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[CM-Patch] Call for Questwriters.

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Posted (edited)

Hi there,


we are currently implementing Failitia into her own brand new questseries (Deemed "The Impostor"). So far the mainframe is worked out, but we need creative ideas for the specifics.


The plot so far:

The player is meeting a questgiver(or -ess) which is concerned about a rogue Seraphim named Failitia. She may have heard of terrible deeds or sth. (your choice) and wants the player to investigate. In the course of the quest there are two intermediate stations (subquestgiver) to visit until the Seraphim Failitia is reached. She explains that the Other Failitia is ruining her reputiation due confusion of names and wants the player to do away with her, violently. The player seeks out Failitia in her lair and talks to her (prefight dialog). Then the fighting begins (or not if you want to go a bit to and fro for a while thats fine too). Report to Failitia (which one may be depending if you are playing shadow or light ;) ) and claim your reward.


What we lack at the moment and thus direly need is the entire dialogue text (Text and Captions to go with) and finer detailed plotlines. Feel free to change things and suggest other stuff too.


I hope you like this opportunity to implement some creative work of yours into Sacred 2. :)

Edited by czevak
Posted (edited)



so, I will give it a try. Here goes....


Failitia was once a part of a small band of adventurers. They roamed Ancaria in their younger days, and where known for their many heroic deeds. Now, their band has settled, no more adventures, but a quiet life, a family and a farm.


The questgiver: Nemaya (Hunter/Ranged Type)

Location: near the entrance to jungle?


"Greetings young adventurer! And good fortune that we meet this day, for I have an urgent request. Please stay awhile and listen (Deckard Cain reference ;) ) Recently I have heard some unsettling news. Turok, one of my oldest friends came to see me. It seems our mutual friend Failitia is in some sort of serious trouble! Dissapearances... Abduction... even murder! I cannot believe this... there is no way she is capable of such horrors! Please, contact Turok, he will surely be able to tell you more."


Turok (junglified Orc?)

Location: ?


"Yes? Nemaya sent you? This must be about Failitia, the Seraphim! Unfortunately I cannot really tell you more. It's vague rumours at the very least. Nontheless... I am concerned. Failitia was one of my dearest friends. She was a true force to be reckoned with when trouble came. Aahh, the stories I could tell you about those days! But... that is not what you are here for. I suggest seeking out Seriefa. I do know that she and Failitia remained close friends when we parted. Last I know is that she lived near Na'Fian. I really hope you can put an end to this mess, Failitia does not deserve this slander! This cannot be her!


Seriefa (Na'Fian)


Oh dear gods! How glad I am for someone to show up! This is truly horrible! First thing you should know is that Failitia has nothing to do with all these murders. She came to see me a short while ago. She told me about an evil force that goes by the same name. She makes no secret of that. At times it even seems she is purposely trying to slander Failitia's good name. Who knows, it might be someone whose path we crossed in our younger days. One thing is for certain.. Failitia needs help! You can find her near the cave. She will know who you are! Go now, please!


Failitia (near cave)


So, finally! Someone brave enough to investigate. I should warn you though. This so called Failitia is no ordinary human. Besides the obvious dark criminal, she is a sorceress and a summoner. She is the evil Spiderqueen. Whe once knew her as Asmarael, and she was part of our little band. Sadly, she turned to a darker side of the magic she wielded. We have crossed paths since then. Several times in fact. If anything, I know this will be dangerous. She is bent on ruining my reputation.. that and even worse. She has to be stopped! Will you help me?


Failitia (in cave)


So...! That goodie two-shoes sent you did she? Don't even think about listening to her. Who needs her anyway? Wait... I have a proposition. Lets turn the table on her. Dispose of her and you will we generously rewarded. What say you? (accept/attack)


Failitia (Light path, imposter defeated)


You have my thanks stranger. A true force of the light you are. Not only did you save me, but also many others that would have fallen victim to her. Take this are a token of my appreciation! (legendary item of übeness ;) )


Failitia (Light path, turning the table)


Is it done..? What! You'd let this evil live and turn on me. I will stop you! You will not succeed! (quest reward, or return to dark Failitia)

An idea.... what I though of. Could be changed or replaced by better ideas. Nice idea tho, to be able to contribute to actual content :D




EDIT: was not sure if the subquestgivers should have their individual quest too (range/rescue...) That could be implemented in the story too.

Edited by Barristan

Nice story Barris. Love it. I could see it playing out in my head.


Barris, that is awesome man, didn't know you could script like that. Beautiful!








Nice writing Barri :thumbsup:


I second that in full, yessir! :D


Are you by any chance playing some kind of Pen & Paper RPG in your freetime? :)


I told marcus to tell you if he is in need of sub-sidequests for this nice story.



For Barri!




guys :thumbsup: , you honor me... thanks alot for all the nice feedback, for it put a smile on my face while reading :D


Well... I had a look at the pictures and the quest setup. This story then wrote itself, I am glad it worked out!


I would be glad to have a go at writing quests.... Ask me anytime!



Posted (edited)
I would be glad to have a go at writing quests.... Ask me anytime!


Oh I hoped for you to say that. :)


Marcus has some smaller quests that need some missing dialogues filled, maybe he can tell us something about it.


If you are feeling really creative, you might want to think up a new readable book. (I was thinking of implementing one or two of those recently.)



However if there are more people around with quest ideas and stories (not necessarily just for Failitia, but in more general terms) I'd quite like to hear about those too.


After all, who is to say we won't go ahead and implement these too. :)

Edited by czevak
Posted (edited)
If you are feeling really creative, you might want to think up a new readable book. (I was thinking of implementing one or two of those recently.)



My girlfriend wrote a little story over here.


If you think it'll be any good I'll see if she minds if it gets implemented as a book. About 99% chance that she doesn't have a problem with it.




Edit: I asked it, and it may be used as long as it is never going to be used for any commercial thing (wich the CM-patch isn't).

Edited by Arperum
Posted (edited)
I would be glad to have a go at writing quests.... Ask me anytime!

If you are feeling really creative, you might want to think up a new readable book. (I was thinking of implementing one or two of those recently.)




how about background stories for items?


Got some ideas about:


Kal'Dur's Legacy

Kira's Wall

Artamarks Star


Will think about new quests..



Edited by Barristan
How about background stories for items?


Nice idea. Bring 'em on! :oooo:


@Arperum: Very nice and funny story indeed, but a bit too much out-of-game (the stuff with mentioning "the player" for example.) and maybe a pinch too sarcastic for an ingame book.

Posted (edited)



oki, will start writing some of that then...


Not sure when I will finish that, but probably before the week ends.




Oh, I wrote a bit now... turned out a bit different than what I had thought. Not sure if I like it as it is now. Feedback would be most welcome.


A tale of Northern history.

“By Lumed endowed, by Lumen protected!”


Thorbrand Kaldur, son to lord Magnus Kaldur, lord of the Northern Isle of Ice, was born under the second moon of winter. To his people, this was a sign of coming greatness. Thorbrand would be one of the greatest hero’s they had ever known. To his great misfortune, he was regarded and revered as such already, yet no great deeds had found him yet. Not that he did not look for opportunities. He would embark with his fellow warriors to plague the lands of Artamark time upon time, but to him it seemed he was just one of the warriors. Nothing special! The raids would come and go, the plunder and loot would differ every time, but with every return to his home, Thorbrand’s mood grew darker. How was he to be what was expected of him? Becoming the greatest of his people, when he had nothing to present than some mere loot and tales of victory?


With one of his darker moods, Thorbrand wandered into the Northern reaches of the isle. A savage, uninhabited reach of mountains, plagued by bitter cold winds and only few known places for shelter. He had passed all of those places, when he felt a great storm gathering strength. He cursed into his beard: “Bah! Thorbrand Kaldur, the great ‘hero’ of the Northern Isle, killed in a mere storm! What a tale would that make!” Muttering on, his eyes searched the mountains for a possible hideout, where he could weather the storm. And sure enough, a distance up the mountain he was climbing, he saw what could be a cave. Hard to see, as snowflakes were filling the sky so fast, that he would soon be unable to see anything. Picking up his pace, both to reach safety and stay warm, he hurried up the mountain, knowing that if his eyes had betrayed him, it would be for the last time. A sigh a great relief escaped him, when he reached what was indeed a cave. As he entered, he realized that this was not just a cave. It was not big, but it shone with a blue light. Searching for the source of this light, he found an altar where clearly this light was radiating from. Upon the altar he found an axe so beautiful, that he immediately felt awed. Inscribed upon the handle, in blue letters pulsing with inner light, was: ‘By Lumen endowed, by Lumen protected’ he read, knowing that this was the most special weapon he had ever seen, nor ever would see. A veritable weapon of the Gods!


“If it liveth, It shall fall to my axe. I shall pursue as needed, and exact rightful punishment!”


When the storm had subsided, and Thorbrand had returned home with his new weapon, his tale began. Although he noticed that raids, plundering and pillaging where a thing of the past. Wielding this mighty axe, he could do only good. He would wander the lands of Ancaria, searching out those that were in need of help. Nothing could withstand his mighty axe, as it seemed that with every swing, he grew stronger, and his foe weaker. Man and beast fell to his axe. He was even known for slaying the great white dragon of the North. Years upon years had he hunted evil, the axe bestowing him with an unnatural prolonged life, when tales of his heroic deeds were still plentiful, but no longer swelling. No new feats of heroism reached the ears of the people of Ancaria. Thorbrand Kaldur, the greatest hero of all time, was gone, and never seen or heard of again. Although a great many adventurer has gone off in search of his fabled axe, Thorbrand or ‘Kal’Dur’s Legacy has yet to be found again!

Edited by Barristan



btw, is it possible to include pictures in the books?


Would be nice to add the actual ingame item to it...



Posted (edited)


btw, is it possible to include pictures in the books?


Would be nice to add the actual ingame item to it...




Yes this is what I had in mind for an ingame book. A bit of fill-up to the great white plains of background to the game.


And yes, it is possible to include pictures in the book.


I would commend that some skilled artist did an artwork sketch (just ink) of the axe or if he is skilled enough and feels like it even of the great norse warrior himself. :P


To see what I mean visit this link: http://hereticsquest.com/wp-content/galler...ches/axe_00.jpg

Edited by czevak



there are some real drawing talents among [D.a.r.k], me NOT being one of them.


Maybe a new topic asking for an artist?





oki, will start writing some of that then...


Not sure when I will finish that, but probably before the week ends.




Oh, I wrote a bit now... turned out a bit different than what I had thought. Not sure if I like it as it is now. Feedback would be most welcome.


A tale of Northern history.

“By Lumed endowed, by Lumen protected!”


Thorbrand Kaldur, son to lord Magnus Kaldur, lord of the Northern Isle of Ice, was born under the second moon of winter. To his people, this was a sign of coming greatness. Thorbrand would be one of the greatest hero’s they had ever known. To his great misfortune, he was regarded and revered as such already, yet no great deeds had found him yet. Not that he did not look for opportunities. He would embark with his fellow warriors to plague the lands of Artamark time upon time, but to him it seemed he was just one of the warriors. Nothing special! The raids would come and go, the plunder and loot would differ every time, but with every return to his home, Thorbrand’s mood grew darker. How was he to be what was expected of him? Becoming the greatest of his people, when he had nothing to present than some mere loot and tales of victory?


With one of his darker moods, Thorbrand wandered into the Northern reaches of the isle. A savage, uninhabited reach of mountains, plagued by bitter cold winds and only few known places for shelter. He had passed all of those places, when he felt a great storm gathering strength. He cursed into his beard: “Bah! Thorbrand Kaldur, the great ‘hero’ of the Northern Isle, killed in a mere storm! What a tale would that make!” Muttering on, his eyes searched the mountains for a possible hideout, where he could weather the storm. And sure enough, a distance up the mountain he was climbing, he saw what could be a cave. Hard to see, as snowflakes were filling the sky so fast, that he would soon be unable to see anything. Picking up his pace, both to reach safety and stay warm, he hurried up the mountain, knowing that if his eyes had betrayed him, it would be for the last time. A sigh a great relief escaped him, when he reached what was indeed a cave. As he entered, he realized that this was not just a cave. It was not big, but it shone with a blue light. Searching for the source of this light, he found an altar where clearly this light was radiating from. Upon the altar he found an axe so beautiful, that he immediately felt awed. Inscribed upon the handle, in blue letters pulsing with inner light, was: ‘By Lumen endowed, by Lumen protected’ he read, knowing that this was the most special weapon he had ever seen, nor ever would see. A veritable weapon of the Gods!


“If it liveth, It shall fall to my axe. I shall pursue as needed, and exact rightful punishment!”


When the storm had subsided, and Thorbrand had returned home with his new weapon, his tale began. Although he noticed that raids, plundering and pillaging where a thing of the past. Wielding this mighty axe, he could do only good. He would wander the lands of Ancaria, searching out those that were in need of help. Nothing could withstand his mighty axe, as it seemed that with every swing, he grew stronger, and his foe weaker. Man and beast fell to his axe. He was even known for slaying the great white dragon of the North. Years upon years had he hunted evil, the axe bestowing him with an unnatural prolonged life, when tales of his heroic deeds were still plentiful, but no longer swelling. No new feats of heroism reached the ears of the people of Ancaria. Thorbrand Kaldur, the greatest hero of all time, was gone, and never seen or heard of again. Although a great many adventurer has gone off in search of his fabled axe, Thorbrand or ‘Kal’Dur’s Legacy has yet to be found again!


What a writer! Loved the language. How you kept it of period.


Very Nice Work.


I also remember another great story written by RyanRocker, found in his application for Clan [D.a.r.k]


Not saying he would be interested. But, maybe?


I remain, :)

Posted (edited)



Some might call it cheating :)

Edited by dreeft

I second Eth here, great writing Barris ! :)


@Dreeft : Cheater ! :)(just kidding ;))

Posted (edited)
How is it cheating?


Maybe because he used a screenshot and made it grayscale with some art filter applied. Well the result is not bad and we might use it if nothing better comes along, but you can see it was not drawn as such.


Hell if I had the time I would probably use it to sketch and ink a bit myself. :)

Edited by czevak
How is it cheating?


Maybe because he used a screenshot and made it grayscale with some art filter applied. Well the result is not bad and we might use it if nothing better comes along, but you can see it was not drawn as such.


Hell if I had the time I would probably use it to sketch and ink a bit myself. :)

Ahh, that makes sense. Well...it looked cool :)



Some might call it cheating :)



Still good looking to look at





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