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Lindor's Mod for Sacred 2 EE development Thread


Beta version yes or no?  

2 members have voted

  1. 1. Should i publish an early test version of my unfinished mod?

    • Yes, I want to participate in playtesting.
    • Generally I'd like a Beta version, but if it's really so unfinished yet, you should work on it a little bit more first.
    • No, don't publish until it's perfect.

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2 hours ago, Lindor said:

Can you maybe figure out the FX name for the potions?

It's "fx_BOOST". The FX is assigned via s2core.cTypeMgr::getFXTypefromBonus. The function receives the same input ID from all consumables with a duration.

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1 hour ago, dimitrius154 said:

It's "fx_BOOST". The FX is assigned via s2core.cTypeMgr::getFXTypefromBonus. The function receives the same input ID from all consumables with a duration.

Thanks! That is a huge help!
It does have a particle script and it looks modifyable!
@desm Generally speaking, what kind of FX do you have in mind?

Edited by Lindor
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14 hours ago, Lindor said:

what kind of FX do you have in mind?

Noting particular but just a different fx for each potion. I guess there would be a trick if different potions are used at the same time, not all fx would be displayed I guess. Don't know if doable in fact..

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51 minutes ago, desm said:

Noting particular but just a different fx for each potion. I guess there would be a trick if different potions are used at the same time, not all fx would be displayed I guess. Don't know if doable in fact..

As explained, that is not possible (at least for me). I can only alternate the existing effect, but it will always be the same for all potions (and trophies).

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  • 1 year later...

I didn't keep you up do date with my progresses for you interested people :) @SupremeJoker and @Dax showed me the importance of that, I want to attract interested people into Sacred and Sacred 2and I didn't make a good job on that by modding silently from home. So things are about to change, I want to keep you up do date and I'm thinking about some youtube streams where you can live follow me modding and give input/ideas though I don't have a good setup for such an idea yet.


I played around with the Inquisitor Mount and Set models and textures lately:


All of the mounts have now the cool glow. I wish it was possible to change color of the glow, but it isn't possible for me without help.:lindor:
Additionally, all of the Saddle Mounts now have the same Saddle and I'm gonna remove the non-Saddle version from the vendors to make an end to confusion.
I gave the non-Aspect Spider a Saddle as well :D

Also I have an Alternative to offer for Deylen's Power Set:



Which one you like more? :D

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And we're done with round 2!
I'm quite satisfied with the results so far. Only the dots now have T-Energy-Glow and it looks pretty good imho. The only spider where I'm not 100% happy yet is the armored Astute Supremacy spider. I'm thinking about adding the T-Energy glow to her Armor as well, little reminder that this was the original T-Energy spider:sun:

Also as you might have noticed, I reworked the Deylens Power set and made it starry:

Inspiration were the Diablo 3 Galactic Wings, that's also why I chose the green fad-in. But I'm thinking about making them purple :)


Soo... what do you think about these changes?:lindor::D

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1 hour ago, Lindor said:

I'm thinking about adding the T-Energy glow to her Armor

That was a little bit too flashy for my taste:

I went with this instead:


And honestly, I liked the green Deylen better so I'm gonna change that back as well :)

EDIT: Said and done :) 

Edited by Lindor
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14 hours ago, Lindor said:

That was a little bit too flashy for my taste:

I went with this instead:


And honestly, I liked the green Deylen better so I'm gonna change that back as well :)

EDIT: Said and done :) 

This is great... really think the purple and the models is sharp combo. that jaggy spikes is satisfying 



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Note to myself (and anyone else who wants to mod drop.txt):

non-Elite Mount Droplists:
id=1484 --Stock_specialmounts1 Aspectless
id=1524 --Stock_specialmounts2 Aspect 2 (e.g. Mystic Stormite)
id=1525 --Stock_specialmounts3 Aspect 3 (e.g. Delphic Arcania)
id=1526 --Stock_specialmounts4 Aspect 1 (e.g. Arrant Pyromancer)
id=1535 --Stock_saddle_specialmount_1 Aspect 3 (e.g. Delphic Arcania)
id=1536 --Stock_saddle_specialmount_2 Aspect 1 (e.g. Arrant Pyromancer)
id=1537 --Stock_saddle_specialmount_3 Aspect 2 (e.g. Mystic Stormite)

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Following my own advice, I've decided to decouple the redesigned Mount project from the rest of the mod similarly to the Elite Mounts Mod so there will be four versions:

  1. One for Dimitrius' Addendum
  2. One for EE
  3. One for CM-Patch
  4. One integrated into Lindors mod

Once the Inquisitor Mount is done, I will upload the three decoupled versions which should be soon. This way, you don't have to need to wait for the full release (which could take another year), it will probably happen in the next couple of days. I will wait with the Addendum version though until it's not in Beta anymore. Additional Heroes' Mounts will be as gradually added as I make progress with the mod.


Do you want me to include Hero Sets redesigns?:lindor:

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Additional info for future modders: The fx7 shader set in surface.txt applied on the .dds glow files (_sg) works differently on the Main Menu than it does ingame, dark glows are much more visible in the menu than they are ingame which makes modders life difficult. Don't know why that is.:lindor:

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I tested hundreds if not thousands of different diffuse/glow/shader combinations. I also know now how to trigger the fx7 shader effect on non-color-gradient images (by making them HSV Brightness value gradients which requires making everything max brightness first). Here is a selection of everything that turned out to work as intended (which is very rare):


1: crystal shader
2,3,5,6: effect comes from glow file, not shader
4: glow + shader, but very subtle stars
7: two separate gradients, fx7 is triggered successfully but it's too dark
8,9: fx7 triggered with brightness gradient trick (I believe the blue comes from the soulstone reflection)
10: fx7 triggered through green RGB gradient on whole texture instead of just green at the end


My personal two top of the top pics are 1 and 8. Everything else is too bright, too dark, too metallic, too... green!


Soo... which one you like most?
If there's no feedback, I'm just gonna pick one and upload the decoupled mod. It's been long enough.

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13 hours ago, Lindor said:

Uhmm... The file for EE 3.0a is ready but... max file size 3.91 MB? Since when is that and how can I overcome?:lindor:

No answer yet?

 @gogoblender Well I'm really sorry for doing this, but by checking my Sacred 1 character pack I noticed that this wierd restriction doesn't exist on updating a file, only on direct upload. So I'm gonna upload some random but small file next and then update it with the correct file once it got approved.

Also how were all the other mods added then? EE's for certain more than 3.91 MB. Also my character pack for Sacred 1 is much larger than that. But I have a suspicion now to why Dimitrius is hosting his files via google drive.

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File up and running with our dear friend gogoblender having the honor of the first download! Thank you very much for your help in the uploading process!

For those of you wondering: I've decided to go with the crystal model, but I quadrupled the leg texture resolution first to fit it to the other pieces. It should look like he's wearing the universe. And he certainly has all the power in it:devil:


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7 minutes ago, Lindor said:

CM-Patch version is up and running.


Just saw it go up, you've been putting a lot of work into this Lindor,

This keeps Sacred Game Singing



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, Lindor said:

The new and I think final version of the extractor will be released in a couple of minutes.

The inserter will be released right after that as well.

With the help of these tools, I will update my graphics mod for EE 3.1 as the final and ultimate proof of the modmerging system working. It's just a couple of mouseclicks.

S2CE_Extract v.2.1.0 is up and running (but it won't be final).
S2CE_Insert v.1.0.0 is up and running.
The graphics mod for EE has been updated for EE 3.1.


If the Extractor is the Kraken, then I've now awakened Cthulhu. Beware the almighty Octopus:big_boss:

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  • The title was changed to Lindor's Mod for Sacred 2 EE development Thread

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