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Sacred 2 Guide: 13 Levels in 5 Minutes

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For today's special we bring you... Easy Power Leveling!


A couple of weeks ago I happened to stumble across gogo and Knuckles carrying out a convenient strategy to level up gogo's level 1 SW. Knuckles was taking gogo on repeated tours to a specific quest in which, after Knuckles left gogo's party, would grant gogo a great amount of experience that would bring him up several levels from level 1. The quest they were doing to achieve this was "The Thing in the Cellar" in the capital city of Begaresh, Khorum. After watching them a while it came to mind that even more experience might be had if this were done in the Dryad region since it is further along the difficulty path and would likely give better rewards. So my quest for quests began. After a fair bit of experimentation I've come up with a fairly convenient route and quite safe in fact.


To make things as easy as possible I've put together both a giant postcard of the experience Run route and a video that you guys can follow along with. :(






Running this experience route requires close attention to some key steps such as partying and unpartying which I'll explain below.


  • Both players enter server
  • Level 100 goes to Aerendyr in the Dryad region
  • Accept Sophisticated Taste quest in Aerendyr
  • Accept Elixir of Visions quest in Aerendyr
  • Level 100 player Invites Level 1 player to party and waits for Level 1 player to accept the invite and teleport to Level 100 player safely.
  • Level 100 proceeds to complete Sophisticated Taste quest. Kill the 5 Black Panther champs.
  • After killing the required 5 black panther champions, continue North to complete the Elixir of Visions quest.
  • Teleport back to Level 1 player in Aerendyr
  • Level 100 player should now unparty by opening the Party Menu, ("N" key), and then right-click Level 1 player's portrait and selecting "Leave Party" (Never right-click on Level 100's portrait to "Leave Party")
  • Level 1 should now collect rewards from both quest-NPCs in Aerendyr.

  • Second part of the "Elixir of Visions" quest.
  • Level 100 can now begin the quest "Bon Voyage" from the NPC near the Monolith. (As soon as you accept this quest it will teleport you into danger. Make sure, before accepting Teleport, that the Level 1 is NOT in party.)
  • Level 100 Now invites Level 1 to party, before killing any enemies
  • Level 1 player should accept invite and remain in Aerendyr
  • Objective - kill the 10 T-energy Mutants.
  • Level 100 may now begin killing all 10 required targets to complete the quest. (After the ten required kills, both players will be automatically teleported directly in front of the quest NPC in Aerendyr safely)
  • Level 100 should now unparty by opening the Party Menu, ("N" key), and then right-click Level 1 player's portrait and selecting "Leave Party" (Never right-click on Level 100's portrait to "Leave Party")
  • Level 1 player should now collect the third and final quest reward in Aerendyr.


Total Experience Gained = 119,490


Congratulations! If all went well then your Level 1 Player should be looking like the below screenshot. Level 13 with 5 New skill choices 23 Skill points to spend, 12 Attribute points to spend and about 35,000 gold in your pocket. Nice huh!



If you decide to Power Level the Level 1 player using a Level 60 player then you'll do nearly as well as you can see from the screenshot below. Level 11, with 4 New skill choices 17 Skill points to spend, 10 Attribute points to spend and about 21,897 gold in your pocket.





This concludes our Official Sacred 2 Power Level Lesson. I was able to complete it in 4m53s. :D


Have fun! :P

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Uhm Schot....

The trick for giving level 1 player max xp are:

High level teleport start isle, after quest done, then low level end it and get 100 % xp.

Do not leave party, because sometimes that will make quest revard less.

I have been level up friends / clan traders this way.


My level peops up route are the 2 harbour quests in Thylysium, Basement in Khorum ,Deads hold the streets Neithu`Thas ( north east swamp - max xp quest in all Sacred 2.)

First run level 10 - 12 depending on what character.


This can be done with anything from a level 35 char - but xp revard best with a minimum level 60 player doing it.


I never ever got level 100 - but still I usually make peops level 15 in max 15 mins . With a level 40 ish char - he he.

Edited by D-molisher
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Is there any trick for single player mode? :drunkards:

I have the same question, although, if you do bronze really quick you can get to 15 pretty fast, fastest way I know so far for the low level ranges.

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We ran a lot of the quests with two toons trying to get the best yield.


This is all about the most amount of experience we can get in the smallest amount of time to give that low level toon the boost.




For a project like this, experience per quest is just a part of it. You want to get your toon in and out quickly, while making it out with max levels. We found quests with superb experience, but were too far from a "run" to make them useful and easy for the inclusion into Schot's guide.


What he posted is quick and easy to do, and it can be done in just about the time it takes to floss your teeth twice.


4 minutes 53 seconds


13 Levels


We got this to run with two players, but, Schot being greedy for more is always looking to improve and see if he can squeeze even more out of a high yield run.


Stay tuned






p.s. Course.. my thanks to Putrescine who was the one who got this going for me a few weeks back when I was complaining that it was a kind of a drag to start up all over again. He says "Gogo do exactly what I say" and so my introduction to The Thing in the Cellar quest was made, and with that one single quest, and six automatic levels from it... I was sold ^^ That Cellar quest's experience is very nice, but the Dryad quest in Schot's guide offer even more. Yum! :drunkards:

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Is there any trick for single player mode? :)


yes, increase the experience in your balance.txt (...\scripts\server )

I made me some testchars...one q rushed me to level 140 ;)


you've to change this values

QuestExplow = {20,25,30,40,50},

QuestGoldlow = {25,30,35,40,50},


e.g. :

QuestExplow = {200000000,250000000,300000000,400000000,500000000 },

QuestGoldlow = {250000000,300000000,350000000,400000000,500000000 },


after two q your toon will be 200 :)

Edited by Chrona
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Thank you, but... that feels too much like cheating to me, at least at the moment. Given how long it takes to level, I might use your advice after I've "graduated" a char to level 150, and then I might mod the game as you suggested, for other chars.


I hope you don't take this the wrong way. I do thank you for the advice, it will certainly come in handy in about a month, maybe faster if I get to level 150 sooner than that.


I do have one more question, for when I do that: if I have the necessary xp requirement with a character that hasn't completed any campaign, can I start the campaign directly in platinum, for instance? Or is it only allowed in multiplayer?

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That's only in multiplayer, you'll have to do the campaign in singleplayer...

Or you could play LAN (even without any connection at all) and go up through the difficulties there.

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I'm having a great time with this game and getting to help with documenting cool stuff about it.


If anyone is able to get through the early levels faster to do testing for their builds, or try out game mechanics, yay! And if someone's play style is about the lower levels, that's cool too.


I'll be frank and say that when this kind of leveling first started happening, I was kind of sad about it...because I had loved those very early levels and the thrill of getting that huge effect of level-up announcing the arrival of a skill choice. That happens a lot in the early levels, and is absolutely compelling. For players starting out with Sacred 2, those levels are useful and very informative.


Now that we've all had the game for a while, we're looking at new things. Mechanics is important and trying to understand synergies helps other players when they can finally be explained. So far, it looks like Single Play can't take advantage of this kind of leveling... and we're trying to see if it can be achieved for console players. Remember, you need resources to level this way. You'd be asking either a clanmate, friend or have purchased another copy of the game to effect the partying.


I was thinking that I'd miss playing those levels 1-15...but that only lasted a little while :) Now that we can zoom a toon to five skill choices in about fifteen minutes, I've had the opportunity to start a number of toons easily while trying out different weps, skils, etc.


Think of this a kind of limited respec if you will.


I can also see how this is going to lower the game's life span, and am a little sad about that as well. The play-through rate (at least for me) has doubled, and I find I'm going through character creation much quicker than before.


Ahhh, the effect of a respec ^^


Play the game the way you want and enjoy it.


And don't forget to turn your buffs on before you start.







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This is really a great guide!


As reading through the comments here and on the SIF, I don't really consider this as a true cheat or an exploit.


Think of this a kind of limited respec if you will.


I might use this guide only as a "B Plan" if my characters die (since most of them seem to die at level 15-25) so I can almost come back where I was.


Thank you for this guide! :) You made my day! :D




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My pleasure! I like the way gogo and max sees it. Both as a make shift respec in case you accidentally choose a wrong skill early on in level or as a B Plan in case you die in HC. Dieing in HC is quite a loss and this guide should help ease the pain a bit. Of course this will mean that you will have to always have a character "parked" at a level that can enter Silver. Level 100 or less that is which is well worth the character slot.


I did try other types of routes but at the moment there isn't anything that can beat out this run. Granted if someone should find a faster one feel free to post about it and I'd be happy to help develop a guide out of it.


Little note on the effectiveness of this guide. Although you'll get 10-13 levels on this run it won't be the same the second time around. The amount of experience needed for each level up becomes more and more. So for example the first quest reward the level 1 character will gain 7-9 levels. The second reward will give 2-3 levels. The third reward will give 1-2 levels. If the low level player tries to do this run a second time with the high level player the number of levels gained will be even less to the point that the low level may as well start killing for experience. The guide here isn't intended as a means to reach any level but rather to reach around level 15.


For the record I did come across a completely different strategy which is ridiculously effective but I won't be posting that anywhere except as a beta tester bug report to Ascaron. :)

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great work Schot! :)


Maybe with the expansion we'll get some extra slots, and I can actually try this.


btw. Very ice job on the Vid.



Edited by Barristan
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Then again, it can be more enjoyable when playing yourself the whole way through. I played through with a build similar to putrescrine's dryad all the way up to 46 so far. (Lol this is a build that I made before even finding these guides 0.o so I nerded out a lot on this game, RESPECING the hard way lols).

I just have to live with solo leveling which, by the way, isn't that hard. I don't find your way of leveling a kind of cheat, I find it as a more boring way but yea it can help a LOT when testing out new and different kinds of builds. VERY nice guide btw =]

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I'm going to start a new toon. Has anyone figgered out yet how many levels we can put on in an hour with Schot's method if we rinse/repeat? Anyone tried to spam the technique yet?


13 levels in 5 minutes...but how may levels in one hour?





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Booster bump for this topic and I would think that everyone would be looking for help in leveling. The concepts here in this topic are sound, and can really help with getting your toon going in early levels even to a decent mid if you can keep up with the program.





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