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Everything posted by kriv

  1. My folks live 500 miles away, an 8 hour drive. This is the closest I have lived to them since 99 when I was in college. I like the distance, but it would be harder to live this far away if my sister didn't live within 1 mile of my dad or 5 miles of my mom.
  2. Interesting. Id there a US version or only EU side being worked on currently?
  3. Awesome! (I can't even get to 50 before I re-roll)
  4. I am stunned by the pictures and video because I cannot get my mind around the force of the water. I have no frame of reference to something that strong. It destroys everything in it's path and just keeps going and going. It is a devastating loss and I am praying for everone involved. What an ass kick, huge eathquake then a brutal tsunami.
  5. I am very excited to see this. I think the next book has a release date of June of this year.
  6. Thanks gogo! I was able to run both, I may start doing that to boost xp when im solo.
  7. I use to just fire up sacred on my second PC and move stuff between my accounts. Well, now that my laptop died, I don't have a second pc. How can I move stuff between accounts?
  8. Welcome sarah! I am a US player as well and glad you found DM. Look me up if you are online if you want to kill stuff. I still consider myself a noob and the people here at DM are super nice and extremely understanding to my questions....so ask away. As for the chest, I found it helpful to make a few toons for muling and move the gear around through the shared chest and have them store it in their individual storage. I try to organize it by class or armor or weapon, but every so often I have to spend time rearranging (did some of that yesterday).
  9. grats! Still haven't gotten on there yet!
  10. glad to see mythos in beta. I was in the first one and really liked it (little guns with big BOOM). If there is no NDA, let us kow how it is.
  11. I just came back to HC closed. I think I am going to try the CM patch and give it a try in the next week or so. I was on a break, then played some cataclysm and am now going to bounch back and forth between borderlands on my ps3 and sacred on the pc.
  12. I will give that patch a shot. I guess that means starting new char from level 1? Not a big deal since I don't have one past 50 yet.
  13. Back to playing some Sacred 2 to get my hack n slash fix! I will only be on a day or so a week, hopefully it isnt less than that. Hope to catch up with yall online.
  14. Thanks for the info. I also get scared when I see movies from my past come out. I get so excited and then the movies are lame. I may have to try to catch tron at them movies.
  15. The wife and I got the Playstation Move and a couple of games to go with it. The big present was a nice new shiny insulated garage door!! Exciting, I know.
  16. Merry Christmas all! I haven't been gaming much but hope to get some PS3 time in since my wonderful wife got me the move for christmas. I hope everyone is doing well! I miss running around with the DM crew! (Wow has sucked me back in with cata )
  17. Sorry I haven't been around lately. RL has been crazy busy and I am barely getting an hour a week on the gaming pc. What little free time I have had I have spent relaxing watching Boardwalk Empire and reading. Hope yall are well and hope to be back online more in the next few weeks.
  18. Welcome lildozer! Cool name....reminds me of Fraggles! I'm also in NA and play on the EU with the crazy DM wrecking crew!
  19. Grats on getting back up and running!
  20. I switched about a year ago when Firefox got too bloated. I like Chrome because it is simple and fast.
  21. I was having the shakes because of withdrawl! Haven'st been able to get ingame this week and this is the only way to get my fix! Thanks for getting us back up and running.
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