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Everything posted by Barristan

  1. Heya, I do believe 'JoAT' is aimed at the build having no aspect lores. But that might just be my observation. How does DoT in PvP act when a character has -100% DoT ? Or 100% Damage Mitigation ? Just curious, don't play PvP, but would be interested in knowing how that works. Greetz
  2. Heya, have noticed that too Spunky, but I agree that it is probably residual lag issues. It has been getting better after the weekend. I always look for Happy Feet too Knuckles Greetz
  3. Heya, bad here too, minus 10-14 atm, with 10-15 cm of snow from yesterday. Now, I like snow, but not when I have to drive to work Greetz
  4. Well.... I do not use an axe... I am not sure, if this is what you would call an axe, but this is what we use. The wedge, and the weight behind it, makes a way better splitter than an axe would. The version I use, is a home made one, and is actuallu quite a bit heavier than the one on the pic. This is called an axe here Much lighter blade.... and for me, way unfit to chop wood. Might be a case of 'lost in translation' but this is how we call these things Greetz
  5. Are you saying that you two have picked DD? Haha, of course not, it's an old joke Read here^^ I always start laughing again when I think about that guy..... My god, I don't know what he was on.... DD the shiznit! Yah right! Was trying to explain how that skill wasn't called DD in english but EP.... should have kept my mouth shut, cuz thats when he started about all "Infernal tourment' and 'Draligans' for mage.... I even remember him coming into a server where Rot and me were boosting some toons. He re-ranted and spawned a Sakkara on Isle So we ported back and made Sakkara-sausages... then he left.... I think he must have been steaming for days, for looking us up in a server like that Good times, good times! ty Woody for reminding me Greetz
  6. Heya there Rot! Ty for the update, hope you are having alot of fun there! Don't forget to visit us from time to time and keep us posted. Greetz
  7. Heya, ty for the screenies, I enjoyed that Rep point awarded Greetz
  8. Heya, for a Seraphim, getting your Energy Shield Absorption to 100% will also keep them from hitting your healthbar. All damage will go to the shield, and with enough shield energy, the eyes are nothing more than mosquitos Greetz
  9. Heya, so, anyone got some nice screenies from Failitia or my Book about Kal'dur? Caught up in Closed, haven't gotten to either of these Greetz
  10. Thanks, I found it. After covering a lot of old ground, I found the bridge. I also found the Abishai. Heya, hope you made him pay for making you have to wait so long Greetz
  11. Heya, the bridge has a blueish shimmer about it. You also need to talk to the zombie that will tell you about the entrance. He will appeat to the west of the Stronghold. Greetz
  12. Heya, ding! You just got a level! Have a very nice Bday Greetz
  13. Heya, medium is from the Mummy.... or Scorpion King Hard is Total Recall Greetz
  14. Heya, a warm welcome to FDM! Nice personal statement you got there. Greetz
  15. Heya, 2 out of 3 in my genre... and I dont see this till now Neither PoP or CotT are among my favorites, but both are very nice to watch Greetz
  16. I intend to write Artamarks Star as a next ingame book.... it's history is linked with the 'Tale of Northern History' Greetz
  17. Heya, and there I thought Benny promised us something better What time today? Will be there in about 45 minutes. Greetz
  18. Heya, yah, two or even three seems about the best for drops. Still..... we both may have saved 2 or 3 items from these runs.... and... were not sure IF we could call Benny's Promise a legendary drop :unsure: Not our best day indeed, but at least we had fun! Greetz
  19. Pardon my ignorance but what does CF stand for? Whoops, that is actually not your ignorance ty DB for clearing that one up! Greetz
  20. Heya, can't wait to try the Failitia quest Hope to find my book too! Greetz
  21. Heya, sounds about right, Furian! Anyways, the fastest way to level the anti-Area of Effect a.k.a Melee, is to run Guardians and CF quest. Those 30 some levels should fly by! Greetz
  22. Yeah, I guess we did Suffice to say, we are not satisfied ofc! Greetz
  23. Yes! We will have our vengeance! In this run or the next!
  24. Heya, think all I have kept was: -Brogues of Haste 2x -Artamarks Star -Timwora's Curse -Officers -Thoriens -Few set pieces BUT.... Woody.... Legendaries with these toons cannot be far off, it will be soon, we are up to almost 400 Gardians with two persons. One of us is due.... we both are actually Greetz
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