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Quote Skizo:

I'm grabbing from client.txt in C:\Program Files (x86)\Grinding Gear Games\Path of Exile\logs


Yeah not a lot of info, but this way everyone get a chance to see it - not just the lucky who where online at the time :)




Questions answered by Chris in game chat (22 Jan 2012):




Chris has been so kinda as to answer a lot of questions in chat (while the 3 hour rush is going).


I've only taken the once that specifically involve the game.


I'll keep updating this as long as Chris answeres game related questions.


Timestamp is my local time (so it might seem very wrong to a lot of you).




21:48:10 #Drondoe: Chris, will you make new skills when you introduce new class?

21:48:19 #Chris: Drondoe: yep, many skills are in progress


21:48:03 #Executron: Chris, hi, what do you want for the Fusings Recipe? :)

21:48:31 #Chris: Executron: the fusing recipe actually isn't in yet... but will be soon


21:50:22 #Murps: Chris, is the new class a dagger user?

21:50:29 #Chris: Murps: the tree suggests so


21:52:33 #Drondoe: Chris, when will you implement cash shop? I wanna buy something

21:52:47 #Chris: Drondoe: pretty soon you'll be able to buy stash tabs I think

21:53:15 #Chris: I'm going to buy more than 10 once they're available :D


21:53:28 #Jadi: Can I assume they will carry over to live, once beta ends, if bought now? (Note: he is talking about the tabs)

21:53:34 #Chris: Jadi: yes


21:53:34 #Mainstream: chris is there ever going to be a gold sysem placed into the game...or strictly trade?

21:53:47 #Chris: Mainstream: strictly trade between teh current currency items


21:53:37 #Executron: Chris, is the 6-th class the guy standing in the background on the character screen?

21:53:57 #Chris: Executron: nope, that's the ship's quartermaster


21:53:58 #JukeBox: Chris, Is there any information about Open Beta start ?

21:54:17 #Chris: Juke: a few months I think


21:54:58 #NoXterium_DE_II: Chris ummm I played a lot already and never found an uniq wth?

21:55:11 #Chris: Nox: they're very rare! I've never found one either

21:55:19 #Chris: well, not since alpha ~0.8.6ish

21:56:23 #Chris: we'll make the more common once there are more

21:56:32 #Chris: actually, 0.9.6 is doubling the number of uniques in the game again

21:56:40 #Chris: there are 28 new ones that we just finished the design of


21:57:20 #NoXterium_DE_II: the sound problems in the waterfall cave are already known? I dont know :D

21:57:27 #Chris: Nox: we are fixing some sound issues, yes


22:02:27 #DancingDaggas: Chris, quick question. Are the three stat armors supposed to have armor increases that are global

22:03:43 #Chris: Dancing: They have global ones on some specific item types I believe



22:35:11 #Chris: 0.9.6 adds a skill that will (Note: skill that will grant power charges)


22:35:29 #DralTWOpointO: does it add a fusing recipe?

22:35:36 #Chris: not yet. still thinking about that one


22:37:50 #Sanctumz: chris any chance we might see pvp before open beta :P

22:38:02 #Chris: yes :D


22:40:03 #ExplodingArrow: chris, are flat dmg gems applied on the charges of exploding arrow?

22:40:23 #Chris: ExplodingArrow: I believe they are, but I'll check


22:40:58 #Avalona: are u still following up the portcls.sys bluescreen problem?

22:41:18 #Chris: Avalona: yes, we are collecting info so that we can track it down


22:40:58 #GlennTaloch: chris are u guys going add a filter to avoid bad names?

22:41:22 #Chris: Glenn: probably, yes

22:41:48 #Chris: it's mostly racist stuff we'd want to filter


22:42:17 #fiveofnine: question,,can we have something for transmuting orbs.like horadric cube in d2-lod?

22:43:01 #Chris: five: some of the buy-vendor recipes let you upgrade stuff like that, but there aren't many recipes for upgrading yet. we're trying to be careful to not make it too easy to just upgrade them


22:58:56 #SanctumTemp: I think you should implement a command to respond to last whisper

22:59:06 #Chris: ctrl+enter I think? (Note: Yep)


23:15:12 #Aiy: Theres no way to quick sell items by holding a key while klicking on it or something?

23:15:23 #Chris: not yet - soon

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What's coming in 0.9.6?


Posted byChris on 25.Januar 2012 01:04


I expect that we'll get a draft of 0.9.6 up onto Alpha before this weekend, and onto Beta approximately a week later.


This is a short list of some of the content that is currently aimed to be included in 0.9.6. Some of this content may not make it in, and of course there are plenty of things that are included in the patch but aren't on this list.


Passive skills have been reset again. The tree has been modified to have three more keystones and a lot more (100-150?) notable passives with special names and larger-than-average properties. By adding these new notable passives, we're making it easier to see a high-level view of the tree (so that new players can easily understand where certain builds are meant to go).


We've added a side area to the Ship Graveyard, a third area to the Chamber of Sins and have revamped several act two areas to push their randomness and to make them less sparse.


We've added a new monster type with a variety of attacks.


We've added a variety of Utility Flask base types that do effects other than healing your life or mana. There are now belt mods that can affect your usage of flasks.


There are an additional 28 unique items, more than doubling the current total.


We've added lots of new monster mods and several new monster auras. It's pretty common for monsters to get Frenzy/Endurance/Power charges that are more powerful than player ones ;)


We've added four new skill gems. More information on these is coming soon.


All Maelstrom of Chaos areas are now level 60. We have decided that having the highest tiers of items only come from a narrow set of bosses in the highest areas is not the way we want the item system to work. The challenge should be in getting the appropriate mods/sockets, rather than finding the actual base item.


We've resolved sound priority issues and made sure that sounds aren't getting lost during combat.


When in multiplayer instances where the life of monsters is scaled up, the pre-scaling life values now are used for calculations related to stun and elemental status effect durations. This means that players that rely on stun, chilling, freezing, etc are not at a disadvantage when partying up.


We've added screen-shake on very large attacks or dramatic events such as bosses dying. It can be disabled in the options.


Shock Nova has been reimplemented so that it doesn't scale its damage with distance and doesn't hit monsters that are close to you.


We've added a new quest/waypoint screen that shows a map of the act and lets you see the connectivity between areas. You can select quests to see which are they're in and how to get there. Never again will anyone need to ask "Where is Oak?".


There are dozens of other changes which you'll see when the real patch notes are posted sometime next week. Yes, I purposefully avoided talking about nerfs in this post.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Posted By Chris

on 6. Februar 2012 04:38


This patch will bedeployed to Beta on the morning of Wednesday February 8, New Zealandtime. The patch notes are not final and may change.


I have also posted these in the Beta Status forum. This copy is for non-betamembers to see. Beta testers: Please use the other thread if you're going todiscuss beta-specific feedback related to these changes.


Version 0.9.6





  • We've wiped all the passive skills again. Please take care reallocating your passives so that you can use your equipment and gems.



  • Added a passive skill tree planner to the website. You can click your character at the bottom of the website to view its passive skill tree. When you're done planning a build, the site provides a link so that you can share it with other players.
  • Added an improved Quest/Waypoint screen. It shows the layout of all the act's discovered areas on a map and displays their connectivity. You can select a quest to see where it is and how to get there.
  • Added screen-shake on very large attacks or dramatic events such as bosses dying. It can be disabled in the options.
  • Increased the number of sound channels used to 32 and added sound priorities. Crucial combat sounds should now not be lost in busy situations.
  • Improved the behaviour of monsters that have both projectile and melee attacks. Sea Witches and Merveil's second form now have melee attacks and this behaviour. They cast skills at you until they are low on mana, and then close in for melee combat.
  • Changed monster behaviour so that the distance that they become aggressive from varies per monster type. When a monster becomes aggressive, it will alert nearby monsters as well. This means that you won't accidentally pull single monsters one at a time while fighting.
  • Slightly decreased the font size in pre-game menus.
  • Added a sound for critical strikes.
  • The light radius reduction that occurs when on low life indoors has been changed so that it is more appropriate for players who care about the "when on low life" abilities.
  • The next waypoint is now automatically granted after completing areas containing Brutus, Merveil or the end of act two.
  • Vsync is now on by default.
  • Your minions can now trigger enemies to emerge.
  • Added a new mouse cursor.



  • Added a variety of Utility Flask base types that do effects other than healing your life or mana.
  • Added a new Strength skill - Lightning Strike: Infuses your melee weapon with electrical energies as you swing. In addition to converting some of your physical damage to lightning damage, the stored energy is released from the weapon as a projectile as you strike, flying out behind your target to hit further-away enemies.
  • Added a new Strength skill - Molten Shell: Summons fiery elemental shields providing additional armour for a short duration. If cumulative damage prevented by your blocking or armour reaches a threshold, the shields explode outwards, dealing fire damage to surrounding enemies.
  • Added a new Intelligence skill - Tempest Shield: Enchants your shield with the power of storms, which lashes out to deal lightning damage to attackers when you block their attacks.
  • Added a new Intelligence skill - Power Siphon: Fires your wand at a target, dealing increased damage and granting a power charge if the attack kills the target.
  • Added new keystone passive - Pain Attunement: 25% more spell damage when on low life.
  • Added new keystone passive - Elemental Equilibrium: When you hit enemies with an element, they get +30% resistance to that element and -20% resistance to other elements. Thanks to Konfeta for the inspiration.
  • Added new keystone passive - Iron Grip: The increase to physical damage from Strength also applies to ranged weapons. Thanks to Konfeta for the inspiration.
  • Added new keystone passive - Point Blank Archer: Ranged attacks deal up to 50% more damage to very close targets, but deal less damage to further away targets. Thanks to Malice for the inspiration.
  • Added two variations of the new snake-like monster type to many areas.
  • Added 28 new unique items.
  • Added a new monster aura: Enemies are slowed.
  • Added a new monster aura: Other allies can't die until the boss is killed.
  • Added a new monster mod: Immunity to curses.
  • Added a new monster mod: Grants Frenzy charges to all nearby allies on death.
  • Added new monster mods: Chance to gain Endurance, Frenzy or Power charges when hitting.
  • Added a new monster mod: Gains a Frenzy charge when reduced below 75%, 50% or 25% life.
  • Added belt mods that can affect your usage of flasks.
  • Added a new side area to the Ship Graveyard. The Fairgraves quest objective has been moved to this area.
  • Added Chamber of Sins Level 3 and moved the Chamber of Sins waypoint to Level 2.
  • Moved the waypoints in Alira's Camp, Broken Bridge and Pools and Streams areas to be near the bandit camps.
  • Moved the waypoint from Waterfall Caves Level 1 to 2.
  • Revamped the Crossroads and Old Fields.
  • The Hideous Abomination now uses Lightning Strike.
  • Vulatas has been reborn as Hailrake, is now cold-themed and casts Ice Spear.
  • Merveil now uses Ice Spear rather than Fireball. Cold resistance is an effective plan against her.
  • Added the Great White Beast to the Dread Thicket.
  • Blood Chieftains can now mass-frenzy all nearby monsters. This works in your favour if you raise them as spectres.
  • Shock Nova has been reimplemented so that it doesn't scale its damage with distance and doesn't hit monsters that are close to you.
  • Made some Zombies and Sand Spitters emerge when encountered.
  • Created 100+ named passives that have larger effects than average. Some of these came from the consolidation of other passives, so the overall tree has not grown by 100+ nodes.
  • Added "Reflects X Damage to Attacker" mods for some armour pieces.
  • Set up new gem level-up visual effects.
  • Changed Eramir's bandit quest so that you need to either kill a bandit or help one of the townsfolk before he'll tell you about the quest.



  • When in multiplayer instances where the life of monsters is scaled up, the pre-scaling life values now are used for calculations related to stun and elemental status effect durations. This means that players that rely on stun, chilling, freezing, etc are not at a disadvantage when partying up.
  • Made all Maelstrom of Chaos areas level 60. Increased their difficulty substantially.
  • Changed the Chaos Inoculation keystone so that your "real" life value is still used for checks related to stun and elemental status ailments. This will mean that you don't receive giant stuns/chills due to being reduced to 1 life.
  • Reduced the Minion Instability keystone passive to deal 100% of the minion's life rather than 200%.
  • Reduced the number of magic and rare monsters in higher difficulties (especially the Maelstrom of Chaos).
  • Reduced the life of normal monsters, but kept magic, rare and unique monsters the same.
  • Reduced all cold damage by 10% on monsters, player skills and items.
  • Increased the damage of Ice Nova, Fireball and the Added Lightning Damage support gem.
  • Changed Spark to cast four sparks by default, but it is affected less by additional damage from support gems.
  • Changed Firestorm to be affected less by additional damage from support gems.
  • Slightly increased the mana cost multiplier of several support gems: Multiple Projectiles, Added Chaos, Pierce, Increased Duration, Weapon Elemental Damage
  • Reduced the size of the Perpetual flask mods.
  • Changed the effect of quality on curse gems to skill-specific effects rather than duration.
  • Changed the amount of Alchemy Shards gained from selling certain items with certain mods to address exploitative behaviour.
  • Rebalanced the way that quality spawns on items so that it's rarer and that gems with quality have slightly higher average quality than before. It's now harder to collect 40% quality sets for the vendor recipes.

Bug Fixes:


  • Fixed a bug where Merveil was using normal-difficulty spells in the higher difficulties.
  • Monsters that emerge when encountered (such as Water Elementals and Moss Monsters) are now immune to damage until they start to emerge. This prevents them playing the wrong animation and appearing in an un-emerged state early.
  • Fixed a bug where looped sounds would not play at the correct volume
  • Fixed a bug where your minions and enemies would occasionally both freeze at the same time, targeting each other but unable to do actions.
  • Made Portal scrolls the right colour on the ground.
  • Fixed a crash that can occur running the game when sound is disabled.
  • Fixed a bug where melee knockback would apply to other non-melee attacks also.
  • Flickerstrike targeting a specific enemy will no longer execute if that enemy is out of range.
  • Fixed some cases where the options screen might not apply changes.
  • Fixed a case where players could trap Merveil's second form against a wall and kill her safely.
  • Fixed a bug where Firestorm could hit monsters through walls.
  • Fixed a bug where certain squares of ground wouldn't draw (often appearing blue).
  • Fixed a bug that would cause some dungeon rooms to not spawn any monsters or chests.
  • Fixed Dual Strike alternating weapon base durations when it should have been using an average.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I got 3 beta keys.


Ill just post the codes here:




Edited by D-molisher
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  • 2 weeks later...

I just installed this again seems to have gotten more balanced, and like the fact they considers zooming function :)

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All keys gone, I will post some more here again soon.

If not some other from DA.

We get so many keys :thumbsup:


Ya the game evolved alot in my time spend there from august till now.

Still some issues left, like minion ui - etc.

But really a great game ... I will definately spend time there besides D3.

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Added you Epox.

Missed you by 5 mins or so, BrazzMonkey said you left just before I came online.

I might catch you this weekend somewhen - if you are online after 10 pm our time.

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If anyone need more keys.

Just post in the beta key thread in DA site.

The members got atleast 10 unused beta keys.


If you play HC and need anything try pm a DA member.

Mostly me and BrazzMonkey are horders and got really alot off things.

I only got 11 full storage paiges, so ill probably get some more paiges.

Edited by D-molisher
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If anyone else need a beta key, post in the BETA key thread POE clan DA site.

The members got around 9 keys more, that are unused.

Edited by D-molisher
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  • 2 months later...

Ingame US HC ...

Partying purringcat, so far got level 15 ish and just beat merveil.

Shes duelist and I am marauder.

Besides that for me POE got more longterm durability to me compaired to D3.

I like EU and US based chars can party.

I like the ingame economy with orbs.

I like how mf works.

Basicly this game are to me what I hoped D3 would be.

Edited by D-molisher
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Yah, I agree, D3 have zero longterm content as far as I see it, as the loot randomization & drop rates of sets/ "uniques" in that game is utter garbage compared to D2 which had me hooked for 7+ years...


And thus I hope PoE can deliever on those parts once it gets released.

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Chris GGG:

Version 0.9.11



Due to substantial changes to the passive skill tree, we've wiped all the passive skills again. Please take care reallocating your passives so that you can use your equipment and gems.


We've added a Singaporean gateway to the Beta realm! Please try it out if you're in Australia. New Zealanders should still use the American gateway for now.





Substantially revamped the Passive Skill tree. Details are in the Passive Skill Tree Balance section below.

Added the Act Two boss and associated world darkness event.


You can now swap between two weapon sets by pressing X or clicking the tabs above the slots on the inventory screen. Gems in the swapped-out set continue to gain experience as normal, but their skills cannot be used unless swapped back in.


Added two new new Unique items designed by our Diamond supporters.


Removed the Maelstrom of Chaos. It has been replaced by our Maps end-game. For more information about Maps, please read the development diary entry on our site.


Added 45 Map areas, each with its own boss.


Added a new currency item - Cartographer's Chisel: Upgrades the quality of a map.


Added three new tilesets from Act Three, which are currently only featured in Map areas.


Added a new Dexterity support gem - Blind: Associated skills have a chance to blind their targets for 4 seconds. Blinded monsters have 75% less chance to hit (multiplicatively).


Added new combat sounds for the Templar.


Renamed Alira's Camp to the Western Forest.


You can now use the arrow keys to move between stash tabs.


Whisper messages now have an arrow to indicate whether they were sent or received.


Added some new Totem types for end-game Map areas.


Continued to incrementally improve the art, effects, environments and sound.




General Balance:

Quest rewards have been rebalanced and now include some rare item rewards in higher difficulties. These rare items cannot get mods higher than the level of your character.


The attack speed bonus for dual wielding is now multiplicative rather than additive with other speed bonuses.


Small chests now drop fewer items and large chests now drop more.


Increased item quantity prefixes have been removed from the game. Items that already have them are unaffected.


Made it slightly easier for players and monsters to be stunned.


Confirmed that the increased item rarity bonus for Large Chests was working correctly. Then we doubled it.




Monster Balance:

The Ship Graveyard Cave is now level 14 in Normal difficulty.


Experience yield for several monsters has been adjusted to reflect their challenge.


Reduced the damage of Rhoas slightly.


Increased level progression towards end of Merciless Act 2.


Difficulty of monsters at level 60 areas has been reduced, with progression now extended to level 70 (in Map areas).


Monster resistances have been increased in all difficulties.


Reduced the experience that necromancers yield when killed.


Increased the experience that Brutus yields when killed.


Vaal Fallen are now stronger.


Reduced Oak's life and improved his skills in higher difficulties.




Active Skill Balance:

Lightning Strike: The damage penalty on its projectiles is now 30% rather than 20%.


Stun Support Gem: Mana cost reduced.


Flicker strike: Now has a cooldown which can be bypassed by spending a Frenzy Charge. Corrected some mistakes in its damage progression.


Cold Snap: Increased its damage. Now has a cooldown which can by bypassed by spending a Power Charge.


Enduring Cry: Now has a cooldown.


Molten Shell: Reduced the damage required to set it off in the first four levels.




Passive Skill Tree Balance:

Redesigned the tree with the following features:


Fewer choices at the very beginning of class start areas.


Class identities strengthened with increased opportunity costs to building heavily off-class.


Most builds requiring a few specialised notables and Keystones should be easier.


Builds requiring many cross-tree notables and keystones made more costly.


Defensive nodes around the tree made more even.


Weapon Elemental damage passives reduced.


Water Dancing notable changed to include Dexterity.


Values of Block recovery nodes improved and consolidated.


Shield Armour passive changed to be general defences.


Increased physical weapon damage nodes.




Item Balance:

Improved life gain and leech implicit mods on all Claw weapons.


Slightly increased the implicit fire damage and physical damage on quivers.


Decreased the magnitudes of elemental damage mods on items and physical damage mods on non-weapon items.


Prevented high level elemental and non-weapon physical damage mods from appearing on some item types.


Reduced how often elemental damage mods appear on non-weapons.


Glinting mods changed to have the same values, regardless of what type of item they appear on.


Improved implicit block rate on staves.




Bug Fixes:

If a character has no valid skill on its left mouse button, it is no longer unable to move.


Items shown to you as results of sell-vendor recipes do not display sockets any more. This is to prevent players essentially getting free rerolls of sockets by trying different combinations of items.


Reduced the vertical selectable height of Portals so that it's harder to miss-click and accidentally consume a portal you just created.


You no longer gain experience while dead.


Fire trap can now be supported by area of effect support gems.


Fixed some rare item names that could not spawn before.


Fixed Unique monsters so that they now have a +2 bonus to item level in the same way that Rare monsters do.


Fixed a bug that would cause a resource to be loaded from the hard drive each time an arrow was fired.


Fixed a bug where monsters that were meant to not repeat actions consecutively would in fact repeat them.


Fixed a bug where the wrong environment could be picked when entering a multi-level area area via a portal.


Fog no longer interacts with the shimmer post-processing effect incorrectly.


Skill icons on the character screen now have their backgrounds back.


Fixed a bug that would cause small monsters to drop too many items in multiplayer instances and large monsters too few.


Fixed a bug where Conversion Trap could permanently convert a monster.


Totems with Blood Magic (from either a Support Gem or the player's passives) now do not spend their own life to cast spells.


Clicking on the noticeboard in town will now change to the public party tab if the social panel is visible.


Fixed a bad interaction between on-drink flask effects and the Puncture skill.


Fixed a bug that could allow you to detonate mine when you had none out.


The damage prediction of armour values on the character screen is now more accurate for players over level 30.


Fixed level-up sounds so that you hear them in stereo and other players hear them placed in the 3d world correctly.


The Dripping Dead in the Mud Flats are now the correct level.


Vendor offer prices have been fixed on increased item rarity prefixes.


Global notifications during special leagues now appear even when Hide Global Chat is on.


Settings are no longer saved if you're disconnected while changing them.


The Righteous Fire skill gem can now drop from monsters and chests.




Chris GGG:


Version 0.9.11b


Fixed a bug introduced today where totems that cast auras would repeatedly cast the aura forever.


Fixed a bug where players could stack multiple copies of the same curse on a monster.


Fixed a bug where curses from Maps could be overwritten by other curses.


Fixed a bug where players were unable to whisper each other by clicking names in chat.


Connected some passive skills that were accidentally isolated.


Added correct descriptions to some monster totems and a monster aura.


Fixed the floating carpets.


Fixed a crash in the patching server.


The passive tree changed alot.

Link for passive tree.


P.S: That means all " old " chars got a free skill reset now.

Edited by D-molisher
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