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Demon Mage Leech Attack Test Results

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Posted (edited)

Hey guys,


Just been doing some tests with blank chars on various parts of the game, thought some of you (especially those with me in HC) might find interesting.


The demon mage leech attack otherwise known as insta-death, and OHKO :D


I was really planning out some chars, but decided to see what this was all about, so here are some character based results;


All chars level 200, all enemies level 200+ in niob.


1. High Elf:


42k hp

20k resistance

5% all channel mitigation


- with expulse, this did no damage. Note, expulse was NOT modded with 'strength' and the character did not have Arcane Lore. It was around level 100'ish.

- when I did not use expulse, the HE was viciously and violently one shotted, repeatedly. Damage figures were 32k for the lightning shot itself, 33k for the leech.

= HE is totally dead vs these without expulse. If you run demons, or the end area, make sure expulse is up 100% of the time, or you are toast. Even without any survival bonus, this character was still OHKO'd repeatedly for said damage amounts. There is absolutely no survival chance without expulse.

NOTE: you need the mob 3a on expulse to survive. The 'block direct magic damage' ala block combat arts. There is no other option if you do not want to die there.



2. Shadow Warrior:


80k hp (grim resilience with fortify, roughly level 110)

37k resistance

approx 11-15% mitigation all channels, 42%+ physical via grim 'safeguard' mod.


- With just grim and RE, the SW was 'almost' killed every hit, but it was consistent, and never actual OHKO.

- Damage done was 17k for the magic attack side, 50-51k leech.

- DoT (with about -20% all dots) was average 8-9k per tick.

= SW is not 'totally' dead here, but very close. One zap would always trigger the red flash, but it was very consistent. Damage was almost always 17k/50k.

This was easily defeated, by removing 'toughness' skill, and replacing with 'astral focus' then of course, modded shadow viel with creep, fade, pact for a buff. With 1970 'stealth' value, I was able to fight with 100% immunity. The guardians, forest guardian, abashi, everything would not 'detect' him, and pretty much stand there till I whacked em to death.

I will definitely be replacing toughness with the focus, as that's just ridiculous. There is absolutely 0 threat from anything in said buff, with it being lv 96. Perfect thing for my new 'forger' as it will pretty much garuantee I don't lose it.


Other tidbit: without the astral lore, the spells and summon buff did almost no damage, however the raise dead Combat Art summons did full damage. Modding it up, this is one hell of an Area of Effect for SW. With contagion and the long life mods, I had a near permanent army that severly out-did the summon buff. It was very surprising, and really cool.


3. Seraphim:


53k hp

16-18k resistance

40% mitigation all channels, 60%+ physical (eternal block + set pieces)


This was going off the 'no trader' build I posted in another thread


- Running all 3 buffs, though cleansing does nothing here. 90k shielding from WE, no shield mods, straight 50% with block mod stating 113, warding lore saying mitigation was 62ish.

- Absolutely no threat. Damage done was 15k for the magic attack, 36k for the leech. This was however split to the shields as well, with hallowed regening 6k hp per second after 1 cast. I was not even really aware of the attacks, as the toon just shrugged it off.

= No threat. If you like running demons, seraphim is head an heels (literally, full celestial set... :)) over the others. I had to rely on shadow viel with the acclaimed 'tank' and HE was just toast without expulse. I imagine Temple guardian to be similar, but he doesn't have hallowed restoration.


Other notes:


- the normal mages would damage with the same attack around 3k (seraphim with mitigations) to 5k (HE) with the attack, leech side varying from 12k-19k.

- TG enemies traps varied from 13-17k dmg.

- Kral hit all these chars the hardest single hit, 24k to the HE (the same attack does nothing in expulse).

- HE totally owns the abashai boss. With the 'block direct magic attacks' mod on expulse, not one single attack was successful. They all failed in expulse. It took about 3 seconds with stunning meteor after this confirmation. Again, strength mod and arcane lore not present. This test was via the 'testing grounds' south of Kral.

- With 1970 stealth (level 96 Combat Art) on shadow viel, not one single enemy in niob could detect the SW. Henceforth, this 'buff' is the true ridiculous. You can run any boss with totally immunity, even all melee as I was, without any threat. The only thing that would break the buff is when I left click attacked (the air, or even swung). Absolutely perfect for a forge character (as is known) or a speed boss runner on the 'scary' bosses.

- the resurect dead spell does not seem dependant on astral lore. It's probably SW's best 'Area of Effect' ability. Once you get a small band, they start dishing out serious damage.

- seraphim is by far the beefiest character in the game. Compare: 80k straight hp with SW, to 53k hp/90k shields with a castable 140k shield boost (divine protection) which also boosts mitigation to 100%, and 1 hallowed cast in a combo (so you always gain the 'refresh') was 6k hp/sec. 10k att/def, 70+% evade, everything. Probably unmatchable.

- without acnient magic, the cleansing brilliance buff (modded further vs undead) was about 32-37k PER TICK! undead just died as I walked by. Awesome.


All chars were limited to +100 all skills, base values brought to 75 no more.

All atts in vitality for all chars.

All Combat Art's were level 1, boosted to about level 100 with +Combat Art being around 100.

No 'max hp' on any of them.


Was just planning out some chars, thought to check up on this 'bug' and I am not so sure it is one.

The normal enemies damage was very high as well. However tank chars (with the exception of the SW) were not really in any danger. Squishies were totally toast, as 33+36 = 30k more hp than is possible with HE. Expulse however totally ruled it out, but if you ever miss a cast of it, your dead. The SW was never 'killed' via this, but always pretty close. In a hectic battle or if you don't pay very strict attention to hp it would probably result in death. That all said, the amounts were very consistent. Always the same figures.


Just thought it might make an interesting read, perhaps save a toons life sometime.



Edited by r00ster
Posted (edited)
This test was via the 'testing grounds' south of Kral.


Testing Grounds? Would you care to elaborate for me? Is this some developer region I do not know of? :)


I think I fixed this issue with the CM-Patch. There is a typo in the creatures.txt:


mgr.addCreatureBonus( 1392, {
intensity = 2250,
bonus = 246,


A bonus of 2250 to all Combatarts! Not even hard-ass Bosses get such a huge modifier. I reduced it to 1000 which is still tough (well they are elite, aren't they?) but should not lead to insta-Gib. :)


Come to think of it. I never heard from our testers if this still exists in-Game with the deployed CM-Patch, so I dont know if 1000 is too high....maybe 250 was intended. :D


Do you want to re-check this issue with the recent CM? :)

Edited by czevak
Posted (edited)

Any chance you can try out a dryad with Ancient Bark and Goldenglade touch running?


This test was via the 'testing grounds' south of Kral.


Testing Grounds? Would you care to elaborate for me? Is this some developer region I do not know of? 1smile.gif


I think I fixed this issue with the CM-Patch. There is a typo in the creatures.txt:


mgr.addCreatureBonus( 1392, {
intensity = 2250,
bonus = 246,


A bonus of 2250 to all Combatarts! Not even hard-ass Bosses get such a huge modifier. I reduced it to 1000 which is still tough (well they are elite, aren't they?) but should not lead to insta-Gib. 1smile.gif


Come to think of it. I never heard from our testers if this still exists in-Game with the deployed CM-Patch, so I dont know if 1000 is too high....maybe 250 was intended. blink.gif


Do you want to re-check this issue with the recent CM? 2biggrin.gif


Sounds like that could be the reason for the massive hits that they deal out. Seems like you guys have done an amazingly thourough job with the CM patch.

Edited by Dragon Brother

My daughters were playing Kungfu Dryads. In teamplay it is possible to stack dust devils modified for combat art block. But dust devils have a cooldown so they are not as useful as expulse.


Arcane elves: My elf to test out my modified horse Combat Art's is pure arcane.

Expulse magic is a very good way, another possibility is to use shadow step to teleport to them and be invible for some seconds. At around level 150 I was able to reach close to permanent invisibility: able to teleport again while still being invisible from last teleport.


Dragon Mage: If you leave away elementalism you can reach high hitpoints with the dragon magic buff if you have the lore too. Add constitution, all in vitality and runes of protection modified to block combat arts. I was using alchemy to have full working heal potions in case a Combat Art was passing the runes.

This test was via the 'testing grounds' south of Kral.


Testing Grounds? Would you care to elaborate for me? Is this some developer region I do not know of? :)


I think I fixed this issue with the CM-Patch. There is a typo in the creatures.txt:


mgr.addCreatureBonus( 1392, {
intensity = 2250,
bonus = 246,


A bonus of 2250 to all Combatarts! Not even hard-ass Bosses get such a huge modifier. I reduced it to 1000 which is still tough (well they are elite, aren't they?) but should not lead to insta-Gib. :)


Come to think of it. I never heard from our testers if this still exists in-Game with the deployed CM-Patch, so I dont know if 1000 is too high....maybe 250 was intended. :D


Do you want to re-check this issue with the recent CM? :)


I don't have the CM patch yet sorry, this was on 'live' version, as I mostly play closed HC.

I have still the given test chars from the beta so these were used (access to all items pre 2.43) level 200's all chars.


Anyway, the 'test area' south of Kral is just that, a small section of the forest that is unreachable without glithching your char to warp there were we tested enemies etc, and they have left on live version some few enemies, and the hellhound/abashai boss from the last test build. It was never intended for players to reach in normal gameplay, (we used to warp with map coordinates and console) but ingenious players have found a way to reach it. You can read about it here: http://forum.sacred2.com/showthread.php?t=68640 on the official sacred forums.


If the CM patch is easily reversible, so I can continue without full re install I would be happy to help test this anew.



Posted (edited)
Anyway, the 'test area' south of Kral is just that, a small section of the forest that is unreachable without glithching your char to warp there were we tested enemies etc, and they have left on live version some few enemies, and the hellhound/abashai boss from the last test build. It was never intended for players to reach in normal gameplay, (we used to warp with map coordinates and console) but ingenious players have found a way to reach it. You can read about it here: http://forum.sacred2.com/showthread.php?t=68640 on the official sacred forums.


If the CM patch is easily reversible, so I can continue without full re install I would be happy to help test this anew.




Thank you, this is what I was looking for a long time. (We want to eliminate such experience exploit-regions with the CM also, but as countermeasure to exploiting all hints at this region have been terminated from german forums.)


Yes. The CM is easily revertible to have access to closed-net again. In the Zip-File there is a cm-enable.exe for deploying and a cm-disable.exe for the removal. After running the disable-patch, you have got a clean 2.65.1 / 2.65.2 again. No worries. :)


Btw: I think you will like the new bootscreen and the new transparent in game console. :D


PS: Do you remember the console command for warping with map coordinates? Maybe we can re-enable the console command for our dev-purposes...that would save some hassle messing with questscripts to teleport to locations to have a look at sth.

Edited by czevak

Thanks r00ster, great info. By any chance did you test and see if having the spell resistance skill helps at all with this?


I already tested the life leech attacks of Demons, Demonic Eyes and Draconic Dragonflies.

The damage (only life leech) they do depends on the difficulty and the enemy level and so their combat art (the life leech attack) level.

At the maximum enemy level, which depends on the region they spawn, they do following percentages of the life leech attack:

Demons: 66%

Demonic Eyes: 25%

Draconic Dragonflies: 15%

PS: Do you remember the console command for warping with map coordinates? Maybe we can re-enable the console command for our dev-purposes...that would save some hassle messing with questscripts to teleport to locations to have a look at sth.


I found some old notes from the beta but all it said about warping was using the "sys cheat ****" and then we could open the main map and just click to where we wanted to teleport to. Maybe I misseed the one about warping to certain coordiantes :P


If r00 can't remember, Lllama might know.


Some good info there r00 :(

1. High Elf:


42k hp

20k resistance

5% all channel mitigation


- with expulse, this did no damage. Note, expulse was NOT modded with 'strength' and the character did not have Arcane Lore. It was around level 100'ish.

- when I did not use expulse, the HE was viciously and violently one shotted, repeatedly. Damage figures were 32k for the lightning shot itself, 33k for the leech.

= HE is totally dead vs these without expulse. If you run demons, or the end area, make sure expulse is up 100% of the time, or you are toast. Even without any survival bonus, this character was still OHKO'd repeatedly for said damage amounts. There is absolutely no survival chance without expulse.

NOTE: you need the mob 3a on expulse to survive. The 'block direct magic damage' ala block combat arts. There is no other option if you do not want to die there.


I have my level 110 HE in Niob and have run her against the Daemons and never had a problem without using Xpulse. I do have GI at 200 runes and Crystal skin at 200 runes and both Arcane and mystic focuses and lores mastered. I also have constitution. So there is lots of hit point regen in combination with GI.


I have crystal skin modded for Mirror, feels cold, frosty breeze and Grand Invigoration on Mystic, life energy, resilience.


So possibly with Combat Art level 100+ buffs there is enough defense to evade the hit or the Combat Art or I have just been lucky so far. I haven't run the wasteland in Niob yet.

Posted (edited)
1. High Elf:


42k hp

20k resistance

5% all channel mitigation


- with expulse, this did no damage. Note, expulse was NOT modded with 'strength' and the character did not have Arcane Lore. It was around level 100'ish.

- when I did not use expulse, the HE was viciously and violently one shotted, repeatedly. Damage figures were 32k for the lightning shot itself, 33k for the leech.

= HE is totally dead vs these without expulse. If you run demons, or the end area, make sure expulse is up 100% of the time, or you are toast. Even without any survival bonus, this character was still OHKO'd repeatedly for said damage amounts. There is absolutely no survival chance without expulse.

NOTE: you need the mob 3a on expulse to survive. The 'block direct magic damage' ala block combat arts. There is no other option if you do not want to die there.


I have my level 110 HE in Niob and have run her against the Daemons and never had a problem without using Xpulse. I do have GI at 200 runes and Crystal skin at 200 runes and both Arcane and mystic focuses and lores mastered. I also have constitution. So there is lots of hit point regen in combination with GI.


I have crystal skin modded for Mirror, feels cold, frosty breeze and Grand Invigoration on Mystic, life energy, resilience.


So possibly with Combat Art level 100+ buffs there is enough defense to evade the hit or the Combat Art or I have just been lucky so far. I haven't run the wasteland in Niob yet.


I would simply state that you have been lucky thus far.

The reflection of Combat Art's has saved you (on crystal skin) if the champs have actually hit you with the lighting blast, as crystal can get to a very high reflection chance, so odds are, or that it happens only in niob were they gain their true power. Just remember, that the Combat Art reflection is a chance, and eventually it will not roll in favor. I would suggest exporting the character, and trying for yourself.


This is 100% reproducable on the current 'live' builds, with even 0% survival bonus.

It might be the level difference, as the test chars were level 200 all, but it definitely happens everytime.


EDIT* note, that the test HE had all points in vitality and constitution over 200 skill points. Still, you would need excess of 60k hp to survive the hit, magic relics with 700+ magic res per stone were also on (legendary relics from test chars). It would bring the SW with over 2k spell resistance down from 80k hp to like 15k remaining.



Edited by r00ster

Nice work r00ster, thanks for the info. Running a Dragon Mage now and hoping that I've modded his buffs properly for the block combat arts and detrimental magic.



1. High Elf:


42k hp

20k resistance

5% all channel mitigation


- with expulse, this did no damage. Note, expulse was NOT modded with 'strength' and the character did not have Arcane Lore. It was around level 100'ish.

- when I did not use expulse, the HE was viciously and violently one shotted, repeatedly. Damage figures were 32k for the lightning shot itself, 33k for the leech.

= HE is totally dead vs these without expulse. If you run demons, or the end area, make sure expulse is up 100% of the time, or you are toast. Even without any survival bonus, this character was still OHKO'd repeatedly for said damage amounts. There is absolutely no survival chance without expulse.

NOTE: you need the mob 3a on expulse to survive. The 'block direct magic damage' ala block combat arts. There is no other option if you do not want to die there.


I have my level 110 HE in Niob and have run her against the Daemons and never had a problem without using Xpulse. I do have GI at 200 runes and Crystal skin at 200 runes and both Arcane and mystic focuses and lores mastered. I also have constitution. So there is lots of hit point regen in combination with GI.


I have crystal skin modded for Mirror, feels cold, frosty breeze and Grand Invigoration on Mystic, life energy, resilience.


So possibly with Combat Art level 100+ buffs there is enough defense to evade the hit or the Combat Art or I have just been lucky so far. I haven't run the wasteland in Niob yet.


I would simply state that you have been lucky thus far.

The reflection of Combat Art's has saved you (on crystal skin) if the champs have actually hit you with the lighting blast, as crystal can get to a very high reflection chance, so odds are, or that it happens only in niob were they gain their true power. Just remember, that the Combat Art reflection is a chance, and eventually it will not roll in favor. I would suggest exporting the character, and trying for yourself.


This is 100% reproducable on the current 'live' builds, with even 0% survival bonus.

It might be the level difference, as the test chars were level 200 all, but it definitely happens everytime.


EDIT* note, that the test HE had all points in vitality and constitution over 200 skill points. Still, you would need excess of 60k hp to survive the hit, magic relics with 700+ magic res per stone were also on (legendary relics from test chars). It would bring the SW with over 2k spell resistance down from 80k hp to like 15k remaining.




I have no doubt is a lot of luck. I think those demons in wasteland start to really get crazy power at about level 140. As seen by gogo and myself.


Good info all the way around. Thanks


I'm planning my next build, a staff wielding Inquisitor similar to my Dryad (going to abuse the magic staff "bug" with Ruthless Mutilation :D) so in the past few days I was spending a lot of time with level 200 template characters to test this thunder/leech attack among other things.


The thunder consists of three types of damage:


1. direct(?) physical damage which ignores armor, ~17k base value


- can be resisted with physical damage mitiagtion; the Inquisitor has several good set armor pieces with built-in physical mitigation – if we add high level Toughness and Puryfing Chastisment modded for mitigation then 100% or near is possible


2. some kind of DoT damage, maybe physical (bleeding?), ~5k per tick, 4-5 ticks I guess


- all channel %DoT reduction can reduce it; reaching 100% is easy at later levels but 80-85% is fair enough

- Spell Resistance skill @ mastery greatly reduces it's duration (one tick?)


3. lifeleech damage, exactly 62.0% of max HP.


- 'chance to reflect combat art' has no effect on this even at 100% (62% from Reverse Polarity, 38% from gear)

- I suppose 'block chance combat art' does help but it's hard to reach higher percentages (needs further testing)


I can see it being a ton of fun! We were doing some work on a staff wielding Dryad with the bug. It's so satisfying seeing everything go Kathump! The firing for it is a bit slow for my tastes, and for a dryd because she's so vulnerable, she was needing constant GGT 24/7 to stay alive




Keep us informed with the build, very entertaining






p.s. Tapir are you mp or sp?


I'm playing closed HC (we've met once I guess, I've got a Detheya's Shoulder Plate from you :D).


I mentioned the idea here:



But with sport seasons started and 5 kids I spend my spare time mainly to drive from vaulting to soccer to hockey to handball to ... So the character idea was't followed after level 70 or so.


There are 3 classes which could use the staff shot thing:


Dryad with a 360 degree screen wide all around hit, given you can hit one target with a starting melee hit.

Inquisitor: with a roughly 180 degree angle, else same

Seraphim: Which does an attack series with limited number of targets, first needs to be in melee range, rest can be a screen away

Elf: no multi or angle attack

SW,TG: no staff lore

Dragon mage: no weapon ca



It has only a limited number of targets. A ranged weapon would be limited to 3 hits, but a ranged wouldn't demand that the first hit is in melee range. And the seraphim does an animation for each target. So a staff could be tolerated in case of the seraphim.


The problem with the dryad is that she has no buff to block/reflect spells.

The problem with the inqui is that reflect spells seems to be weaker than block spells.


The seraphim would be the most robust against spells, but she has no angle attack, but only a multi target which does animations for each target, slowing the performance.


Furian actually specced together a pretty nice build... was taking some heavy damage up in Niobium however, good one to run for a level 165 bargainer.


And...it looks awesome





Furian actually specced together a pretty nice build... was taking some heavy damage up in Niobium however, good one to run for a level 165 bargainer.


And...it looks awesome





Hey thanks buddy, how she doing anyway?


Five more levels to go only. I'm a bit tired of her but she's now a level 160!




and now having fun with the new HE for fun till going back to the bargainer.. Anyone can level her easily though in forest quest muhahah... trying to see if Schot will sit through that





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