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Food glorious food - What are you eating

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Easter Dinner with the Family! There was some delicious melt in your mouth curried duck... a first time for me... love when i can get a piece of tender meat in my mouth, but having to go through all that fat and stuff... not sure its my fave thing... at least the stew style my uncle made it ...though full point for his constant cooking bravery he loves trying new meats out... and check out my aunts delicious Brinjol, as we call it, or eggplant... this is a hard, long, tediously tiring dish to make...but when you get it right :drool: ... assorted other curries followed, but the best time is just getting to hang with my cousins, some new GF, my aunts and uncles...all about that vibe :heart:




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I've been on a cullinary discovery journey last few months... and have and am going down the rabbit hole aged cheders. Strange right.  Bless the alcohol selling sweet girl at the counter a few months ago whom after I asked what goes good with this pinot noir she promptly responded... Balderson 2 years..i bought it and the entire family was thrilled.

Onwards.. to... three years... 14 bux ?? lol thats the most ive paid for cheese in my life. Worth it ? You betcha... the stuff makes you shiver, what a deep flavor... this is not baby food...specially at these prices anyway... lets see how long this *good stuff* lasts :devil:



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My Auntie Deepthie and Uncle Roshan are having birthdays with just one day in between... so Uncle just grilled up this platter... whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... some people just keep getting food right 



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We have wild hop around. It is season for hop shoots/sprouts. They can be used like asparagus. It was a cheap food for hop farmers. Too many hop shoots on a plant resulted in many but weak twigs. So only three were left on a plant. The shoots made a nice food. Today with cooling and faster transport hop shoots made it to noble restaurants and are really expensive.

My wife will do trout with sprouts. Trout from rivelet, sprouts from wild hop near house.




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48 minutes ago, chattius said:

We have wild hop around. It is season for hop shoots/sprouts. They can be used like asparagus. It was a cheap food for hop farmers. Too many hop shoots on a plant resulted in many but weak twigs. So only three were left on a plant. The shoots made a nice food. Today with cooling and faster transport hop shoots made it to noble restaurants and are really expensive.

My wife will do trout with sprouts. Trout from rivelet, sprouts from wild hop near house.




thats looks delish as well! Didnt notice till now that for two weeks in a row was able to pick up asparagus super cheap. Must be in season!


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Asparagus season runs second april week till rd week in june here in germany. Hop sprouds end of march till end of april. So yes, asparagus is cheaper here now and tastes better in my opinion because fresher, less transport, less storing.

I prefer food when it is in season. But without a garden and farmers around, don't know.


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On 4/15/2024 at 9:21 AM, chattius said:

Asparagus season runs second april week till rd week in june here in germany. Hop sprouds end of march till end of april. So yes, asparagus is cheaper here now and tastes better in my opinion because fresher, less transport, less storing.

I prefer food when it is in season. But without a garden and farmers around, don't know.


Big fan of asparagus..having on sale as it is now, is tremendous value and taste

aaaand... the veggie market up the street has opened up again...




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Bought !0 pounds of Grünkern. Lot of experiments. If you can use rice you could try Grünkern. More ballast, less carbs.


This is first I want to try: Grünkern, cabbage turnip, peas, onions, bear garlic, bit fruit wine

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2 hours ago, chattius said:


Bought !0 pounds of Grünkern. Lot of experiments. If you can use rice you could try Grünkern. More ballast, less carbs.


This is first I want to try: Grünkern, cabbage turnip, peas, onions, bear garlic, bit fruit wine

It looks good MIke, im a fan of that fibre in it...whats the spice profile, garlic sale?




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3 hours ago, gogoblender said:

It looks good MIke, im a fan of that fibre in it...whats the spice profile, garlic sale?




Bear garlic, garlic taste without the after eating smell of garlic from the hide and mouth. Also I will roast the onions with some fatback cubes. Think the tastes will work together,

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3C and very stormy. Tried a warm soup from Grünkern. Put it into grist mill. Roasted some onions with bacon pieces. added water, vegs, milled Grünkern, an egg and some cream. Grünkern is dried with beech wood burning so it has a slight smoky taste, together with the roast aroma it tastes fine.


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  • 1 month later...

I like to go to the "Go Asia" market in the city, it's my no1 place I go to when I want to try something new.

Very often my asian dishes cotain rice and it has been claimed that the market has the "best" rice in stock, namely Royal Tiger. I wanted to purchase some but unfortunately it's loose rice and I do not own a rice cooker, so I went for something else instead: mungo beans!

The dish I created is named Dal, but I did not know this when I started to cook :) Never in my life would I have guessed the way it turned out to become, but t worked! It turned out to be a very indian flavour, and I even had spare wraps which kinda fit as a replacement for Naan.

I bought Silken Tofu as well, first time and the texture of it was sheer amazing! Initially I wanted it to become some sort of curry, so I bought coconut milk, but I didn't even use it in the end. I wonder wether it would be possible to cook the beans in coconut milk diectly instead of water. I have found that they need their time and heat whereas coconut milk doesn't really like it that intense. But I wonder wether it would be possible, I just didn't dare to try it out yet :)

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4 hours ago, Lindor said:

I like to go to the "Go Asia" market in the city, it's my no1 place I go to when I want to try something new.

Very often my asian dishes cotain rice and it has been claimed that the market has the "best" rice in stock, namely Royal Tiger. I wanted to purchase some but unfortunately it's loose rice and I do not own a rice cooker, so I went for something else instead: mungo beans!

The dish I created is named Dal, but I did not know this when I started to cook :) Never in my life would I have guessed the way it turned out to become, but t worked! It turned out to be a very indian flavour, and I even had spare wraps which kinda fit as a replacement for Naan.

I bought Silken Tofu as well, first time and the texture of it was sheer amazing! Initially I wanted it to become some sort of curry, so I bought coconut milk, but I didn't even use it in the end. I wonder wether it would be possible to cook the beans in coconut milk diectly instead of water. I have found that they need their time and heat whereas coconut milk doesn't really like it that intense. But I wonder wether it would be possible, I just didn't dare to try it out yet :)

Didnt know you were a grand cook Lindor...and with Rice as well! .. Thats actually something i dont do...i stir fry most stuff, but ...just never seem to have gotten than of rice...thats Schot's department :lol:  I love reading about your try out with the silken tofu...ive enjoyed different tofus at times... someone gave me the great advice of frying them up as squares first then tossing them into salad...deeeeeeeeeeeeeeelishus!!



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7 hours ago, gogoblender said:

Didnt know you were a grand cook Lindor

Well it's the nature of my current job that I have negligible income but don't need to pay for apartement. It has its pros and its cons, the cons definitely outweighing the pros, as e.g. I cannot choose freely where to live and have to take whatever apartement they give me. The living conditions of the past two years really have not been that great. Which is probably the understatement of the year.

But it will not stay like this forever, one more year and I'll (hopefully) be able to live more free and dignified.

But it is what it is, and as long as it is this way and I don't have to pay for electricity, buying ingredients and cooking them is simply more economically reasonable than buying cooked food. Pretty boring reason, but in the end it's all about the money.

That being said, I do enjoy cooking a lot (actually way more than baking) and I have gotten way better at it in the past two years. If only I could spare washing the dishes :D

7 hours ago, gogoblender said:

silken tofu

Yeah it's like Panna Cotta isn't it? Incredible stuff.

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40 minutes ago, Lindor said:

 If only I could spare washing the dishes :D


Buy some dogs. They sometimes even clean the dishes before your family starts eating. We had once five slaves, but three left house meanwhile... There is not much more frustating than a dinning table with 3.5*1.5 metres with only 2 people at it the three days a week the twins have fullday school.

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9 hours ago, chattius said:

Today: nothing ... :ohmy:

Big total routine health check. Special diet for 2 days and one day no food at all - Colonoscopy

gluck chattius, some of my fam's been getting more of those tests to make sure everythings in line



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All tests negative which is very positive. My health-, my work- and my life insurances want me to do and pay a yearly total check once beeing fifty. Also 17 different immunisations.

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4 hours ago, chattius said:

All tests negative which is very positive. My health-, my work- and my life insurances want me to do and pay a yearly total check once beeing fifty. Also 17 different immunisations.

:hugs: And...thats the best news... here in our golden gaming years...health..is pretty much everything!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Oldest wasn't visiting with her family, so we had some overripe banana getting brown.  Put in slices and deep frozen to save for something like a cake, fruitwine or .... Picked some strawberries in the garden. Frozen banana and fresh strawberry in a kitchen multitool, blending and mixing for a minute and ready is something like an ice cream. Nice after an afternoon in the sun bringing bushes in shape.



Obviously I didn't need the heating element of the multitool. But the container designed to keep food warm also keeps icecream cold :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Went and saw me Ammamma yesterday...gave her the choice of black truffle chips and IMG_1382.jpg


winner is...  SWeet Ghost Pepper!!
owch :lol: :eek: 



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  • 2 weeks later...

This morning the run was for tomatoes... DAMN...forgot how good real tomatoes really taste...nothing like what we get today...watery and tasteless...these ones zinged my tongue!!










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  • 2 weeks later...

After work yesterday, had a *spidey sense* just before visiting Ammamma for dinner that... it was a something special night.  Went down to my fave little cooking nook down the street, populated by an awesome mom and pop team who's specialities are vietnamese, thai and maybe slight cantonese... the colors are bright, the smells, flowery and herbaceous. When I walked in first thing they asked about was my Ammamma and my Mom...when they were coming down :lol: 



Asked for their chicken fried rice... SMELLED SO GOOD... that delicious vietnamese chicken breast, the kind thats marinated, then caramelized on top :drool: ...they filled it with loads of that, eggs, veggies, good stuff....and took it down.. chickens always been one of my Ammamma's favorite foods... and she pretty much polished off the entire box... I was hoping she wasn't going to be hungry but dang... she ate huge! :4rofl: 









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Rehab is more painfully than being tortured by the spanish inquisition. And now they found something new. The real good cook is ill and they found no quick other. The potatoes are too soft because boiled too long, the peas and carrots seem not to be boiled at all....

If I had knewn this I would have asked my people to bring my field kitchen to the place...


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On 7/10/2024 at 2:05 PM, chattius said:

Rehab is more painfully than being tortured by the spanish inquisition. And now they found something new. The real good cook is ill and they found no quick other. The potatoes are too soft because boiled too long, the peas and carrots seem not to be boiled at all....

If I had knewn this I would have asked my people to bring my field kitchen to the place...


ahahha, mel brooks... omgod, he pretty much ruled comedy films during that time...history of the world was a big hit amongst the talk of everyone at Schoo


I forgot this scene was in the movie and found it suspect ... until he says... *cant talkimoudda anything" 



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