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Everything posted by Flix

  1. I wanted female pictures where possible. I need to finish the skill icons before I show all the before/after pictures.
  2. I like multiple hats. 4 itemtypes instead of 1 isn't going to cause any problems. It is true though, itemtype ID's from 14000 and above don't seem to work, and we're in the 13600's now. We may have to be selective in the future. But for now, and for this idea especially, I like the 4 hat idea.
  3. Probably you just haven't got to that part of the main quest line. Check the log and see where you're at. This is one of a few instances where you have to advance the main quest to continue on to the next region.
  4. Light Path or Shadow Path? Light Path leads you through a tunnel under the door. The gate willl always be locked for a Light Path character. Shadow Path should open the doors for you after you talk to the Inquisitor guard NPC. Clicking the door itself should also open/close them. This only happens when you get to this part of the main storyline however. Through the Wall - Light Path Through the Wall - Shadow Path I vaguely remember a bug report regarding the door not opening when it should have but I thought it was multiplayer only. If you use Enhanced Spells you could also just use Belligerent Vault to leap over the wall. You may be able to do that in the vanilla game too, can't remember.
  5. Read more detailed info on the SacredWiki page for The Paladin. Character: Paladin Orientation: Close Combat / Magic Aspects: Sublime Combat, Devout Offense, Blessed Defense Lore: The Paladin is a knight who follows the teachings of Zakarum, the Religion of the Light. To ensure the success of future missions, the Church set about training holy warriors, Paladins, to accompany and safeguard their missionaries. These cavaliers of righteousness swept through the lands, expunging the taint of demonic contamination wherever they found it. A battle-ready warrior for whom faith is a shield, the Paladin fights for what she believes to be right. Her steadfastness gives her powers to bestow blessings to her friends and wreak cruel justice on foes. There are those who call the Paladin an overwrought zealot, but others recognize in her the strength and goodness of the Light. ========================================================= Aspect: Sublime Combat Vengeance - When a Paladin undertakes a crusade to banish evil, she is permitted to call upon the just souls of past crusades. Thus summoned, the spirits of the honorably vanquished manifest themselves and lend their energies to the weapons of the Paladin. A hard hit weapon attack with extra fire, ice and lightning (magic) damage added. Zeal - A noble Paladin, fervent in her dedication to righteousness, can draw upon the spirit of that dedication to perform seemingly impossible tasks. When surrounded by her enemies, a Paladin versed in this skill sets upon her adversaries with the zealous fervor of many times her number. A multi-hit attack based off of Pelting Strikes. Smite - The sword of a Paladin represents the might of righteousness and her shield symbolizes the strength of her faith. Both are tools he uses to mete out justice. Just as righteousness can give her spirit the fortitude to overcome the attacks of the unjust, so too can faith be a weapon to strike back at those who work to defeat her. This CA is essentially Assailing Somersault. Since Sacred 2 has no mechanics for actually using the shield as a weapon, and no characters have any animations that even resemble shield attacks, this CA is more like the classic D2 skill Charge. Charge - In showing fear, a Paladin displays lack of faith, and a faithless Paladin is less than a woman - let alone a knight. This is vital in that when all else fails, it is faith that will carry the Paladin through to victory. Warriors of faith never shirk from combat, but rush forward with heads down and shields up, allowing their glory to carry them into the thick of battle to deliver the first blow. I designed this CA off of the Horse CA Charge. It actually works better than the Horse version because the run speed modifier actually works on foot. So this is a bit like Charge + Dashing Alacrity + Ruinous Onslaught. It buffs the Paladin during the Charge, breaks roots, and does a lot of damage at the start of the spell and any enemies you run into will be knocked back and damaged. However, you have to keep moving to keep it active. Fanaticism - True faith can cause its believers to perform fantastic feats. With this aura the Paladin, and all those allied with her cause, carry themselves with a zealous fervor, allowing them to strike down their foes as swiftly as the scythe reaps the harvest. Increases weapon damage, attack rating and speed, as expected. ========================================================= Aspect: Devout Offense Holy Bolt - The Paladin can learn to summon bolts formed of pure, righteous energies. These projectiles are vessels of pure life, bane to the Undead and T-Creatures. Holy Bolts do moderate damage to normal enemies, but will absolutely annihiliate Undead and T-Mutants. They seek targets and can be modded for multiple bolts. They don't heal allies, but they have a new spell token that will allow them to banish undead. Fist of the Heavens - This spell allows the Paladin to summon the power of holy vengeance. Manifesting as lightning from the heavens, these bolts rain down from the sky, exploding into a shaft of light to banish the evil from the battlefield. This looks like Radiant Pillar, but don't be fooled. You directly target enemies with it, instead of the ground. And instead of a prolonged pillar of light inflicting damage over several seconds, imagine if Radiant Pillar instead inflicted its entire damage payload in a split second, like a lightning bolt. Blessed Hammer - Once, legions of the undead laid siege to a small convent of nuns who were the keepers of a sacred relic, the Hammer of Ghrab Thaar. Rather than letting it fall into the hands of evil, the nuns took the Hammer and plunged themselves into the fiery chasm within the convent, releasing a wave of holy light that destroyed the undead legion. Since that time a well-trained Paladin is able to tap the remnants of this released energy, summoning a magical hammer to strike down her adversaries. Blessed Hammer is a hybrid combat art. It's a spell that uses weapon damage and attack speed for casting speed. Conviction - It is fearsome enough to behold the power of a Paladin, let alone a Paladin aglow with the aura of Conviction. This halo of righteousness demonstrates, with force, the grim determination of those who shine within its brilliance. Any who stand against the Paladin and her allies will understand the meaning of folly. It lowers all enemy resistances, as well as causing a "sensitivity" to all types that works like reverse Damage Mitigation. Holy Fire - With a hint of brimstone in the air, the noble Paladin strides into battle encased in this holy aura. All those within its range are burnt with the fires of divine virtue. Holy Fire cannot be used in conjunction with Holy Freeze. ========================================================= Aspect: Blessed Defense Conversion - Through force of will and strength of steel, a noble Paladin with this skill is able to blind her enemies with the glory of the Light. After trading blows with the Paladin and facing the fire of righteousness burning in her eyes, an enemy will sometimes be struck with a divine epiphany and momentarily repent his past undertakings. So complete is the transformation, that the converted will turn to slay its former comrades. Because I could not combine the conversion effect with an offensive attack, this spell will convert enemies 100% of the time. Converted enemies will follow and fight for the Paladin like any other minion. Holy Shield - To a Paladin, the shield is a symbol of her faith. Particularly devout Paladins can channel their faith into their shields, bolstering its defensive value with holy energy. The purer her faith, the greater her defense. Just as it appears, this is a modified Divine Protection. It is not significantly different from its Enhanced Spells counterpart. You will find however that the concept of Energy Shields in D2F is changed from a technological one into a magical/holy/arcane one. Prayer - With this aura the Paladin basks herself and all she deems faithful in a warm, healing light. Her prayers for salvation carry her through the direst situations, allowing her to heal even the deepest wounds in time. It is in these times of silent worship that the Paladin is rejuvenated in spirit. This aura is a combination of D2's Prayer and Meditation right from the start. It can be modified to further enhance these effects. Thorns - An eye for an eye is sometimes not enough. Those who would strike the emissaries of the Light had best take warning, for retribution shall be swift and certain. The might of your blows shall be felt a hundred fold unto you! Unlike Thorns in D2, this aura does not actually amplify the damage reflected back onto enemies. I think this is more than made up for by the fact that reflected damage in Sacred 2 is not inflicted on the player at all but instead totally blocked. This is why I consider it a defensive aura in D2F. Holy Freeze - Using this aura, the Paladin causes the temperature of the air around her to drop drastically, freezing the flesh of her enemies. Those so affected will find their movement drastically hindered and are easily dispatched back to the Hells from whence they spawned. Holy Freeze cannot be used in conjunction with Holy Fire. Like the D2 aura, Holy Freeze does not actually inflict cold damage, but rather freezes enemies. And like the D2 aura, the freezing effect cannot be resisted by enemies. ========================================================= Dev Notes: This time I tried putting specific notes about the combat arts next to the descriptions. Some general notes: Some of these aura fx are graphics intensive. On slower computers they may drop your framerate a bit with several active at once. However buff fx can be toggled on and off in the options menu. Holy Fire and Holy Freeze have the same mutual exclusivity that Incandescent Skin and Crystal Skin have in Sacred 2. If you're wondering what use the Blessed Defense aspect would have, being full of buffs and non-damaging spells, then keep in mind that there is almost no defensive power to speak of in the other aspects. Almost every build will be wanting to dip into Blessed Defense at some point or else suffer a lot of damage. So Holy Shield doesn't increase defense, and Defiance isn't in the mod...how do we increase the Paladin's defense? Don't worry, Defiance still exists as a modification available on a few different Combat Arts throughout the Paladin's selection of Auras. None of the above pictures show wings but they are still part of the Paladin's equipment. I just forgot to equip any. This also shows you that the Paladin doesn't have those ugly fallback wings anymore.
  6. I'm glad you're pleased. I never heard a peep from you about the set after we implemented it.
  7. What?.. Your cat sleeps on the poo pile? And you sleep on it too?.. What? ROFL
  8. They sure can, but if you have to make sure to use gear that lowers regen time, then that's using up gear slots that could be used to boost damage, armor or something else useful. It's all just a matter of balancing. If your killing power and survival are satisfactory, then there's no wrong way to build a character. I usually choose not to make temp buffs permanent not because of the regen penalty, but because there are only 3 buff slots, and I often like to use as many abilities as possible.
  9. Buffs carry a regeneration penalty to all combat arts. On the other hand, the temporary Doppelganger only gets a regen penalty to the Doppelganger combat art itself. Since it already has a long cooldown that doesn't change, any "penalty" to Doppelganger's regeneration is so small in comparison that it might as well not even exist. In other words, you can keep the Doppelganger temporary and read a ton of runes, and yes the regeneration time for Doppelganger might be 5 or 10 seconds longer, but that's a small price to pay. By contrast, if you make him a buff, and you read a ton of runes, ALL combat arts will be hit with a big 'ol regeneration penalty, and that might suck big time. It's for this reason that many people choose not to upgrade temporary buffs to permanent status.
  10. Ok I've prepared a little patch which should make this mod fully compatible with CM 1.50. Patch for Wardust's Serious Textures Mod and CM Patch 1.50 This mod allows Wardust's mod to be used with the latest CM Patch. This is a full and faithful reproduction of his changes to surface.txt. Note that using this file will require you to use his models as well, otherwise some things won't display correctly. If you only selectively use parts of his mod, you may have to bite the bullet and edit surface.txt yourself. Instructions: Install CM 1.50 Install Wardust's textures and models DO NOT install any of the scripts previously distributed by Wardust. They are for CM 1.40 only (now outdated). Install this patch using the Generic Mod Enabler (available at http://www.softpedia.com/get/Others/Miscellaneous/Generic-Mod-Enabler.shtml )The Generic Mod Enabler should be installed in the base installation folder for Sacred 2. Run it once and it will make a folder called "MODS" there. Place the "Wardust 150 Patch" folder into the MODS folder. Run the GME and activate this mod. Uninstall with the GME. Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwXXP3Exg5v4aFZSOW02aUFMNVk/view?usp=sharing
  11. Thank you. After a lot of experimenting, I found that temporary summons just don't work unless they were designed by Ascaron to be that way (Doppelganger, Inexorable Subjugation ghosts, Rallied Souls). And these creatures follow their own unique rules, so I couldn't adapt them for my new summons. Instead I had to adapt the Fire Demon and the Skeleton summons, which requires them to be permanent buffs. Right now the summons that are based on the Skeletons (all the melee summons) only fall unconscious, while those based on the Fire Demon (all those using spells) actually die and have to be re-summoned. There's a max of 4 skeletons and 3 skeletal mages. You can have 1 buff by default, 2 upon learning Concentration and 3 upon mastering Concentration. So the Necromancer would eventually be able to have all possible summons active at once. He would of course have to give up the protection of Bone Armor and Iron Maiden to do so however.
  12. Welcome aboard. Sure it's possible. You just need to open drop.txt and remove all the items you deem unsuitable, so they won't drop anymore. Depending on your taste, that may or may not include a large number of items that were created by the devs but were unfinished or not made droppable at the time of release. To make it easier you could save the vanilla drop.txt before applying the patch, and then compare the two files to see what was changed, and remove the offending items. Make sure you use a proper text editor like Notepad++. There's only a handful of new quests so I would say you could just avoid them, as they're not forced on you. But you could also edit quest.txt and questscripts.txt to remove them. That will be much more difficult, but doable with some resolve. Normally this is the part where I talk about how hard the creators worked to follow Ascaron's lead to craft items that fit the tone and lore of Sacred 2, while also filling glaring holes in the base game's equipment selection and still being balanced and useful at the same time. But if you've got your "official content only" blinders on, which is perfectly understandable, then there's not much convincing I can do. Best way is to educate you on how to mod things yourself.
  13. It's probably: mgr.defineSpell( "enemy_whit_harterschlag", { eiStateName = "cSMZealhit", fxTypeCast = "", fxTypeSpell = "", fxTypeCastSpecial = "", duration = 2.000000, animType = "ANIM_TYPE_SM01", animTypeApproach = "ANIM_TYPE_INVALID", animTypeRide = "ANIM_TYPE_INVALID", animTypeSpecial = "ANIM_TYPE_INVALID", causesSpellDamage = 0, tokens = { entry0 = {"et_mult_weapondamage", 1500, 5, 0, 9 }, entry1 = {"et_AW_rel", 500, 25, 0, 5 }, entry2 = {"et_baseAW", 100, 75, 0, 5 }, }, fightDistance = 45.000000, aspect = "EA_ENEMY_ANY", cooldown = 2.000000, soundProfile = 0, cost_level = 300, cost_base = 300, focus_skill_name = "skill__enemy_focus", lore_skill_name = "skill__enemy_lore", spellClass = "cSpellSMove", spellcontroltype = "eCAtype_a_weapon_attack", sorting_rank = 0, }) It's a "Zeal Hit" like Magic Coup with a big boost to base attack and attack %. There are very few melee CA's used by generic enemies, so it's probably this one. I don't know what "enemy_whit_harterschlag" translates to in English. It could also be "enemy_whit_attacke" which seems to have the same properties, or "enemy_whit_giftschlag" which is the same except it adds base poison damage. Additionally there is "enemy_whit_verlangsamen" which debuffs your attack speed, and "enemy_whit_zerfetzen" which adds a high chance for open wounds. I searched through spells.txt and I found NO enemy spells that had a doublehit spell token. I also searched through creatures.txt to see what combat arts Orc champions had, and I only found the ones I listed above. Sorry I couldn't be of more help. Are you going to start adding enemy spells to the Wiki? That's something that's been on my to-do list for a long time, I've just never gotten around to doing it.
  14. Read more detailed info on the SacredWiki page for The Barbarian. Character: Barbarian Orientation: Close Combat Aspects: Berserk Combat, Tactical Warfare, War Cries Lore: Steeped in mystery and tradition, the tribes of the North refer to themselves as the "Children of Bul-Kathos," the great and ancient king. To protect their lands from outside forces, they adopted a nomadic lifestyle, frequently moving and maintaining few permanent settlements. Isolating themselves from the world outside their territories, they eschew the use of magic and complex machinery, as they believe these things can only weaken their resolve. The Barbarian, a member of any of several of these tribes, rebuffs the influence of those he sees as soft and weak. Ceaseless clan warfare and the constant struggle to survive in the hostile wilderness are evident in the Barbarian's sturdy and powerful frame. He has developed a kinship with the land and has learned to harness the primal energies within nature to enhance his own substantial physical prowess. ============================================================ Aspect: Berserk Combat Bash - Summoning up their renowned brute strength a Barbarian can deliver a powerful and painful blow that staggers an enemy from its feet, knocking them back. Frenzy - Although a Barbarian is capable of calculated blows and tactical fighting techniques, it is his fierce passion for battle that distinguishes him in combat. With this ability the Barbarian calls on the sum of his energy to attack and slay everything in sight. Whirlwind - Of the Barbarian people, the Tribe of Thunder was the first to draw upon the primal forces of the weather. Observing the strength of the whirlwind, these Barbarians learned to emulate the swirling melange of the cyclone in their attacks. Berserk - There is a fine line between passion and rage, something the Barbarian warrior knows well. One of the most powerful combat skills a Barbarian can learn is to cross that line into rage, without regard for consequences. While using this ability, a Barbarian drives more and more force into each successive blow as his anger and bloodlust mounts. Natural Resistance (Buff) - In order to survive the unforgiving lands of the north, the people of the Barbarian tribes have developed hardy resistances to the common elements. Heat and cold alike are something they endure often. Since food is scarce while foraging, they have learned to consume species of plants that would slay normal men. ============================================================ Aspect: Tactical Warfare Concentrate - Sometimes a series of blows is not nearly as effective as a single, concentrated strike. A Barbarian trained in this skill learns how to focus his strength into a single blow that cuts through the guard of an enemy and slices through their armor. Double Attack - Are not two hits better than one? A young Barbarian learns to sweep his weapon to strike simultaneous blows at separate targets. As his talent grows in this skill, he attacks with increasing control and accuracy. Stun - An experienced Barbarian can learn to strike an opponent in areas that promote the maximum effect. By putting enough strength behind an attack, he can create a zone of force so powerful it leaves opponents dazed and unable to strike back or flee. Leap Attack - Because of his great strength, a trained barbarian warrior is able to perform great leaps. These jumps are noteworthy, enabling the Barbarian to spring free of dangerous swarms of enemies, and landing with an impact that sends them reeling. Iron Skin (Buff) - The harsh grasslands of their homeland offer the Barbarian people little refuge from the elements. Constant prolonged exposure to the sun, wind, rain and other elements has toughened their skin to the resilience of natural leather. ============================================================ Aspect: War Cries War Cry - Summoning the ancient powers known to his people, a Barbarian warrior can call on his spirit animal and lash out at his enemies with a cry that halts them in their tracks-a powerful anguish rising to burn the depths of their being. It is this skill that gives rise to the legends of Barbarians being able to sap the life from a creature with a single word. Howl - A Barbarian warrior in battle is a fearsome enough sight. They cover their bodies with strange markings and the fire in their eyes can be seen from across a battlefield. Early in his training a warrior must learn how to tap the primal energies around him and utter a howl in battle-a bellow so fierce that it will cause enemies to falter. This permits the warrior an easy kill. Grim Ward - This skill allows the Barbarian to fashion a totem out of the carcass of his slain enemies. The crippling damage caused by the resulting talisman serves as a grave warning to all foes. With additional training the warrior can increase the potency of the ward. Shout - Barbarian warriors are born to command in battle. When a warrior learns this skill he can raise his voice above the din of combat to shout warnings of impending blows to his comrades in arms. This will alert them in time to allow them to guard against the incoming attack. Battle Orders (Buff) - Although skillful in single combat, the Barbarian warrior also has a talent for group tactics. It is this ability that makes him a natural leader in combat. An experienced warrior can use this skill to better array his forces in battle, enhancing their ability to overcome the enemy. ============================================================ Dev Notes The Barbarian was a challenge because for the original, one entire aspect was weapon-based combat arts, and another set was entirely passive skills. So I had to do some rearranging and improvising. Here's a cheat sheet for the rough equivalencies for the weapon-based Combat Arts: Bash - Demonic Blow Frenzy - Frenized Rampage Whirlwind - Darting Assault Concentrate - Magic Coup Double Attack - Scything Sweep Stun - Is not actually weapon-based but a spell. It uses an unused animation that is sort of like a shoulder ram/headbutt/shield bash, and the fx of Clustering Maelstrom. The effect is an instant hit Area of Effect that stuns enemies and causes light damage. Berserk actually charges up damage, attack speed and attack rating after each kill. Similar to Killing Spree, but without the damage nova. Grim Ward was originally designed just exude an Area of Effect fear aura like the original. But fear wouldn't trigger without an actual hit, so I changed it so it fires projectiles (many, many more than Malicious Totem). They also pierce. However, the damage isn't enough for killing, rather it will debuff enemies and make them flee. It's surprisingly effective.
  15. I enjoyed the Name of the Wind a lot. It promised a lot of great things to come. They weren't delivered in the second book though. I felt a few moments of major disappointment.
  16. I like really monstrious and bat-like designs for fantasy vampires, like they're were-bats or something. Like the Fleders and Garkains from The Witcher.
  17. Read more detailed info on the SacredWiki page for The Necromancer. Character: Necromancer Orientation: Dark Magic / Summoning Aspects: Poison & Bone, Curses, Dark Summons Lore: The Necromancer, as his name implies, is an unseemly form of sorcerer whose spells deal with the raising of the dead and the summoning and control of various creatures for his purposes. Long hours of study in dank mausolea have made his skin pale and corpse-like, and his figure is skeletal. Most people shun him for his peculiar looks and ways, but none doubt the power of the Necromancer, for it is the stuff of nightmares. Necromancers have the ability to reanimate corpses of most entities and to control the recently dead. The dead release spiritual energies that haunt the mortal realms. The Necromancer can focus these energies, giving them manifestation in the corporal world. Practitioners of necromancy can curse the very fate of a victim by manipulating the energies flowing through all living things. =============================================================== Aspect: Poison and Bone Poison Dagger - The apothecary skills of the Necromancer lay in the studies of venoms, toxins and other poisonous substances. Rarely does he shy from their use. In a common application of this skill, the Necromancer paints his weapon with a thin coat of virulent poison. The greater his ability, the more potent the poison. Bone Spear - Also known as the Talon of Trang'Oul, this spell enables the Necromancer to call upon the remnants of the spirits of all the creatures who have ever died in the area. It accumulates their fossilized remains and summons forth from the ground long shaft of dense, fossilized bone, piercing any opponents in its path. Corpse Explosion - Every corpse created as a result of a violent death carries with it the anguish of its final moments. With this spell the Necromancer is able to call upon those energies and focus them into a single violent force. This force then expels itself from the carcass with such power that it causes a dramatic explosion. Poison Nova - This spell befouls the atmosphere surrounding the caster. With an arcane chant, the Necromancer corrupts the very air we breathe and causes it to erupt in all directions. It is from years of investigation and preparation that the Necromancer can choose a poisonous gas that is toxic to the minions of evil, yet harmless to himself and his companions. Bone Armor (Buff) - This spell summons a barrier created from the bones of fallen warriors. The armor revolves around the Necromancer, protecting him against damage from close combat attacks. ==================================================================== Aspect: Curses Lower Resist - The curse increases an enemy's susceptibility to the harsh effects of the elements and elemental magicks. Skin burns like paper, chills cut to the bone, and lightning is drawn to the victim as if they were an iron bar in a rainstorm. Lowers all of the enemy's armor resistances and inflicts light poison damage over time. Dim Vision - Damning an enemy to the darkness of their own evil, this curse surrounds the afflicted in a cloud of perfect darkness and silence, blinding them. Confuse - Necromancers can tap into the spirit realm, channelling bitter and mischievous spirits into the minds of nearby enemies. The victims are bombarded with the gibbering of the dead, which, indistinguishable from their own thoughts, urge them to strike at friend and foe alike. The discordant wailing of these spirits builds to a crescendo, eventually driving the victim mad. Decrepify - This curse gives the victim a glimpse of his own mortality, briefly aging the victim. Imagining itself with an infirm body of advanced age, the afflicted believes it is no longer capable of youthful exertions. They become slowed, weakened, and take amplified damage. Iron Maiden (Buff) - This spell curses all attackers, condemning them to receive whatever pains they inflict upon others. The greater the skill of the Necromancer, the greater the magnitude of torment the victim receives for his wrongdoings. ================================================================ Aspect: Dark Summons Bone Spirit - This powerful spell briefly summons the spirits of vengeful revenants. These skeletal specters immediately seek out their targets, ripping free a portion of the target's soul and carrying it away to the plane of the dead. The Necromancers have not yet determined how to control these wraiths. For now, it is enough that they are able to shield themselves and their companions from their wrath! Revive - The ultimate goal of a Priest of Rathma is the perfect reanimation and control of a dead creature, maintaining the purity and properties of its body while releasing its soul to allow the Necromancer full control. When a Necromancer at long last gains this ability, he can truly claim mastery of the Great Cycle of Being. Raise Skeleton (Buff) - Early on, Necromancers learn to control the skeletal remains of deceased creatures. Invoking this skill causes a nightmarish jumble of animated bones to rise from the ground. Animated partially through their own will and partially through the summoned spirits of ancient warriors, Necromancers often maintain a small host of these reanimated soldiers to do their bidding. Skeletal Mage (Buff) - Dead warriors are not the only heroes that a Necromancer may summon to inhabit his creations. Many a Necromancer regales in raising the corpses of long dead wizards and bending them to his will. The priests of Rathma feel that this is the proof of the dominance of their particular branch of the mystic arts. Can be upgraded----> Clay Golem (Buff) - While it is fairly simple for a Necromancer to animate dead tissue, it is another matter entirely to instill the spark of life into inanimate objects. It is believed that all life was forged when fire, earth, iron and flesh were combined. The Clay Golem is the simplest form of this complex art, creating a servant directly from the earth to serve the Necromancer. Clay Golem - the basic summon Iron Golem - has massive physical armor and damage, plus a high chance to reflect close combat Fire Golem - has substantial additional fire damage and fire immunity, with a high chance for burning =================================================================== Dev Notes: The Necromancer is another favorite of mine and was fantastically fun to create. He gets all the good dark and evil spells. Bone Spear in particular was a great stroke of luck. It was originally going to be Bone Wall (based off of the Dragon Mage's Magic Wall), but thanks to Luthal I learned that the Magic Wall spell fx could be applied to certain offensive spell classes (in this case it's actually Radiant Pillar). So instead of a rock wall, a single spear erupts from the ground. I retextured it to bone, and voila, Bone Spear is born! Bone Spirit is another adapation of a Dragon Mage CA, in this case the Destroyers. Bone Spirit went through a ton of iterations, from a magical projectile similar to the D2 original, to a Skeletal Fortification-like summon that fired the aforementioned projectiles, to the final incarnation here which summons floating skulls that seek out enemies and explode. The Necromancer's summons make a fine army. The Skeletal Mages have an array of elemental spells, and can be upgraded with a gold modification that upgrades their models and spell arsenal considerably. As in D2, a summoner is a viable build. Likewise, a solo Necro specializing in spells or even just melee attacks is also a possibility. I'm generally pleased with the Curses. They're varied in function and fx and they all turned out very similar to the original D2 spells. Outtake: Golems galore I sincerely loved the Golems from D2, and tried to find a way to cram them all in. Due to limitations with the the upgrade mechanics, I was only able to include Clay, Iron, and Fire Golems. The Blood Golem had to be cut. Here is a prototype Blood Golem, which gave me the creeps btw.
  18. Thanks for the knowledge dumps in these topics MortalKombat. They may be older threads but the info will always be useful to players. Keeping in mind what you said about attack/cast speed, I'll have to double check that I got it right on the Wiki pages. Attack Speed item modifier doesn't increase weapon-based combat art execution at all? That doesn't sound right for some reason. What about the attack speed bonus from weapon lore skills and penalties from using weapons too low level? I feel certain they effect weapon-based CA execution speed.
  19. Thanks. Luckily I've finished all the combat arts so if worse comes to worst I've still got a mostly release-worthy mod in my hands now. I've updated the first post to better reflect what's finished, what I'm doing now, and what's planned for the future. In terms of Wardust's texture mod, I'm basically going to set up surface.txt to include most of his changes - but not the model swaps. So no Kobold-rats or swapped armor models. On the other hand, people will be able to use all of Wardust's textures if they want (which is like 99% of the mod), and even if they don't use Wardust's mod, I'll include the small handful of custom textures that would be needed (for furry animals, etc.). I don't want to force users to use the texture mod if they don't want to.
  20. What I meant was if someone didn't want to download/install something extra, they could easily fix it themselves instead.
  21. Thanks TheEye. If you know what you're doing, you can also just open the creatures.txt that came with the mod, search "Mount_dragon_pyro" and delete that entry. Since there's a temp fix up, I'll wait a few more days to release a new version in case any more bug reports come in.
  22. Read more detailed info on the SacredWiki page for The Druid. Character: Druid Focus: Magic / Summoning Aspects: Primal Magic, Elemental Magic, Nature Summons Lore: The Druids shun the use of traditional magic. They instead practice a form of magic based in their close bond to nature. Through this intimate kinship with the world of Ancaria, a Druid has the power to command fire, earth, and the winds. He is a friend to the animals of the wilds and can call upon them to aid in his struggle. He can also use his heightened rapport with the animals to change the shape of his own body, drawing on the strengths and abilities of his woodland companions to better serve their cause. ===================================================================== Aspect: Primal Magic Firestorm - Wielding this ability, the Druid projects waves of molten earth that spread outward and burn a wide swath of destruction through his foes. Fissure - Sending his plea to the very core of the earth, the Druid rends the earth's very crust, tearing open volcanic vents beneath the feet of his adversaries, charring them to the bone. Armageddon - This terrible force of nature's vengeance rains down flaming stones around the Druid who cast it, pummelling any opponents foolish enough to be caught in its fury. Werewolf - This ability allows an enlightened Druid to take on the form of a wolf, imparting to him quicker reflexes and heightened combat facilities. In his changed form, the Druid enters a trance and fully focuses on the battle. Feral Rage - (temp buff) When in wolf form, the Druid using this ability enters a frenzied rage, viciously tearing into foes and becoming more ferocious with each consecutive kill. The more damage sustained by the Druid, the higher his damage output. Fury - (multi-hit attack) The use of this ability drives the Druid into a bloodthirsty frenzy, allowing him to attack many foes simultaneously with a raging fervor. Change Back - Ends the transformation early. Werebear - This skill empowers the Druid with the capacity to assume the form of a savage bear, granting him great strength and fortitude. In his changed form, the Druid enters a trance and fully focuses on the battle. Maul (temp buff) - A Druid in Werebear form uses his mighty paws to rend brutal gashes in the flesh of his enemies. Using this ability, the fury of his assault increases with every blow he lands. [Charges up and releases damage novas like the Shadow Warrior's Killing Spree.] Shock Wave (nova attack) - With a tremendous roar, the Druid shakes the earth, stunning any enemies in the surrounding area with the resultant tremor. Change Back - Ends the transformation early. ============================================================= Aspect: Elemental Magic Arctic Blast - Aided by the will of the North Winds, the Druid conjures up a chilling torrent of frost that incapacitates all caught within the frozen blast. Twister - Calling to the winds, the Druid sends small whirlwinds advancing into the midst of his enemies, buffeting and stunning them as they go. Tornado - Manipulating the great winds into a fearsome cyclone, the Druid sends this force of destruction into a throng of opponents, crushing into them and leaving devastation in its wake. Hurricane - Particularly talented Druids can summon this most potent gale of devastation. A fierce storm wreaks havoc around him, slowing and disarming enemies, while the Druid stays cradled within the gentle calm of its eye. Cyclone Armor (Buff) - Allows the Druid to sheath himself in a swirling mass of charged particles that improves his defense, provides a chance to block spells, and absorbs damage from fire, ice, and wind (physical) based attacks. ====================================================================== Aspect: Nature Summons Poison Creeper - A more subtle ally, these intelligent vines travel through the ground and use their cruel thorns to ensnare and poison any opponents they contact. Oak Sage - The Druid uses this ability to call upon a helpful spirit of Nature to enhance his well-being, as well as the health of his companions. Heart of Wolverine (Buff) - This ability grants the Druid the knowledge needed to summon into being a spirit that increases his skill in battle, as well as that of his party. Dire Wolf (Buff) - This gift of Nature allows the Druid to conjure forth one or more wolf allies who, with their mystical powers, provide the Druid a potent and ferocious colleague. Grizzly (Buff) - This boon grants the Druid the aid of a tremendous wild bear with huge claws and great fangs that fights ferociously alongside him with terrible strength and unmatched fury. ============================================================= Dev Notes: I had a lot of fun making the Druid. Like the Dragon Mage, he was my favorite character in D2. So he was the first for me to tackle. In a way, it was the easiest character, because they were already so similar with the Shapeshifting and Elemental spells. Why not an entire shapeshifting aspect? There were only two forms for the D2 Druid: Werewolf and Werebear. All the other skills were either passive or to be used while transformed. I have faithfully recreated the Werewolf and the Werebear. That being done, I decided to merge the fire spells with the shapeshifting into "Primal Magic" because I'd rather recreate more classic spells than just start making up new shapeshifting forms (which would be severely limited anyway). The fire spells of Primal Magic are very close to their vanilla Sacred 2 counterparts. However, Firestorm is much more narrowly focused than Blazing Tempest so you actually need to aim somewhat (like D2), and Armageddon has a huge radius compared to Incendiary Shower (long cooldown though). Fissure is stolen from the Carnach. 2-3 vents appear at a time. Cooldown keeps more then 6 going at once. Moving the fire spells freed me up to add in all the wind Elemental spells. I stole the Twisters from the Mist of Miasma. Tornado is mostly unchanged from its Enhanced Spells counterpart. Hurricane is something I was very pleased with. It actually follows you around like a damage aura, just like the original D2 spell. Arctic Blast is a redesigned Gust of Wind, with cold damage, new visuals and a more focused cone shape. Finally there are the summons. I learned from Enhanced Spells that the only viable summons are permanent buffs, so there is a concentration of them in this aspect. I consider this the support aspect with only one attack spell, but a pure Summoner could work. Poison Creeper is a redesigned Tangled Vine. The range is wider now, damage is a bit lower and 100% poison to start. Oak Sage is a temp buff, similar in effect to Goldenglade Touch. Heart of the Wolverine is there to boost melee power of the Druid and his summons. And the fuzzy friends do a bang-up job of chomping down on bad guys.
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