Popular Post Dragon Brother 620 Posted April 4, 2011 Popular Post Posted April 4, 2011 Ok, now its a relatively common request that we get asked how do I increase the experience per drop or how do I make sets/uniques/legendaries drop more often. Hopefully, this post will go through a bunch of the values in balance.txt and explain what they can do. Anything I haven't included, feel free to mention and I'll add in, hopefully I'll find the time to work out a large portion of them over time. Firstly, I use Sacred 2 Ice and Blood 2.65.2 so different versions may have different values or even some different lines present or missing. Also, remember to backup your balance.txt before editing it and any changes you make are at your own risk. Nothing is likely to happen, but I did once change something which resulted in the toon I was testing needing a displayed 4.xx billion experience to level which never got less, not matter what I killed. So back up your save files as well. They are found in: For XP, it's located in: C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 For Vista and Windows 7: C:\Users\<user name>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 So, onto balance.txt. Alot of the lines make some sort of sense and you can guess what they do, however I won't put anything in here unless I have tested it and seen an effect I can relate to the change. SpeedMin = 500, SpeedMax = 1500, These lines effect the minimum and maximum speed possible in the game. Effects attack speed, run speed, animation speed, etc. Or, more specifically: 3 hours ago, Charon117 said: "SpeedMax raises the speed % cap of things executed in Sacred 2, including Movement, Attack and Animation Speed, but can affect speed execution beyond that (we dont know those things beyond). It doesnt inherently raise speed in itself, it just removes the cap until the specified value." SwapRune_One = 125000, SwapRune_Two = 25000, SwapRune_Three = 5000, SwapRune_Four = 500, Effects how much you pay to swap runes at a runemaster. ForgeSlot_BronceFactor = 1000, ForgeSlot_SilverFactor = 1070, ForgeSlot_GoldFactor = 1150, Effects the bonus provided when socketing into a socket (1000 = item modifiers remain at 100% of the vsalue on the jewellery, 1070 = 107% of the value or a 7% increase). Also note that as per randdaman's post the following should be changed too: On 5/19/2012 at 5:05 PM, randdaman said: however, I believe there is more to it than just those three lines, and looking thru this thread, I have not seen this info posted so, here is my idea, I believe that the lines; SlotGoldPercentageImprovement = SlotSilverPercentageImprovement = also affect this and that the #s must match the first two #s that you put in the 'Factor = "slots, ie. if you set ForgeSlot_SilverFactor = to say, 1500 which would be 1.5 times normal, then you must also set SlotSilverPercentageImprovement = to 15 to match, otherwise while your changes to ForgeSlot_SilverFactor = will show in the item description, it will not really affect your stats/skills more than the normal increase would , so, sorry if this has been covered, maybe I just missed it, but if not, well as Paul Harvey used to say, "And now you know the rest of the story." eh? ZRareExpectation15 = 2, ZRareExpectation14 = 6, ZRareExpectation13 = 14, ZRareExpectation12 = 16, ZRareExpectation11 = 24, ZRareExpectation10 = 34, ZRareExpectation09 = 46, ZRareExpectation08 = 58, ZRareExpectation07 = 72, ZRareExpectation06 = 88, ZRareExpectation05 = 106, ZRareExpectation04 = 124, ZRareExpectation03 = 144, ZRareExpectation02 = 166, ZRareExpectation01 = 456, ZRareExpectation00 = 1000, These control the likeliness of an object from these tiers dropping, given an item drops. 1000 = 100% chance, tier 00 is lowest, tier 15 is highest, sets, uniques and legendaries are in tiers 13-15. IsRuneForHero = 400, Likeliness of a dropped rune being for the class your toon is, 400 = 40%. ExpLS100 = 985, ExpLS125 = 980, ExpLS150 = 975, ExpLS175 = 970, These are the experience penalties imposed as you level up, more covered in this topic. NORMAL_STANDARD = 350, NORMAL_RUNE = 15, CHAMP_STANDARD = 700, CHAMP_RUNE = 45, BOSS_STANDARD = 1000, BOSS_RUNE = 600, The _STANDARD values influence how many items the different types drop and the _RUNE influences the chance of a rune dropping (15 = 1.5%). QuestExplow = {20,25,30,40,50}, QuestGoldlow = {25,30,35,40,50}, QuestGoldmax = {3025,4030,5035,6040,8050}, QuestExpmax = {4020,5025,6030,8040,10050}, Effects the minimum and maximum gold recieved from a quest, increase them to get large numbers of gold and experience from a quest. Each number corresponds to the difficulty, left most is bronze, rightmost niobium. - Clarified by knuckles MP_experience = {1000,1150,1325,1550,1825}, I believe this one effects the extra experience gained from having someone join your game, 1 player gives 100% experience, 2 players 115% and so on up to 5 people providing max experience. - Confirmed by loco Change the first value to change the amount of experience you get from killing monsters in singleplayer, 2000 = 2x experience and so on. RuneLevel = {1,1,20,35,50}, Level of the runes from the difficulty they drop in, bronze gives level 1 runes, silver level 1, gold level 20 and so on. This effects how they effect items they are socketed into. A niob rune is level 50 meaning if you socket it into a lvel 10 sword it will become a level 50 sword. Change these to change that effect. LevelCapDiff = {60,100,140,180,200}, LevelMinForDiff = {1,1,60,100,140}, Use these lines to change the minimum and maximum levels for a difficulty, it goes {Bronze, Silver,..., Niobium} On 4/4/2011 at 10:26 PM, wolfie2kX said: To enable "God Mode" edit the Balance.txt entry to read: Enemy_weapondamage = {0,0,0,0,0}, Enemy_spelldamage = {0,0,0,0,0}, Note: This works flawlessly with straight Fallen Angel. However, with Ice and Blood, you will find a tiny amount of damage seeping through. Certain attacks - mostly enemy CA spells - can get through with the latest (2.65.2) build. On 4/5/2011 at 12:09 AM, Silver_fox said: MP_damage = {1000,1050,1100,1160,1220}, MP_combatvalue = {1000,1100,1210,1330,1460}, Those numbers are multipliers for the enemy stats depending on the number of players in the party (just like MP_experience that loco described above). By making them 1 you multiply your enemies' stats by 0.001. Also for some wiki testing I used the settings that allowed me to kill all the enemies with one hit, no matter who they are (I used it to kill bosses with low level character). To do so you can change the following lines: MP_lifeHP = {1000,1300,1650,2100,2650}, MP_EShieldHP = {1000,1300,1650,2100,2650}, MP_armor = {1000,1100,1210,1330,1460}, These values are multipliers for enemies' HP, shields and armor, so by making them ridiculously small you make your enemies vulnerable, so you can slay them in one hit. On 4/6/2011 at 8:28 PM, Knuckles said: IsUsableByHero = 700, (1000= all items usable by character) TraderMaxCount = 10, TraderOffer_MaxLifetime = 900, (With this set at 1, the merchant's inventory would reset as soon as I spoke to rune master or blacksmith (and vice versa), no need to teleport) Trader_Item = 2300, (increasing one or both of these values will increase the number of items displayed at merchant, blacksmith and rune master) Trader_Many = 10000, Here's a few lines I found useful when Armor Shopping. By changing the following values I increased the amount of items available at merchants and blacksmiths. I was also able to reduce the time the wares would be available so I could simply alternate between the 2 without ever leaving the Starting Isle. Made it much much quicker as I never had to teleport (which also reduced the number of crashes for me). If you're ring/amulet hunting, these values will also work so you can shop between the rune master and merchant) On 4/21/2011 at 3:12 PM, DMCain said: On 4/6/2011 at 8:28 PM, Knuckles said: Trader_Item = 2300, (increasing one or both of these values will increase the number of items displayed at merchant, blacksmith and rune master) Trader_Many = 10000, <snip> Need to be somewhat careful with these. If you raise them too high, it is possible to get a stack overflow error and crash the game. This is from generating more items than the window can hold. It has only happened to me once, and if it can happen once, it can happen again. Though in my defense, I did put in a ridiculously HIGH number just to see what would happen. Here are the values I generally run with: TraderOfferUpperRareBase = 12, -- raises the tier of items offered by merchant. can purchase ANYTHING if this is set to 15 Trader_Item = 7500, -- These do change the number of items spawned on the vendor, but how they are tied together Trader_Many = 20000, -- I have yet to figure out. Possibly min and max number of items spawned. Trader_SpecialOffer = 20000, -- Increases the chance of cool stuff on vendors On 4/27/2011 at 5:29 AM, marwae said: but it appears I have found the skill modifier for the attack speed: "SkillAttackSpeedQuot = 5" I changed it to "1", and got a bonus of (around) 68% to attack speed, while just having 19 points in "dual wield". so the lower it is the faster you'll be. the same goes for: "SkillMoveSpeedQuot = 15" although this one's for movement speed. correct me if I'm wrong but don't set it to zero because you can't divide something by zero. EDIT: Added info/confirmation/clarification from loco, knuckles, wolfie and silver. EDIT 2: Added knuckles, DMCains and marwaes tips. So, its not a completely exhaustive list at the moment, but if I get time whilst frantically studying at the moment I'll see what else I can definitively determine. Like I said, feel free to make any suggestions. I may come through and sort it out a little more neatly later, but for now, enjoy 4
Knuckles 904 Posted April 4, 2011 Posted April 4, 2011 QuestExplow = {20,25,30,40,50}, QuestGoldlow = {25,30,35,40,50}, QuestGoldmax = {3025,4030,5035,6040,8050}, QuestExpmax = {4020,5025,6030,8040,10050}, Effects the minimum and maximum gold recieved from a quest, increase them to get large numbers of gold and experience from a quest. I would just like to add on this, that each number from left to right refers to server level. Left most number = Bronze, right most = Niobium. So for example if you changed the '30' in QuestExplow you would be changing the minimum experience you get from quests in a Gold level game. 1
wolfie2kX 529 Posted April 4, 2011 Posted April 4, 2011 More fun with Balance.txt... To enable "God Mode" edit the Balance.txt entry to read: Enemy_weapondamage = {0,0,0,0,0}, Enemy_spelldamage = {0,0,0,0,0}, Note: This works flawlessly with straight Fallen Angel. However, with Ice and Blood, you will find a tiny amount of damage seeping through. Certain attacks - mostly enemy CA spells - can get through with the latest (2.65.2) build. Cheap Rune Exchange: Change this line in Balance.txt to read: SwapRune_One = 1, This will make it so you can trade in one rune for any other rune for 1 Gold. 1
locolagarto 18 Posted April 4, 2011 Posted April 4, 2011 Good Stuff DB! I will take a look at my Balance.txt as see if I "know" for sure of any other affects. I can say I have confirmed your findings to be the same as my own. MP_experience = {1000,1150,1325,1550,1825}, I believe this one effects the extra experience gained from having someone join your game, 1 player gives 100% experience, 2 players 115% and so on up to 5 people providing max experience. This is definitely where you change the XP per kill in game. 1
Silver_fox 399 Posted April 4, 2011 Posted April 4, 2011 (edited) More fun with Balance.txt... To enable "God Mode" edit the Balance.txt entry to read: Enemy_weapondamage = {0,0,0,0,0}, Enemy_spelldamage = {0,0,0,0,0}, As Wolfie stated, it may be not enough. This setting includes only the normal damage. All the crits, secondary effects and sometimes some damage from CAs will still remain. So I went for the other way to have a God Mod - not only to make a damage low, but prohibit the enemies from hitting you. To do so you should also change the following lines: MP_damage = {1,1050,1100,1160,1220}, MP_combatvalue = {1,1100,1210,1330,1460}, normally the first number is 1000 in both strings Those numbers are multipliers for the enemy stats depending on the number of players in the party (just like MP_experience that loco described above). I changed only the first one because this setting was for the singleplayer. These two values stand for enemy attack, defence, spell intensity and damage. By making them 1 you multiply your enemies' stats by 0.001. Also for some wiki testing I used the settings that allowed me to kill all the enemies with one hit, no matter who they are (I used it to kill bosses with low level character). To do so you can change the following lines: MP_lifeHP = {1,1300,1650,2100,2650}, MP_EShieldHP = {1,1300,1650,2100,2650}, MP_armor = {1,1100,1210,1330,1460}, normally the first number is 1000 These values are multipliers for enemies' HP, shields and armor, so by making them ridiculously small you make your enemies vulnerable, so you can slay them in one hit. Edited April 4, 2011 by Silver_fox
Dragon Brother 620 Posted April 4, 2011 Author Posted April 4, 2011 Cheers fellas, added your comments in
Furian67 15 Posted April 5, 2011 Posted April 5, 2011 SpeedMin = 500, SpeedMax = 1500, These lines effect the minimum and maximum speed possible in the game. Anything over 1500 doesn't appear to have an effect on the player. I have my SpeedMax at 2000. This does affect run speed and attack/casting speed. So socketing 60% run speed does get your feet motivating at 160. Also speed boosts to attack and casting if they add up to over 150 it will reflect just like the run speed does.
Antitrust 32 Posted April 5, 2011 Posted April 5, 2011 TraderOffer_MaxLifetime = 900 Affects the vendor reset time. You can set it to zero and run around the starting isle vendors, whose inventories reset almost instantly. You need to walk away a certain distance, but you don't need to change areas anymore. ZRareBonusamount Affects the number of bonuses displayed on items of various qualities.
Dragon Brother 620 Posted April 5, 2011 Author Posted April 5, 2011 ZRareBonusamount Affects the number of bonuses displayed on items of various qualities. I assume thats for random items of that tier?
locolagarto 18 Posted April 5, 2011 Posted April 5, 2011 ZRareBonusamount Affects the number of bonuses displayed on items of various qualities. I assume thats for random items of that tier? I believe it is for all items for that tier, in shops and drops. And only for as long as that mod is in the balance file. if you return to a stock balance.txt the items automatically revert back to stock as well.
Antitrust 32 Posted April 6, 2011 Posted April 6, 2011 ZRareBonusamount Affects the number of bonuses displayed on items of various qualities. I assume thats for random items of that tier? It might work for uniques and sets, can't remember unfortunately.
Dragon Brother 620 Posted April 6, 2011 Author Posted April 6, 2011 ZRareBonusamount Affects the number of bonuses displayed on items of various qualities. I assume thats for random items of that tier? It might work for uniques and sets, can't remember unfortunately. I might play with it before putting it in then, see how it works.
Knuckles 904 Posted April 6, 2011 Posted April 6, 2011 IsUsableByHero = 700, (1000= all items usable by character) TraderMaxCount = 10, TraderOffer_MaxLifetime = 900, (With this set at 1, the merchant's inventory would reset as soon as I spoke to rune master or blacksmith (and vice versa), no need to teleport) Trader_Item = 2300, (increasing one or both of these values will increase the number of items displayed at merchant, blacksmith and rune master) Trader_Many = 10000, Here's a few lines I found useful when Armor Shopping. By changing the following values I increased the amount of items available at merchants and blacksmiths. I was also able to reduce the time the wares would be available so I could simply alternate between the 2 without ever leaving the Starting Isle. Made it much much quicker as I never had to teleport (which also reduced the number of crashes for me). If you're ring/amulet hunting, these values will also work so you can shop between the rune master and merchant)
DMCain 1 Posted April 21, 2011 Posted April 21, 2011 Trader_Item = 2300, (increasing one or both of these values will increase the number of items displayed at merchant, blacksmith and rune master) Trader_Many = 10000, <snip> Need to be somewhat careful with these. If you raise them too high, it is possible to get a stack overflow error and crash the game. This is from generating more items than the window can hold. It has only happened to me once, and if it can happen once, it can happen again. Though in my defense, I did put in a ridiculously HIGH number just to see what would happen. Here are the values I generally run with: TraderOfferUpperRareBase = 12, -- raises the tier of items offered by merchant. can purchase ANYTHING if this is set to 15 Trader_Item = 7500, -- These do change the number of items spawned on the vendor, but how they are tied together Trader_Many = 20000, -- I have yet to figure out. Possibly min and max number of items spawned. Trader_SpecialOffer = 20000, -- Increases the chance of cool stuff on vendors
marwae 0 Posted April 26, 2011 Posted April 26, 2011 (edited) hi! It appears I have found the skill modifier for the attack speed: "SkillAttackSpeedQuot = 5" I changed it to "1", and got a bonus of (around) 68% to attack speed, while just having 19 points in "dual wield". so the lower it is the faster you'll be. the same goes for: "SkillMoveSpeedQuot = 15" although this one's for movement speed. correct me if I'm wrong but don't set it to zero because you can't divide something by zero. hope this helps someone Edited February 9, 2019 by marwae
locolagarto 18 Posted April 26, 2011 Posted April 26, 2011 Welcome marwae! Great find and thanks for posting! cheers
Dragon Brother 620 Posted April 26, 2011 Author Posted April 26, 2011 Added the last few tips, cheers fellas
Guest madDdog67 Posted May 3, 2011 Posted May 3, 2011 I was going to poke around a little with this tonight, but Balance.txt doesn't exist on my hard drive. I'm stuck with Fallen Angel @2.43 for the time being, and I've checked both my computers that have the game installed, but couldn't find it. XP on both systems. I have both the direct 2 drive version and the Collector's edition of the game. Any ideas? Other than I fail
Dragon Brother 620 Posted May 3, 2011 Author Posted May 3, 2011 It should be located in "<Sacred 2 install location>\Sacred 2\scripts\server" Does that help?
Guest madDdog67 Posted May 3, 2011 Posted May 3, 2011 It should be located in "<Sacred 2 install location>\Sacred 2\scripts\server" Does that help? Yes indeed...that's where it is. When I did my search, it didn't find it for some reason...I blame Bill Gates
wolfie2kX 529 Posted May 3, 2011 Posted May 3, 2011 It should be located in "<Sacred 2 install location>\Sacred 2\scripts\server" Does that help? Yes indeed...that's where it is. When I did my search, it didn't find it for some reason...I blame Bill Gates There's a likely reason why you can blame Bill Gates. Remember that memo he released - the one where security became job #1...? Since XP SP2, Microsoft's programmers made doing certain things harder on everyone. Searching and manipulating files in the C:\Program Files tree is much more difficult now. The reasoning very simply is this: it gives viruses and other crapware fewer places to hide. Prior versions made it much easier for them to hide out in locations like C:\Windows and C:\Program Files.
Dragon Brother 620 Posted May 3, 2011 Author Posted May 3, 2011 The reasoning very simply is this: it gives viruses and other crapware fewer places to hide. Prior versions made it much easier for them to hide out in locations like C:\Windows and C:\Program Files. Hehe...totally have sacred 2 installed on a separate hard drive
lildozer74 0 Posted May 3, 2011 Posted May 3, 2011 every time I try to change something in my balance.txt or similar iget an error saving. anyone have any idea why? I use windows 7 btw.
Stormwing 40 Posted May 3, 2011 Posted May 3, 2011 Do you have it installed in C:\Program Files\...? Must be the UAC that's kicking in. Try opening notepad or whatever editor you're using as Admin. Right click icon and "run as admin" then there shouldn't be problem.
essjayehm 58 Posted May 3, 2011 Posted May 3, 2011 (edited) every time I try to change something in my balance.txt or similar iget an error saving. anyone have any idea why? I use windows 7 btw. Grrrr... I went thru a lot of hassle trying to edit my S1 config file because of the issue I believe you have here, lildozer... Changing the UAC did let me save changes to the file I made, but it also messed up my savegames, and I couldn't load up my saved game(s). Same thing if I run the game "as admin" - I cannot load my saved games... somewhat fustrating! Long story short, I right-clicked on the config file, and in the properties, I changed the permissions (security tab) for my user to be able to save changes. I hope you know Win7 well enough to do that, I forget exactly how I accomplished it Hope that helps, lildozer! Edited May 3, 2011 by essjayehm
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