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Everything posted by SX255

  1. I had a cat. She died on June 6th this year. Had 3 months to go for her 19th birthday. Drowned in a minute from cancer buildup in her lungs – the only thing she could not purr away. I was there when it happened... It was horrible to cope with. I literally reenacted that scene from Star Wars. That’s why I brought it up as nicely as I could once I heard the symptom: “Once cats start having trouble purring they loose their immortality.” Don’t feel sorry for me. I got over it eventually (though the nightmares were bad). On average Estonian cat live up to 18 years, dogs 15, so she lived an impressing long life. Over the years vets were constantly impressed on how old she was. Here she is at the start of this year after her cancer surgery in her red “don’t lick there, stupid” vest playing Risk 2210 AD with me. She played red, I played black. I won, 28 to 42.
  2. 2 slice of bread, 1 slice of cheese in-between. Stick into microwave for a minute. Check if cheese melted well enough for you or adjust the timer. Use bread out of a toaster for solid crust. Stick 2 slices per toaster slot - for only outer crust on the “sandwich”. Add ketchup and/or sausages for making tiny hotdog burger snacks.
  3. Given that we recently discussed adding quest videos, maybe with the Hurl it would be a good reason to expand the CA videos on the wiki. We are constantly asked on what mods are best best to take. And many weaker mods are more visual fun than practical. Wiki CA only have one video each for the unmoded version, skewing the research on them.
  4. Cash it in; else it’s just a pretty green rock as before your discovery. You’d be doing the medical community a favor. How come nobody figured out what it was for so long?
  5. The CM patch is aimed at 2.65.1 and up. You can read up on the CM patch on the wiki, and can download the Patch patch here, which should be enough for single player.
  6. Can’t think of a single quest that would greatly benefit from this. YouTube is known to be “unstable” on copywritten material. At any moment all those videos may become blocked/deleted for dumbest of reasons. You also don’t want to bog down your own server for this endeavor. And if somebody tries to do YouTube recordings of every quest in the games then it becomes an edited LetsPlay.
  7. Sadly, yes. If leaving the group in protest will not stop the project (as it usually does), then the least you could do is stay and try to fix as much of it as you can. That’s how my lifetime made a lot of terrible projects became less terrible. Unfortunately, while I can move to Germany as a gameplay programmer, I can’t for the life of me learn any new normal foreign language through classes. And apparently they will force those German courses on me even if I pass the audition.
  8. You guys do know that that post was made yesterday? And that right now it’s the middle of December, as in “last month of the year”? And the development team at Keen Games, who are now in charge of developing Sacred 3, is at least 3 developers short on the project? Seriously, nobody is even going to try and send in their resume/CV to these guys? Dream job, right here...
  9. Huh. Keen Games are looking for programmers for Sacred 3. Anybody want to try and join their team? http://www.keengames.com/keen-games/careers/open-positions/
  10. I just checked up on the races roster: man, elf, dwarf and 3 other manlike ones – the basic RPG set. Visually all the races look the same. And looking at the visual presentation in the trailer, after some gear and level ups there will be no visual difference in the races ether. I, and many others, already role-played this to death. So my question is, what’s so special about this game, other than the nostalgia of late 90s RPGs? What should entice me to buy and play it?
  11. GTA Vice City and San Andreas where both really good, they kept the essence of the game even though it advanced and improved. I think GTA San Andreas shares the top spot with Heroes of Might and Magic for being the games that I spent the most time playing. Yes, yes, later released Vice City and San Andreas are better in terms of more options and all. But when I brought GTA 3 to the list, I meant what a historical change it brought to the world of the gaming, and what it looked and felt like compared to GTA 2. For its time GTA 3 felt like a fresh new standalone game with the number 3 at the end. Oh, just thought of another one: Resident evil 3
  12. There are some great 3rd games in the series that made big changes and were better for it. “GTA 3” was a historic 3d urban sandbox. “Thief 3” removed loosing your gear after every mission and let you climb walls. “Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind” became a full living 3D world of RPG. Point being, that in each of these games the developers WANTED to make a special new creation and paid respect to the worlds lore established before it. Money based on the name was never the primary goal of the project. So for now having no Sacred 3 is better than what they were trying to pull on us. We can wait for a dedicated team of people who will honor the legacy of the game, no patent-farm the name for money. I can wait forever for “Sacred 3” and “Dungeon Keeper 3” (my other favorite series) if they are done right.
  13. Yes, screenshots of your success so far will be great. How much more work do you have left to do on this?
  14. I’m with Spock on this one – guy needs a life. Not necessarily “boot camp”, but something with him needing to be in good graces of others. A job maybe, but I don’t think anybody will want to have a narcissist for an employee. Until he starts needing others, there is no incentive for him to change. You could try asking him what his goals in life are, and within reason try helping him achieve that. No matter how ridicules or impossible they may seem, giving him a plan to follow might get him a better lifestyle, or at least turn him into a team player. And if he, a Trekky, doesn’t want to build a starship in his lifetime, HE LIES.
  15. Sounds like you already built a good fighting machine. I would not recommend taking Constitution when using T-energy Shroud with Warding Energy Lore. Just increase your Vitality instead. Combat Discipline is good if you use combos a lot. It will also unlock three Combat Arts in a combo. Consider taking something out of the green section: Enhanced Perception, Bargaining or Blacksmith (on PC). And finally if you have room take Sword or Hafted weapons skill to make your preferred weapon category deadlier.
  16. I never even heard of the Sacred series before watching a couple of guys make fun of the intro on the Escapist. And if then I was not intrigued by “It would be fun to play as the Temple Guardian”, like hell I would have started playing it. In no way otherwise I would have even known of the first games existence. In Estonia nobody ever heard of it. Nowadays the game market is flooding with so much “play once and move on” games that the gaming news move on way too quickly, making it harder and harder to dig out the youngest old gems of the industry. Guess the industry went too ADD for Sacred to thrive.
  17. Cheers! (though I'm always around) Well, that particular silly message made my happy madness complete. Now every bug report I make, I secretly add random generated monster names to every “bug” – keeps my self of accomplishment in QA high watching as the problems get finally resolved.
  18. Well, since you know a thing or two about them, mind explaining the humor behind these? 8- Remember Sacred1 bug #4624... 50- Funny bugreport #13882: Missing effects after stroking down the wand! 153- Funny bugreport #14523: Quest is not finishable! 210- Funny bugreport #20991: the ring is lying too obviously! 212- Funny bugreport #14198: the curse of usability is perverted! Also, too bad you had to return the horse from “214-Funny bugreport #11763: horse - missing flight animation!” back to Skyrim P.S. Whoever invented “353- We don't have bugs, we have dragons!”, I love you.
  19. Ugh, you might want to run your old gal through a vet for a checkup. May be they can recommend a more efficient diet for her. Once cats start having trouble purring they loose their immortality.
  20. Depends on what you mean by "nigh-invulnerable". I casually passed silver with this setup and only died a handful of times, having the T-energy shroud take most of the damage. My only regret, I should have made him also a Shopper.
  21. Speed Lore skill was made for you. If you want higher MS on foot only wear footwear with the highest “+ run speed”. Might want to take up Bargaining for better chance of finding these shoes in shops. If you are playing on the PC, be on the lookout for footwear with sockets and rings with “+ run speed”.
  22. It all depends on what sort of TG you are building up. What combat arts are you using more often? Do you prefer ranged fighting with your melee?.. Please, tell us more, so we can give better recommendations. Consider taking Enhanced Perception, Bargaining or Blacksmith (if you are playing on PC). Sword, Hafted or Ranged Weapons are good to take when you dedicate yourself to a specific weapon category. You could take Tactics Lore for more overall damage and extra Devout Guardian modifier points. Maybe take Toughness for added endurance.
  23. Keep trying/experimenting. You’ll eventually figure out something. About color, it’s more of having a “taste” or “eye” for it. Start by looking up “clashing colors”. You used bright green-orange sprites on a black background, which is like having a signal flare shoved in your eye. Just change the sprites brightness by manipulating the luminescence or saturation of the color. If you don’t know what those are, open Microsoft Paint, open Color – Edit color… - Define Custom Colors and play around with the black crosshair and arrow. Good luck.
  24. Well, we do have a "member since" date in our profile descriptions... Got myself Sacred 2 in mid July of 2012. Signed up on 18 Sep 2012 (so over a year now). Been looking around may be a week or two before that, when looking for help on quests and so on, and also to vote the “Temple Guardian should be a PC in Sacred 3” anywhere I can. Only became an actual active member since half a year ago, when I started moding the Sacred games to my liking, and seeing questions I could answer.
  25. So you made a Galaga clone. Not bad. Has no high score, the help button doesn't work, the graphics are hard on the eyes, but it runs. Now, I don’t want to sound rude (it’s a nice game and all), but I think everyone who got your game running now wants to ask... Is this your latest result in programming training? Because so far this game is les of a spiritual successor to the first two games than Sacred 3 and Sacred Citadel. Maybe you want to try recreating 2 player chess without AI – the board can be updated to an RPG easier. Or try Asteroids if you want an RPG shooting system.
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