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Lindor's Mod for Sacred 2 EE development Thread


Beta version yes or no?  

2 members have voted

  1. 1. Should i publish an early test version of my unfinished mod?

    • Yes, I want to participate in playtesting.
    • Generally I'd like a Beta version, but if it's really so unfinished yet, you should work on it a little bit more first.
    • No, don't publish until it's perfect.

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On 2/18/2024 at 4:23 PM, Flix said:

I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you recover swiftly and completely.


On 2/18/2024 at 5:40 PM, Dax said:

Wünsche dir gute Besserung! Komm bald wieder auf die Beine!


On 2/21/2024 at 10:50 AM, gogoblender said:

oh nooooo Lindor, broken?  I was lucky to get through early years with no breaks, and everytime I see my Ammamma fall and get bruises or her knee hip incident which I had to get her to hospital for operation for , it always makes makes me nervous and worried for their return.  SEnding you some quality, home - made healing vibes with a touch of heart of Tamil, and some flakes of gogoblender power powder all conjured and cobbled together with a generous dollop of healing sauce... (limited edition, this ones white chocolate flavored :heart: )

Heal good mah fwend!



I'm probably getting rid of the plaster splint next thursday. So far everything has grown back together pretty nicely, no operation needed. It's just annoying and the plaster splint is bad for the skin. Funny story: I have written part 1 of my final exam yesterday while having a broken arm :lol: I was EXTREMELY nervous. The exam counts 20% towards my final grades, part 2 will count 30% and part 3 50%. So glad it wasn't my writing arm which broke or otherwise this could have become way worse for me :)

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Good to hear. Was you able to convince the nurses to add a bottle opener to the splint?
Speaking of your mod, well, we shall play it together one day. Until then, make sure your exams go well. Everything else does not matter so much. Whish you luck!

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