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Big Changes to + All Skills Rings for Sacred 2 Expansion

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don't waste your time by shoppin rings/ammies...

they :mafia: fixed them again :(


level 220 +30 all skills -->>>= +18 all skills :crazy:

level 220 +16 all skills/ xx second stat -->>>= +9 all skills/ xx :crazy:

level 220 +55,x% deathblow -->>>= 39,x% deathblow :crazy:

level 60 +6 all skills/ xx second stat -->>>= +3 all skill/xx :crazy:



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that is the sound of a huge nerf hammer coming down


I'll be surprised if I stick around long after these nerfs. even I have my limits for what I'll tolerate.

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I'll always be able to achieve god mode. don't doubt that for a second. however, arbitrarily changing hours worth of gear hunting/shopping/forging to get the right setup just so we have to do it again with EVERY single patch is wearisome.


I mean...if you think about it, we play for free, yadda yadda yadda. however, it's bad for your fan base no matter how small it is when you decide to start messing with their gear when the game is so centralized around it.


rather, the ladder system that blizzard set up for d2 works much better. your gear isn't messed up. instead, you lose your ladder standing and have to start from scratch, BUT that is your decision to do so. you can keep playing your non ladder characters with their perfect gear[sans ladder only gear] without being harassed into replacing all your hard earned loot

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lol, talk about a huge nerf ^^


Looking forward to how we all build out from this point on. The challenge is good, I was thinking the game had become rather easy...this is spice for the cake.





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I wouldn't care for +all skills, there still are BS arts. But +CA and +deathblow, I just luv them...

One more reason why not to buy the expansion?

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One more reason why not to buy the expansion?



Great reason to buy the expansion. Finally, challenge awaits!





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Where does this information come from? Is the Add-On out already?

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luv when they fix things but holy*% batman y now just when I was ready to go platinum level :D suks for us new players. lol. Just wondering tho if it is just for the PC version you're talking about or for all versions such as Xbox and Ps3 as well, let me kno. TY

Edited by DarkZephyr
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I beg to differ


this game will never have any challenge. even if they halved the all skills bonus, it would still be a cakewalk.


however, some builds would not exist without access to the amount of bonuses we have now


just a clarification


oh, I would also like to add


for those with tightly controlled builds[such as mine]

the reduction of all skills will negatively affect my regen times for runes I've already memorized with NO way to undo the amount eaten.


how does deep silver plan on addressing that issue, huh?


that means I have to remake all my 150's?


that's utter crap.

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this game will never have any challenge.



With your personal interest and devotion to the game as evinced by your many hours of playing, I can understand how it's mechanics at this point could be construed by you as being personally overcome.


For others, however, with time lines different from yours, there is challenge, especially in servers of more than five people of which in EU this occurs often in Niobium, and games are completely different regarding dangers ^^


This game has broad appeal, is playable by adventurers whom may all have different interests, of which efficiencies may only be a single consideration amongst an infinite number of build intents.


The new add-on adds some breadth, I'm looking forward to it's impact on our EU community for clan, bargainers and builds.





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Well... I see that there will be more challenge in achieving the demi-god status now. Probably it will take a few levels more, but it's still manageable. However, this is indeed a big nerf. There is something I didn't understand though. Are we taking about the stacked modifiers ONLY (like 2x all skills, 2x deathblow on the same item) or there is a huge nerf in the + all skills or deathblow% in general?

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There is a nerf on all values...



+16 level 220 is now +9

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Basicly doesnt matter much for me, I hate superman builds.

With no danger I get bored & would prob quit Sacred 2 and play anything else.


I usually have 30 - 50 % d-blow, around +5-10 all skills.

Unless offcource my level 14 plat shopper, I bet she drops some down in stats with expansion.

So I will probably have to spend some time reshopping and retinkering her gear. I want her above 70 points total no matter what, she got 83 points now - nice level 14 shopper ^^

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I assume these nerfs only target jewellery, right? In that way I can sorta understand the developers' intentions.


As it is now, sockets are probably a bit too important. I routinely trash otherwise awesome-looking rares because I know they can be beaten easily by an otherwise pedestrian item with multiple sockets. Sockets are also probably the main reason why uniques/sets dominate over rares in all categories but jewellery. Also we might actually begin seeing people socket runes for once.



Still, I can see a possible negative side-effect of this nerf. Especially when combined with Ice and Blood's alternative "character paradigm". We might see overspecialised builds become noticable stronger than hybrids again due to spreading one's skills thin having more consequences now.

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So did they also lower the breakpoint requirements for the bargining tiers as well? I read Antitrust's post on Sacred's forum about needing over 600 points in bargining to access tiers 10 items on 2.40. With this change and not changing the tier structure, getting bargining to 600 by level 150 for those tier 10 items would be almost impossible. As it stood getting tier 12 items was impossible at level 200, now tier 10 items may not be attainable by level 200.



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this game will never have any challenge.



With your personal interest and devotion to the game as evinced by your many hours of playing, I can understand how it's mechanics at this point could be construed by you as being personally overcome.


For others, however, with time lines different from yours, there is challenge, especially in servers of more than five people of which in EU this occurs often in Niobium, and games are completely different regarding dangers ^^


This game has broad appeal, is playable by adventurers whom may all have different interests, of which efficiencies may only be a single consideration amongst an infinite number of build intents.


The new add-on adds some breadth, I'm looking forward to it's impact on our EU community for clan, bargainers and builds.








except that I level my characters in 5man niob games in the us closednet servers with no problem. there's no other way to reach 150 in 4 day's game time

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If devs wanted to make the game harder, they should just make mobs harder. Now ppl with high levels relying on +all skills jewels will have their regens messed up. If they gave an option to respec or even just decrease number of runes eaten, it'd be cool. They would just socket bs arts instead.

I do not see any positive sides of this nerf, someone please enlighten me.

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The balances in the game will all be upset with the expansion/rebalancing.


Old characters won't be able to play on the add on servers... they'll only have access to the old servers.


Think S1: S1's servers were seperate from UW servers (the first Sacred 2).


Now, we'll probably have another set of servers S2I+B... and the Sacred2 servers will be cut down in number to make room for S2I+B.


I expect players who have existing Sacred 2 characters will still be able to play Sacred 2 on the "old" Sacred 2 servers.


But, this leads me to: why would you want to? S2I+B will probably enthrall you just as much as Sacred 2 did.

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If devs wanted to make the game harder, they should just make mobs harder. Now ppl with high levels relying on +all skills jewels will have their regens messed up. If they gave an option to respec or even just decrease number of runes eaten, it'd be cool. They would just socket bs arts instead.

I do not see any positive sides of this nerf, someone please enlighten me.


I totally agree with you, there is nothing positive out of this nerf. For all I see, people will have to completely re-do their equipment to compensate for the loss of + all skills, which should be severe - that's close to 40% loss on the all skills item traits. People like me, who tend to perfectly balance their builds (in terms of damage, deathblow, + combat arts and mitigation) will suffer a lot. Now that balance will shift and it will be very hard to regain it. It is possible of course, but it would imply re-socketing most of the equip and losing some modifiers to compensate for the lost all skills...

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I'm sure that this "nerf" gonna put some people off from buying the expansion, as rings/amulets have been "fixed" atleast 2-3 times already in earlier patches, and there's no fun at all to re-socket, buy all of those jewelries over and over again just to have the next patch tweak them back to useless junk all over again, and some players left because of rubbish like that and someone surely will when they hear about this one.


I guess this will be the last "fix" we have with jewelry, so I'm looking forward to the Dragon Mage ;), not to the buying/looting/re-socketing I will have to do with all my chars ;)

Edited by Spunky
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I can tell you folks, now that it doesn't really matter;


The nerfs will be hard and it was all done for balancing.

For us US/Canada players, don't worry though.. it's still up in the air if the expansion is even coming out here.


Really I've been back on Titan Quest for quite a while now (and actually freaking loving it again :bounce:), waiting till all the dust settles. I knew about the 2.43 nerfs, and then knew a lot more were on the way.

I had/have no patience (like you sol, we have our limits) to keep redoing all my gear/toons endlessly.


If by some miracle, Ice and Blood makes it to Canada, I will be back. I just wanted to avoid all this pain from the get go.


P.S. Say hi to syd for me sol :)


Cheers guys,

Edited by r00ster
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yeah I'll say hi to both syd and mo for you, gr00


this new dryad I'm working on is probably going to be the last character I take to 150. after that, I might not be playing Sacred 2 anymore. especially with this debacle with messing up our gear/characters.


upon hearing this news, I just couldn't motivate myself to play anymore. my dryad's been sitting at 95 for 2 days instead of being 110 in niob



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