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Everything posted by gial

  1. There are 2 bosses past Griffinborough. The werewolf and the banshee are both in the hills up there.
  2. You need to buy another copy of the game to paly on the eu servers. There are 2 publishers for the game -- cdv in the US/North America and Deepsilver in the rest of the world. Although the game is the same, the keys are not interchangeable. Sorry for the news, I'm in the same position and can't really afford another copy of the game just now.
  3. The Dark Knight Let's get Heath Ledger a posthumous Oscar
  4. Certainly -- the Who is much more important than the What. Let's eliminate the posts and just keep the posters - hehe. After all, the posts take up a lot more room than a simple list of names.
  5. I keep hoping I'll find mine - I've lost enough characters to populate a medium sized city - lol.
  6. Zelazny is really great. I thought the first 3 amber books were best, though. But his short stories are excellent. A Rose for Ecclesiastes is probably the best story I will ever read. Harrison has a lot of humor in his work -- a much lighter read in general. C. J. Cherryh wrote a series around a character named Morgaine. Excellent fantasy stuff. And her Foreigner series (now 3 sets of 3) is fantastic -- but more oriented toward hard science than fantasy. Her Faded Sun trilogy was excellent, too. Now that Zelazny has passed, she may be the best living f/sf author around. And of course, for harder science type sf, Niven/Pournelle collaborate on really magnificent stuff. I read anything by the pair as soon as it is out. (When they add a third partner -- e.g. Barnes -- I don't find the work as compelling. Nor do I much like Pournelle as a solo either).
  7. But you wont lose them, either. Set up your options file as Schot has suggested with lobby, port and name info for each server in a separate config. Then just load the one you want for any session and you'll be able to play either server. The game is the same, only the publisher is different to inconvenience us all.
  8. aint nuthin else matters in this world today. I'd say that's enough! Welcome aboard mate!
  9. It goes so well with ice cream. Why is grass green?
  10. Schot for starting the Kamikaze Sunday, and also hence Kami Schot -- the geatest hero in the history of Underworld, taken down by a devious Orc shaman on the Lava plains. And for the whiskey business. (Both of these are memorialized, by the way) Edit: Many of the HC are in the graveyard at the north of Thylysium. Several near Sloeford; and a bunch in Griffenborough, too.
  11. I had some problems recently with the wiki. Seems that my passwords got out of synch, I suppose. I had the site problem a while ago and went the auto reset then manual reset to put my pw back. Site login was fine, but the wiki didn't know me. I did the auto reset again, and now both accept me as I am. Think I will let well enough alone.
  12. If you don't want to see it, don't scroll that far down. Personally, I rarely read the entire list, but look for my best buds to see if they've been active. Don't mind the big list since it is alphabetical. Besides, the key people stand out anyway. Please keep it.
  13. Sure am glad I'm not a celeb.
  14. If I have 4 oranges and you take 1, how many do you have? Quick now. The answer isn't 3. You have only the one -- I still have the other three.
  15. wow, you are resourceful. Never would have put marmalade on a salad until I read this. Clever concept!
  16. And farrah today, too. Not a good day for icons.
  17. Last patch removed it as it is a seasonal thing it should be back this coming winter, though
  18. That sums it up pretty well. Attack value measures how likely it is you will land a blow.
  19. I've seen this problem posted before. It seems that on the console version only the game starter can access the special mount.
  20. Can you buy blacksmithing or a mount for the scrooge?
  21. Yah, the quest requires you to talk to the guy there. If you are still having trouble, your alt-tab map should show a circle where you need to go, and your compass arrow will point the way as well.
  22. Runes up the potency but also increase the time between invoking your Combat Arts. I rarely read more than one for my attack arts, and defer my buffs until level 20 or so. Adding levels to your CA with equipment only presents half the regeneration penalty that reading a rune does. I prefer to boost this way. But if your times are low enough, go ahead and read that novel - hehe.
  23. gogo - you've got to stop abusing your system Seriously, it does happen, and since the fan is the main moving part, that will normally be the first to go. I'd suspect dirt or dust is the culprit. If your PC is on the floor, try raising it a bit - it will collect less detritus that way.
  24. Llama sent me a PM stating where I can get it as a download. Choice to download the entire game or just the key. It was a bit pricy 30 something pounds sterling, but worth it if I can join the Kami. Gonna look into it tomorrow, when I'm not too busy playing - hehe. I told myself the same thing yesterday. Max's link looks good - 20 euro, but I can't read french - is it the UK version or the french one?
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