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Everything posted by Dax

  1. Well, the question is how to deal with covid19? Wait until it rolled through your country then return to normal, that is the classic way how a gov deals with the flu for example, or shut down everything and try to prevent spreading as good as possible. That is the current strategy in Europe. The health system of first world countries is quite good usually, but I dont want to imagine what happens if covid19 starts battering poor countries. In Italy the situation is that far out of control that doctors have to do a triage, which means they have to decide who lives, the one with the best chances, and who dies. What a horrible situation. If you want to hear some first hand reports from the front line, there is an Italian doctor who blogs every day. What he describes does not sound too pleasant. I will search the articles for you if you want.
  2. The game has the ability to turn a harmless player into a grinning sadist. Yes, it is fun to make your pixel-enemies suffer. After bleeding wounds works properly, thanks to Overlookers Clan, it gets even worse. Enemies that spray blood-fountains into all directions while they drag themself slowly toward you, poisoned to death, are quite enjoyable to watch. The UN calls such behavior a crime against humanity. Guess we are lucky that they arent aware of Sacreds existence.
  3. It is a while ago that people here asked for a multiplayer session. The interest in it is rather low, for reasons unknown. Maybe people fear that they could get mocked due to a weak and cheesy build. Strange point of view if you ask me, the community is friendly and helpful, but that is how I would explain it. However. Turokz has his own youtube channel, just google his name. You two could lay the foundation stone to some kind of more or less frequent online sessions. I guess other players will join as soon as they see that there is a stable base. That is how it always starts.
  4. Wow, you compose music on you own? Not bad. I fail already when I try to read some notes from a sheet.
  5. Hello and welcome, drake48 I assume those who play S1 online have moved on to RadminVPN. Turokz wrote a little tutorial how to run it properly. He is here now and then, but I guess your chance to meet him online is bigger. Here you go
  6. Let us rather say, it depends on which kind of modder you are. A freerunner who does things if, when and how he wants is independent from other opinions. He is an artist who enjoys himself. He drops mods at will, has fun and moves on in the pace he likes best. Give a like or not, hate or not, use the artists mod or not, all these things are none of his concern. In comparison with the next type this one is the lucky guy. A community based modder relies on feedback. People chime in, report bugs, toss ideas… and so on. Due to the connection to the community, feedback, good or bad, has a far bigger effect. If you ask me, this type of modder is very much battery driven. I think the best way to avoid frustration is to be a part of a larger team that works well together, where people get along well with each other. If so, trolls can stand in front of your door all day and you would not even notice them. Maybe it is a possible solution. We got at least two new coders here.
  7. Such constant attacks can have a devastating psychological impact. Especially if you are mainly the only one who is working on such a big project. It might lead to a simple question Why? Why should I waste my time for people who - dont care anyway, otherwise they would have rose their voice already to put the trolls in place - say that the mod sucks, is good for nothing and overall a piece of worthless garbage - regard years of work as useless junk, they could do better in a jiffy Of course it is better to stand above haters and their opinion, just as you said, but if constant attacks are throwing you out of balance over the time, if you start to feel the impacts, I thought it might be an idea to change the point of view. To dampen the effect, I assume a familiar environment, like it can be found here at Darkmatters, is helpful.
  8. I have a question. Under such circumstances, working your !ss off since years, only to face an increasing amount of people that complain that the mod is not exactly like they want it, had you ever in mind to restrict access to the mod? It is a controversial point of view, but I would like to hear your opinion. And of course your opinion too, dear reader.
  9. I stopped playing the Wood Elf because she is so overpowered. Blowing up whole screens of monsters without suffering the slightest scratch became boring quickly. I have to admit that the additional animations for the WE are very nice. It was somebodys pet project obviously. However. If enemies had a greater perception range, you see them, they see you, and some special abilities the game might become more challenging. Since Reborn is still under construction, I assume we will get there one day.
  10. Hello and welcome, Peterking1986! The method Flix describes is the best indeed. Swapping things via LAN works too if you dont want to use Sacred Reborn for some reason, or try Thoriums inofficial patch for Sacred, which is a bit old already and de facto included into Reborn. Yes, the game is very player friendly, but I believe it will change over the years. As soon as monsters have their own special attacks, just like the player, Hard Hit for example, we are moving quickly toward Diablo2. Rune and potion stacking would spare a lot of space indeed. I would talk to MetaL or Starling, two guys from the Overlookers Clan which is responsible for the Reborn mod. They might add the idea to the to do list.
  11. Hello SheHawk! Do you know Lisa Gerrard? Ok, ok her style has not much to do with Mr. Jarre, but I think Vangelis and Lisa Gerrard have some similiarities. Listening to her music can be quite pleasant. Give it a try and let me know what you think. (The biggest problem is that users tend to use her tracks for dramatic videos, as you can see.)
  12. Listen. If you turn that thing into a ED209 I will buy it!
  13. Did you tell your daughter already or is it a surprise? PS I try to figure out what that strange thing is good for. From a distance I would suggest to stay away from bank robbery, smuggling, and high speed pursuit.
  14. For the sake of mankind, chattius please buy the tuk-tuk you had in mind first. That mega-thingy looks horrible! Dont make your daughter, and the whole family with her, unhappy.
  15. I believe that players do not like the idea that someone tempers with their beloved heroine. It witnessed several times how players reacted extremely hysteric and childish to criticism or inquiry. Maybe for some people the heroine is more than a bunch of pixels, running through a pixel world, crushing other pixels with a pixel sword. Also, a code modification means always some kind of disturbance in a well sorted, perfect world where the player is king. The player knows how to deal with the game, how to beat it. The changes a mod brings in, might not fit his taste. It is a mixture between the concussion of something well known and the rejection against something new. However. There is no solution. Those who want to give it a try, do it. And if it is not your cup of tea, uninstall it. At least, give feedback to the maker. That would be a nice gesture. A good day to you!
  16. Oh, no Clans nearby? Lucky you! Public transportation is the same problem as crowds. That is where you catch an infection. Lets say the flu. Buying a Tuk-Tuk, Quad or whatever will not solve the problem, because kids meet in school and most likely they took the train or bus to get to school. They simply carry it from point a to point b. Since the governments plan how to deal with Covid19 isnt known to no one, maybe not even to the gov itself, it might be better to skip school if the reported cases are getting closer to the place you live. Maybe your wife, as a doc, has a better insight.
  17. There is no running away from Corona Virus. All you can do is to try to avoid infection, buy some time, until scientists have found something against it. Maybe it is better to skip school for a while if you have too much concerns. The chance of infection is currently still low, but it will skyrocket if the population still behaves like !diots. Btw, that tuk-tuk thing displayed above would get stolen anyway. Keep the money.
  18. Wolfes Lair is some kind of bible for Sacred fans. Meeting someone who had to do with the site, last update is 12 years ago or so, is like... meeting a Dinosaur. Sometimes, the internet is a tiny place. I hope you stay with us for a while DarkWolfNine, we shall meet again. Cheers!
  19. So, Night Wolf is Lisa Drevin from WolfesLair? I dont know how much time I have spend back in the day at WL. Glaring at uniques, piecing them together in my imagination. Over and over again. Ah, the good old days. A good day to you, sir!
  20. Hello and welcome, DarkWolfNine! It is always a pleasure to meet new members in person! Btw, Do you only play Sacred 2 or S1 as well?
  21. Got ya! I have found the websites using wayback machine. I just started to look at them. zerisius is, and will be, the person you are looking for. Thorium might help too, he is a member here. https://web.archive.org/web/20130218211150/http://darkbloods.0fees.net/ https://sacreddarkbloods.forumieren.de/t26-wichtig-bitte-lesen-wir-sind-nicht-tot-wichtig-bitte-lesen As you see, the desert screenshot is very interesting. Stuff has been placed on the map, the game is running. Note the health bar and the level-up button on the upper right corner. Yes, it is possible. Imagine what could be done....
  22. I am hoping that Jayce can grab the toolset. It would open the door to a new world or modding. Maybe, in a distant future, fans write their own patch for the game. We have got a lot of capable people here. My biggest fear is to loose them.
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