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Everything posted by Sylph

  1. in numbers from 0 to 10 how big was it? seeing as a double axe is 2 ^^ Sylph
  2. You make me regret I deleted my magic WE she was da bomb, was over the top, full meg's and some other stuff ^^ level 173 she was till I got the HC buzz and needed space... Sylph PS hope to see tyour movies soon!
  3. Okay, I am going into this very objective. First, that guy with the sign shouldn't make remarks like that, those are the people that I would send "down" It was wrong of you to smack him down though, no matter what violence is never an answer, althought hat may sound clichéd, it is true. I don't know what all the people around you were talking about so I cant justify that. But, my intake on this is wrong, since that wasn't what you asked, just gigving my opinion though. anyhow, on with the rest. I don't think it was just that they suspended you, as other may have said ( I did not read anything to keep my opinion pure). It was completely wrong of them to do what they did, they need to clarify things first, know what happened, ask other people, injustice like this gets me annoyed quickly and I lose my temper everytime I read something like this, it's a complete shame to the leaderboard of your campus, if you give me a PM with some adresses and so on I'm going to send them a mail, or better yet, let the Campus people read this topic, I do hope that you can do anything about it, or if you can't, your parents may help you. Never throw in mindless acting, since it will be punished, although this was a stonesthrow to far... Sincerey, Sylph
  4. Gogo, never thought of that that way, but I've been doing it for as long as I know... Unconsciously I wasn't annoying you for ages, lol Sylph
  5. Cyclops where exactly is "here" ? since the highest mountain in the Netherlands is about.. less than 50 meters? (yes in the NL that is called a mountain ) Sylph
  6. same as indy, but I hate it when people do what I do, or copy me, it's really annoying, or stealing your ideas, even worse, anyone seen this movie about napstar? "why do you think he called it NAP star, because I was asleep when he stole all my files and my idea" somethng like that.. you feel really annoyed after something like that xD... Also every second is precious Sylph
  7. First of all I agree with Ob on tree rage (who wouldn't?) and I would defiantely go for attack, since as a mob control you have RBoL and you have to have something powerfull against single opponents I don't have exact numbers but that's the way my mind thinks,,, not in numbers that is, my mind is all colored ^^ expressionism ftw! My two pence Sylph
  8. I like gifts and presents :cha (18): thanks you guys. I hope I can be on.. since starting tomorrow I got a heavy amount of schoolwork to do, the final last few days, till next wednesday and then I only have to a little more work and it's summer holidays for me ^^ although I'm going on a vacation I hope to get a job or at least something. Sylph
  9. the end :cha (18): oh hell no, I dont wanna lose xD "Let's drink some coffee from gogo to discuss this over shall we?" Sylph
  10. @Funk She IS awesome don't you dare to deny that :cha (18): @Gial thanks, and I stopped playing sacerd that day aswell, and I'm going on now to see what I actually have left, since I really have to go back to basic, all my set items and so on were on that character @others beware.. my wrath will shake worlds and produce lag! Sylph
  11. Cool, I think I must call you EvilMister from now on about the name, thinking of names is a special thing I always take my time on, no matter what it is for, even if it's naming the little pimple on your nose... skip that last thing >.<; What about Jank, dunno where that got from, Jank... tell me what you like and maybe I can come up with something better *goes to wonder on what "Jank" is...* Sylph .....Jank.....
  12. Wow, maybe I can write some of my adventures sometime like thata swell, respect! But.. didn't you know that RBoL and most other Spells of the Seraphim are extremely cast faster than when oon foot? I thought that was common knowledge, it was even so back in plus if I remember correctly shame on you mister ^^ Let's make some nice together aswel, lol ^^ Sylph
  13. the amount of experience gained was equal to Pi times the amount of time it takes to walk from the moon to earth and than make a shuttle to go visit your neighbour ^^ Sylph
  14. For soem odd reason I feel like creating an amazing "WAAGH!" for those that know what it is, I'm going to create one so big it's going to shake the universes! I feel the power within me bursting open! I feel... I feel... I feel... >>TO BE CONTINUED<< well, sortof, I have an undescribeable feeling that wants me to be something new that no one has tried before and I have to figure that out myself atm wish me luck to pwnz0r teh w0rld! Sylph PS Thanks for the heads up, I'm gonna need em!
  15. AAHHH! why did I just only now found this out, it's been too long and now... omgoodie! Epox, I mean, Mister Epox, how jolly, yay for you and miss Epox, also just saw that you have a new job gratz on everything, seems your karma is going good ! *thumbs up* can I come next year too xD? Have fun enjoy and uhm.. c'est tout *Sylphy waves you goodbye* Sylph
  16. Wow, you make me jalous xD nice wed pics man, also like the color sheme and I really like the shots on top of that mountain nice Sylph
  17. Wow! hope I can follow in your steps Mister Epox Gratz on your new Job, to think my maffia connections actually worked for you... wow well, remember all life is worth something! Schweizer ftw! Sylphy
  18. HAppy B'day! Wow, but schot, can you name all those people? ^^ Have fun and I know I'm too late dont kick me! Sylph
  19. Happy daddy day to y'all xD happy iceland day? lol I'm not a dad yet, so who wants to have my babies ? *pokes Claire and Ari* ^^ Sylph
  20. Well.. 8 days too late, but better late than never ^^ CONGRATULATIONS DAVY! yeah, new nick for dave, davy xD I joined here two days after I got level 18 IRL I forgot to make a post too xD can I make one too *humpdiebump* *hug hug laf ya all* ^^ Sylph
  21. Hey timo, guess us dutch guys are serious about this game, maybe we can place another good agme on the map next to killzone which was a hit aswell ^^
  22. The lower the expectation, the better the movie, the higher the expectation, the less you like the movie, human psychic is always fascinating ^^ I'm going to watch this definately, and as far as I know, theres good movies on Final fantasy (FFVIIAC) and not to forget the coming Tales of symphonia anime and there were more than one movie on FF, I have two movies and a few episodes Sylph
  23. I don't think I can be there, since I kinda, well, my dwarf died, shame, but again, every death is one which ahs something which can be learned from so onwards to get my seraphim's (got three atm) too niobium and prepare to kick some arses I'll try to get to you tomorrow though Sylph
  24. On top of having a very very bad headache at the moment, losing my LBolt seraphim at tha claws of some frustrating bug thing, I had to lose my Dwarf aswell, which I finally got too level 100... I dissapointed ... what is wrong with the world I tell you! it is raining here aswell, and everything is annoying me and I can't study either... well, guess this is not fun at all, this blows man.. blows.. no comment further by myself.
  25. I odn't have a pictures but she's dead, Henk and demonjay were there with me as Demon got attacked by the dragon, I tried to distract it, boom crit hit, 4k damage to dragon, then I don't know what but I suddenly got a humongous amount of damage not by the dragon since there were no flames I was out of melee range and no meteor storm :S maybe I was a lizard? (it was the ice dragon near the seraphim .. stuff, in the snow) Well on to make a new beaty that doesn't lose her life to chance. RIP Respect! Sylph
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