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Everything posted by Grillgrim

  1. Another vote for toughness as it will help protect you from all types of damage. Not just one or two. This skill will be a serious life saver in the higher levels.
  2. Greetings Nicholas and well met.
  3. Ohh the joy that is pancakes! Well if I am feeling healthy then I will make oatmeal pancakes with cinnamon added to the batter, topped with fresh sliced strawberries and blueberries. The classic batch with added baking powder, vanilla extract, and lemon juice makes them light, fluffy, and ohh so yummy. and of course the ultimate. Whole wheat flour batter with mashed up bananas and walnuts. Let it sit overnight in the fridge, give it a good stir and cook on a hot griddle with butter. Top with butter and syrup. Pancake coma to follow. Seriously I eat those ( 8-10 ) with a tall glass of milk and fall asleep for another two hours. I think I know what is for breakfast tomorrow.
  4. Grillgrim

    Dryad Help

    Not sure on all of these, but I know that concentration helps lower the regen times of CAs so yes it helps acute mind. I don't think it boosts it in power. My understanding of nature weaver lore is that it does not effect acute mind, though I may be wrong on that. I noticed a significant difference with easiness mod. I am sure there is a number cruncher out there who has specifics.
  5. its a frappachino mocha with a double shot of espresso. what is the dose of vitamins in a typical bannana bag?
  6. Just a couple of vids I found on Youtube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HAAllX-WoU
  7. Kobolds are great for dropping runes. Try the area around the griffon and pesky pirates quest. The place is crawling with the little buggers. Who ordered 500 kg ground Kobold?
  8. I run into the problem with the map from time to time. It never makes me crash though. Have you tried updating/reinstall your directX. May be the thing to fix the problem.
  9. My great-grandmother used to make me sundays with vanilla ice cream, fresh diced pineapple, crushed gingersnap cookies, and drizzled with caramel sauce. When I am down I make a run to the market and pick up the needed ingredients and whip up some satisfaction.
  10. So I periodically go looking for new games to see what my next $$$/time hole is going to be and I came across this gem. http://www.borderlandsthegame.com/home.htm This game looks way cool. I know there are not a whole lot of characters but the random generator and co-op drop in/out looks great. The graphics are sick, the environment is ill, and vehicle combat? Say what? A scifi ARPG of quality has been due for a long time. I don't know if I am going to wait long to pick this one up.
  11. I've noticed the dry spell of mentor pots between level 50 - 60 as well. I have tried restarting and so forth with little to know help. I struggle through those last 10 levels and then as soon as I hit 60 the flood gates open up and the new larger pots start to rain down. Luckily with the shared chest you can farm pots from a higher character (or lower) and just use those until the mentor pot fast ends.
  12. On the corner of Hollywood and Vine How many doses of mucomist are used as antidote for a tylenol overdose?
  13. grapes and a protien shake. Pre work out meal.
  14. Are you making sure you are in free play and not campaign?
  15. Holly 4 Barrel Carborator What is the peak time for Lantus insuline?
  16. *takes a deep breath and lets it out slow* OK, way too open ended question for this type of forum which is probably why you haven't had too many replies. I will need to ask you a few questions and answer you with some general theories about how the game works. 1. What type of build are you wanting to go with? Are you going to try to primarily be a caster, or more of a tank? You have a lot (3) focus and no real lore, which will give you increased damage. This is fine if you are looking to "soften" the mobs with spells and then clean up with the weapons. On the other hand if you want to be a caster you are going to be in for a fight and a LOT of retreating without some CA lore to punch up your spells. 2. You have picked concentration. Do you want to have 3 buffs or just two. If you just want two than only put one point into concentration. If you want 3 then take it to mastery (75) 3. Dual wield is traditionally used as a primary form of attack when talking about tanks or hybrids. Now if you are going for the melee fighter then you will want to put a lot of points into this skill to help you out. If on the other hand you only want to use the second weapon slot to increase mods and give you more sockets to fill (thus making the caster better) than only place a few points in there. Just feel it out based on your personal tastes. 4. Armor lore is critical for all types of builds and I am a personal fan of this skill so take it to mastery at least. The thing is this game is all about learning what works for you and your play style and what you enjoy. If you are asking if your toon will make it to noib. Maybe, it looks good right now. You never know. You might want to take a template from one of the guides and try them out before you start building your own. There are so many complexities to this game it boggles the mind. Who knew that if you stuck two staffs in a dryads hands with acute mind you could one hit everything in the game? I don't even think the makers saw that coming. I am sure there is lots out there we have yet to discover, so play with it a little. The rewards are great when you see your toon taking care of business, and if not its back to the lab for more testing. I am sure you will do great. If you have any questions please feel free to ask. And remember its not retreating it's only a strategic redeployment to the rear.
  17. So funny! I was just thinking this afternoon. " I haven't seen Jaime around for a while. I wonder what gives?" Glad you had a good trip.
  18. Kansas: dust in the wind. I am feeling pensive and introspective this evening.
  19. 1. The little guys do not have to be killed to hurt the scorp boss. If your not doing damage you may want to check the type of damage you are dishing out (he may be resistant). More than likely you need to improve your damage ie: level up or get better gear. 2. No you cannot be converted half way through the game. Your toon is very devoted 3. Uniques are just that unique. You get those drops from random enemies killed and quest completion. Champs and bosses tend to give better drops, but I have recieved some fairly sweet items off of the wimpiest mobs. % chance to find valuables helps a lot as well as Enhanced Perception. Barganing is another way to help get better gear for your toon. I hope this helped.
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