Splitterschuss on a German fanpage. The Skill icon was there so I then went to an English GW fanpage and looked for the same icon and eventually got the English name for it. Splinter Shot. Oddly enough it was kinda fun. :viking: Stone Throw / Steinwurf was one of the easy ones. In most cases I have to break up the German name to get a decent translation. Steinwurf for example gave me a better translation when I broke Steinwurf up into Stein wurf. Then google translating Stein and wurf individually gave me a perfect translation. :)



I've started looking over the Sacred 2 Combat Art Modifications Revealed topic by our amazing math whiz's to help me better explain each boss combat art and provide some nice values. Looks like I've got a bit of head wrappin to do!

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This is some really nice info you gathered for us Schot, and I'm sure all the players now will come read this topic or the Wiki when they will fight a boss and they're not sure how to approach them.

Great work! :viking:




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Awesome work Schot !

Very nice work !


Free coffee for you :viking:

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I get a different translation when I google Stein :)



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I get a different translation when I google Stein :4rofl:




What does the translator call "Gogostein" ? :)

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I get a different translation when I google Stein :)




lol, yeah. Somehow I don't know if Beer Toss would work. but man if Gar did he'd certainly be the most popular boss. :sweating:


*cough* Google Translate *cough* *cough* :P



Speaking of translations that don't quite work...


I'm not too fond of "Dirt Cloud" I was thinking that something like "Burrow" could work well but even that isn't quite right. Or is it? Anyone got suggestions on that one? The German name is: Schmutzwolke


Rock Rockets is gonna have to go as well. That one isn't a translation at all actually. The Gar Combat Art where Gar shoots stones from his back doesn't exactly have a name. It has two names. One name for each of the two stones he shoots in a single animation. Shockwave and Splinter Shot. I suppose I could just use Shockwave...

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I know it's not a literal translation but how about Sandstorm ?

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Oh I do like that one Knuckles. Thanx! :)



Regarding Gar'Colossus' page I think I'll be taking out Hard Hit and Energy Transfer. I hadn't noticed until now that both of those don't have any tokens which makes me think they're not in use within the game... I did watch Gar for a long time a couple days ago and I only saw him perform all the Combat Arts on his page except for those two. I'll test him again to be sure.


I'll likely be adding a nice big cut out render for the boss pages in place of the standard enemy template at the top. Boss pages need some more "star" power I think. :sweating:



Added a brief intro to the Gar Boss page.

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Speaking of translations that don't quite work...


I'm not too fond of "Dirt Cloud" I was thinking that something like "Burrow" could work well but even that isn't quite right. Or is it? Anyone got suggestions on that one? The German name is: Schmutzwolke


Sandstorm is cool and sounds a lot like a desert boss Combat Art

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Normally I would translate Schmutzwolke as Smog. But in this case I think sandstorm fits better. My favourite would have been


Dirty Trick (throwing dirt in the eyes of an opponent is a dirty! trick in both of its meanings and it would have at least the Schmutz as dirt)


less good

Sandman (bringing sleep=slowing)


Edited by chattius
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First Class job Schot! I wanted to post here since I saw this go up, I think everyone here is loving the secrets on these guys you're digging up, and maybe we'll even get a few more interested players because of all the secrets.


heh, this is like a History Channel special! And lucky you... you get to come up with cool nifty Combat Art's.. awwwwwwwww not fair!






p.s. There was a lot of posts about videos, animations... split 'em all off into their own thread.

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Cheers gogo dudey. :P



Speaking of translations that don't quite work...


I'm not too fond of "Dirt Cloud" I was thinking that something like "Burrow" could work well but even that isn't quite right. Or is it? Anyone got suggestions on that one? The German name is: Schmutzwolke


Sandstorm is cool and sounds a lot like a desert boss Combat Art


That's exactly what came to my mind as well when I read Knuckles' suggestion.


Normally I would translate Schmutzwolke as Smog. But in this case I think sandstorm fits better. My favourite would have been


Dirty Trick (throwing dirt in the eyes of an opponent is a dirty! trick in both of its meanings and it would have at least the Schmutz as dirt)


less good

Sandman (bringing sleep=slowing)



I can see what you're trying to describe when you say Dirty Trick chattius. I was trying as best as possible to describe an action of "kicking/throwing dirt in the eyes" to incapacitate an opponent. Throw Dirt and Dirty Trick would be accurate names but not very "cool" sounding. I'm sure there's a short expression of the action out there somewhere but I just can't think of it... It's still up for debate so if anyone thinks of something please toss it in here.


After Knuckles' mentioned the animation on the Garganthropod page it occurred to me that readers at present have no way of knowing which Boss combat art is which. That is to say that while fighting a boss it would be difficult to recognize a Boss combat art without first seeing it's animation displayed somewhere. So... I will be making vids for the bosses and I will certainly be watermarking the vids. There have been a number of sites who insist on taking our unique content. Not that I want to get into it but simply to explain why. :twitch:


Some time later...


Well I've tweaked the embed player a bit on the wiki and added a couple of vids for Gar'Colossus' page. Lemme know what you think!

Gar'Colossus Boss



Found a very convenient way for making vids using Windows built in Movie Maker. Made all the vids so far with it. Oh and I can't decide which Stone Throw I like the most... Thoughts, faves?




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Definitely the third since it shows how you can break his stones, though how can a stone explode on your head and then appear on the ground next to you... :sweating:

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I'm voting for 3 as well.


And thats a bit of a doozy anti...the second one didnt appear after going bust though...

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Thanx for the feedback guys. # 3 it is then. I was leaning a tiny bit toward #1 because Gar is much closer to the camera in that one and I'm trying to give him as much of the camera as possible. #3 shows his combat art much better though. Didn't destroying the boulders used to diminish his shield in past versions? Thought it had... :sweating:


I've removed the Hard Hit Combat Art and Shield Regen Combat Art. I've yet to see any evidence that Gar uses them. They also haven't any Tokens which leads me to believe their use was removed in a recent patch version.


Two more comparisons for you guys. This time for Earthquake:



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Nr.1 as you can see the whole sequence where he begins with smacking his fist to the ground, but I would liked it better if there was no camera movement.

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I love it. lets scale the degree of difficulty way up on ya, Schot. I wanna see all the Combat Arts of the Grand Inquisitor in the Machine. That dude makes me sweat just thinking about having to fight him.

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