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Everything posted by chattius

  1. I have to try out a Frankfurter Kranz at weekend. The youngest kid from my diseased friend wished for one. I have to do at least double the size of this recipe ,because we are 10 and it reads 10 small pieces. A small piece is for grandmas not for kids. http://germanfood.about.com/od/bakingindex/r/Recipe-For-The-Famous-Frankfurter-Kranz.htm I know that a Schwarzwälder Kirsch can be found everywhere in the world. I wonder if this is valid for the Frankfurter Kranz too.
  2. Welcome to the forum Probably it is because concentration is a skill and not a spell.
  3. It always depennds on what you do with the SSD's. At my work machine I reach this ridiculous usage pattern and that is what I wrote, won't use it on my work machine. But even if not on a work machine: if you are upgrading an older machine and have not much RAM in it, some programs (even some games) swap a lot in the background. These are all things which have to be considered. MY notebook has no games,pictures, videos or whatever on it. I can do all the stuff I need on it on around 90GB. So 120GB are a perfect size in that case. I was more talking about that 2*120GB were around same prize as 1*240GB. Which is strange because you would exspect an extra cost of a second case and a second controller. So a RAID6 with four+ of these smaller SSD's sounds interesting for some uses.
  4. Recently I bought a Samsung 840 evo with 120GB for 75 euro. Seems nobody wants this size anymore and I got it really cheap at a computer show. Two of them for same price as a 240GB is not normal I think. I would have not bought them for my work machine. 3 years warranty if writing not more than 40GB a day would terrify me too loose the important simulation data or even worse get corrupted data at calculations. But they are nice for our notebooks, running a quickboot linux even quicker . http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/samsung-840-evo-review-1tb-ssd,3567-15.html
  5. Sorry for your cat. I gave up on mineralogy as a kid. We had several mines nearby and for centuries the iron and cobalt was refined with charcoal from the forests just near the mines. So when I was a kid and stumpled on all these nice shining stones: Everytime I brought one to my teacher at school I was told it was slag from iron refining. All which I added to the school museum considering mineralogy was a petrified water plant. But I was and I am real good with plants. I added 6 books to the xylotheque of my grandpa as a boy.
  6. How you define wild and at which age was your wild phase? Being 9 and climbing down the air hole into an old mine and walking underground for 3 kilometres to another exit because I couldn't climb back up? Being 10 and freeclimbing a rock to get a young bird (jackdaw) from a nest as a pet? Telling my parents I found it on ground? Or being 11 and smallest in the new school and class getting bullied by the bigger boys. Learned boxing from my uncle in summer breaks and I got blackmailed by school after causing 3 black eyes and 1 broken nose the first week when I was back to school? With 14 I was the tallest and this phase stopped. Or being 15 and tuning a moped which was allowed to 25km/h to 80km/h and having 3 races against police cars which couldn't follow because I drove through corn fields to escape? At least I was smart enough to change tyres and gears the next hour. So police couldn't proof it when they compared the tyre traces with mine and tried out the speed of my moped and it was allowed. When we were married and saw a tuned moped it turned out that the moped of my wife was at 98km/h and she got caught. Her grandpa did motorbike races and her dad repairs motorbikes ... My last fall back into my wild boxing phase was 12 years back. Our oldest daughter was 6, the second 2 and we were at a Kirmes (kermis ,fun fair, amusement park...). We were eating in a big and overfilled 1000 people tent, sitting close to the tent planes. Which were at an angle. Then a 180 pound man suddenly was turning wild and kicking and punching around. With no place to move and he being just 2 metres away from my kids - I did a series of liver hooks before a friend and me could hold him. At hospital it turned out he had an epileptic attack and was quite happy that he injured noone. The last fallback into my racing days was around a year back when I nostalticly bought back the first car I ever had: a NSU Prinz TTS. At 19 I tuned it from 70 to 110 horsepower. Didn't sound much, but the Prinz is a light weight car below 650kg. --- Since I never damaged the property of others or did harm to others (with the exception of not telling the boys who started the fights that I learned some boxing meanwhile) - I would probably understand the most I did as a kid at my kids. Looking back the mine exploration was the most stupid I did. My dad was less angry at me than at the mining company who put iron rods to far away for my small size when closing the exits when the mine was shut down.
  7. Oh , kids have fun to exchange the forbidden words at Kindergarten. When our oldest was at this age we were still students. We parents had a long discussion about money. Learning for exams reduced the jobs we could do for some money, but same time we needed good clothes and train tickets for job interrogations at companies. So my wife got angry and said I will not hear the word Überziehungszins any longer in my life. The next evening when picking up our daughter at Kindergarten we listened to a boy who said angrily to his mother: Überziehungszins. The nurse at Kindergarten said that the kids were saying this word the whole day and she didn't know why. Überziehungszins are the extra interests you pay when you overdraft your giro bank account. Another funny episode of our second daughter who was 12, but very tall for her age, when it happened: http://darkmatters.org/forums/index.php?/topic/17641-melkfett-milking-grease/ Or our oldest when working with a boy on a school project: http://darkmatters.org/forums/index.php?/topic/17366-all-boys-become-idiots-if-a-girl-is-around/
  8. We live countryside and all the action is in town. Driving license in germany is with 18. With 5 kids, 4 girls, we decided to take au pair girls each year. They are like a big sister, help with driving the kids, bring some of their culture and language. I never feared my daughters from bein too wild, it was more when they were p laying in the forests and the lakes , so we bought big leonberger dogs. Town and its discotheques and reading about ko-drops used... Discussing it and hiring an au pair girl for the driving and staying with the daughter. Just try to keep the dangers small and hope they use their brain. Our parents said to us when thy became grandparents: When you where young we feared for unwanted early pregnancy, nowadays you have to fear for aids for your kids. You will have to fear to loose more but also better arguments. It proofed to be right.
  9. If it is a motto party, you can overdress to fit the theme. If it is a party where a group of people defined by their ethnic group, age, living place or whatever wears a kind of uniform showing that they belong to the group... I always didn't disguise. If I am invited then I am a guest and the invitor knows who I am. Just trying to wear nothing that would insult, but else I do my own thing. And I learned The text and to pipe An englishmen in Newyork. Like when my older sister who worked for an insurance company in a big town invited me for a party when I was early 20ties and at army. All these yuppies and most girls against soldiers, I didn't disguise. I came with my motorbike and in formal uniform. The intereting people will talk/discuss with you, the others I don't care.
  10. There are big 'tea-eggs' called Gewürzsiebe (spice sieves) for just bringing spices into a soup and be able to remove them. The cost is around 13 Euro and they are telescoping so you can choose the needed size. You are absolutly right, a tea egg is way too small at our current 3 adults, 7 kids household. What I do sometimes: I do leek blades into Nestbacklöffel and boil them in a soup so the soup gets the taste. Then I fry the leek-blades still in the Nestbacklöffel in hot oil so they form nests made from leek stray. Since I have hot oil anyway I do fried eggs from dusted egg-shaped camenbert cheese. The soup is the appetizer. The main menu: tiny potato in skin, cherry tomato, quail eggs and fried cheese eggs alltogether in a leek-stray nest for everyone, as a salade I choose mainly field salade from the garden What to buy: The camembert cheese In garden: leek, field salade, quail eggs (we have 40 quails), potato, tiny pink or red salade potato, ... A Nestbacklöffel, just 2 sieves in fitting sizes which can be pressed together while frying: The thread I did when I got the Nestbacklöffel as a x-mas present: http://darkmatters.org/forums/index.php?/topic/17675-potatoe-nests/ .
  11. Nearly 3 years back that I got my company car. With the 4+month waiting for a new one and the 3years the company could right down it in taxes it is more or less time to consider a new one. So what happened in the last 3 years in car technology: more hybrids, more pure electro, ... More tax punishment for fuel eaters, ... I won't buy a pure electro because of the long highspeed trips I have to do often. The car was and is planed to replace flying. So I need an average speed of 180km/h. To reach this I need 250km/h where it is possible. A 200km range of an electro car is cut down to 60km in winter. Less battery power, more electricity needed: lights, heating, ... So even an unaffordable Tesla is not a winter-car. It's 500km range at crusing speed is just 150km in a strong winter. I want a headup display, curve lights, NightVision (infrared camera scanning the street before and directs a light beam towards animals or walkers in advance), 4wheel drive and some other things again in the next car. The brand of the car is more or less dictated by the company. They use to spread the cars on different companies. They want it modern because selling hightech themself and all savety stuff which is on the extra list put in. It should be fuel efficient (thats why I put it in this thread) not mainly for cost reasons (the car price nearly ruins any calculations in saving fuel) but more to have a joker card in discussions with environment politicians, ... So I write down my list for the car I need: long range comfort, I am 192cm with very long arms fast and good range without refueling, because it is planed to avoid flying able to pull a 2 ton trailer all wheel driven and no front spoilers because of country roads ...
  12. Had a bit time for playing, character is at level 75 just reaching platinum. It is designed as a nature dryad in the long run. However the mastered skills are: alchemy, enhanced perception and voodoo focus. 4th will be combat discipline. It is still played without barkskin so hunting heads at the griffon or the undead prince is without much riscs. There is just no important buff on. Playstyle is a detheya set ( levels spread from 15 to 90, thanks to enhanced perception unlocking magic find on items) with a blow pipe and 5.3s reg per hit. With darting assault and big boss targets a 35s voodoo spells for head hunt is recharged in 3 salvos. The normal tactic is to place a totem, use x% life leech (detheya and throwing star) till the boss is at one third of health and then fire a combo with all headhunting voodoo spells at 27s reg time. Having a fitting head for the boss, disease allows fast kills so all 3 headhunter spells are still up at time of death.
  13. You speak about the same Windows which some years back had an office which crashed if you typed a german Umlaut into a database? Since the german word for street has a sharp-s (ß) you wonder how this bug could have survived testing. Not only that the non english country versions had frequent crashes because of special characters, the foreign country versions were at 1500$ while the english ones were at 1000$. So they charged 500$ more for just a change of the handbook and translated menus? I bet you can find something really stupid at every computer solution. The computer which had the best productivity rate for me was the Commodore Amiga, it could run TeX, Metafont, and other free math software at a time decades back when the PC's failed. Did my diploma and most of my doctor work on the beast. The reason was quite simple, you could easily recompile programs from UNIX you had at university to the Amiga. I am still quicker using TeX to type formulas than in any other text-system I know.
  14. I often noticed that the most expensive computers are at the bureaus of the managers and not at the places which would need fast and powerful computers. They are sort of a status symbol.
  15. I bought my skates 15 years back when my oldest daughter was 3 and a half. Was a year with nice and early frost and frozen ponds. It was when I taught skating to her. 2 years back she taught skiking( ) to me. Funny things. We have the luck that we have forest roads which were used for the transport of iron ore once. 2 centuries back horses were used for the transports so the roads have very few fall or climb of below 0.5 degree. They have no asphalting but small stones from iron ore. So inliners or roller-skies are not working on these nearby and car-free roads. Skikes however do very good. She has the Skike twin model which is very close tp cross country skiing. She uses them on her way to university which is like 3 kilometres from her student home. Air filled wheels, having a break, works with normal boots, just 2 poles needed because it is really close to cross country skiing. The twin model allows classic parallel skiing and modern skating. http://www.skike.com/?s=&l=en&language=English#/skike+vX+Series/skike+vX+TWIN/9| Seems every year there is something new: dog-scooters, trikke (3 wheel scooters which work with swinging your body), kicksparks and now these skikes. 5 kids and everyone wants to try something its siblings not have...
  16. Old leather -> Froschfett Froschfett translated as frog fat. But it is just the logo of the company which has a frog. It is a special leather-fat for leather which was tanned with plant oils and not using chrom. In difference to shoe cream which is made to shine, leather fat is made to protect and keep soft. It closes the pores so it is not for shoes you wear for 12 hours. But soccer shoes keep quite soft with it. Well I was a goalie, no need for effet shots. The room just in front of the goal is often a mud-pit and I didn't want to have the water penetrate through my shoes Our freekick specialiists preferred old leather with a lot of grip. I wanted it soft and tight to the foot. Leather working shoes of farmers are often another use.
  17. My wife does 3 days marinated steaks by putting them for 20 minutes in the oven at 100C and then just 1-2 minutes on each side in the hot pan with oil at (160C) without moving. Needless to say we live and grew up in an area were marinating was and is the way to go.
  18. Well. is it so much different from ordering a Mini with all extras and reaching the price of a Porsche ?
  19. Ther german fencing master Talhoffer did some fencing books in the 15th century. There is a full chapter with shield techniques. Wiki about Talhoffer; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans_Talhoffer Picture from chapter 6 about shield fights. Notices this is a sort of two-handed shield used here. With two points and several hooks to catch a weapon, or a foot for tripping or a head for breaking. The whole chapter6 with pictures about Schildfechten (shield fencing) can be found here: http://de.wikisource.org/wiki/Fechtbuch_%28Talhoffer%29/Kapitel_6 Recently weapon experts just start to understand the siege machines and weapons presented in his books and found they were not SciFy but really worked.
  20. They look modern. My skates are 15+ years old. We water a plan field every year with firefighters and hope for a longer frost period. No luck so far this winter. Next ice hall is 40 miles away and over crowded.
  21. Yes. But ever tried this with small quail eggs and BIG hands?
  22. At cooking you often have to seperate the yolk from the egg-white. This is especially frustrating if you use quail eggs. Here is a trick with a plastic bottle: http://www.youtube.com/embed/iAp8pEaWB1Y
  23. Yes, really depends what you do with your computer. For me it is doing maths with programs often running a weekend or at night to get the solution. But I have to say that our second with her photo and video hobby uses as much computer power Last she did 200+ photos at a marriage. Then the scripts used to sharpen, remove vignetting, ... were running at night. So in the link you posted above about the i7 4702MQ vs the i5 4200M which use up the same electrical power. This is for normal use 1-2 hours a day. Annual home energy cost 8.91 $/year vs 8.91 $/year However higher electricity prices and more hours a day do a factor of 15-20 in my case. So we are speaking of 135$ a year. The following line would be the game changer for my personal needs: Better performance per watt 26.69 pt/W vs 15.08 pt/W More than 75% better performance per watt. If the i5 needs 7 hours the i7 only needs 4 hours for the same math, rendering or photo job. So it is a save of 135*2*4/7 $ in 2 years in my case.
  24. Depends, the t series has lower thermal design power. http://cpuboss.com/cpu/Intel-Core-i7-4765T The side lists the energy costs. And 10 hours for a computer used at a home office and for private use is not too unrealistic. Often the computer runs at night: simulations for work, or our second daughter does animated raytracer videos for her artclass. And remember germany energy costs at country side are way higher than you are used too in USA or canada. The i7 has SMT, the i5 not. Depending on what you do the i7 can do somethings as fast as an i5 with faster clock. But since the clock speed of the i7 is lower for the same task it consumes less energy.
  25. And it is less frustrating: you can throw a 3 dollar calculator at the wall if you miscalculated, but you can't calm down with a phone because there is too much data on it to loose it breaking it at a frustrated wall throw The old calculators had this certain feeling at key pressing which a touch screen will never have:
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