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Everything posted by CoolColJ

  1. Mainly just the DPS - my dual wield unarmed SW kills things way faster than any of my other characters The reflection and being hard to hit, plus having lots of HP thanks to the buff is just the icing on the cake Fists kill with sheer number of hits in combos, while healing him a bit and regening the combos When I use fist weapons, the damage rises a lot. When I switch to dual wield club/sword, I get close to 1k damage per swing, but doesn't necessarily kill any faster Having a hit % over 100% helps a lot I'll put up a vid later. So much fun, he really looks like a ninja or something
  2. Alrighty, we will see I guess Even then comapred to all the other classes I've tried, this build is a cut above them all. My Dryad, of the same level, was chugging down potions at the same stage! Although I think my Dragon Mage and Inquistor seem to be pretty good as well
  3. Is it just me or is the Shadow Warrior unbelievable explosive, strong and godly, with dual wield fist weapons or even just fists? I'm trying a build out now, and at level 43, with all attributes into strength, with focus and Tactics lore the main focus. 2 buffs. Even unarmed he does 140+ damage, and 500+ with hafted fist weapons Main combo - of leap, Frenzied Rampage and Death Blow, other combo is FR, Sweep and Death Blow. I pretty much 2 hit mobs, and 2-3 hit champions. The big squid and Gar'Colus. were easy to kill.... No shopper or Enhanced perception used either! And the bad guys can't seem to hit me either 90% most of the time Most lethal character/build yet - fear no one!
  4. The most recent anyway I finally got one to drop at level 42 on my Shadow Warrior, it was a combo physical and magic armour
  5. see if you can change the critical hit graphic - I have never liked it....
  6. If there wasn't any desync, which is really bad in POE it wouldn't be so bad... People, like me ALT F4, before I die, so it seems pointless anyway
  7. Well when your questing it does get annoying, since unlike a "real" light saber, you can't switch it off when your not fighting But I suppose you can switch weapon slots, but then you don't get to see the lightsaber
  8. Thanks I experimented with changing the sounds on the energy weapons/TG arm gun and certainly gives a different feel. I've never been really happy with the originals - too cheesey and annoying A sound I created by accident in my audio editor, mixes a WW2 cannon sound from a mod I did for Combat Mission years back and a short burst of another gun sound, seems to work well for the 2 handed energy weapons and TG gun - gives the impression of more power Just for laughs I snipped one of the light saber swing sounds and tried it on the energy staff and it seems to fit! Just a note, to make the sounds play in Sacred 2, you have to save them in OGG format, and using the VBR option. 16 bit mono, 44 or 48khz
  9. Hardcore? join us @Onslaught we've cookies Most of my characters in Standard, I have a few in Anarchy league, but none in Onslaught so far
  10. LOL I was playing a ton of Path of Exile, even splashed out on 2x10 premium stash tab packs... but now I have discovered Sacred 2 and have not played POE for a few weeks You really need to use the Skill Tree planner someone made for POE. I always have it open while playing, so I can plan ahead as I level up Highest character thus far is a level 65+ (from memory) dual totem, 6 zombies and skele totem, and traps witch
  11. File Name: LightSaber made quiet File Submitter: CoolColJ File Submitted: 24 Jul 2013 File Category: Ice & Blood Patches and Mods The hum was the most annoying thing about the Lightsaber! I edited the sound file to be 24db lower in volume, so it is pretty much unnoticeable now above the ambient sounds. But the good Lightsaber swing and hit sounds are still active Unpack the file into your Sacred 2 Pak folder. It should work with the original game as well I think Click here to download this file
  12. Version minus 24db version


    The hum was the most annoying thing about the Lightsaber! I edited the sound file to be 24db lower in volume, so it is pretty much unnoticeable now above the ambient sounds. But the good Lightsaber swing and hit sounds are still active Unpack the file into your Sacred 2 Pak folder. It should work with the original game as well I think
  13. The hum was the most annoying thing about the Lightsaber! And since I have an audio editing background, I did something about it I edited the sound file to be 24db lower in volume, so it is pretty much unnoticeable now above the ambient sounds. But the good Lightsaber swing and hit sounds are still active Download here, and unpack into your Sacred 2 Pak folder in the install directory http://www.mediafire.com/download/bbtaonjg7u7avy1/CCJ_Sacred2_QuietLightSaber.zip or from the download sections here http://darkmatters.org/forums/index.php?/files/file/327-lightsaber-made-quiet/ I'm also not that happy with the energy weapon sound, so I think I will find a replacement sound from Star Wars maybe
  14. Is there a way to increase the speed of the zoom in/out when you visit a merchant etc? And increase the speed/rate of zoom when using a mousewheel?
  15. None of the links work anymore can someone send me the files? Or is it hosted here in the downloads section? thanks
  16. Ugh My High Elf locks up everyrtime I try and fight Gar'colossus and get hit
  17. Thanks I think I figured it out Compared the regions.txt from vanilla to the community version, with PSPad text editor, using the text differences tool, and found the only changes were the region max/min levels. So that looks to be it So I just swapped the files.
  18. I guess this mod doesn't work with Ice and Blood? Nothing happens, and the Imp becomes invisible. It worked with the demo original though... --- edit - I got parts of it to work, the character textures, by renaming the HQ folder in the mod to MQ. And I had to copy the folders from the Heroes.rar into pak\mq\maps\heroes HQ = Elite textures mode, so you won't see them if you don't have it selected in the options MQ = Standard LQ = low quality Imp is still invisible however
  19. As the title says, I want to add back in regional monster caps back into the current Community patch - how does one go about doing that? thanks
  20. Wardust It seems second hero textures pack is missing in the Mediaifire folder? None of the direct links above work anymore, and I don't see it in the folder. I think it's the one with the Seraphim, as the the one in the folder only has 4 heroes
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